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Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics 5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
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12 Маусым 2018
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Материалдың толық нұсқасын
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Short term plan

Lesson plan

Long term plan: Unit 2 Living things

School: Ulyanov secondary school


Teacher name: Kuanshbaeva A.K


Number present:


Lesson title Animals


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts

5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • remember and name topical words

  • speak about animals with some support

Most learners will be able to:

  • identify characteristics of animals

  • determine correct answers to the tasks

Some learners will be able to:

  • point out and evaluate the main idea of the text



  • research and represent information about animals

  • read and identify true or false statements

  • predict and relate the moral of the text with the life

Value links

Value of environment

Cross curricular



Previous learning

Plants. What kind of plants do you know?




Planned activities



3 min

3 min

8 min


Phonetic drill.

I love all kinds of animals:

Dogs and cats, and rabbits

I love all kinds of animals

Despite their little habits

If I had tons of money,

Do you know What I would do?

I'd buy lot's of animals

And have my own zoo.

The teacher greets learners and present the lesson objectives.

Teacher shows a picture on PPT and asks learners:

Can you spell this word? (A-n-i-m-a-l) Teacher asks learners: What can you see on the picture? Teacher checks their knowledge names of some animals.

Then teacher lets the learners know the LO of the lesson.

(W) Speaking Activity 1 ''Words snake''game

Teacher starts a word snake on the board using animals, to continue the snake learners have to use the last letter of the following word. (open class activity)

Ex: cat-tiger-rabbit-turtle-elephant-etc.

New words:





Listen and repeat after me

Let's watch a video?

What kind of animals did you see?

(W) Speaking and writing Activity 2


Learners work in group of four. Choose a picture and talk about animals. They must draw a diagram.

( Colour, food, characteristics, habitat, size)

(hippo, hedgehog, deer, donkey)

What colour is a hippo? -It is grey.

What is hippo's favourite food?



It 's favourite food is fish. etc..








15 min

5 min

3 min

5 min

Read the text. "The lion and the mouse" . Teacher divides learners work groups. Children choose their own facilitator. I'll give you 4 topic for 4 groups.

(W)Reading. Activity 3

A lion is sleeping in his den. A mouse is running near the den. She runs into the lion's den, jumps on his head and sits on his nose. The lion is angry. He takes the mouse in his strong paw.

''What are you doing, silly mouse?'', roars the lion. '' I am going to eat you''.

The mouse is crying. ''Please, don't eat me. Who knows, perhaps one day I can help you''. The lion laughs when he hears it. He thinks it's a joke. How is a little mouse going to help the King of Beasts? However he lets the mouse go and it runs out of the den.

Some days later the mouse is running in the forest. She is looking for food. Suddenly she sees the lion in a big net. The net is a trap. ''Lie still', says the mouse to the lion. The mouse begins to crew the net. She is chewing and chewing and chewing. She is marking big holes in it. First the lion's paws are free, then his head and the lion jumps out. He is free.

''There'', says the mouse. '' You see how a little mouse can help a lion''.

(W)Writing Activity 4

C Choose the correct answer.

1. In his den the lion...

a) is jumping b) is sleeping c) is eating

2. The lion is going...

a) to kill the mouse b) to eat the mouse c) to play the mouse

3.The mouse...

a) is laughing b) is running away c) is crying

4. When the mouse sees the lion in the net she...

a) is running away b) is laughing c) is chewing the net (G)Speaking Activity 5

Read the sentences and write T for True or F for False sentences

1.The lion and the mouse good friends___

2. The Lion kills the mouse___

3. The lion is sleeping in the den___

4. The mouse helps the lion____

5. The lion is free__

(G )Speaking. ''Hot Chair'' Activity 6

Teacher takes an empty 2 chairs – one for each team- and puts them in front of the class, facing the team members. Teacher explains to the learners that these chairs are the hot chairs. Then get one member from each team to come up and sit in that chair, so they are facing their teammates, learners should ask questions about animals the learners who sit on the chair. The first hot chair learner to answer the question and wins a point for their team. Teacher monitors, takes notes and assesses learner’s answers. (Teacher based assessment)

To support learners teacher can provide a list of questions on the board as an example

1. Are the lion and mouse good friends?

2. Did the lion kill the mouse?

3. How did the mouse help the lion?

4. Do you like animals?

5. What kind of animals do you like?

Worksheet 1,2,3,4


3 min


Learners complete an evaluation of what they did during the lesson by circling one word in a tree :

I can understand: all / most of / some of the tasks

I can tell about an animal very well/ well/not bad

Pupils sing the song ''Good-bye"



A lion is sleeping in his den. A mouse is running near the den. She runs into the lion's den, jumps on his head and sits on his nose. The lion is angry. He takes the mouse in his strong paw.

''What are you doing, silly mouse?'', roars the lion. '' I am going to eat you''.

The mouse is crying. ''Please, don't eat me. Who knows, perhaps one day I can help you''. The lion laughs when he hears it. He thinks it's a joke. How is a little mouse going to help the King of Beasts? However he lets the mouse go and it runs out of the den.

Some days later the mouse is running in the forest. She is looking for food. Suddenly she sees the lion in a big net. The net is a trap. ''Lie still', says the mouse to the lion. The mouse begins to crew the net. She is chewing and chewing and chewing. She is marking big holes in it. First the lion's paws are free, then his head and the lion jumps out. He is free.

''There'', says the mouse. '' You see how a little mouse can help a lion''.

(W)Writing Activity 4

C Choose the correct answer.

1. In his den the lion...

a) is jumping b) is sleeping c) is eating

2. The lion is going...

a) to kill the mouse b) to eat the mouse c) to play the mouse

3.The mouse...

a) is laughing b) is running away c) is crying

4. When the mouse sees the lion in the net she...

a) is running away b) is laughing c) is chewing the net (G)Speaking Activity 5

Read the sentences and write T for True or F for False sentences

1.The lion and the mouse good friends___

2. The Lion kills the mouse___

3. The lion is sleeping in the den___

4. The mouse helps the lion____

5. The lion is free__

I can understand


most of

some of the tasks

I can tell about an animal

very well


not bad

I can understand


most of

some of the tasks

I can tell about an animal

very well


not bad

I can understand


most of

some of the tasks

I can tell about an animal

very well


not bad

I can understand


most of

some of the tasks

I can tell about an animal

very well


not bad

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