Материалдар / Using pair work

Using pair work

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
methodology, effective ways of using pair work at the lesson
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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
Using pair and group work

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Using pair and group work

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Using pair and group work

what pair work is - ‘Pair work’ is a classroom activity in which the whole class is divided into pairs. (It is really a ty

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what pair work is - ‘Pair work’ is a classroom activity in which the whole class is divided into pairs. (It is really a type of group work, using 'groups' of two.) - Because the point of pair work is to get students speaking and listening, the content of a pair work session should be mainly oral. (For some types of pair work, it is best if students have no books, papers, orn pencils.) - It is diffi cult to give instructions once a pair- work session is underway, so the activity should be well planned and carefully explained. Otherwise it is likely to be unproductive.

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what pair work is - ‘Pair work’ is a classroom activity in which the whole class is divided into pairs. (It is really a type of group work, using 'groups' of two.) - Because the point of pair work is to get students speaking and listening, the content of a pair work session should be mainly oral. (For some types of pair work, it is best if students have no books, papers, orn pencils.) - It is diffi cult to give instructions once a pair- work session is underway, so the activity should be well planned and carefully explained. Otherwise it is likely to be unproductive.

• The idea of pair work is to improve listening and speaking skills by requiring students to exchange informat

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• The idea of pair work is to improve listening and speaking skills by requiring students to exchange information with each other.

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• The idea of pair work is to improve listening and speaking skills by requiring students to exchange information with each other.

the unique advantage of pair work: • Like classroom work with larger groups, pair work has two important advantages: it off er

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the unique advantage of pair work: • Like classroom work with larger groups, pair work has two important advantages: it off ers intensive, realistic practice in speaking and listening; and it promotes a friendly classroom ambiance that is conducive to learning. • Pair work is a way — the only way getti ng everyone in a classroom speaking and listening at the same time. In other words, it is an effi cient, productive way of spending precious classroom time. If a teacher were to spend, say, three minutes talking individually to each student in a class of, say, twenty students, the whole procedure would take an hour. Working in pairs, those twenty students can get the same amount of practice in three minutes.

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the unique advantage of pair work: • Like classroom work with larger groups, pair work has two important advantages: it off ers intensive, realistic practice in speaking and listening; and it promotes a friendly classroom ambiance that is conducive to learning. • Pair work is a way — the only way getti ng everyone in a classroom speaking and listening at the same time. In other words, it is an effi cient, productive way of spending precious classroom time. If a teacher were to spend, say, three minutes talking individually to each student in a class of, say, twenty students, the whole procedure would take an hour. Working in pairs, those twenty students can get the same amount of practice in three minutes.

the diffi culties of pair work There's a price to pay for the productivity gain offered by pair work, however. It presents s

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the diffi culties of pair work There's a price to pay for the productivity gain offered by pair work, however. It presents several diffi culties and it's important to be prepared for them and to know how to alleviate them. (1) high noise level (2) furniture. (3) partners with no information to offer

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the diffi culties of pair work There's a price to pay for the productivity gain offered by pair work, however. It presents several diffi culties and it's important to be prepared for them and to know how to alleviate them. (1) high noise level (2) furniture. (3) partners with no information to offer

Group work’ refers to any classroom activity in which the whole class is divided up into pairs or larger groups. The advan

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Group work’ refers to any classroom activity in which the whole class is divided up into pairs or larger groups. The advantages of pair work and small group work • Gives learners more speaking time • Changes the pace of the lesson • Takes the spotlight off you and puts it onto the children • Allows them to mix with everyone in the group • Gives them a sense of achievement when reaching a team goal • Teaches them how to lead and be led by someone other than the teacher • It allows you to monitor, move around the class and really listen to the language they are producing.

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Group work’ refers to any classroom activity in which the whole class is divided up into pairs or larger groups. The advantages of pair work and small group work • Gives learners more speaking time • Changes the pace of the lesson • Takes the spotlight off you and puts it onto the children • Allows them to mix with everyone in the group • Gives them a sense of achievement when reaching a team goal • Teaches them how to lead and be led by someone other than the teacher • It allows you to monitor, move around the class and really listen to the language they are producing.

