Назар аударыңыз. Бұл материалды сайт қолданушысы жариялаған. Егер материал сіздің авторлық құқығыңызды бұзса, осында жазыңыз. Біз ең жылдам уақытта материалды сайттан өшіреміз
Жақын арада сайт әкімшілігі сізбен хабарласады
Бонусты жинап картаңызға (kaspi Gold, Halyk bank) шығарып аласыз
Business English факультативтік курс бағдарламасы
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады
Түсінік хат.
«Business English» атты факультативті курс бағдарламасы, тілдік қатынасты орнатуға көмек ретінде 9 сынып оқушыларына арналған. Бұл курсты оқу оқушыларға жоғары талап деңгейінде жұмыс тәжірибесін алуға, білім алу жағынан өз мүмкіндігін бағалауға, оқушылардың оқу уәжін дамытуға көмек тигізуде көкейкестігі көзделеді. Курс аясында алған білімдері шет тілін білуді талап ететін кез келген салада ағылшын тілін әріқарай меңгеруге пайдалы болады. Ағылшын тілі – қазақты дүниеге танытатын, әлемдік деңгейге шығаратын тіл. Еліміздің шет елдермен қарым-қатынасымыз күшейіп отырған қазіргі заманда оқушылардың шет тіліне қызығуын, білімге құштарлығын ояту, танымдық белсенділігін арттыру басты міндет. Демек, оқушыларымыздың ағылшын тілін білуі – уақыт талабы. Шетел тілі қазіргі кезде заман талабына сай көптеген мектептерде тереңдетіп оқытылуда. Бұл оқушы бойында ерте кезеңнен бастап ұлтаралық, мәдениетаралық бірлестікке дайындықтың қалыптасуына тікелей ықпал етеді. Әлемдік өркениетке ілесуі біздің мемлекетіміздің халықаралық деңгейде әр салада түбегейлі өзгерістер енгізуі, достық, ынтымақтастық қатынастар орнатуы шет тілінің маңыздылығын арттырып отыр. Шетел тілін үйрене отырып оқушы өз білімін шыңдайды. Шетел тілін оқытудың артықшылығы әрбір балаға психологиялық ойлауына, шет тілі сөзіне көңіл аударуына, түсінуіне оң әсер ететіндігі, содан соң негізгі мектепте білімін берік нығайтуын, білім сапасын арттыруға мүмкіндік беретіндігінде. Қолданыстағы тілді үйрену оқушыларға сол тілдің қолдануының маңыздылығын, қосымша саяси, мәдени, тарихи бағытта қолданылатын сөз тіркестерімен таныстыру. Әлемдік тіл ретінде бейресми түрде орныққан ағылшын тілін меңгерту ұлттың бәсекеге қабілеттілігін шыңдай түседі.
Бағдарламаның мақсаты - ағылшын тілінде ауызша және жазбаша іскерлік қарым-қатынас жасауға үйрету.
Оқушылардың сөйлеу мәдениетін қалыптастыру
Оқушыларды өз көзқарасын, тұжырымдамасын айқын білдіруге баулу.
Ағылшын тілінде ауызекі сөйлеуде лексикалық және грамматикалық құрылымдарды меңгерту.
Ағылшын тілінде диалогқа түсуге дағдыландыру.
Оқушылардың ойлау қабілетін, логикасын, шығармашылығын дамыту.
Күтілетін нәтиже:
ағылшын тілің негізгі грамматикалық құбылыстарын сөйлемде қолдана алады;
тілдік қарым – қатынас жасауға төселеді;
сөздіктермен жүйелі жұмыс арқылы тіл байлығы, сөздік қоры дамиды.
Оқушы бойындағы ойлау және сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамытып, олардың ашылуына, өзін еркін ұстауға көмектесу, оның рухани күшін нығайтып, өмірден орнын табуға септігін тигізу.
Пәнаралық байланыс:
география, тарих, әдебиет, музыка, сәулет және бейнелеу өнері.
Уақыт, көлемі, сабақтың жиілілігі:
9 сыныпта жылына 34 сағат - аптасына 1 сағаттан;
Ұйымдастыру формасы:
Аралас сабақтар, өздік жұмыс, тақырыптық сабақтар, дөңгелек үстел, саяхат, ізденіс сабақтары.
Қорытындылау формасы:
Шығармашылық тапсырмалар, презентация, зияткерлік, іскерлік ойындар, тест жұмыстары.
Мұғалімге ұсынылатын әдебиеттер:
Н.М.Дюканова. "Поездка в Англию". Учебное пособие. Курс разговорного английского языка. – М., Иностранный язык. ОНИКС, 2000 г.
И. Богацкий, Н.Дюканова «Бизнес – курс английского языка».– М., Айрис-Пресс, 2000 г.
А. Пикман «Русско-английский разговорник» –Волгодонск, 1991 г.
Jack C. Richards, J.Hull, S. Proctor . “Interchange. English for international communication”. Cambridge University Press., 1990 г.
Республикалық ғылыми-әдістемелік журнал «Ағылшын тілі мектепте»
Оқушыға ұсынылатын әдебиеттер:
«ШЫҢ – КІТАП» Авторы: Белдеубаева Н. Алматы 2010, 2012 ж
И.А.Грузинская Грамматика английского языка.
Учебник английского языка в 2-х частях. Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А.,
A Practical English Grammar. Oxford University Press.
Бизнес-курс английского языка. И.С.Богацкий, Н.М.Дюканова.
Оқушылардың оқу жетістіктерін бағалау жүйесі:
Лесико-грамматикалық тесттер;
Мәтінмен жұмыс, мәтінге байланысты түрлі тапсырмалар;
Рөлдік ойындар, интервью алу, хат жазу;
Диалог құру.
Мамандық бағдар:
Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі, аудармашы
Бағдарламаның мазмұны мен құрылымы:
9 сыныпта бағдарлама аптасына 1 сағаттан, 1 жылға (34 сағат) арналған.
Курс 11 бөлімнен тұрады:
Кіріспе – 1 сағат.
Шет елдік әріптеске саяхат – 5 сағат.
Таныстық – 1 сағат, аэропортта кездесу-1 сағат, қарым-қатынас жасау формасы – 1сағат.
Грамматикалық тақырыптар: Зат есім, артикль – 2 сағат.
Жұмысқа орналасу – 3 сағат.
Анкета толтыру, түйіндеме жазу-1 сағат, жұмыс іздеуде не істеу қажет және қажет емес -1 сағат.
Грамматикалық тақырыптар: Үстеу, сын есім - 1 сағат.
Іскерлік саяхат –4 сағат.
Факс, электрондық пошта -2сағат, Ғаламтор – 1 сағат.
Грамматикалық тақырыптар: Сан есім - 1 сағат.
