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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
Queen Elizabeth II

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Queen Elizabeth II

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Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth’s full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. As a child she called herself “Lilibet’, a name that m

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Queen Elizabeth’s full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. As a child she called herself “Lilibet’, a name that members of her family still use.

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Queen Elizabeth’s full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. As a child she called herself “Lilibet’, a name that members of her family still use.

Elizabeth was educated at home with Princess Margaret, her younger sister. She studied French, history, art and mu

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Elizabeth was educated at home with Princess Margaret, her younger sister. She studied French, history, art and music, learned to ride and swim.

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Elizabeth was educated at home with Princess Margaret, her younger sister. She studied French, history, art and music, learned to ride and swim.

The Queen has 2 birthdays – her real one, on the 26 th of April, and an official one, on the second Saturd

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The Queen has 2 birthdays – her real one, on the 26 th of April, and an official one, on the second Saturday of June each year.

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The Queen has 2 birthdays – her real one, on the 26 th of April, and an official one, on the second Saturday of June each year.

The British royal family goes back more than a thousand years. Queen Elizabeth II is Britain’s 40 th monarch

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The British royal family goes back more than a thousand years. Queen Elizabeth II is Britain’s 40 th monarch.

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The British royal family goes back more than a thousand years. Queen Elizabeth II is Britain’s 40 th monarch.

Elizabeth II is a ‘constitutional monarch’. This means that the country is actually run by the government, led by

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Elizabeth II is a ‘constitutional monarch’. This means that the country is actually run by the government, led by the Prime Minister. So she isn’t a political force. She is a symbol of Britain’s long history and traditions.

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Elizabeth II is a ‘constitutional monarch’. This means that the country is actually run by the government, led by the Prime Minister. So she isn’t a political force. She is a symbol of Britain’s long history and traditions.

In the 60 years of her reign, the country has had 12 prime ministers. She became Queen so long ago, David Camer

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In the 60 years of her reign, the country has had 12 prime ministers. She became Queen so long ago, David Cameron hadn’t even been born!

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In the 60 years of her reign, the country has had 12 prime ministers. She became Queen so long ago, David Cameron hadn’t even been born!

In the past 60 years, Elizabeth II has been on 261 official visits to 116 different countries.

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In the past 60 years, Elizabeth II has been on 261 official visits to 116 different countries.

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In the past 60 years, Elizabeth II has been on 261 official visits to 116 different countries.

The Queen in the only person in Great Britain who doesn’t have a passport! She is also the only person in t

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The Queen in the only person in Great Britain who doesn’t have a passport! She is also the only person in the country who can drive without a licence or number plate on her state car.

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The Queen in the only person in Great Britain who doesn’t have a passport! She is also the only person in the country who can drive without a licence or number plate on her state car.

The Queen’s hobby is photography. She also enjoys horse racing, fishing and walking in the countryside.

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The Queen’s hobby is photography. She also enjoys horse racing, fishing and walking in the countryside.

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The Queen’s hobby is photography. She also enjoys horse racing, fishing and walking in the countryside.

Queen Elizabeth joined Facebook in November 2010, with a page called the British Monarchy. She joined Twitter in

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Queen Elizabeth joined Facebook in November 2010, with a page called the British Monarchy. She joined Twitter in 2009, and now teams at Buckingham Palace tweet daily updates.

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Queen Elizabeth joined Facebook in November 2010, with a page called the British Monarchy. She joined Twitter in 2009, and now teams at Buckingham Palace tweet daily updates.

The Queen has many hats, because she always wears one when she is out on royal visits. She has worn more th

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The Queen has many hats, because she always wears one when she is out on royal visits. She has worn more than 5,000 different hats over the past 60 years.

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The Queen has many hats, because she always wears one when she is out on royal visits. She has worn more than 5,000 different hats over the past 60 years.

She speaks French very well and often uses the language during her state visits. She doesn’t need an interpreter.

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She speaks French very well and often uses the language during her state visits. She doesn’t need an interpreter.

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She speaks French very well and often uses the language during her state visits. She doesn’t need an interpreter.