Материалдар / Ашық сабақ Foreign languages in our life
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Ашық сабақ Foreign languages in our life

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Ашық сабақ Foreign languages in our life 2 курс студенттеріне арналған ақпарат Шет тілінің біздің өмңірімізде алатын орны
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
04 Қараша 2021
0 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+39 бонус
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Пәні: Кәсіптік шет тілі

Тақырыбы: Foreign Languages in our life. English Tenses.

Сабақтың мақсаты:

1. To teach students the importance of learning the English language. To form correct speech when you answer the questions.

2. To develop grammar skills, oral speech

3. To bring up the interest to the learning English language

Сабақтың типі: білім, білік дағдыны қалыптастыру.

Сабақтың түрі: жаңа сабақ

Сабақтың әдісі: Түсіндіру, баяндау, сұрақ-жауап

Танымдық қызметтің ұйымдастыру түрлері: топтық

Көрнекі құралдар: суреттер, слайд-презентация

Cабақтың құрылымы:

I.Ұйымдастыру кезеңі Good morning, I’m very glad to see you. Let’s work!

What date is it today? What day of the week is today? Who is absent today?

(1 minute)

II.Үй тапсырмасын тексеру.Your hometask is to write a composition “I want to be an architect”

(7 minutes)

Brainstorming activity (2 minutes)

What languages do you know?

What language do you speak at home?

What languages do you learn at college?

Why do you learn English?

Match the halves to form English proverbs (5 minutes)

Learn a new language is at home everywhere

Live and is a nation without a heart

Who knows the language learn

A nation without a language speak their language

If you want to understand you and get a new soul

II.Жаңа материалды меңгерту (15 minutes)

Words to be used:

author |ˈɔːθə|— автор

outlook |ˈaʊtlʊk|— ой-өрісі

official |əˈfiSHəl| — ресми

mother tongue |məT͟Hər ˈtəNG|— ана тілі

effort |ˈefərt| — күш

Foreign Languages in Our Life

Learning a foreign language isn't an easy thing. Nowadays it's especially important to know foreign languages.

Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying foreign languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider.

I study English. It's a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. Over 300 million people speak it is as a mother tongue.

The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations.

English language is a wonderful language. It's the language of the great literature. It's the language of William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and others. Half of the world's scientific literature is in English. It's the language of computers technology.

The great German poet Goethe once said, «He, who knows no foreign language, doesn't know his own one». That's why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to learn foreign languages.

I think, that to know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

III.a) Студенттердің cөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту. (5 minutes)

Questions to the text

1 .Is it an easy thing to learn a foreign language?

2. Why do people learn foreign languages?

3. Do you know any foreign language?

4. Where do the native speakers of English live?

5. What can you say about the English language?

b) What must a good language learner know and do? (5 minutes)

Fluently, fast, quickly, carefully, accurately, grammatically, effectively, native speakers

1. He must speak …

2. He must learn …

3. He must read …

4. He must feel confident about …

5. He must express himself …

6. He can speak and is understood by …

IV. Лексико-грамматикалық жаттығуларды орындау арқылы сөздік қорды белсендіру (3 minutes)

So let’s review tag questions!

Choose questions tags:

1) Let’s speak English, …

a) shall we?

b) don’t we?

c) do we?

2) Your friend can’t speak English, …

a) does he?

b) can he?

c) doesn’t he?

3) The best way to speak English fluently is to practice a lot, …

a) don’t it?

b) isn’t it?

c) isn’t he?

4) People all over the world speak 3.000 languages, …

a) don’t they?

b) do they?

c) doesn’t they?

5) Learning English can be fun, …

a) can he?

b) can’t it?

c) is it?

V. Marking. (2 minutes)

Hometask: to retell the text

Foreign Languages in our life. English Tenses.

Brainstorming activity (сұраққа жауап береміз)

What languages do you know?

What language do you speak at home?

What languages do you learn at college?

Why do you learn English?

Match the halves to form English proverbs (Екінші бағаннан мақалдың жартысын табу)

Learn a new language is at home everywhere

Live and is a nation without a heart

Who knows the language learn

A nation without a language speak their language

If you want to understand you and get a new soul

Words to be used:

author |ˈɔːθə|— автор

outlook |ˈaʊtlʊk|— ой-өрісі

official |əˈfiSHəl| — ресми

mother tongue |məT͟Hər ˈtəNG|— ана тілі

effort |ˈefərt| — күш

Foreign Languages in Our Life

Learning a foreign language isn't an easy thing. Nowadays it's especially important to know foreign languages.

Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying foreign languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider.

I study English. It's a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. Over 300 million people speak it is as a mother tongue.

The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations.

English language is a wonderful language. It's the language of the great literature. It's the language of William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens and others. Half of the world's scientific literature is in English. It's the language of computers technology.

The great German poet Goethe once said, «He, who knows no foreign language, doesn't know his own one». That's why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to learn foreign languages.

I think, that to know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

What must a good language learner know and do? (Тілді жақсы үйрену үшін нені біліп, нені істеу қажет?)

Fluently, fast, quickly, carefully, accurately, grammatically, effectively, native speakers

1. He must speak …

2. He must learn …

3. He must read …

4. He must feel confident about …

5. He must express himself …

6. He can speak and is understood by …

Choose questions tags (сөйлемнің жалғасын таңда):

1) Let’s speak English, … 3) The best way to speak English fluently is to practice a lot, …

a) shall we? a) don’t it?

b) don’t we? b) isn’t it?

c) do we? c) isn’t he?

2) Your friend can’t speak English, … 4) People all over the world speak 3.000 languages, …

a) does he? a) don’t they?

b) can he? b) do they?

c) doesn’t he? c) doesn’t they?

5) Learning English can be fun, …

a) can he?

b) can’t it?

c) is it?

Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!