Елге оралу – 5 сағат.
Аэропорттағы кедендік тексеріс -2 сағат, транспорттық қатынас кестесі-2 сағат.
Грамматикалық тақырыптар: есімдіктер, демеулік шылаулар -1 сағат.
Күнделікті өмірдегі қызмет көрсету –5 сағат.
Қонақ үй, мейрамханада қызмет көрсету – 2 сағат, жедел жәрдем қызметі, көлікті жалға алу-2 сағат.
Грамматикалық тақырыптар: Модаль етістік – 1 сағат.
Кәсіпкер кеңесінде-4 сағат.
Кәсіпкерлік -1 сағат, ұйым түрлері және рухы – 2сағат.
Грамматикалық тақырыптар: Осы шақ – 1 сағат.
Көрмеде – 3 сағат.
Көрмеге бару – 1 сағат, өнімге тапсырыс беру , көрмеге қатысу -2 сағат.
Грамматикалық тақырыптар: Өткен шақ – 1 сағат.
Ақша – 3сағат.
Ұлыбритания және АҚШ –ғы ақша қаражаты және валюта -2 сағат.
Грамматикалық тақырып: Perfect – 1 сағат.
Қорытынды сабақ - 1сағ.
Тақырыптық – күнтізбелік жоспар.
№ |
Тақырыбы |
Сағат |
Күтілетін нәтиже |
1 |
Кіріспе |
1 |
Бағдарлама туралы түсінік алады. |
2 |
The visit of a foreign partner
5 1 1 1 2 |
Шет елге саяхаты туралы әңгімелейді, мәдениетті қарым-қатынас үлгісін үйренеді, мейірімдлікке тәрбиеленеді. |
3 |
Job hunting
3 1 1 1 |
Жұмысқа орналасу үшін ағылшын тілінде түйіндеме, өтініш жазуға үйренеді, жұмыс іздеушінің міндеттерін әңгімелейді. |
4 |
On a Business Trip
4 2 1 1 |
Ағылшын тілінде факс, почта арқылы хат жазуды біледі, ғаламтордың артықшылығы мен кемшілігін салыстырып айтады. |
5 |
5 2 2 1 |
Аэропортқа бару туралы әңгімелейді, кеден ісі туралы ағылшынша сұрақ қойып жауап бере алады. |
6 |
Everyday life and service.
5 2 2 1 |
Күнделікті тұрмыстық қызмет жөнінде сөйлесім жасай алады, затты жалга беру және алу туралы айтады. |
7 |
At the company office
4 1 2 1 |
Жеке ұйымдардың ынтымақтастығын, қызмет көрсету түрлерін біледі, сөйлемде шақты қолданып әңгімелейді. |
8 |
At the exhibition.
3 1 2 1 |
Көрмедегі бір күнін әңгімелейді, қалай тапсырыс беру керектігін үйренеді. |
9 |
Money, money, money …
3 1 1 |
Шет елдің ақшасы мен валютасы туралы түсінік алады. |
10 |
Revision lesson |
1 |
Бағдарламада оқып білгендерін еске түсіреді, сөздік бірліктерді қолданып сөйлесім жасайды. |
9 сынып бойынша оқушылардың дайындық білім, білік, дағдыларына қойылатын талаптар:
Ауызша сөйлесімде берілген тақырыптар аясында лексикалық бірліктерді, сөз тіркестерін қолданады;
Ағылшын тілінде іскерлік қарым-қатынас негізіндегі сөйлеу – клишелерді меңгереді;
Өзге елдің қаражаты, қызмет көрсету түрлерін біледі;
Диалогтық сөйлесуде мұғалімнің және сыныптастарының сөйлеуін, мұғалімнің сабақ барысына байланысты нұсқауларын түсінуі және тақырып бойынша сұрақ - жауап алысу арқылы әңгімелей алады.
Өзін қызықтыратын тақырыпқа өз ойын, жеке әсерін білдіріп, берілген үлгіге қарай отырып шағын эссе жазады.
Мәдени танымдық коллаждар, карталар, салыстырмалы кестелер, ағылшын тілінде сөйлейтін елдердегі іскерлік қатынастарды, хат жазу үлгілерінің арасындағы сәйкестіктер мен айырмашылықтар, ұлттық - мәдени ерекшеліктерді тірек сөздерге сүйене отырып, ағылшын тілінде еркін әңгімелей алады;
Тірек сұрақтар негізінде тақырыпты сипаттайды;
Өз пікірін білдіріп хат, электрондық хат жаза алады;
Іскерлік қатынаста ағылшын тілінде қызмет көрсетеді.
Таныса оқу түрін қолдана отырып мәтіннің негізгі мазмұнын түсініп, маңызды ақпаратты тауып, түсіндіреді:
Сабақ жоспарлары
The theme: «Job Hunting»
The aim: to practice speaking about job hunting.
Expected results: they will
Talk about job hunters
Fill the application
Take an interview about the job
Teacher: Good Morning, girls! Nice to see you at today’s lesson! Take your seats, please. Who is absent today?
Let’s start our lesson. Today we are going to get some useful information about “Job hunting”. So, the theme of our lesson is “Job Hunting” and the aim of our lesson is to learn to have an interview for the job. At the last lesson we learnt how to fill in an application form and how to write a resume. And I asked you to write a resume, using your imagination.
I asked you to do that, because today you will have some kind of an interview for the job. Let’s imagine: today I’m a director of a firm “Equipment for you”, and I need a team of creative reliable people who will help my company to become competitive in the world market.
So, there are two vacancies in my firm. The first one is the position of a Sales Manager and the second one is the position of a Secretary. At the end of our lesson all of you will have an interview with me and only two of you will get a job.
I looked through you resumes and I can say that there are two leaders in your group now. But it doesn’t mean that they will get a job. I will watch all of you during our lesson, I’ll try to analyze each of you, I will estimate your characters, your behavior, and your professional abilities.
And now, dear applicant, look at the blackboard. Let’s read the adds.
(one of the students reads and one translates)
Position: Sales manager
Employer: Equipment 4U
Location: Sevastopol
Activities: buying and selling equipment, making arrangements
Required: higher education, knowledge of marketing, knowledge of English
Contract: permanent
Hours: full time (8 hours)
Salaries: 600 $
Teacher: - Read please the second advertisement:
Position: Secretary
Employer: Equipment 4U
Location: Sevastopol
Activities: working with documents, answering telephone calls
Required: knowledge of computer, knowledge of English and Russian, age (25 – 35 years old), pleasant appearance
Contract: permanent
Hours: full time (8 hours)
Salaries: 400 $
Teacher: - I hope you’ll do your best to get a job. Good luck!
