Материалдар / Learning English grammar by using songs
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспарларын

жүктеп алғыңыз келеді ма?
ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Learning English grammar by using songs

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
ағылшын тілін үйренудегі оқушылардың грамматикалық білімін дамыту құралы ретінде әндерді қолдану бойынша жұмыс кезеңдерін ұсынады.
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
26 Тамыз 2022
3 рет жүктелген
Бүгін алсаңыз 25% жеңілдік
770 тг 578 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

86 school by A.Adilov


Direction: language study

Subject: English

Prepared by: (Kurmanbekova Nursaule,teacher of English language)





1. Theoretical part

1.1. Advantages of songs in learning English grammar

1.2. Functions of English songs for improving grammar

1.3. Song exercises

2. Practical part

2.1. List of English songs improving grammar

2.2. Practical recommendations for learning grammar through songs




This paper presents the stages of work on using songs as a tool for developing students’ grammar in learning English. This work provides theoretical and research information in terms of the meaning and content of song material in English and its use as a tool for teaching English grammar. The study shows different ways to work with songs to learn English grammar on their own. At the same time, this work proves the high motivational value of this teaching method. During the study, schoolchildren were surveyed and the results were analyzed.

Keywords: songs, grammar, survey results.


Бұл шығармашылық жұмыс ағылшын тілін үйренуде оқушылардың грамматикалық білімін дамыту құралы ретінде әндерді қолдану бойынша жұмыс кезеңдерін ұсынады. Бұл жұмыс ағылшын тіліндегі ән материалының мәні мен мазмұнын оны ағылшын грамматикасын оқытуға арналған материал ретінде қолдану тұрғысынан теориялық және зерттеушілік ақпараттарды ұсынады. Жұмыс барысында ағылшын тілін өз бетінше оқып үйрену үшін әндермен жұмыс істеудің түрлі тәсілдері көрсетілген. Сонымен қатар бұл жұмыс осы оқыту әдісінің жоғары мотивациялық құндылығын дәлелдейді. Жұмыс барысында оқушыларға сауалнама жүргізіліп, нәтижелері талданды.

Түйін сөздер: әндер, грамматика, сауалнама нәтижелері.


Данная творческая работа представляет собой этапы работы по теме песни как средство развития грамматических знании учащихся на уроках английского языка. Оно представляет собой теоретико-исследовательское изложение сущности и содержания песенного материала на английском языке с точки зрения его применения в качестве материала для обучения английской грамматики. Работа раскрывает различные способы работы с песней для самостоятельного изучения английской грамматики. Также работа доказывает высоко мотивирующее значение данного способа обучения. Было проведено анкетирование учащихся и проанализированы результаты.

Ключевые слова: песни, грамматика, результаты опроса.


Relevance of the problem. The actuality of the present work is caused by several important points. The capacity of using songs in the English language classroom is one of the main necessities for a teacher to motivate learners, in particular, young learners to learn English grammar faster and more enthusiastically. New methodologies especially incorporating song elements into grammar teaching process motivate students in school in learning English and concentrate them to involve into the teaching process completely.

To sum up, the use of songs to young learners at the beginning level of teaching English language depends on the stage of education. Teacher can form different types of exercises according to the grammar, phonetics, lexis and translation. However, it is evident that songs greatly improve learners’ grammar.

The aim: to investigate the potential of songs as the elements of the national and cultural components of foreign language teaching and provide practical recommendations for using song elements in learning English grammar.

The object: the process of teaching English at school.

The subject: using songs to young learners in the English language classroom.

The hypothesis: if the materials investigated in the present paper will be implemented in teaching process, students’ grammar competence will be created, and the learners will be highly motivated to participate in the learning process.

The tasks:

  1. research and analysis of methodical literature on use of songs;

  2. to analyze the possibilities of teaching grammar by songs in the English language teaching;

The methods:  analytical, method of observation, comparative and statistical analysis.

The scientific novelty: The paper's scientific novelty is dictated by the need to investigate the great potential of using songs in improving the grammar skills of learners during the foreign language teaching process, as well as make realistic suggestions for using songs effectively during the English language teaching process.

The theoretical value. The theoretical value of the research is that material investigated during the writing process of work can serve as the material for theoretical course of grammar.

The practical value. The practical significance carries the importance in the following steps:

1) the students who are planning to become teachers could find relevant information in using songs in their future career;

2) the school teachers could benefit from the paper by getting introduced with the students` survey results and some practical recommendations to use songs effectively in teaching grammar.

1. Theoretical part

1.1. Advantages of songs in learning English grammar

Songs simplify the learning process, allow creating a friendly atmosphere in the lesson of English language that entails its successful implementation and fruitful completion, as well as contributes to the development of cognitive activity of students. It carries in moral principle, learning becomes inquisitive and creative.

