Материалдар / Entry test EXCEL 8 grade

Entry test EXCEL 8 grade

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Entry test EXCEL 8 grade
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01 Қырқүйек 2024
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Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

9th Grade

entry test

1. What verb form correctly completes the sentence? "A: I want to _ (organise) a clean-up day."
a. organise
b. organising
c. organised
d. organizes

2. Which verb form fits best in this context? "A: I'd love to _ (help) poor people in other countries."
a. helping
b. helps
c. help
d. helped

3. Choose the correct verb form: "A: We should all do something to _ (protect) the environment."
a. protects
b. protecting
c. protect
d. protected

4. What is the correct form for this sentence? "A: What can I do to _ (reduce) air pollution?"
a. reduces
b. reduced
c. reducing
d. reduce

5. Identify the correct verb to complete the sentence: "B: You could _ (donate) money to a charity."
a. donation
b. donating
c. donate
d. donated

1. Recycling your waste helps reduce __. (POLLUTE)
a. pollution
b. polluter
c. pollutant
d. pollutive

2. The WWF fights against the __ of the natural world. (DESTRUCT)
a. destructive
b. destruction
c. destructing
d. destructor

3. The town is raising money for the __ of the historic building. (CONSERVE)
a. conservation
b. conservatory
c. conservatism
d. conservable

4. The earthquake caused an __ in the city centre. (EXPLODE)
a. explosion
b. explosive
c. exploding
d. exploder

5. The organisation announced that there will be a __ in waste management. (REDUCE)
a. reduction
b. reductive
c. reducer
d. reducing

1. A: Have you (see) Maria recently?
a. seen
b. see
c. sees
d. seeing

2. A: Why did you (taste) the cheese?
a. taste
b. tasted
c. tasting
d. has tasted

3. A: Where are you (go)?
a. going
b. go
c. gone
d. goes

4. A: You look (tired).
a. tire
b. tiring
c. tired
d. tires

5. A: How long have you (wait) for the train?
a. waited
b. wait
c. waiting
d. waits

1. Inzhu likes to wear clothes made by __ designers. (FAME)
a. fameful
b. famous
c. fameless
d. faming

2. What a __ day! Let's go for a walk! (BEAUTY)
a. beautify
b. beautiful
c. beautful
d. beautyful

3. You need to tidy up your room, it's very __. (MESS)
a. messy
b. messful
c. messive
d. messious

4. There are many __ malls in Astana. (IMPRESS)
a. impressive
b. impressing
c. impressful
d. impressed

5. She is very __ about her studies and always does her homework. (CARE)
a. careful
b. carefull
c. carious
d. caring

1. What does "look after" mean?
a. To search for something
b. To take care of someone
c. To investigate a matter
d. To search for information

2. If someone is "looking for" something, what are they doing?
a. Caring for it
b. Searching for it
c. Investigating it
d. Ignoring it

3. When someone "looks into" a situation, what are they doing?
a. Taking care of it
b. Searching for it
c. Investigating it
d. Losing interest

4. What does "look out" mean in the context of being careful?
a. To search for information
b. To take care of someone
c. To be cautious or watchful
d. To ignore something

5. If you "look up" a word, what are you doing?
a. Taking care of it
b. Searching for its meaning
c. Investigating it
d. Losing track of it

1. Complete the collocation: tropical _.
a. beach
b. forest
c. climate
d. island

2. Choose the correct collocation: indoor _.
a. games
b. climate
c. beach
d. sports

3. Fill in the blank with the right collocation: mineral _.
a. water
b. park
c. food
d. air

4. Identify the correct combination: entertainment _.
a. park
b. beach
c. center
d. area

5. Select the correct collocation: summer _.
a. heat
b. snow
c. rain
d. wind

1. What is the correct term for a person who plays football?
a. Footballer
b. Football player
c. Football coach
d. Football referee

2. Which of the following is the term for someone who swims?
a. Swimmer
b. Swim coach
c. Swim instructor
d. Swim referee

3. What term describes a person who participates in ice-skating?
a. Ice-skater
b. Ice-skate player
c. Ice-skating coach
d. Ice-skate referee

4. Where do footballers typically play their games?
a. Swimming pool
b. Ice rink
c. Football field
d. Gymnasium

5. Which sport is primarily played in a pool?
a. Basketball
b. Football
c. Swimming
d. Ice-skating

1. What type of conditional is used in the sentence: "If you exercise more, you will be fit for the match"?
a. Zero Conditional
b. First Conditional
c. Second Conditional
d. Third Conditional

2. Identify the type of conditional in this sentence: "If she were not scared of heights, she would go bungee jumping."
a. Zero Conditional
b. First Conditional
c. Second Conditional
d. Third Conditional

3. Which sentence is an example of a wish?
a. If I win the lottery, I will buy a house.
b. I wish I had studied harder for the test.
c. If it rains, we will stay inside.
d. If she calls, I will answer.