Girls, who wants to get a position of sales manager? Raise your hands please. And who wants to be a Secretary? Now we have two equal teams.
Dear applicants, in order to have a successful interview; let’s have some exercises for lexes revision.
Let’s revise different personal and professional features of character
I need two volunteers, one from each team. The first task for you will be as follows: Look at the blackboard; we have two columns of features of character. Your task is to put “+” if the word is positive feature and “-” if it is negative.
Witty Rude Bossy Creative Lazy Sociable Reliable Shy Nervous Tactful Punctual Talkative |
Sociable Tactful Witty Talkative Reliable Rude Shy Punctual Nervous Bossy Creative Lazy |
Good for you, girls, and now let’s check and translate this words.
Task 2
Teacher: I need two people here again.
There are three words on each of these cards. Your task is to describe them and you girls are to guess these words. For example – Lazy – a person who doesn’t want to work much.
While … and … think over the task, girls, imagine that you are employers. What questions would you ask your applicants? Five questions from one team and five from another. You have two minutes.
So, … , describe the first word…..
Teacher: Now, girls, make up your own dialogues on the following situations:
Employer and applicant – inviting for conversation
Secretary and applicant (over the telephone) – registration for interview
Applicant and applicant – giving advice and asking for advice.
Teacher: While you making up dialogues, … and … come to the blackboard I have some special task for you. Put : “DO” and “DON’T” where necessary to your mind and then we’ll check, read and translate.
Let’s listen to you dialogues
And now let’s check the task which girls have done. You have the same papers on your desks.
Put “do” and “don’t” where necessary
1______ learn ahead about the company and its product.
2 ______ keep stressing you are badly in need for a job.
3_______ discuss past experience which has no application to the job situation.
4_______mention any experience you have relevant to the job.
5_______ be untidy in appearance.
6_______ be confident.
7_______ approach the employer with respect.
8_______ be optimistic.
9_______ be “I am the best and I know everything”.
10______ mumble.
11______ Maintain your self-control. Overcome nervousness.
12______ express your ideas on salary, hours early in the interview.
13 ______answer the questions honestly.
14_______have a good resume.
15_______ write incorrect information in your resume to make it look better.
16_______be well-groomed and appropriately dressed.
Teacher: In order to master these tips let’s watch the video.
Video: Most interviews, no matter what the industry, are designed to assess a few key areas: professionalism, interest in job you are offered, fit for the job including applicable skills and personality. Here are some tips of dos and don’ts of interviewing.
Dress for success:
Do be dressed properly for your interview. If you are a man wear a suit. You can either go round with navy-blue or chocolate-grey with a white shirt. If you are a woman, do make sure you wear suit for an interview; either a skirt suit or pant suit is fine. Don’t ware large jewelry, bright colors or too much make-up.
Don’t give a lamb handshake. Do give a firm, but not bone crashing handshake. The key of a good handshake is to get the web between your thumb and four finger fully in contact with web of a person whom you are shaking hand. Also don’t forget to make eye contact and smile.
How to handle some key questions:
-Tell me about yourself.
- Well, I was born in San Francisco and my family moved to Boston. Well, actually the suburbs of Boston, about 20 minutes upside, but you know, you tell everyone Boston. And then I went to Upend in Transylvania and I started as an artist of history and then I switched to economics but then I wasn’t so sure so I switched back to art history. And then I had to complete more credits to do the major….
(This isn’t a license to tell your life story. Rather use this as an opportunity to give a concise summary of your career abilities and goals.)
I am very energetic and organized person that’s why I am trying each opportunity such as this one. I have over 4 years experience at sauciest level and I’d like to further my career path. I am also fluent in French and I studied and lived in Paris.
Assessing your weaknesses:
Any interviewer wants to know how you assess your good points and your bad points.
What would you say is your greatest weakness or area that you can’t prove upon
I have a tendency to oversleep. In the past I overslept and missed important meetings.
When discussing your weaknesses avoid personality or character flaws. Instead focus on areas that can be approved upon the time.
If someone isn’t working hard enough sometimes I end on picking up the slack. I am working on just sticking to my own order of business.
Inappropriate Questions:
So, are you married? – I am single.
It’s actually illegal for interviewers to ask you personal questions such as your age or material status so you don’t need to volunteer that information.
If you like, you can answer like that:
Let me ask you, are you going to have a baby the next few years?
I’d rather keep the focus on a job - not my personality.
Ok, that’s fine.
Some important things to remember:
Stand up and greet your interviewer
Don’t wear too much perfume or cologne
Bring a copy of your resume
Ask for your interviewer’s business card
Turn of your cell phone
If you forget and it goes out during the interview apologize immediately and turn it off without checking who is calling or answering.
Teacher: So, girls, answer my questions, please.
What should you dress to have a successful interview?
Should you wear large jewelry for the interview?
What is the key of a good handshake?
If your employer asked you to tell some words about yourself, would you tell your life story?
What questions are considered to be inappropriate?
If your telephone goes out during the interview, what should you do?
What important things should we remember?
Teacher: I consider that you’ve understood that when having an interview everything matters: walk, appearance, make-up, voice, manners and gestures.
So, you are ready to have your first “almost real” interview. Let’s start. Who wants to be the first?
Questions for the interview:
What are your three main strengths? (teacher)
Can you work under pressure? (psychologist)
How do you overcome nervousness? (psychologist)
What do you consider to be your greatest weakness? (teacher)
You will have a two month probation period, and we’ll not pay the money during this period. Does that suit you? (teacher)
Why did you live your previous job? (psychologist)
Where did you work earlier? (teacher)
What can you say about you previous director? (psychologist)
What would you do if I spell some coffee on your documents? (psychologist)
What languages do you know? (teacher)
What do you consider the best way to attract clients? (psychologist)
What education do you have? (teacher)
What languages do you know? (teacher)
Do you work well under pressure? (psychologist)
Teacher: Now, we should discuss who gets a job. Maybe our guests will help us.
Teacher: So, today at our lesson we’ve done a lot of work, we’ve read and translated, answered the questions, watched the video, revised words and professional terminology.
You’ve worked hard and I hope that this lesson will help some then.
The theme: At the exhibition.
Aims of the lesson: by the end of the lesson students will be able to use vocabulary on the topic, make clusters, tell about different exhibitions and fairs, ask and answer questions on the topic.
to practice using words on the topic "At the exhibitions"
to practice speaking skills.
to practice listening for detail.
to learn some historical facts about exhibitions.
to practice making clusters.
Expected results: they will
use words on the topic
talk about details
discuss the topic.
Stages of the lesson.
1 Introduction.
2 Announcement of the topic and aims of the lesson.
-The topic of our lesson is "Industrial exhibitions and fairs". People always buy and sell things. Firms, companies, plants display and advertise their products.