Songs are an effective way of teaching a grammar. With their help, they are more firmly absorbed, expanded and activated lexical, grammatical, communication and phonetic skills. The use of songs in foreign language lessons promotes enhancing the eagerness of students of secondary schools.

The teaching method considered in the article a foreign language with the help of songs allows reduce the degree of emotional tension, promotes more efficient assimilation training material and increasing motivation to learning a foreign language.

The experimental study took place at the school. To conduct the experiment, it was necessary to analyze and select songs, make notes of the lessons using songs to increase motivation and without using them, conduct a questionnaire survey of students before and after the experiment.

For the experiment, we took 5 grade students, having previously divided them into two groups, in which we got an equal number of children, 12 people in each. All students are well developed, physically healthy, mobile and energetic. In the course of this experiment, in accordance with the program and the calendar-thematic plan, such educational topics as "Memories of summer vacations", "Where and how children spend their summer vacations in Kazakhstan", "My summer vacations", "Impressions of summer" and "Past tense of verbs" were included. With the help of this study, it was necessary to find out what effect the use of songs in English lessons has on increasing motivation.

First of all, a work plan was drawn up:

  • Conduct a survey among students at the beginning and at the end experiment;

  • Choose songs that match the age characteristics of children;

  • Write lesson notes and teach lessons with and without songs;

  • Conduct a stating experiment;

  • Conduct a formative experiment;

  • Organize a control experiment;

  • Compare, process the results and identify the effect of songs on increasing motivation to learn English at primary school.

The first stage of the work was to conduct a questionnaire survey among grade 5 students. 24 people took part in the survey (2 groups of 12 people each).

The purpose of the questionnaire: to identify the level of motivation of students of primary school in relation to the English language. The questionnaire was conducted at the beginning of the research experiment and at its end, so that it was possible to compare the results.

The first group, according to the results of the first stage of the survey, had the following data: 16% of students have a good level of motivation to learn grammar, 22% have an average level of motivation, 38% of 5th grade students with low motivation, 24% have a very low level of school motivation - almost negative attitude to the subject being studied.

Thus, the result of the first stage of the survey showed that one third of students in both groups have an average level of motivation in teaching English, and the rest of the students in the class have low or very low, which is a very large and negative indicator in teaching a foreign language. Also, on the presented diagrams, we clearly see that children learn with little interest, respectively, and motivation is also largely absent.

In the course of the control experiment with Group 1, 6 lessons were conducted without the use of songs. Children were offered exercises aimed at developing grammatical skills. During the lessons, children worked in groups, individually, in pairs. For each task, the children spent average 12-15 minutes. All tasks were carried out without enthusiasm, and most of the children did not complete the tasks to the end. During the control experiment, students also had to independently or in groups perform various written exercises; the time of their implementation was about 5-10 minutes, using the grammar rules already known to them. For example, the students were given a test; they had to choose the correct answer. At the end of the experiment, we repeated the survey. The results of the first group remained practically unchanged: 16% students still have a good level of motivation to study grammar, students with the average level of motivation increased to 24%, perhaps influenced by the teaching style, with low motivation of students it became slightly less than 36% and the result with a very low level of school motivation changed to 24%.

1.2. Functions of English songs for improving grammar

Lexico-grammatical constructions, spoken in a certain rhythm and accompanied by background music, cause positive emotions are easier to digest and are remembered for a long time”. This conclusion made by the authors of the tutorial Sing and Learn English grammar "based on long-term study of the influence of musical and poetic rhythm on the formation communication skills.

After song selection and preparation audience to its perception, the stage begins

practical work. Some songs seem to specially written for practicing grammar, others allow you to move from linguistic phenomena to speech.

Here are some examples of working with English songs.

The song "Let It Be" by The Beatles, for example, we use for training Present Simple Tense and Present Continuous Tense. In particular, we draw the attention of students to the presence endings -s in the verbs "comes", "shines", on its absence in the verbs "find", "agree", "wake up" and we give the task to formulate the appropriate rule. Further, if necessary, we repeat conjugate the verb "to be" and find it in the text personal forms. After working on the language aspects, we discuss the content of the song, its philosophical meaning of the name "Let It Be".

The next example is the song “Friends Will Be Friends” of another legendary group - Queen. The lyrics provide rich material for training grammatical categories that examples from the lyrics are presented:

  • Future Simple Tense: Friends will be friends;

  • Present Simple Tense:

It's time for you to take a break;

It's not easy to fall in love, but you have friends you can depend on.

They show you care and affection when you're in need of love;

When you've had your fill in life and have given up hope;

It's a lovely day right now;

  • Past Simple Tense:

The other half bolted;

Your lover's letter arrived in the mail;

You attempted to locate him, but his phone number had been stolen. (working on training this grammatical category, appropriate repeat "regular" and "irregular" verbs and their forms);

  • Present Continuous Tense:

You're getting used to living without him in the way, and the kids are building.

