2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған


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жүктеп алып көруге болады

Күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар ENGLISH 0 - сынып(32 часов)
WeekHoursDateUnitsTopic of thelessonLearning objectives
I term.

Unit 1.All about meLesson 1.All about me 0.L3begin to recognize with the considerable support simple greetings.0.S6 exchange short simple greetings.0.S1 begin to make basic personal statements.

Lesson 2.All about me 0.L3 begin to recognize with the considerable support simple greetings. 0.L2 begin to recognize with the considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.0.S4 respond to the very basic supported personal questions using short answers.0.S6exchange short simple greetings.

Lesson 3.All about me 0.L3 begin to recognize with the considerable support simple greetings. 0.L2 begin to recognize with the considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.0.S4 respond to the basic supported personal questions using short answers.

Lesson 4.All about me 0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly. 0.L2 begin to recognize with considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly. 0.L3 begin to recognize with considerable support simple greetings. 0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes. 0.S1 begin to make basic personal statements. 0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes. 0.UE2 use the cardinal numbers 1–10 to count.

Unit 2.My schoolLesson 1.My school 0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly. 0.L3 begin to recognize with considerable support simple greetings. 0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes. 0.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions with some mistakes. 0.S5 begin to produce the words in response to prompts. 0.S6 exchange short simple greetings.

Lesson 2.My school 0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly. 0.L3 begin to recognize with considerable support simple greetings. 0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes. 0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes. 0.S5 begin to produce the words in response to prompts. 0.S6 exchange short simple greetings.

Lesson 3.My school 0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly. 0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes. 0.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions with some mistakes. 0.S5 begin to produce the words in response to prompts.

Lesson 4.My school0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L2 begin to recognize with considerable supporta few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L4 begin to recognize the basic intonation distinguishing questions from statements.0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes 0.S1 begin to make basic personal statements.0.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions with some mistakes.0.S4 respond to the very basic supported personal questions using short answers.
Term 2

Unit 3.My familyLesson 1.My family0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L2 begin to recognize with considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L4 begin to recognize basic intonation distinguishing questions from statements.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.0.S4 respond to very basic supported personal questions using short answers.

Lesson 2.My family0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L2 begin to recognize with the considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L4 begin to recognize basic intonation distinguishing questions from the statements.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.0.S4 respond to the basic supported personal questions using short answers.

Lesson 3.My friend 0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly. 0.L2 begin to recognize with the considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L3 begin to recognize with the considerable support simple greetings.0.L4 begin to recognize basic intonation distinguishing questions from statements.0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.0.S4 respond to the basic supported personal questions using short answers.0.S5 begin to produce the words in response to prompts.

Lesson 4.This is my friend 0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly. 0.L2 begin to recognize with the considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L3 begin to recognize with the considerable support simple greetings.0.L4 begin to recognize the basic intonation distinguishing questions from statements.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.

Unit 4.The world aroundmeLesson 1.Pets 0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L3 begin to recognize with the considerable support, simple greetings.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.0.UE2 use the cardinal numbers 1–10 to count.

Lesson 2.My pet 0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L3 begin to recognize the with the considerable support simple greetings.0.L4 begin to recognize the basic intonation distinguishing questions from statements.0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.

Lesson 3.At the zoo 0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L3 begin to recognize with the considerable support simple greetings.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.


Lesson 4.A baby bear0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L2 begin to recognize with the considerable support a few basic personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L4 begin to recognize the basic intonation distinguishing questions from the statements.0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes.0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.0.S4 respond to the very basic supported personal questions using short answers.

Unit 5.Where do the roads go?Lesson 1.I have a bike0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes.0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L3 begin to recognize, with the considerable support, simple greetings.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements.0.UE3 begin to use a few colours.

Lesson 2.I can0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes.0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L3 begin to recognize with some considerable support simple greetings.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements.0.UE3 begin to use a few colours.

Lesson 3.He can0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes.0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for the basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L3 begin to recognize, with the considerable support simple greetings.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements.

Lesson 4.Stop, look, listen0.L5 begin to recognize simple sounds of phonemes.0.L1 begin to recognize simple short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly.0.L3 begin to recognize with the considerable support simple greetings.0.S3 pronounce the basic words and expressions with some mistakes.0.S1 begin to make the basic personal statements.0.UE3 begin to use a few colours.
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Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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