-Have you ever been to any exhibition or fair?
-What pavilion did you visit?
- Have you ever taken part in any exhibition?
Possible answers:
-Yes, I have. I visited N. Fair.
-I visited clothes pavilion.
- I participated in a school exhibition "Autumn Green-house"
T: I see you have some experience.
Basket of Ideas
T:- Today at the lesson we'll revise and use in speech words and expressions on the topic "Exhibitions"
-Look at the screen. To form a basket of ideas you have to name as many words on the topic as you can. So, do it please.
- Look at the appearing words on the screen and read them.
-So, we have a basket of ideas.
2. Work with clusters.
T: -We need to organize these words into a scheme named "Cluster".
- Look at the screen, define and read the words correctly.
- What do you imagine when you think of an exhibition.- P1: Pavilions, buildings, firms, countries:
-So, we have two key-words: pavilions and companies.
-What can we see in the pavilions?
-Who will tell us about (advertising material) and (models of equipment)?
-And what do they usually display?- P2: Stands and displays, the guarantee for:, performance of:, standard:
We choose the word equipment. Which words are associated with this one?
-Companies are people.
What do people do at the exhibitions?- buy and sell something.
-Choose the word Order.
There is (a letter of order) and (an Order).
-What information is enclosed in an Order?- sign contracts, place orders: goods, discounts, terms, prices.
T: So, our cluster is ready
Let's proceed to the next stage of the lesson: using active vocabulary in speech.
Anar and Nurlan have prepared oral reports about famous exhibitions. Listen attentively to Nurlan and answer the questions before and after listening.
T: We have found some interesting information about the First Industrial Exhibition in London.
World’s fair, large international exhibition of a wide variety of industrial, scientific, and cultural items that are on display at a specific site for a period of time, ranging usually from three to six months. World’s fairs include exhibits from a significant number of countries and often have an entertainment zone in which visitors can enjoy rides, exotic attractions, and food and beverages. Since the mid-19th century more than 100 world’s fairs have been held in more than 20 countries throughout the world. Generally speaking, these events are called world’s fairs in the United States, international (or universal) expositions in continental Europe and Asia, and exhibitions in Great Britain. The term expo has also been applied to many expositions in various locations.
Look at the screen, listen to Olga and fill in the clusters.
T: Let's visit some exhibitions and listen to the businessmen and businesswomen. They'll discuss some business matters.
- We are at the exhibition which is being held in London. Meet Mrs. Forster and Mrs. Klimenko.
-And now we are moving to the Moscow Exhibition.
Meet Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Smirnova.
-And one more conversation between two businessmen Mr. Somov and Mrs. Green.
T: What is the main point of the dialogues? - The main point of the dialogues is to discuss business matters and to place an order.
"Fill in the form"
T: Look at the screen. You'll write a letter of order and an order, using these data.
- On your desks you can find the samples of the letters. So we have parallel writing.
On the screen pupils can see the following data:
form of payment
T: our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. What are your opinions about the lesson?
Students express their opinions about the lesson.
The theme: «British, American and Kazakhstan money»
The aim: to practice student’s speaking and writing skills on the topic.
Expected results: they will
Talk about the topic
Use grammar
Warm –up. Good morning, students! Sit down, please! Let’s begin our lesson.
The topic of our lesson is «British, American and Kazakhstan money. The Past Indefinite Tense.» Today at the lesson you will learn about British, American and Kazakhstan money, read and listen to the text about the history of money. You will also review the Past Indefinite Tense.
up word-combinations using the learned vocabulary.
(The students are combining the learned vocabulary with the known
Correct answers:
to undervalue |
money |
Take a coin. What country is it from? Why do you think so?
Look at the whiteboard.
What is this? This is money. What country is the
money from? What is the name of the money? The money
is from Great Britain. (слайды) How many pounds is this
What is the national currency of Kazakhstan? (tenge)
Of Great Britain? (pound) Of the USA? (dollar)
Match each country with its money and
Now you are going to listen to the text about the history of the American dollar. Be attentive! After that you will have to ask and answer some questions on the text.
As an outpost of Great Britain, colonial America of course used British pounds, pence, and shillings as its money.
Great Britain was officially on a silver standard, with the shilling defined as equal to 86 pure Troy grains of silver, and with silver as so-defined legal tender for all debts (that is, creditors were compelled to accept silver at that rate).
However, Britain also coined gold and maintained a bimetallic standard by fixing the gold guinea, weighing 129.4 grains of gold, as equal in value to a certain weight of silver. In that way, gold became, in effect, legal tender as well. Unfortunately, by establishing bimetallism, Britain became perpetually subject to the evil known as Gresham’s Law, which states that when government compulsorily overvalues one money and undervalues another, the undervalued money will leave the country or disappear into hoards, while the overvalued money will flood into circulation. Hence, the popular catchphrase of Gresham’s Law: «Bad money drives out good.» But the important point to note is that the triumph of «bad» money is the result, not of perverse free-market competition, but of government using the compulsory legal tender power to privilege one money above another.
In seventeenth — and eighteenth-century Britain, the government maintained a mint ratio between gold and silver that consistently overvalued gold and undervalued silver in relation to world market prices, with the resultant disappearance and outflow of full-bodied silver coins, and an influx of gold, and the maintenance in circulation of only eroded and «lightweight» silver coins. Attempts to rectify the fixed bimetallic ratios were always too little and too late.
In the sparsely settled American colonies, money, as it always does, arose in the market as a useful and scarce commodity and began to serve as a general medium of exchange. Thus, beaver fur and wampum were used as money in the north for exchanges with the Indians, and fish and corn also served as money. Rice was used as money in South Carolina, and the most widespread use of commodity money was tobacco, which served as money in Virginia. The pound-of-tobacco was the currency unit in Virginia, with warehouse receipts in tobacco circulating as money backed 100 percent by the tobacco in the warehouse.
While commodity money continued to serve satisfactorily in rural areas, as the colonial economy grew, Americans imported gold and silver coins to serve as monetary media in urban centers and in foreign trade. English coins were imported, but so too were gold and silver coins from other European countries.
Among the gold coins circulating in America were the French guinea, the Portuguese «joe," the Spanish doubloon, and Brazilian coins, while silver coins included French crowns and livres.
It is important to realize that gold and silver are international commodities, and that therefore, when not prohibited by government decree, foreign coins are perfectly capable of serving as standard moneys. There is no need to have a national government monopolize the coinage, and indeed foreign gold and silver coins constituted much of the coinage in the United States until Congress outlawed the use of foreign coins in 1857. Thus, if a free market is allowed to prevail in a country, foreign coins will circulate naturally. Silver and gold coins will tend to be valued in proportion to their respective weights, and the ratio between silver and gold will be set by the market in accordance with their relative supply and demand. (The students are listening to the text with visual support.)
