Материалдар / Literature Review: Online Learning for Fostering Intercultural Communicative Competence
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Literature Review: Online Learning for Fostering Intercultural Communicative Competence

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The focus of this literature review is to review and analyze how online learning promotes the development of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) in English language teaching (ELT). It aims to provide theory-based suggestions for English language (EL) teachers and researchers better to choose learning methods and activity designs for intercultural communication. It draws on the principles of Critical Interpretation Synthesis (CIS), with studies collected from systematic searches of databases supplemented by manual searches of relevant journals. The results show that with the rapid development of information technology, the popularization of network technology, and the continuous improvement of online learning platforms, online learning has become a popular learning method. Moreover, the flexibility, convenience, and interactivity of online learning provide new ways and possibilities for cultivating cross-cultural communication skills.
07 Сәуір 2024
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Literature Review: Online Learning for Fostering Intercultural Communicative Competence

Ayidana Yeerjiang

Suleyman Demirel University,

Kaskelen, Kazakhstan


The focus of this literature review is to review and analyze how online learning promotes the development of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) in English language teaching (ELT). It aims to provide theory-based suggestions for English language (EL) teachers and researchers better to choose learning methods and activity designs for intercultural communication. It draws on the principles of Critical Interpretation Synthesis (CIS), with studies collected from systematic searches of databases supplemented by manual searches of relevant journals. The results show that with the rapid development of information technology, the popularization of network technology, and the continuous improvement of online learning platforms, online learning has become a popular learning method. Moreover, the flexibility, convenience, and interactivity of online learning provide new ways and possibilities for cultivating cross-cultural communication skills.

Key word: Online Learning. E-learning. Intercultural Communicative Competence(ICC).English language teaching. Review.


In the context of the current era of globalization, foreign language learning is not only focused on the foreign language itself but also effective communication with people from other cultures, in this context, the importance of intercultural communication skills has become increasingly prominent. Benefiting from the advancement of information technology and the popularity of the Internet, online learning has achieved tremendous development in the past few decades, which has helped learners with learning resources and teaching content from different cultural backgrounds around the world, providing them with a broader perspective and deeper cross-cultural understanding.

For a long period, the main method of teaching culture was through transmission, emphasizing the memorization of both sophisticated (e.g., literature and the arts) and mundane (e.g., everyday customs, habits, and folklore) facts (Thanasoulas, 2001). Since the start of the 21st century, with the rapid development of online learning, the traditional strategy of enhancing ICC in physical classrooms is no longer effective (Leng et al., 2021). With the rise of intercultural online teaching and learning as a new educational standard, investigating the development of ICC within classrooms and teaching, while overcoming spatial constraints for learners involved in cross-cultural learning, is undeniably crucial for advancing talent development and the caliber of higher education.

This study reviews a body of published studies about the impact of online learning on the development of EFL learners’ intercultural communicative competence (ICC). By reviewing the literature, I hope to delve into how online learning can be an effective tool for promoting intercultural communicative competence. In addition, the challenges and difficulties that may be encountered in online learning will also be explored to maximize the promotion effect of online learning on intercultural communicative competence.

Intercultural Communicative Competence

The term "communicative competence" was first proposed by American sociolinguist and anthropologist Hymes (1972). He distinguished communicative competence from language competence and focused on the interaction between language and environment during language use. ICC is an extension and explanation of communicative competence in intercultural language environments. Byram (1997) stated that ICC covers a range of skills, including language ability, cultural knowledge, intercultural sensitivity, and communication strategies. Spitzberg (2000) further developed the ICC model involving the interaction between communication systems, event systems, and relationship systems. ICC is not an independent ability, but a comprehensive skill composed of multiple abilities. Definitions of ICC often include the attitudes, skills, and knowledge necessary to communicate effectively “when interacting across differences” (Deardorff, 2019; Heggernes, 2021). According to the study by Bilá et al. (2020), intercultural communicative competence is defined as a deeper understanding of the influence of one's own culture on speakers, as well as their perceptions of themselves and others. It involves knowing how to establish and interpret meanings, developing critical awareness, understanding how to uncover cultural information, and knowing how to relativize values, attitudes, and others' beliefs.

Nowadays, educators and researchers around the world have proposed a series of intercultural communication education models, but the most detailed and influential among them is Michael Byram’s (1997) model, which integrates holistic language and intercultural Competencies and have clear, practical and ethical goals. Byram believes that the goal of intercultural language teaching is to help learners develop intercultural communicative competence, including language skills and intercultural understanding, so that they can interact effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds and appreciate the benefits of such intercultural communication. (Byram, Gribkova, & Starkey, 2002, p. 10).Having good intercultural communication skills can help individuals better understand and respect people from different cultural backgrounds, thereby reducing cross-cultural misunderstandings and conflicts and promoting the exchange and sharing of cultural diversity. Deardorff (2006) emphasizes the impact of internationalization in higher education by highlighting a progressive process model developed by internationalization centers. This model suggests that attitudes serve as foundational elements for the development of ICC, while knowledge, understanding, and skills lay the groundwork for progressing to the next stage (internal outcomes).

In the educational context, ICC has become an important competency for high school students in an increasingly globalized world, and technology-mediated communication platforms have expanded opportunities for cross-cultural interaction and learning. Byram's (2008) research shows that exposure to different cultural perspectives through international exchanges, language immersion programs, and multicultural courses can promote the development of students' ICC. Educators now generally recognize the critical role that intercultural competence plays in educational settings and are paying increasing attention to incorporating it into teaching strategies.The cultivation of intercultural communication skills not only helps individuals better adapt to the globalized social environment, but also promotes cultural exchange and understanding and reduces cultural conflicts and misunderstandings.

