Материалдар / Discover Kazakhstan
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспарларын

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Discover Kazakhstan

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Discover Kazakhstan. It is a word that springs blood from thousands of veins in my body, fills my heart like a small fist in my chest, lifts my head to the sky, comes with the milk of my mother's sixty-two roots, speaks the language of my sword-sharp Kazakh, speaks proudly to the four corners of the universe.
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
04 Қараша 2021
0 рет жүктелген
Бүгін алсаңыз 25% жеңілдік
770 тг 578 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Muralbekkyzy Akna

Discover Kazakhstan

It is a word that springs blood from thousands of veins in my body, fills my heart like a small fist in my chest, lifts my head to the sky, comes with the milk of my mother's sixty-two roots, speaks the language of my sword-sharp Kazakh, speaks proudly to the four corners of the universe.

I will be the hero of an independent nation called Kazakh, which defended its homeland until the last drop of blood, gave birth to a daughter in the steppe, honored her son as a heir, raised his descendants from seven ancestors, raised the banner of peace and kept the freedom of the blue wolf.

I am a descendant of a state that has become a rich heritage of the past, built a path of learning for the younger generation, engraved its history in stone, left its genealogy in a book, its songs became legends and the heroism of its heroes became legendary.

He drank with the heroism of Kultegin, who fought for freedom, gathered Kazakhs under the banner of Abylai, repeated the heroism of Kabanbay, Bogenbay, Karasai, Raimbek, was born from the courage of Kenesary, continued the dream of the lions of Alash from the songs of Ahmet, Bokeikhan, Magzhan, Shakarim.

I am a continuation of the perseverance of the Kazakhs, who experienced many massacres, Kazakhs were «scattered» all over the world, but returned to their homeland, my lions were sacrificed, my spiritual treasures were secretly read, they endured many hardships and did not break. I am the eagle of the country, which follows the law of the «Seven Charters» written by Tauke Khan, saw the wisdom of my great dancers, mourned the death of my people, felt the victory of my heroes, will continue the heroism of Aliya, Manshuk, Baurzhan. I am a Kazakh girl who remembers my little boat on the only road built by Abai, who dreams of Mukagali's feelings, who is nourished by Fariza's courage.

The future of the Kazakh people is the result of the lofty dreams of Kairat, Sabira, Lyazzat, who marched for freedom in December and sacrificed their lives for our independence. I am a child of a free country, which has preserved its traditions, sang lullabies to its children, opened the bride's face at the wedding, greeted Nauryz, revived the holiday of Nauryz, honored the spirits of the dead, protected the living from evil and preached good. I am the owner of a vast land, which is bordered by the Syr Darya in the south, the Irtysh in the north, the Urals in the west, and the Altai in the east. The «I am Kazakh!» I am a fairy-tale hope of an independent country, proud of my contemporaries!

I am the guardian of a country that shines at the age of twenty-five, shows the glory of its country to the world, sails the ship of independence, sails the world, has high hopes for its descendants, gives wise advice to the bereaved, cares for the victors and spares those who want to disturb the peace.I am the continuation of an independent country, which first taught me to take unbelievable steps, brought together more than a hundred nationalities under one roof, has great respect for the past, great confidence in the future, and sets an example for others!

I am proud to be the guardian of such an independent country!

Материал жариялап тегін сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!