Look at the blackboard. There are some new words from the text. Do you know them? Translate them using the dictionaries.
equal |
тең |
равный |
(The students are looking for the translation of unknown words and write down it in the copy-books).
Text: Kazakhstan currency.
But Kazakhstan has its own currency. What is the currency of Kazakhstan? Tenge. Now you are going to read the text about the national currency of Kazakhstan — tenge.
The national currency of Kazakhstan is tenge
The tenge is the currency of Kazakhstan. It is divided into 100 tïın. It was introduced on 15 November 1993 to replace the Soviet ruble at a rate of 1 tenge = 500 rubles.
The word tenge in the Kazakh language means a set of scales. The origin of the word means being equal, balance.
Kazakhstan was one of the last countries of the CIS to introduce a national currency. On November 12, 1993, a decree of the President of Kazakhstan, «About introducing national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan», was issued. On November 15, 1993, the tenge was brought into circulation. As such, November 15 is celebrated as the «Day of National Currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan». In 1995, a tenge printing factory was opened in Kazakhstan. The first tenge was printed abroad, in the U. K. Thefirst coins were minted in Germany.
In 1993, the first series of coins were introduced in denominations of 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 tiin featuring the national arms and were struck in bronze. 1, 3, 5, 10 and 20 tenge depicted animals.
In 1995, a new series of coins was introduced, which excluded the tiin having 1 tenge being the smallest denomination. 50 tenge were later introduced in 1997, followed by 100 tenge in 2002 replacing the equivalent notes. An irregular 2 tenge coin was also introduced later in 2005. Coins currently in circulation are:
1 tenge
2 tenge
5 tenge
10 tenge
20 tenge
50 tenge
100 tenge
The National Bank of Kazakhstan issued banknotes of new series in 2006. They have the same values as the previously existed ones. Notes currently in circulation are:
200 tenge
500 tenge
1,000 tenge
2,000 tenge
5,000 tenge
10,000 tenge.
(The students are reading the text sentence by sentence).
Make up some questions to the contents of the two texts.
(The students are making up questions on their own depending on the level of their knowledge and answering each other’s questions).
Look at the whiteboard. Define which tense the following verbs belong to. This is the Past Indefinite Tense.
a) The formation of the Past Indefinite Tense depending on the verb (regular/irregular).
b) The reading of the flexion -ed according to the last sound.
c) The division of the verbs from the text into three columns according to the reading of the flexion.
Now let’s do some
Read a sentence. Make up interrogative and negative
I need 7 volunteers. Come to the whiteboard. Make
up interrogative, negative and affirmative sentences using the
following cards:
(A group of students is making up three forms of the Past Indefinite Tense at the whiteboard).
Now work individually. Fill
in the gaps in your cards. After that read the text
on your card.
(The students are working with individual cards. They are filling
in gaps. Then they are reading aloud their
1) As an ___________
of Great Britain, colonial America of course ________
British pounds, pence, and shillings as its _________.
Great Britain was officially on a __________ standard,
with the shilling defined as ________ to 86 ________ Troy
grains of silver, and with silver
as so-defined legal tender for all _________ (that is,
creditors were compelled to accept silver at that
debts, equal, money, outpost, pure, silver, used
2) However, Britain also coined gold and maintained a bimetallic standard by fixing the gold guinea, _____________ 129.4 grains of gold, as _________ in value to a ___________ weight of silver. In that way, gold became, in effect, __________________________ as well. Unfortunately, by establishing bimetallism, Britain became _______________ subject to the evil known as Gresham’s Law, which states that when government compulsorily overvalues one money and ______________ another, the undervalued money will leave the country or disappear into hoards, while the overvalued money will flood into circulation.
certain, equal, legal tender, perpetually, undervalues, weighing
3) Hence, the popular catchphrase of Gresham’s Law: «Bad _________ drives out good." But the important point to note is that the triumph of «bad» money is the result, not of perverse free-market ___________, but of government __________ the compulsory _________________ power to privilege one money above another.
competition, legal tender, money, using
4) In the sparsely settled American colonies, money, as it always does, arose in the market as a useful and scarce _____________ and began to serve as a general medium of ____________. Thus, beaver fur and wampum were _________ as money in the north for exchanges with the Indians, and fish and corn also served as money. Rice was used as money in South Carolina, and the most widespread use of commodity money was tobacco, which served as _________ in Virginia. The pound-of-tobacco was the ________ unit in Virginia, with warehouse receipts in tobacco circulating as money backed 100 percent by the tobacco in the warehouse.
commodity, currency, exchange, money, used
5) While ________ money continued to serve satisfactorily in rural areas, as the colonial economy grew, Americans imported gold and silver _________ to serve as monetary media in urban centers and in foreign __________. English coins were imported, but so too were gold and silver coins from other European _____________.
coins, commodity, countries, trade
6) Among the gold coins
____________ in America were the French guinea, the Portuguese
«joe," the Spanish doubloon, and Brazilian coins, while silver
__________ included French crowns and livres.
It is important to realize that gold and silver are
international ____________, and that therefore, when not prohibited
by government decree, foreign coins are perfectly _________
of serving as standard moneys.
capable, circulating, coins, commodities
7) There is no need to have a national government monopolize the coinage, and indeed foreign gold and silver coins ___________ much of the coinage in the United States until Congress outlawed the _________ of foreign coins in 1857. Thus, if a free market is allowed to prevail in a country, foreign coins will ___________ naturally. Silver and gold coins will _____ to be valued in proportion to their ________ weights, and the ratio between silver and gold will be set by the market in __________ with their relative supply and _________.
accordance, circulate, constituted, demand, respective, tend, use
8) The tenge is the
______ of Kazakhstan. It is ________ into 100 tïın.
It was introduced on 15 November 1993 to replace the
Soviet _______ at a rate of 1 tenge = 500
The word tenge in the Kazakh language means a set
of scales. The origin of the word means being _______,
currency, divided, equal, ruble
9) Kazakhstan was one of the last countries of the CIS to introduce a national _______. On November 12, 1993, a decree of the President of Kazakhstan, «About introducing national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan», was issued. On November 15, 1993, the tenge was brought into ___________. As such, November 15 is celebrated as the «Day of National Currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan». In 1995, a tenge printing factory was opened in Kazakhstan. The first tenge was printed _________, in the U. K. Thefirst ______ were minted in Germany.
abroad, circulation, coins, currency
10) In 1993, the first
series of __________ were introduced in denominations
of 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 tin featuring the national arms and
were struck in bronze. 1, 3, 5, 10 and 20 tenge depicted
In 1995, a new series of coins was introduced, which
excluded the tiin having 1 tenge being the smallest ___________. 50
tenge were later introduced in 1997, followed by 100
tenge in 2002 replacing the equivalent notes.