The four major problems with group work are briefly discussed below and suggestions are made as to how they can be alleviated.

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The four major problems with group work are briefly discussed below and suggestions are made as to how they can be alleviated. (1) native language speaking (2) domination (3) animosities

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The four major problems with group work are briefly discussed below and suggestions are made as to how they can be alleviated. (1) native language speaking (2) domination (3) animosities

How to set up pair and group work • Be sure to fully explain the procedure before splitti ng the class up. • Always demonstrate

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How to set up pair and group work • Be sure to fully explain the procedure before splitti ng the class up. • Always demonstrate either yourself of with the help of a volunteer exactly what they have to do. • Ask them to tell you what they have to do before they do it (in their mother tongue if need be) to check their understanding. • Have fill in activities ready for the quick finishers – but be sure that they have completed the task correctly first and haven’t just finished early because they misunderstood what they had to do. • Don’t forget to have feedback time aft er pair work so that the children don’t feel that they have been wasting time. It’s important to share their work as a whole group although this doesn’t have to be systematic. • Set a clear time limit. • Control who works with who so children aren’t always being dominated or dominating others.

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How to set up pair and group work • Be sure to fully explain the procedure before splitti ng the class up. • Always demonstrate either yourself of with the help of a volunteer exactly what they have to do. • Ask them to tell you what they have to do before they do it (in their mother tongue if need be) to check their understanding. • Have fill in activities ready for the quick finishers – but be sure that they have completed the task correctly first and haven’t just finished early because they misunderstood what they had to do. • Don’t forget to have feedback time aft er pair work so that the children don’t feel that they have been wasting time. It’s important to share their work as a whole group although this doesn’t have to be systematic. • Set a clear time limit. • Control who works with who so children aren’t always being dominated or dominating others.

Pit falls and how to avoid them • You could lose control of the class. Set up a signal before you start, like a visual time out

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Pit falls and how to avoid them • You could lose control of the class. Set up a signal before you start, like a visual time out with your hands, so that they know when to stop. Don’t shout for them to stop as they will just shout louder! • You are not able to listen to everyone at once and hear what they are saying – set up groups of three where A and B talk while C monitors. Then swap roles. They are producing language; you just want to make sure the language they are producing is English. Have a fun system of every mother tongue word you hear the monitor must stand up and then stay standing. The activity stops if all monitors are standing. This will make them aware of using English as much a possible and using their first language as litt le as possible. • The classroom will get very noisy. This is OK, as long as they aren’t shouting. Move them into diff erent places in the room so that they can hear themselves speak.

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Pit falls and how to avoid them • You could lose control of the class. Set up a signal before you start, like a visual time out with your hands, so that they know when to stop. Don’t shout for them to stop as they will just shout louder! • You are not able to listen to everyone at once and hear what they are saying – set up groups of three where A and B talk while C monitors. Then swap roles. They are producing language; you just want to make sure the language they are producing is English. Have a fun system of every mother tongue word you hear the monitor must stand up and then stay standing. The activity stops if all monitors are standing. This will make them aware of using English as much a possible and using their first language as litt le as possible. • The classroom will get very noisy. This is OK, as long as they aren’t shouting. Move them into diff erent places in the room so that they can hear themselves speak.

WAN2TLK? Text Messaging : -) or: - ( ?

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WAN2TLK? Text Messaging : -) or: - ( ?

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WAN2TLK? Text Messaging : -) or: - ( ?

Discussion/pre-reading 1. Do you use text messages to talk to your friends? 2. How often do you send messages each day? 3. Is

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Discussion/pre-reading 1. Do you use text messages to talk to your friends? 2. How often do you send messages each day? 3. Is it a good idea to stop pupils bringing mobile phones into the classroom? 4. Do you need a mobile phone to have a good social life? 5. How much do you spend on your mobile phone?

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Discussion/pre-reading 1. Do you use text messages to talk to your friends? 2. How often do you send messages each day? 3. Is it a good idea to stop pupils bringing mobile phones into the classroom? 4. Do you need a mobile phone to have a good social life? 5. How much do you spend on your mobile phone?


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