Материалдар / Ашық сабақ: The Interior of cars; 1 course
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Ашық сабақ: The Interior of cars; 1 course

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
автомобиль туралы, автотранспорт туралы оқитын студенттер мен оқытушыларға керек
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25 Сәуір 2021
0 рет жүктелген
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Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!
Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
The theme of the lesson is THE INTERIOR OF CARS

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The theme of the lesson is THE INTERIOR OF CARS

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The theme of the lesson is THE INTERIOR OF CARS

Learning Objectives Students will be able to identify different modes of transportation and the vehicles used for each mo

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Learning Objectives Students will be able to identify different modes of transportation and the vehicles used for each mode. Students will learn about the uniqueness and similarity of the different vehicles and its interiors

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Learning Objectives Students will be able to identify different modes of transportation and the vehicles used for each mode. Students will learn about the uniqueness and similarity of the different vehicles and its interiors

1. Who has a car with GPS navigation system? 2. Who likes to have lots of switches and gadgets in the car? 3. Who always buys a

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1. Who has a car with GPS navigation system? 2. Who likes to have lots of switches and gadgets in the car? 3. Who always buys a car with air conditioning? 4. Who has soft toys and cushions in the car? 5. Who needs plenty of legroom? 6. Who is a telematics user? 7. Who likes a sporty steering wheel? 8. Who doesn’t allow smoking in his car?Speech Drill

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1. Who has a car with GPS navigation system? 2. Who likes to have lots of switches and gadgets in the car? 3. Who always buys a car with air conditioning? 4. Who has soft toys and cushions in the car? 5. Who needs plenty of legroom? 6. Who is a telematics user? 7. Who likes a sporty steering wheel? 8. Who doesn’t allow smoking in his car?Speech Drill

Let’s check the home task

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Let’s check the home task

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Let’s check the home task

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What is Car Interior Design? Car interior design refers to the looks and placement of the features inside a vehicle. Car co

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What is Car Interior Design? Car interior design refers to the looks and placement of the features inside a vehicle. Car companies have a head interior designer that manages a team of people that follows the head designer's concept to complete the inside of a vehicle. A functional, yet attractive interior is an important selling feature for all vehicles, but buyers of expensive luxury cars especially expect well-designed car interiors.

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What is Car Interior Design? Car interior design refers to the looks and placement of the features inside a vehicle. Car companies have a head interior designer that manages a team of people that follows the head designer's concept to complete the inside of a vehicle. A functional, yet attractive interior is an important selling feature for all vehicles, but buyers of expensive luxury cars especially expect well-designed car interiors.

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Home task

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Home task

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Home task


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