An irregular 2 tenge coin was also introduced later
in 2005.
The National Bank of Kazakhstan issued _____________
of new series in 2006. They have the same _________
as the previously existed ones.
banknotes, coins, denomination, values
11) In seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Britain, the government ___________ a mint ratio between gold and silver that consistently ___________ gold and undervalued silver in relation to world market ____________, with the resultant disappearance and ________ of full-bodied silver coins, and an influx of gold, and the maintenance in circulation of only eroded and «lightweight» silver _________. Attempts to rectify the fixed bimetallic ratios were always too little and too late.
coins, maintained, overvalued, prices, outflow
You must decipher the following proverbs about money. Find the equivalent to one of them.
“Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.” How do you understand this proverb? Give your own opinion.
Today you have worked very
well. You reviewed the Past Indefinite Tense, read and listened
to some texts about money of Kazakhstan and America,
worked individually and as the whole group. What did you learn
and in what degree? Did you like the lesson? (in three
Additional materials.
Telephoning in English
Telephoning in English is an important part of doing business in English. Telephone conversations, especially business telephone conversations, follow certain patterns:
Someone answers the phone and asks if he / she can help.
The caller makes a request - either to be connected to someone or for information.
The caller is connected, given information or told that he /she is not in the office at the moment.
If the person who is requested is not in the office, the caller is asked to leave a message.
The caller leaves a message or asks other questions.
The phone call finishes.
Of course, all business telephone conversations do not follow this rigid scheme. However, this is the basic outline for most business telephone conversations, especially those made to businesses to request information or ask for clarification.
The following example business telephone conversation can be used as a role play in class to introduce a number of standard phrases to practice telephoning in English.
Anderson (sales representative
Jewels and Things): ring ring ... ring ring ... ring ring
Secretary (Mr.
Smith): Hello, Diamonds Galore,
this is Peter speaking. How may I be of help to you
today? Ms
Anderson: Yes, this is Ms Janice
Anderson calling. May I speak to Mr. Franks,
Smith: I'm afraid Mr. Franks is
out of the office at the moment. Would you like me to take a
message? Ms
Anderson: Uhm... actually, this call is
rather urgent. We spoke yesterday about a delivery problem that Mr.
Franks mentioned. Did he leave any information with
Smith: As a matter of fact, he did.
He said that a representative from your company might be calling.
He also asked me to ask you a few questions..
Anderson: Great, I'd love to see
this problem resolved as quickly as
Smith: Well, we still haven't
received the shipment of earrings that was supposed to arrive last
Tuesday. Ms
Anderson: Yes, I'm terribly sorry
about that. In the meantime, I've spoken with our delivery
department and they assured me that the earrings will be delivered
by tomorrow morning.
Mr. Smith Excellent, I'm sure Mr.
Franks will be pleased to hear that.
Anderson: Yes, the shipment was
delayed from France. We weren't able to send along your shipment
until this morning.
Mr. Smith I see. Mr. Franks also
wanted to schedule a meeting with you later this
week. Ms
Anderson: Certainly, what is he doing on
Thursday afternoon?
Mr. Smith I'm afraid he's meeting
with some clients out of town. How about Thursday
Anderson: Unfortunately, I'm
seeing someone else on Thursday morning. Is he doing anything on
Friday morning?
Mr. Smith No, it looks like he's
free then.
Anderson: Great, should I come by at
Mr. SmithWell, he usually holds a staff
meeting at nine. It only lasts a half an hour or so. How about
Anderson: Yes, 10 would be
Mr. Smith OK, I'll schedule that.
Ms Anderson at 10, Friday Morning... Is there anything else I can
help you with?
Anderson: No, I think that's
everything. Thank you for your help...
Mr. Smith Goodbye.
How may I be of help
- This is a formal phrase
used to show politeness. It means 'Can I help
calling - telephoning
out of the office - not in the
take a message - to write down a message
from the caller
urgent - very
delivery - the bringing of goods to a
mentioned - said
resolved - taken care
as quickly as possible - in the fastest manner,
shipment - delivery, the bringing of
goods to a client
assured - certainty that something is
true or will happen
pleased - happy
delayed -not be able to do something on time
looks like - seems
staff meeting - a meeting of
lasts - to take
schedule - future
How may I be of help - This is a formal phrase
used to show politeness. It means 'Can I help
take a message - to write down a message
from the caller
rather - very,
urgent - very
delivery - the bringing of goods to a
mentioned - said
resolved - taken care
still - a form of emphasis to show
that something has not been done up to the moment in
shipment - delivery, the bringing of
goods to a client
assured - certainty that something is
true or will happen
pleased - happy
delayed -not be able to do something on time
send along - deliver
How about - phrase for making
else - another added person or
looks like - seems
schedule - future
Fill in the gaps with the words and phrases below to complete the summary of the conversation.
Ms Anderson telephones Diamonds Galore to _____ with Mr. Franks. Mr. Franks is not in the office, but Henry Smith, the secretary, speaks to Ms Anderson about a _____ problem with some earrings. The earrings have not yet _____ at Diamonds Galore. Ms Anderson tells Peter that there was a problem with the _____ from France, but that the earrings should arrive tomorrow morning.
Next, they _____ a meeting between Ms Anderson and Mr. Franks. Mr. Franks is not able to _____ with Ms Anderson on Thursday because he is _____. They finally decide on Friday morning at 10 o'clock after a _____ that Mr Owen usually holds on Friday mornings.
speak, delivery / shipment, arrived, shipment / delivery, schedule, meet, busy, staff meeting
Use these cues to create practice role plays on your own to further your telephoning skills to help with workplace communication.
Role Play Cue 1
You'd like to speak to Kevin at FunStuff Brothers, a toy making company. You're returning his sales call because you're interested in the company's products.
You're the receptionist at FunStuff Brothers, try to transfer the call to Kevin, but take a message when you find out Kevin can't take the call.
Role Play Cue 2
You're calling to schedule a meeting with the head of the personnel department.
You'd like to meet on Tuesday morning, but can come in on Thursday and Friday as well.
You're able to schedule a meeting at the end of next week, but you will be out of the office until Thursday morning.
A future Businessman
The Cowperwoods, father and mother, were happy with their children. Henry Cowperwood, the father of the family, started life as a bank clerk, but when Frank, his elder son, was ten, Henry Cowperwood became a teller at the bank. As his position grew more responsible, his business connections increased. He already knew a number of rich business-men who dealt with the bank where he worked. The brokers knew him as representing a well-known film and considered him to be a most reliable person.
