Материалдар / КСП 6 сынып бойынша 4 тоқсан ағылшын тілі

КСП 6 сынып бойынша 4 тоқсан ағылшын тілі

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
сабақ жоспары
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
22 Мамыр 2024
1 рет жүктелген
900 ₸ 900 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+45 бонус
Бұл не?
Бүгін алсаңыз +45 бонус беріледі Бұл не?
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Short term plan: term 4

Unit 8 Our neighbourhood

Lesson 81

Teacher name:


Grade: 6

Number present:


Lesson title

Places in a town

Learning objectives understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics curricular topics. develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion use prepositions to talk about time and location use prepositions like to describe things and about to denote topic use prepositions of direction to, into, out of, from, towards on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

Learn vocabulary for places in a town.

Learn there is … , there are … with a, an, some and any to talk about a town.

Write sentences about a town.

Value links

Hospitality: Traditionally a nomadic culture, hospitality has always been an important part of Kazakh culture.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students’ actions

Assessment criteria


Beginning of the lesson

5 min

Organization moment


Ask about the weather.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.


Fasten your seat belts and get ready for the all-round race

Lead – In

With books closed, ask students: Do you live in a town or in the country?

Ask: What can you find in a town? Try to elicit some words for places in a town, e.g. shops, cinema

Students' attention is drawn to the lesson.

Students discuss the pictures in pairs.

Determines the topic and aim of the lesson

Students say different words from the picture

Formative Assessment

Good job!

Assessment criteria

-Identify detailed information in extended conversation with support


Student’s book

Middle of the lesson

Presentation part.

35 min

Ex: 1 P:92

Refer students to the picture on page 19. They match the words individually, then compare their answers in pairs.

Students listen and check their answers.

Drill the pronunciation of the words.

In a weaker class, check understanding of the words in the box and advise students to write translations of each word in their notebooks

Ex: 2 P:92

Remind students to listen carefully for clues about where each speaker might be.

Ask students to check their answers in pairs.

If students disagree about their answers, play the CD again so that they can check.

Ex: 3 P:92

Point out the labels A–D on the map of the city. Refer students to the texts below the picture, and explain that each text describes the relevant area on the map.

Allow students time to read the texts and the options carefully, and choose option a or b

Conclusion during the lesson some tasks differentiated by outcomes of the students and by their abilities.

Students match twelve of the words in the box with places.


1 train station

2 factory

3 flats

4 park

5 shopping centre

6 offices

7 shops

8 school

9 sports centre

10 restaurant

11 river

12 car park


«Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new words in the text.

Students listen and answer the question. Where are the people in situations?


1 park

2 library

3 train station

4 restaurant

5 sports centre

6 factory

7 school

8 cinema

Students work in pairs. Read the information.


A a: This is a good place for the bus station.

B a: This is a good place for the cinema.

C a: This is a good place for the library.

D b: This is a good place for the hospital.


- match twelve of the words

- work in pairs

Total: 1 point


-listen the task

-answer the question

Total: 1 point


- gives information about himself/herself;

Total: 1 point



End of the lesson

5 min


Learners provide feedback on what they have learned at the lesson.

Students evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like:

Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it! .


Short term plan: term 4

Unit 8 Our neighbourhood

Lesson 82

Teacher name:


Grade: 6

Number present:


Lesson title

Reading: A description of a modern city

Learning objectives use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:

• Read about some interesting buildings.

• Find spelling rules for plural nouns.

• Talk about your town.

Value links

Tradition: Kazakh traditions and culture have been passed on from one generation to another through oral histories told by traditional Kazakh tribal leaders and elders.


Stages / Time

Teachers’ actions

Students’ actions

Assessment criteria


Beginning of the lesson

5 min

Organization moment


Ask about the weather.

The teacher sets the lesson objectives, letting students know what to anticipate from the lesson.


Fasten your seat belts and get ready for the all-round race


Материал жариялап тегін
сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!