Материалдар / People who made a difference
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People who made a difference

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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
Unit 2. Helping and heroes Teacher: Altynay Konyrkyzy Grade: 6

1 слайд
Unit 2. Helping and heroes Teacher: Altynay Konyrkyzy Grade: 6

1 слайд

Unit 2. Helping and heroes Teacher: Altynay Konyrkyzy Grade: 6

People who made a difference 1 2 3 Read a quiz about people who made history Learn expressions with make Talk about a famous pe

2 слайд
People who made a difference 1 2 3 Read a quiz about people who made history Learn expressions with make Talk about a famous person from my country Objectives

2 слайд

People who made a difference 1 2 3 Read a quiz about people who made history Learn expressions with make Talk about a famous person from my country Objectives

People who make a history Who are they? Why are they famous?

3 слайд
People who make a history Who are they? Why are they famous?

3 слайд

People who make a history Who are they? Why are they famous?

• Nouns (e.g. a cake, friends, money) and adjectives (e.g. sure) come after makeFind out three expressions with make

4 слайд
• Nouns (e.g. a cake, friends, money) and adjectives (e.g. sure) come after makeFind out three expressions with make

4 слайд

• Nouns (e.g. a cake, friends, money) and adjectives (e.g. sure) come after makeFind out three expressions with make

5 слайд

5 слайд

Ex 6. Think of a famous hero. Write your answers to the questions. • What’s his/her name? • Where is he/she from? • Where does

6 слайд
Ex 6. Think of a famous hero. Write your answers to the questions. • What’s his/her name? • Where is he/she from? • Where does he/she live? • What does he/she do? • Why is he/she a hero?

6 слайд

Ex 6. Think of a famous hero. Write your answers to the questions. • What’s his/her name? • Where is he/she from? • Where does he/she live? • What does he/she do? • Why is he/she a hero?

7 слайд

7 слайд