Young Cowperwood took an interest in his father’s progress. He was quite often allowed to come to the bank on Saturdays, when he would watch with great interest the quick exchange of bills. He wanted to know where all the different kinds of money came from, and what the men did with all the money they received. His father, pleased at his interest, was glad to explain, so that even at this early age – from ten to fifteen – the boy gained a wide knowledge of the condition of the country financially.
Frank realized that his father was too honest, too careful. He often told himself that when he grew up, he was going to be a broker, or a financier, or a banker, and do some of the risky things he so often used to hear about.
I. Read the text. There are given some statements, read them and choose the answer “true” or “false”.
The Cowperwoods has only one child.
The father’s name was Frank.
Young Cowperwood didn’t take an interest in his father’s job.
Henry Cowperwood considered that at this early age the boy gained a wide knowledge of the condition of the country financially.
Frank understood that his father was honest and careful.
Frank was going to be a financier.
ІІ. For questions 1 – 5 match the words to make word combinations.
0 |
Example:I’m enjoying |
F |
a tasty sandwich |
1 |
I’m listening |
A |
into the mirror |
2 |
I’m walking |
B |
to my favourite radio show |
3 |
I’m looking |
C |
football anymore |
4 |
I’m not playing |
D |
to my granny’s |
5 |
I’m thinking |
E |
about my best journey |
My future career
What do you want to be when
you grow up? We have heard this question many times during our
school years. Perhaps, it was difficult for us to give a definite
answer earlier. But now we understand that the time to choose our
future profession has come. Finishing school is the beginning of an
independent life for millions of school-leavers. Many roads are
open before us: technical schools, colleges and universities.
Centuries ago there were only a few jobs: people were farmers,
bakers, butchers or carpenters. Today there are thousands of
different kinds of jobs, and new ones are constantly appearing. No
wonder that it is not an easy thing to make the right choice.
When choosing a future career, we should consider different
factors. In my opinion, money is one of the most important factors
when you make a choice. There are highly paid jobs and low-paid
jobs. For example, a businessman, a president or a film star, are
highly paid jobs. A worker, a doctor or an engineer, are low-paid
jobs. I think everybody wants to earn as much money as possible.
Training, promotional prospects and conditions should be also taken
into account.
On the other hand, it's good when you get satisfaction from your
job. It is very important to choose a profession that suits your
interests. In my opinion, a job should be interesting and socially
important. Some jobs are considered to be more suitable for men and
others for women. For example, the professions of secretary or
nurse are more suitable for women. A lifeguard or a pilot are more
likely the jobs for men. You should also decide whether you want to
work indoors or outdoors.
To make the right choice, you should take into account your traits
of character. It goes without saying that to become a good doctor
you must be patient, caring and kind. Teacher's work requires love
for children, profound knowledge of subjects, and the ability to
explain. A secretary has to be efficient and careful in order to do
her work quickly and accurately. Salespeople need to be friendly
and persuasive, to get people buy
their products.
There are so many people who influence us in choosing our
occupation. Parents and friends play a very important role in our
My father works for an international company as a managing
director. It is a highly paid job and it offers a lot of
opportunities. You can travel abroad and meet different people. My
father is a friendly person and he is easy to talk to. He thinks
that I must choose my future profession according to my taste and
preferences. I respect him and I want to become a businessman,
I have always been interested in economics and I am good at Maths.
I have an aptitude for working with people, and I think I'm rather
communicative and have good social skills. I have good analytical
abilities and I am good at problem-solving. Besides, I am good at
English. English has become the standard language for all kinds of
international business communications. To know English today is
absolutely necessary for every businessman. To become a
successful businessman you should know a lot. So after finishing
school I want to enter the university and to study marketing or
management. Management deals mainly with people. A manager is a
person who directly supervises people in an organization. Managers
spend a great deal of time communicating, coordinating and making
decisions affecting the daily operations of their organization.
Almost everything, a manager does, involves decisions, and in
decision-making there is always uncertainty and risk. So managing
is a very interesting, but difficult, job.
Marketing deals with market research and commercial activity in
general. It involves analyzing business situations, evaluating
market opportunities, developing market strategies and controlling
their implementation. It is important for a specialist in marketing
to be flexible and prepared to make adjustments where necessary, as
it is unlikely that any marketing plan will succeed exactly as
I haven't decided yet what to study. But I still have time to think
and to choose.
Task 1. Read and guess what
the underlined words mean. Look these words up to make sure you
have guessed right:
1. My sister grew up in the
2. Tom works as a carpenter. He repairs things that are made of
3. A butcher is a person whose job is to sell meat and sometimes
also to kill animals for meat.
4. Bob makes bread and cakes. He is a baker.
5. After school I have a choice to enter the university or to
6. The rainbow appears in the sky when rain and sun come
7. Television influences on people.
8. A lifeguard is a person who saves people’s lives.
9. The republic of Brazil became independent from Portugal in
10. Either today or tomorrow is fine for me. Do you have a
Task 2: Read the words,
look them up and then study the word combinations and sentences to
know how to use them:
To earn
(v): to earn money, to earn 400
dollars a week, to earn one’s living. To earn means to get money
for doing work. Working at school she earned 800 pounds a
(adj): a suitable flat, to be
suitable for something. Do you think she is suitable for living
there? Such flats are not suitable for large
(adj): A worker, a doctor or an
engineer are low-paid jobs.
A trait
(n): a particular quality in
someone’s character (character/personality
(adj): someone who is patient is able
to wait for a long time. A teacher should be very
(adj): good at making people agree to
do or believe what you want (a persuasive argument,
To evaluate
(v): to evaluate a picture, a work,
a beauty. Our study is always
An adjustment
(n): a change in something that
makes it better, more accurate, or more effective. We’ll see how
this schedule works; then we’ll make adjustments as
Task 3: Think and answer
the questions with the help of the
1. What types of jobs were popular earlier?
2. What factors we should consider when we choose a future
3. What jobs are considered to be highly paid and low-paid?
4. Should a job suit your interest or not? Explain why.
5. What jobs are considered to be suitable for men? And for
6. How do you think what traits of character a manager must
7. Who influences us in choosing our occupation? Did your parents
influence on your choice to be a manager?
8. Where does the narrator’s father work? What opportunities can
this work offer?
9. Who is a manager? What he does?
What is marketing? What problems does it
Task 4. Look through the
text and complete the
1. Finishing school is the
beginning of…
2. You should also decide…
3. It goes without saying…
4. Teacher’s work requires love for children,…He thinks that I must
5. I have an aptitude for working with people,...Management
6. Almost everything, a manager does,…Marketing deals…
7. It is important for a specialist in marketing…
Task 5. Say: “True” or “False”:
When you finish school you should think about your future
Centuries ago there were a lot of different professions and
A doctor, a worker, an engineer are highly-paid jobs.
