Материалдар / Entertainment and Media : Movies and music

Entertainment and Media : Movies and music

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Бұл материал 8сынып бойынша Entertainment and Media : Movies and music тақырыбына сабақ жоспары, жас мұғалімдерге алып үйреніп сабақта қолдана алатын бірнеше әдіс-тәсілдер бар
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
10 Мамыр 2022
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Lesson: Unit: Entertainment and Media Lesson title: Movies and music

School: #44 lyceum named after Oralkhan Bokey

Date: 08.11

Teacher name: Serikbaeva G.


Number present:9

Learning objectives develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion deduce meaning from context with little or no support in extended talk on a growing range of general and curricular topics understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

Understand details of the text;

Work in a group/ pair –work/ do individual work;

Define information about importance of music in a movie

Assessment criteria

do matching with some support

complete “A Graphic organizer”

introduce to the class

make up a short dialogue with support

act out a short dialogue

Values links

Respect and cooperation

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge, understanding and application

Cross-curricular links

Self-study subject, music, Kazakh

Previous learning

Significant,unforgettable, impression, depict, subtle, suitable, disguise, abrupt smoother, flow, villain


Planned timings

Teacher’s action

Student’s action




5 min


Watching pictures students define the topic of the lesson.

Teacher asks: What will you do today?

OK, great, you are right.

Today you will do different tasks, group work, individual work

Warm up: Jogging memory. You should name adjectives what describe your feelings during watching films.( First student says one word next student repeats first student’s word and adds his one and so on... )

Group work.

Students great to each other, teacher

Take cards and get into groups

Take their sits and name the word

Remind the rule of group work






5-8 m

10-13 m

5-7 m

10 m

3 m

5 m

Pre-reading “Speed chatting”: answer the questions:

  1. Are watching films without music possible? Why?


A learner:

  • scans the text

  • does matching highlight words with synonyms

  • does matching highlight words with translations

  • completes “A Graphic organizer”

  • introduces to the class

  • makes up a short dialogue with support

  • acts out a short dialogue

While – reading

Task 1: a) Scan the text

Pay attention highlight words , I hope that you learned them, they are from previous lesson

Music plays a significant role in improving the cinematic experience of the viewers. The soundtrack is an important factor that determines the success of a movie. In every kind of movies such as drama, comedy, thriller, horror or action, filmmakers include some soundtracks. When the right kind of music is used in the right scene, then it becomes an unforgettable piece of art because it leaves a strong impression in the hearts of its audience. It forms such an integral part of the scenes that, without it, they can’t be even imagined.

Songs depict various kinds of emotions. Even a whole story can be narrated through a song written cleverly.

Music demonstrates the socio-cultural and geographic references of a character or the whole group in a movie. So, by hearing it, the audience can actually know the location without actually seeing it.

A particular period can be accurately demonstrated by music, such as a subtle reference to the extravagant sounds makes the audience think of the 18th century. Similarly, suitable musical style can be made use of to demonstrate the time and make the flashbacks more comprehensible to the audience. When there is an abrupt change in the scenes, an addition of music can create a smoother flow.

Music can be used for manipulative purposes when something that is being shown is not the reality. Such as when a villain disguises himself as a good person, the right background music can convey the truth to the viewers.

b) title the text

Post -reading

Differentiation by support:

Most able Ss will be able to: Do matching highlight words with synonyms

1.Significant a)describe

2.Unforgettable b)suited

3.Impression c)sharp

4.Depict d)important

5.Subtle e)malefactor

6.Suitable f)conceal

7.abrupt g)never-to-be-forgotten

8.smoother h)stream

9.flow i)feeling

10.villain j) peacemaker

11.disguise k)delicate

More able Ss will be able to: Do matching highlight words with translations

1.Significant a)сипаттау

2.Unforgettable b)сай келетін

3.Impression c)күрт өзгеріс

4.Depict d)маңызды

5.Subtle e)қаскүнем

6.Suitable f)жасыру

7.abrupt g)ұмытылмас

8.smoother h)ағыс

9.flow i)әсер

10.villain j) бітімгер

11.disguise k)нәзік

check your answers: Keys

1) d 2) g 3) i 4) a

5) k 6) b 7) c 8) j

9) h 10) e 11) f

Assessment: self-assessment

1)find out six arguments to prove the importance of music in a movie from the text

2)complete “ A Graphic organizer” using three words

Assessment: Teacher’s observation.

Children, I want to ask you what genre of music do you listen in historical Kazakh movies ? Let’s have a rest by hearing kuy and I want to ask you to close your eyes and relax….What emotions did you feel?

Name of


Clear speech


Correct answer


Correct question (1-2)




Feedback tree learners write down, speak and stick :

I liked this lesson ……

I didn’t like…

The best thing was…

The worst thing was…

Teacher does conclusion and gives assessment, gives homework

students read the text

Title the text

Do matching

Some students will translate and do matching

check their answers

find and read

Complete A Graphic organizer” , tells the class and do group -assessment

Playing kuy, listen and relax

Students say feedback




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