Материалдар / " Animals "

" Animals "

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жануарларды ағылшын тілінде айтып үйренеді
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04 Ақпан 2019
1 рет жүктелген
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Unit of a long term plan: Leaving thingsSchool: №4 Abai
Date:Teacher name: Kosaev E
Class: 5Number present:Absent:
Lesson title:Animals 1
Learning objectives:5.S.2 Ask simple questions to get information about limited range of general topics5.R.4 Read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts
Lesson objectivesAll learners will be able to:-Ask simple question to get information about the topic Animals with support-Read the short text about animals with supportMost learners will be able to:-Ask simple question to get information about the topic Animals some support-Read the short text about animals some supportSome learners will be able to:-Ask simple question to get information about the topic Animals without support-Read the short text about animals without support
Assessment criteria to ask simple question to get information about the topic animals to read some support a limited range of short texts
Level of thinking skillsKnowledge and understanding. Application
Values links The strategy “Mangilik Yel3) A secular society with high spirituality
ICT skills:Slide, pictures, crossword
Cross-curricular linksCommunicate with biology and geography
Previous learningPlants. Finding out and writing about parts of plants and trees
Planned timingsPlanned activitiesResources
Start5 min

I. I. Greeting. Good morning, children!I am glad to see youHow are you today?I hope you are well?What date is it todayII. II. Repetition of the previous lessonActivity “Red ball” for checking up the vocabulary.Pupils should stand around and say words related to the topic Plants

Red ball


3 min

I’ll give you horse and lion pictures. And you are take them and divide into two groups

III. Task1 Pre learning BrainstormingWatching the pictures pupils guess the crosswords What can you say about this picture?How do you think today’s new theme is?

Descriptor:Leaners: watch the crossword pictureLearners: find the new words about animalsLearners: answer to the questionsGroup assessment

Animals picture

Guide discovery task

Learners answer to the questions

4 min


5 min

10 min

4 min

3 min

IV. Method: ‘Who is the best” Task 2. Take the one animal card in the box and say in three languages.Fox-түлкі-лисаLion-арыстан левHorse-жылқы- лошадь

Descriptors: -Leaners: take the animal cards-Leaners: say in three languagesSelf assessment

V. Method: “One minute”Pupils take one animal cards then give simple questions Is it a wild animal?Yes it is./ No it isn’tIs it a domestic animal?Yes it is/ No it isn’t

Descriptors: - take the animal pictures-answer the questionsGroup assessment

VI. 5.R4 Task 2 Pre-reading text on the board.Work with a partner. Look at the picture and answer the questions.What do you see in this picture?Do you know this animal?

Descriptors:Learners: Works with a partnerLearners: Answer the questions

VII. 5.R4. Task 2.While reading activity. Method: One to oneThey start reading the text and try to pause when they meet those revised new words and again repeat their meanings. Read the text correctly.

Text: The Lion and the Fox An old Lion lives in the forest. He is too old to hunt. How can he get his food? He thinks of a clever plan. He puts a note on his door. It says: “I am old and hungry. Please come and visit me before I die.” So all the animals go to see the old lion.First a sheep comes to visit him. Then a cow, then a rabbit, then a deer, then a donkey, and last of all a young goat. After each visitor, the lion feels better. He licks his lips and smiles.Now the fox comes to visit him. The lion asks the fox to come into his house. But the fox doesn’t come in. She is standing near his house. The fox says: “No, thank you. I don’t want to come in.”“Why don’t you want to come in?” asks the old lion.The fox looks at the footprints all around the lion’s house. Then she says to the lion:“Look at these footprints. They all lead to your house, but they don’t lead out of your house. When all your visitors come out, then I will come in to visit you!”

Descriptor:Learners: reads the text correctly

VIII. Post reading.When they finish reading the text the following questions to the text are given on PPT Leader of the group divides them into the number of the pupils. But according to the levels of pupils, answer 2 or 3 questions.Answer the questions.Do you know about this animal? Have you ever seen a …?Where? Do you like this animal?Descriptor:Learners: discuss with group about the text animals.Learners: answer the questionsIX. Method: Who is the fast? Are the sentences Fact or opinion. Circle the correct answer. - The lion is young and strong. - The lion is hungry. - Many animals come to visit him. - The animals don’t come out. - The fox is clever.Descriptor:Learners: Circles the correct answer according to the text.

Cards of animals

Cards of animals


Sheet of paper
EndFeedback3 minSelf assessment

For the Reflection we will talk about the strategy “Blob tree”The teacher gives comments about learners work. Pupils will choose color leaves one and put on the blob tree their leaf stickersGreen leaf – I know materialYellow leaf - I understand the materialRed leaf - I can answer the questionsHome work: Make-up 3-4 simple sentences using the names of the animals.


Additional information
Differentiation- how do you plan to give more support?How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?Health and safety checkLesson will be accordance with health and safety standards.

Less able learners will be supported by prompting when asking simple questions

More able learners will be challenged by doing individual work by answering to the questions about the topic animals

After crossword tasks group assess each other it help to know how learn the animal wordsAfter the method who is the best?Self - assessment is used. It helps to improve language. After the method “one minute?groups assess each other. After the reading text method “one to one group assess each other through answer the questions.After the lesson the learners will assess their knowledge with the help of the strategy “Blob tree”Pupils will choose color leaves one and put on the blob tree their leaf stickersGreen leaf – I know materialYellow leaf – I understand the materialRed leaf - I can answer the questions To pay attention to learners safety during the doing activates be careful in moving to places in dividing to groups
ReflectionWere the lesson objectives learning objectives realistic? Did all the learners achieve the lesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings?What changes did I make from my plan and why?Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluationWhat two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?1:2:What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning?1: 2:What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Мақтарал ауданы Жетісай қаласы №4 Абай жалпы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Косаев Есенгелди Бурибекович

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