Intercultural Communicative Competence in Online Contexts

The use of modern technology in education is a key competency to acquire, especially in today's globalized world, through relevant language and cultural skills to better adapt to a changing society. Yang and Mao (2011) conducted a questionnaire survey among students engaged in cross-cultural cooperation and found that the technical tools and learning resources provided by the course had a significant impact on students' course experience and ICC. Baker (2012) believes that virtual exchange programs, multicultural online courses, and collaborative projects provide students with ways to interact with peers from different cultural backgrounds and can promote the development of ICC skills. Online learning brings unique challenges and opportunities to the development of ICC, and online platforms provide opportunities for global collaboration and cross-cultural exchange. Belz (2003) explored cross-cultural discourse in German-American email communication from a linguistic perspective and provided a linguistic analysis of cross-cultural online communication. Jin (2015) revealed how the online social media platform Facebook facilitates interaction between second language learners and native speakers of the target language. Sherwood et al. (2018) describe how technologies such as online learning and Skype-based learning can play a role in the development of students’ intercultural competence.

There are various ways that educators can promote ICC in online learning environments. Social media is an important platform, as Barbara Hofer (2008) states in her article: “The proliferation of affordable and easy-to-use communication methods—email, smartphones, text messaging, Skype, Facetime, Facebook, Viber, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat—making it possible for college students to connect to frequencies unimaginable just a decade ago.” (p. 21). And as students become increasingly active in cyberspace, cross-cultural development becomes increasingly important. Gibson and Capdeville (2019) illustrate that although face-to-face interactions are limited by space, in the digital world, students can make broader connections and suggest that faculty and students can jointly play the role of educators and creators of intercultural learning content. According to Hřebačková, M., & Štefl, M. (2022), digital storytelling is also a viable tool for challenging and overcoming cross-cultural discomfort. They stated that digital storytelling collaboration can enhance students' intercultural awareness by providing them with a safe, structured, and convenient (virtual) environment to train and develop their intercultural communication skills. Studying digital storiestellings provides a viable framework that enables students to apply, and critically evaluate mainstream ICC models that remain widely adopted in the dissemination of ICC development and training. Similarly, Hřebačková, M. (2019) research shows that it is feasible to use virtual exchange as a means of cultivating intercultural communicative competence (ICC). She expresses that foreign language learning designed through a multidisciplinary approach developed through virtual exchange enables students to explore real-life working understandings, knowledge, and exposure, and through live filming, real-life experiences are brought into the classroom to enhance students' cross-cultural understanding and Communication skills. With the help of computer network technology, students can express their cultural stance and exchange views with target language speakers. Liaw (2006) stated: “With the help of computer-mediated communication, the students took a journey of discovery and reflection where their understanding of the behaviors, beliefs, concepts, ways of interacting in their own and the other culture was exchanged, discussed, negotiated, and even refined.” It is emphasized that digital tools and platforms such as social media and virtual reality simulations can enhance intercultural communication skills in online environments.Therefore, it is of great significance to use modern technology in education to promote the development of intercultural communication skills. It provides students with rich learning resources and interactive opportunities, thereby better adapting to the globalized social environment.


In conclusion, this review explores the role of online learning in developing intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and its impact on education in today's globalized world. By exploring relevant literature and research results, several key insights emerged. As technology advances, virtual classrooms, online forums, and collaboration tools become increasingly accessible, allowing students to interact cross-culturally regardless of geographic location. As technology advances, virtual classrooms, online forums, and collaboration tools become increasingly accessible, allowing students to interact cross-culturally regardless of geographic location. Deutschmann et al. (2019) highlight the importance of virtual exchange programs in promoting intercultural competence and developing global citizenship.Online learning provides learners with a flexible learning environment that enables them to communicate and collaborate with classmates from different cultural backgrounds. This kind of virtual intercultural interaction not only helps students learn new language and cultural knowledge, but also develops their intercultural communication skills. And online learning provides students with a real-life environment where they can freely explore and express their cultural identity while coming into contact with classmates from different parts of the world.

In summary, online learning has great potential in developing learners’ intercultural communication skills. By leveraging the capabilities of digital technology and embracing multicultural perspectives, educators can create inclusive and culturally responsive learning environments that help students thrive in a connected and diverse world.


Baker, W. (2012). From cultural awareness to intercultural awareness: Culture in ELT. ELT Journal, 66(1), 62-70.

Belz, J. A. (2003). Linguistic perspectives on the development of intercultural competence in telecollaboration. Language, Learning and Technology, 7(2), 68-117.

Bilá, M., Kačmárová, A., & Vaňková, I. (2020). The encounter of two cultural identities: The case of social deixis. Russian Journal of Linguistics, 24(2), 344-365. https://dx.doi.org/10.22363/26 87-0088-2020-24-2-344-365

Byram, M. (1997). Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Byram, M. (2008). From foreign language education to education for intercultural citizenship: Essays and reflections. Multilingual Matters.

Byram, M., Gribkova, B., & Starkey, H. (2002). Developing the intercultural dimension in language teaching. A practical introduction for teachers. Strasbourg, France: Council of Europe Publishing,Language Policy Division

Deardorff, D. K. (2006). Identification and assessment of intercultural competence as a student outcome of internationalization. Journal of Studies in International Education, 10(3), 241–266.

Gibson, Annie McNeill and Capdeville, Emily (2019) "Digital Identities and Study Abroad: Teaching Intercultural Competence through Social Media Literacy," Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective: Vol. 14 : No. 1 , Article 3.

Jin, S. (2015). Using Facebook to promote Korean EFL learners’ intercultural competence. Language, Learning and Technology, 19(3), 38-51.

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