Материалдар / "The weather"
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"The weather"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
жас мамандарға көмек
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
19 Қараша 2019
0 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
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+39 бонус
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады
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Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!
Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі

1 слайд

1 слайд


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2 слайд


Try Again Try AgainGreat Job! It´s windy. It´s rainy and hot.It´s sunny and hot. NextBack 302928272625 24232221201918171615

3 слайд
Try Again Try AgainGreat Job! It´s windy. It´s rainy and hot.It´s sunny and hot. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321It´s windy. It´s rainy and hot. It´s sunny and hot.

3 слайд

Try Again Try AgainGreat Job! It´s windy. It´s rainy and hot.It´s sunny and hot. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321It´s windy. It´s rainy and hot. It´s sunny and hot.

Try Again Try Again Great Job!It´s cloudy. It´s rainy and hot. It's stormy. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131

4 слайд
Try Again Try Again Great Job!It´s cloudy. It´s rainy and hot. It's stormy. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321It´s cloudy. It´s rainy and hot. It's stormy.

4 слайд

Try Again Try Again Great Job!It´s cloudy. It´s rainy and hot. It's stormy. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321It´s cloudy. It´s rainy and hot. It's stormy.

Try Again Try Again Great Job!It´s cloudy. It´s sunny and hot. It's windy and cold. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817

5 слайд
Try Again Try Again Great Job!It´s cloudy. It´s sunny and hot. It's windy and cold. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321It´s cloudy. It´s sunny and hot. It's windy and cold.

5 слайд

Try Again Try Again Great Job!It´s cloudy. It´s sunny and hot. It's windy and cold. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321It´s cloudy. It´s sunny and hot. It's windy and cold.

Try Again Try Again Great Job!It´s cloudy. It´s sunny and hot. It's rainy. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131

6 слайд
Try Again Try Again Great Job!It´s cloudy. It´s sunny and hot. It's rainy. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321It´s cloudy. It´s sunny and hot. It's rainy.

6 слайд

Try Again Try Again Great Job!It´s cloudy. It´s sunny and hot. It's rainy. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321It´s cloudy. It´s sunny and hot. It's rainy.

Try Again Try AgainGreat Job! It´s cloudy and cold It´s sunny and hot.It's cloudy and warm.. NextBack 302928272625 2423222

7 слайд
Try Again Try AgainGreat Job! It´s cloudy and cold It´s sunny and hot.It's cloudy and warm.. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321Great Job! It´s cloudy and cold It´s sunny and hot. It's cloudy and warm..

7 слайд

Try Again Try AgainGreat Job! It´s cloudy and cold It´s sunny and hot.It's cloudy and warm.. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321Great Job! It´s cloudy and cold It´s sunny and hot. It's cloudy and warm..

Try Again Try AgainGreat Job! It´s cloudy . It´s sunny .It's snowing. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 9

8 слайд
Try Again Try AgainGreat Job! It´s cloudy . It´s sunny .It's snowing. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321Great Job! It´s cloudy . It´s sunny . It's snowing.

8 слайд

Try Again Try AgainGreat Job! It´s cloudy . It´s sunny .It's snowing. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321Great Job! It´s cloudy . It´s sunny . It's snowing.

Try Again Try AgainGreat Job! It´s cloudy . It´s sunny .It's foggy. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987

9 слайд
Try Again Try AgainGreat Job! It´s cloudy . It´s sunny .It's foggy. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321Great Job! It´s cloudy . It´s sunny . It's foggy.

9 слайд

Try Again Try AgainGreat Job! It´s cloudy . It´s sunny .It's foggy. NextBack 302928272625 2423222120191817161514131211 987654321Great Job! It´s cloudy . It´s sunny . It's foggy.