Материалдар / Make-Let-Be allowed to- туралы түсінік беріледі
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Make-Let-Be allowed to- туралы түсінік беріледі

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
10 сыныпта ағылшын тілі пәні мұғаліміне көмек ретінде ұсынылады
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Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
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Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
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Материал жариялап тегін сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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The theme: Reality TV Speak and read Exercise 1a Exercise 1b Exercise 1c “Ever fancied being on TV?”

1 слайд
The theme: Reality TV Speak and read Exercise 1a Exercise 1b Exercise 1c “Ever fancied being on TV?”

Vocabularies – new words: • Apprentice- жаңадан бастаушы • Exactly- дәлме-дәл • Frustrated- аяқталмаған • Contestants- соперник

2 слайд
Vocabularies – new words: • Apprentice- жаңадан бастаушы • Exactly- дәлме-дәл • Frustrated- аяқталмаған • Contestants- соперник • Fall apart-сәтсіз аяқталу • Participant-қатысушы,үміткер • Mention- еске салу • Sitcom- комедия • Probably- мүмкін • Executive- басқарушы • Viewers-көрермен • Vote-дауыс • Exciting-жан түршігерлік , таң қаларлық • Rolling-қайта өңдеу • Bungee jumping-Банджи секіртпесі

Exercise 1d 1.Which of these are not mentioned as prizes? a)Money b) a big house c) a theatre role d) a job e) a re

3 слайд
Exercise 1d 1.Which of these are not mentioned as prizes? a)Money b) a big house c) a theatre role d) a job e) a restaurant 2.According to the text ,which of these activities do participants in the Amazing Race not do? a) take flights b) do puzzles c) control animals d) work in a team e) dance 3.Which of these is not reason for the popularity of the Amazing Race, according to the text? a)These are lot of surprises. b) Some team have bad arguments. c)The team members don’t know each other well. d)The contestant’s reactions to problems are realistic. e) The teams face stressful situations.

Answers 1.Which of these are not mentioned as prizes? a)Money b) a big house c) a theatre role d) a job e) a resta

4 слайд
Answers 1.Which of these are not mentioned as prizes? a)Money b) a big house c) a theatre role d) a job e) a restaurant 2.According to the text ,which of these activities do participants in the Amazing Race not do? a) take flights b) do puzzles c) control animals d) work in a team e) dance 3.Which of these is not reason for the popularity of the Amazing Race, according to the text? a)These are lot of surprises. b) Some team have bad arguments. c)The team members don’t know each other well. d)The contestant’s reactions to problems are realistic. e) The teams face stressful situations.

“ Vocabulary dictation” Main, close up, bring up popular, music competition, promise, dangerous, boring, fascinating, execu

5 слайд
“ Vocabulary dictation” Main, close up, bring up popular, music competition, promise, dangerous, boring, fascinating, executive ,resident, include.

Modal verbs –make , let, be allowed to. Rule: Make- жасауды міндеттеу Let- біреуден жасау үшін рұқсат алу

6 слайд
Modal verbs –make , let, be allowed to. Rule: Make- жасауды міндеттеу Let- біреуден жасау үшін рұқсат алу Be allowed to- біреуге рұқсат беру not be allowed to- қарсы келу

Exercise 2c 1.At school, we are not allowed to take our mobile phones into the classroom. 2.____ your teachers ______

7 слайд
Exercise 2c 1.At school, we are not allowed to take our mobile phones into the classroom. 2.____ your teachers ______ you study hard? 3.I never ______people use my thing without me first. 4.When I lend thing to my brother ,I always ____promise to look after them! 5._______ you ______ use your mum’s car? 6.I ____ go to bed later at the weekend. 7.Zulfiya’s bought new CD ,and yesterday she ____ me borrow it. 8. Last Saturday, my parents ______ me go shopping with them-it was really boring!

Exercise 3d “Who is quicker?”

8 слайд
Exercise 3d “Who is quicker?”

Exercise 3d “Who is quicker?” 1.You aren’t allowed to make a noise. 2 The travellers weren’t allowed to enter the countr

9 слайд
Exercise 3d “Who is quicker?” 1.You aren’t allowed to make a noise. 2 The travellers weren’t allowed to enter the country. 3.Our parents never let us play outside 4.The teacher didn’t let us leave early 5.They made us switch off our m phones 6. Do your parents make you go to get before 10 o’clock.

Home task Exercise 7 st.b. p-42. Exercise 2-4 w.b.p-31.

10 слайд
Home task Exercise 7 st.b. p-42. Exercise 2-4 w.b.p-31.