4. What is the correct completion for the sentence: "If you __ (not/be) careful, you will make a mistake."?
a. are not
b. were not
c. had not been
d. will not be

5. Choose the correct form to complete: "If I __ (avoid) cycling for a while, I will feel better."
a. avoid
b. avoided
c. had avoided
d. will avoid

1. What does the phrasal verb "put off" mean?
a. To delay something
b. To remove something
c. To start something
d. To continue something

2. Which phrasal verb means to increase the volume?
a. Turn down
b. Turn up
c. Put out
d. Give in

3. What is the meaning of the phrasal verb "give up"?
a. To donate
b. To stop trying
c. To start anew
d. To become involved

4. Which of the following phrasal verbs means to understand?
a. Figure out
b. Give out
c. Look after
d. Put away

5. What does "carry on" mean in a conversation?
a. To give up
b. To continue
c. To stop
d. To discuss

1. He went to go to sea __ a sailor, not a passenger.
a. like
b. as
c. similar
d. such as

2. She sailed the boat __ a professional.
a. like
b. as
c. similar
d. such as

3. She works __ an entertainer on a ship.
a. like
b. as
c. similar
d. such as

4. He became a captain, __ his father.
a. like
b. as
c. similar
d. such as

5. Ishmael always __ (get) bored if he stays at home.
a. get
b. gets
c. getting
d. gotten

6. John asked his brother if he __ (want) to sea.
a. wants
b. wanted
c. wanting
d. want

7. We __ (walk) down the water's edge to admire the view.
a. walk
b. walked
c. walking
d. walks

8. After the passengers __ (have) dinner, they were…
a. have
b. had
c. having
d. has

1. The river is flowing _ fast here than under the bridge.
a. less
b. much
c. a lot
d. a bit

2. Snakes can attack _ quickly than you expect.
a. more
b. as
c. less
d. not

3. The prince did not rule _ wisely as his father.
a. less
b. as
c. more
d. better

4. It's raining _ badly than in the morning.
a. far
b. worse
c. much
d. a little

5. Celia can ride a horse _ gracefully than her sister.
a. more
b. far
c. less
d. as

1. Dilnaz really enjoyed the ……………….. beauty of the Burabay National Park. (NATURE)
a. natural
b. naturely
c. naturous
d. natureal

2. Aibek was surprised by how ………… the penguins were. (NOISE)
a. noisy
b. noisive
c. noisful
d. noiseal

3. Lions are very beautiful animals, but they can be very… (DANGER)
a. dangerous
b. dangerful
c. dangery
d. dangrous

4. Adopting an animal is an ………………… way of protecting endangered species. (EFFECT)
a. effective
b. effecting
c. effectual
d. effectful

5. The festival was a great opportunity for the community to showcase its ………… heritage. (CULTURE)
a. cultural
b. cultureful
c. culturey
d. culturous

1. Which of the following is the correct determiner to complete the sentence? "Is there _ hope for the future of our planet?"
a. some
b. any
c. no
d. every

2. Choose the correct determiner: "Everyone in the volunteer group _ their own job to do."
a. have
b. has
c. were
d. are

3. Which determiner fits best in the sentence? "There is _ you must see."
a. everything
b. something
c. anything
d. nothing

4. Select the correct option: "There are flowers _."
a. everywhere
b. anywhere
c. nowhere
d. somewhere

5. What is the correct choice for the statement? "_ going to volunteer for the park clean-up?"
a. Someone
b. Anyone
c. Everyone
d. No one

1. You __ leave your bags on the plane when you get off.
a. mustn’t
b. have to
c. can
d. might

2. Zarina __ run for the train because she’s early.
a. doesn’t have to
b. has to
c. must
d. should

3. You __ buy a bus ticket — I'll buy one for you.
a. mustn’t
b. don’t have to
c. should
d. can

4. I __ get on the number 18 bus, or I'll be late for work.
a. mustn’t
b. have to
c. could
d. might

5. Miras __ buy a new tyre for his bike — his front one is flat.
a. mustn't
b. has to
c. might
d. can

1. What does the phrasal verb "make up" mean in the context of relationships?
a. To create a story
b. To become friends again
c. To leave someone
d. To argue with someone

2. If someone says they want to "make up for" a mistake, what do they mean?
a. To ignore it
b. To apologize
c. To compensate for it
d. To forget about it

3. When someone "makes out" something that is unclear, what do they do?
a. They make a mess
b. They understand it
c. They ignore it
d. They make it worse

4. What does it mean to "make for" a place?
a. To avoid it
b. To travel towards it
c. To stay away from it
d. To change direction

5. Which of the following sentences uses "make up" correctly?
a. I need to make up my homework.
b. They decided to make up after their fight.
c. She will make up a cake for the party.
d. We should make up the meeting time.

1. Is there _ pasta in the cupboard?
a. some
b. any
c. much
d. many

2. Don't eat too _ chocolate!
a. much
b. many
c. few
d. a lot

3. Are there _ nuts? Yes, _ a few.
a. any / a little
b. some / a few
c. many / much
d. a lot / few

4. There is _ rice.
a. much
b. a lot of
c. many
d. few

5. Can I have _ biscuits?
a. a lot of
b. many
c. few
d. any

1. Eating food containing calcium helps to __ your teeth and bones. (STRENGTH)
a. strengthen
b. strengthen
c. strong
d. strengthing

2. Scientists __ carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. (CLASS)
a. classify
b. classifying
c. class
d. classified

3. Ulan wants his new restaurant to __ in healthy, vegetarian food. (SPECIAL)
a. specialize
b. special
c. specializing
d. specialization

4. The headteacher is __ a plan to encourage healthy eating. (FORMULA)
a. formulating
b. form
c. formulize
d. formula

5. The teacher encourages students to __ their vocabulary skills. (IDENTITY)
a. identify
b. identitying
c. identification
d. identifiable

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