Материалдар / КМЖ Кәсіптік шет тілі - Nursing care of the preoperative patient

КМЖ Кәсіптік шет тілі - Nursing care of the preoperative patient

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
КМЖ Кәсіптік шет тілі пәні бойынша оте терең жазылған сабақ жоспары
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
28 Маусым 2024
1 рет жүктелген
1170 ₸ 1300 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз 10% жеңілдік
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
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«Foreign language»

(Social and Humanitarian Direction)


Nursing care

Theme of the lesson

27. Nursing care of the preoperative patient


__________ Kasimova D.M


«___» __________2024

General information

Course 1 Groups ҚБ 23-1,ПБ 23-3,ПБ 23-4,ҚБ 23-01,ҚБ 23-02,ҚБ 23-03,ҚБ 23-05,ҚБ 23-2,ПБ 23-5,ПБ 23-06,ПБ 23-08,ПБ 23-07,ҚБ 23-04

Type of the lesson

Assimilation of new knowledge, combined lesson

Lesson objectives

educational: to introduce with the text

developing: to develop students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.

Assessment Criteria

- uses reading skills to highlight the necessary information;

-uses skills to research and find needed information


Text, whatman, video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKFokcxPuwI


Stages of the lesson

Planned lesson activities


Start of the lesson

(call stage)

  1. Organization moment.

Goal: creating a collaborative environment.

- «Microphone» method helps to start the lesson with good wishes to each other

The aim to develop students speaking skills and create friendly atmosphere.

II. Updating of prior knowledge

Answers to homework questions

View book trailers

Introduce students to the topic and objectives of the lesson.Рисунок 1


(Comprehension stage)

  1. Learning new material

  1. Pre-text work:

Technique “Brainstorming”

Aim: Revise the previous lessons material.

Efficiency: Students refresh their mind before starting new theme

1) What is pre operative nursing care?

2) What are the steps of pre operative care?

3) What is the nursing intervention for patient before surgery?

Today we will read the topic “Nursing care of the preoperative patient” and learn new words

Strategy “Forecast by title”.

Assignment: think about nursing care of the preoperative patient

Try to predict the content based on the first line of the work:

To consolidate vocabulary from the text. Explain the task and give students time to complete it.

Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and the gapped phrases under each

Aim: to introduce the topic and present new vocabulary

Strategy “Find a match.” Glossary.

Aim: to introduce the topic and present new vocabulary

Task: find the equivalent of the lexical meaning and the corresponding translation of the words.

Let’s watch” Strategy

Watch the video then answer the questions

Aim: Ss watch and answer the questions

Efficiency: Ss develop their listening and speaking skills.

Differentiation: «Flash» method is used to identify the quickest Ss.

For Low-Achieved students

Vocabulary Matching:

Match the following words or phrases with their definitions or explanations.

a. Preoperative

b. Anesthesia

c. Incision

d. Complications

e. Hemodynamic

f. Aseptic

g. Psychosocial

h. Morbidity

i. Circumferential

j. Corneal


Health care provided before a surgical operation.

The absence of microorganisms.

Pertaining to both the physical and psychological aspects of a person's social environment.

Relating to the dynamics of blood circulation.

Surgical cut made in the skin during an operation.

Surgical anesthetic procedure to induce a reversible loss of consciousness.

Conditions that arise as a result of a disease, disorder, or complication from treatment.

The proportion of a population that is affected by a particular disease or ailment.

Encircling or surrounding an area.

Pertaining to the transparent front part of the eye covering the iris and pupil.

For High-Achieved

1. Word Fill-in:

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text.

The __________ phase of burn care begins 48 to 72 hours after the injury.

It's crucial to assess the patient's __________ status, including consciousness and psychological well-being.

Nurses monitor vital signs closely, focusing on __________ alterations and wound healing during the acute phase.

One of the primary goals of __________ care is to prepare the patient physically and emotionally for surgery.

__________ complications, such as infection, may arise postoperatively and require careful monitoring and management.

Burn injuries disrupt the skin, leading to increased fluid loss, infection, and __________.

2. Synonyms and Antonyms:

Provide a synonym and an antonym for each of the following words.

a. Preoperative

b. Complications

c. Psychosocial

d. Hemodynamic

e. Aseptic














Strategy : "Event Map"

Tell me: what are the seven main tasks of preoperative nurse care?

Mutual assessment of the groups’ work, each group expresses its opinion, supplements, offers answers to questions, titles of passages.

Scaffolding- Bridging

CCQ “Concept checking question” are questions designed to test students' understanding of a language element

1. What is the role of preoperative care?

2. What are the 3 phases of preoperative nursing care?

Cinemetaphor” strategy

"KWL chart" is a map for students to evaluate what they already know about the topic and what they want to learn

Functional Literacy: Vocabulary and Word Recognition

Listening and Comprehension

Scaffolding strategy: graphic organizer



Appendix 2

Appendix 1


Appendix 2



End of the lesson

Teacher Observation Card

Full name

answers the questions

determines the main idea of the text

explains the author's position

draws conclusions

expresses his attitude


Traffic light ” Technique

Green-I understood

Yellow-I have some questions

Red-I need a help

Each group is heard.

Aim: To know how many Ss got the theme.

Efficiency: Ss can use colors to show how much do they remember.

Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson.

IV. Homework:

  1. Retell the text

  2. Learn new words

Appendix 1


сыртындағы қағаз



бағыт, көрсеткіш


to confuse




шамадан тыс



сыртқа қабылдау үшін

для наружного применения


тиісті, өзіне тән






туа пайда болған



жүре пайда болған



біртіндеп, жайлап

постепенно, последовательно


көмескі, бұлыңғыр

тупость, приглушение


ілестіру, сүйемелдеу

сопроваждать, сопутствовать

Appendix 2

Nursing care of the preoperative patient

Preoperative care refers to health care provided before a surgical operation. The aim of preoperative care is to do whatever is right to increase the success of the surgery. At some point before the operation the health care provider will assess the fitness of the person to have surgery. This assessment should include whatever tests are indicated, but not include screening for conditions without an indication. Immediately before surgery the person's body is prepared, perhaps by washing with an antiseptic, and whenever possible their anxiety is addressed to make them comfortable.

Addressing anxiety

Playing calming music to patients immediately before surgery has a beneficial effect in addressing anxiety about the surgery.

Surgical site preparation

Hair removal at the location where the surgical incision is made is often done before the surgery. Sufficient evidence does not exist to say that removing hair is a useful way to prevent infections. When it is done immediately before surgery, the use of hair clippers might be preferable to shaving.

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