Parents and friends influence on our choices.
If you are a secretary you have to be efficient and careful.
German has become the standard language for all kinds of
international business communications.
A good teacher should be flexible and prepared to make adjustments
where it is necessary.
Do the quiz.
I. Insert the most appropriate words. Three of them are not used here.
promotion |
turnover |
interest |
1. I do take complete ____________for wholesale purchases.
2. Many companies open a ________________to penetrate into other markets and improve distribution.
3. I spotted your company ________in the Economist.
4. When a new candidate is decided on; there is the final step: taking up of his/her _________ .
5. This __________ is granted in recognition of the flawless work you have done for the development of this firm.
6. All the _____________ of the contract must be complied with by both 7.__________ .
8. ________ is usually included in the contract.
9. In the event of __________ the seller shall be entitled to 10. __________ the goods.
11. Banks require ___________ to guarantee a loan.
12. The amount of money taken (without any deductions) or the amount of goods sold, is the_________ .
13. A number of shops belonging to one company is a _______________ .
14. A person or organisation that owes money is a _____________ .
15. The sum borrowers pay to lenders for the use of their money is determined by the______________ .
II. Collocation. Insert one word that collocates with the one given.
16. Wholesale and ____________ .
17. Net or ___________
18. ______________ or profit.
19. ____________ or bears.
20. Terms and __________________
Test your business English.
I didn't want a partner to work with me, I only wanted the capital investment , so I looked around for a _________ partner.
Sleepy b) sleeping c) no-business d) tired
Which of the following is the odd one out?
Retail sales have plummeted.
Share prices have rocketed
Unemployment has leapt to an all time high.
E-commerce sales have soared.
He gets a gross salary of £2,000 a month but after _________ he only takes home £1,400.
a) tax allowance b) tax free c) tax exile d) income tax
4. She's ______ photographer. She doesn't have a regular job or office. She works whenever she gets hired to take photographs of weddings, graduations or events like that.
a) an amateur b) a freelance c) an unemployed d) none of the above
5. Her company didn't make a profit again this year. She's really disappointed it's still _________ .
a) in the red b) in black and white c) black and blue d) in the black
6. On the telephone: "I have an appointment with Richard Jones at 2.15, but I'm afraid ___________ ."
a) I'm pressed of time b) not at time c) I'm running a bit late d) I will be on time
7. The country's most famous toy producer has been buying shares in its biggest competitor, in an aggressive __________ .
a) alliance b) joint venture c) takeover d) merger
8. If prices on the stock exchange are rising, we say there is a __________ market.
a) bull b) bear c) cow d) tiger
9. When negotiating a deal, you should first make some small talk, before you _________ business.
a) make b) get down to c) pave the way in d) come up with
10. The negotiations will probably take a very long time as neither side is prepared to __________ .
a) sink in b) back down c) step down d) settle down
Ағылшын тілінде мәтіндер және ақпараттар арқылы меңгеру сөз қорының деңгейін біртіндеп көтеруге себеп болады. Әр сабақтың соңында күнделікті қолданылатын лексикалық бірліктер молаяды. Оқу бағдарламасы тіл білімдерінің дамуына ғана емес, сонымен қатар оқушылардың жалпы ой-өрісінің дамуына да бағыттылған. Іскерлік тіл бағдарламасында ағылшын халқының ұлттық-мәдени ерекшеліктерімен өте тығыз байланысқан. Бағдарлама аясында оқушылар шет елдік әріптеске саяхат, жұмысқа орналасу, іскерлік саяхат , елге оралу, күнделікті өмірдегі қызмет көрсету, кәсіпкер кеңесінде, көрмеде, шет ел ақша мен валютасы туралы ақпараттарды игеріп, сөйлеу клишелерді пайдаланып, тірек сөздерді қолданып, ауызша сөйлемде лексикалық бірліктерді қолданады. Өзін қызықтыратын тақырыпқа өз ойын, жеке әсерін білдіріп, берілген үлгіге қарай отырып шағын эссе жазады. Тақырыптар негізінде мұғаліммен, сыныптастарымен диалогтық сөйлесім арқылы қарым-қатынас жасауға төселеді, дүниежүзілік мәдениетке араласуға, жаңа достар табуға, ой-өрісін кеңейтуге және өз өмірін өзгертуге мүмкіндігі туындайды. Қазіргі таңда
1. Халықаралық кездесу, көрме, мәдени шаралар ағылшын тілінде өтеді.
2. Ақпарат құралдарының, жарнаманың компьютерлік технологиялардың негізгі тілі. Кез-келген өзекті жаңалықты ағылшын тілінде табуға болады.
3. Бизнес тілі. Еуропалық трансұлттық компаниялардың бәрінде ағылшын корпоративтік тіл. Өйткені, бұл мекемелерде әлемнің әр қиырынан келген қызметкерлер жұмыс істейді. Ондағы іскерлік келіссөздер, өзара жазбалар, телефонда сөйлесудің баршасы да тек осы тілде ғана.
4. Жер жүзіндегі студенттердің қатынас тілі. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram желілері арқылы жастар танысып, ақпарат, сурет, хабарлама алмасып, видео бөліседі.
5. Саяхат тілі. Ағылшын тілінде сөйлемейтін елдердің өзінде туристік тіл ағылшын тілі.
Бұл бағдарламаның 9 сынып оқушыларына берері мол, өйткені оларға болашаққа бағдар береді және шет тілін білу өмірдің қажеттілігі.
Жасалып отырған бағдарламаның практикалық құндылығы туралы айтар болсақ, жұмыста алынған нәтижелерді жалпы білім беретін мектептерде ағылшын тілі сабағында, факультатив сабақтарда қолдана алады.
Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер.
Садықова А.К., Алденгожаева Э.С. Шетел тілінде тілдік тіректер негізінде монолог түрінде сөйлеуге үйрету// Мектептегі шет тілі. 2007. №6 –с. 31- 34.
Мектептегі шет тілі. №2- 2006, 2008, №3- 2008, №6-2013.
Ұстаз журналы. №2-2015.
Қазақстан Республикасының 2015 жылға дейінгі білім беруді дамыту тұжырымдамасы. // Қазақстан мұғалімі. 2004.
Н.М.Дюканова. "Поездка в Англию". Учебное пособие. Курс разговорного английского языка. – М., Иностранный язык. ОНИКС, 2000 г.
И. Богацкий, Н.Дюканова «Бизнес – курс английского языка».– М., Айрис-Пресс, 2000 г.
Jack C. Richards, J.Hull, S. Proctor . “Interchange. English for international communication”. Cambridge University Press., 1990 г.
hppt/englishfortheworkplace.blockspot.com – business talk.