Language and speech exercises on the text we supplement this song with information about the soloist of the band “Queen”.

Finally, put all the warning signs. Now let's get down to the basics.

1) Choose only the music that you like.

There are tons of such video clips on YouTube (music, lyrics, text in one):

And these two music sites will help you find anything you want. For instance, I even found Los Colorados (such funny guys making cool covers in "our" English) on these services: Spotify and Rdio.

2) Choose only those songs that you love.

Be sure to choose songs that you like. With active listening to songs, the result will be worse without emotional support.

3) Find the lyrics of your favorite song in English.

On these sites you can find almost any text of modern songs. For instance, Elastic Heart (from Sia). Here they are: SmartLyrics.com and Lyrics.com. I prefer the second one (it loads faster).

4) Memorize the lyrics of the song.

Memorize the lyrics after knowing the meanings of the unknown words. Break the lyrics into easily weldable pieces and memorize them. Here is Anki, a service that can help you create flashcards.

5) Singing

Sing along as you listen to the song. People won't understand! By the way, do not hesitate that your voice is not delivered or that you do not fall into the rhythm. This is not a training session for a karaoke club, but a language study.

6) Come back to new words and expressions.

After the "concert" check if you remember the meanings of the new words. Do these self-tests after each solo performance.

7) Singing without accompaniment

Once you've successfully memorized the lyrics and can play them back with ease, try singing the song yourself. It is important to be able to reproduce the text of the song tutel in tutel.

8) Pick new songs with a focus on new vocabulary

The main thing is that new songs contain new words.

Lesson 1. Working with a song begins with a title (working with a title), it is written on the board. Children are given a simple task to try guess what this song is about and what work will be done with it.

The teacher needs to write out words (distribute) that cause phonetic, vocabulary and grammatical difficulties on the blackboard or making flashcards. Next stage: initial listening (2 times) and line-by-line translation songs (for this you need to distribute the lyrics). After first listening the correctness of the assumptions about the content of the song is checked.

For children, it is recommended to have visual realities and additional tasks for the perception of the composition.

Lesson 2. Work on the grammatical side of the song. As a rule, all songs are written in any one grammatical tense. On the board or the handout suggests several different exercises: insert missing articles, verbs or prepositions, indicate the correct degree of comparison of adjectives, etc. For babies more often in total, it is proposed to combine words with pictures, insert missing letters or words, etc. In such a lesson, the formation of simple interrogative and affirmative forms of sentences.

Lesson 3. Work on phonetics. Reading the first verse: sound, word, phrase. When working on phonetics, it is necessary pay attention to the melody of the songs, i.e. alternation of drums and unstressed syllables and words, vowels and consonants, aspirated sounds, etc. After completing the first verse, the children repeat it over the phonogram or a teacher. Next comes the work on the second (third) verse. Work with the choruses and musical spaces without words are conducted in the same way, as with the verse. During losses, you can learn the simplest movement, dance.

Lesson 4. Work on memorizing the text. Here you can use different ways of memorization, they depend on the age of the students and on overall performance of the class: "Chain" (Chain). Each student in turn pronounces one line of the first (second, third, etc.) verse and so on until the end, including choruses and losses. "Snowball" (Snowball). Everyone the next student repeats the phrase of the previous one and adds his own (in mostly based on the lyrics). Complete the phrase). The teacher (student) pronounces the beginning of the phrase, the students finish her in turn. It is recommended only to monitor the process and identify mistakes, correct them after the assignment. Such exercises are very many. They are selected individually in accordance with the topic of the lesson and the degree of correlation with the composition itself.

Lesson 5. Performing a song to the soundtrack "plus" (with voice). On the same lesson, you can try to perform a song to the soundtrack "minus one ”(no voice). When difficulties arise, such as when children are not want to sing (as a rule, there are one or more students in each class), you can use competitive forms of song performance: share for 2 or more teams, singing the song in turn. Competitive spirit has always been an integral part of the educational process.

1.3 Song exercises

Song “Numb” by Linkin Park.

Exercise 1:

What is the song about? Choose the right variant:

1. The youngster is energised.

B) The boy is exhausted.

2. A) The youngster desires to be himself.

B) The boy aspires to be someone else.

3. A) The girl wishes for the boy to leave.

B) The girl desires the boy's company.

Exercise 2:

Match a word and its translation.




не заслуживающий доверия

Lose control



напрасно тратить






терять контроль

Exercise 3: Match words from the columns below to make up word combinations. Then use these expressions in the sentences of your own.

  1. to lose


  1. under

b) tightly

  1. hold

c) pressure<

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