Материалдар / Мақала:Үштілділік-заман талабы
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Мақала:Үштілділік-заман талабы

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Барлық мұғалім оқушыларға
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
15 Қараша 2018
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

1 сыныптарға арналған күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар

Календарно-тематический план для 1 класса

Calendar Thematic Plan for the 1st grade

2018-2019 оқу жылы/учебный год/academic year





Сағат саны/

Кол-во часов/


Оқу мақсаты/Цели урока/Learning objectives

Unit 1. All about me

Greetings and names


1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.UE6 use demonstrative pronouns this, these that, those to indicate things

1.S6 make introductions and requests in basic interactions with others

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.S6 make introductions and requests in basic interactions with others

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly



1.UE3 use basic adjectives to describe people and things

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.L9 recognise the names of letters of the alphabet

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.UE6 use demonstrative pronouns this, these that, those to indicate things

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1-20 numbers


1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.UE2 use cardinal numbers 1 - 20 to count

1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

Unit Revision


Total per unit


Unit 2. My school

Classroom objects


1.UE1 use singular nouns, plural nouns – to talk about people and places

1.UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position e.g. in, at, next to, near, on, to describe where people and things are; use basic prepositions of time: on to talk about days

1.UE6 use demonstrative pronouns this, these that, those to indicate things

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.UE1 use singular nouns, plural nouns – to talk about people and places

Initial letters


1.L9 recognise the names of letters of the alphabet

1.UE4 use determiners a, an, some, the, this, these to indicate what /where something is

1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

Classroom routines


1.UE8 use simple imperative forms [positive] for basic commands or instructions

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.UE3 use basic adjectives to describe people and things

1.UE13 use can / can’t to describe ability

Describing things


1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.UE3 use basic adjectives to describe people and things

Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 3. My family and friends

Family and friends


1.UE7 use personal subject and object pronouns to give basic personal information

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.UE7 use personal subject and object pronouns to give basic personal information

1.UE1 use singular nouns, plural nouns – to talk about people and places

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom word

1.UE7 use personal subject and object pronouns to give basic personal information

1.S3 recognise and identify some familiar sight words from local environment

1.UE4 use determiners a, an, some, the, this, these to indicate what /where something is

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines 1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

In my house


1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.UE11 use there is / there are to make short statements and ask questions

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words 1.UE11 use there is / there are to make short statements and ask questions

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.UE3 use basic adjectives to describe people and things

1.UE11 use there is / there are to make short statements and ask questions

1.L9 recognise the names of letters of the alphabet

Days of weeks


1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.R1 recognise sound and name the letters of the alphabet

1.R2 recognise initial letters in names and places

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position e.g. in, at, next to, near, on, to describe where people and things are; use basic prepositions of time: on to talk about days

Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 4. The world around us



1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.R1 recognise sound and name the letters of the alphabet

1.UE13 use can / can’t to describe ability

Hot and cold


1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.UE3 use basic adjectives to describe people and things

1.UE7 use personal subject and object pronouns to give basic personal information

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

In Kazakhstan


1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.UE11 use there is / there are to make short statements and ask questions

1.R1 recognise sound and name the letters of the alphabet

1.R2 recognise initial letters in names and places

1.R4 use the alphabet to place the first letters of word in alphabetical order

1.L4 recognise with support short basic questions about what something is

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position e.g. in, at, next to, near, on, to describe where people and things are; use basic prepositions of time: on to talk about days

English around us


1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.UE11 use there is / there are to make short statements and ask questions

1.R1 recognise sound and name the letters of the alphabet

1.R2 recognise initial letters in names and places

1.R4 use the alphabet to place the first letters of word in alphabetical order

1.L4 recognise with support short basic questions about what something is

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position e.g. in, at, next to, near, on, to describe where people and things are; use basic prepositions of time: on to talk about days

Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 5. Travel

Getting to school


1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.L4 recognise with support short basic questions about what something is

1.UE5 use interrogative pronouns which, what, where, how to ask basic questions

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

This is the way...


1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.R4 use the alphabet to place the first letters of word in alphabetical order

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.L2 recognise with support a limited range of basic common personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly

1.UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative and question] to give basic personal information

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.UE13 use can / can’t to describe ability

Where is it?


1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.UE8 use simple imperative forms [positive] for basic commands or instructions

1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position e.g. in, at, next to, near, on, to describe where people and things are; use basic prepositions of time: on to talk about days

1.UE5 use interrogative pronouns which, what, where, how to ask basic questions

The big red bus


1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range ofeveryday and classroom words

1.L5 recognise the sounds of phonemes and phoneme blends

1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.L4 recognise with support short basic questions about what something is

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 6. Traditions and folklore

Happy Birthday


1.R3 recognise and identify some familiar sight words from local environment

1.UE2 use cardinal numbers 1 - 20 to count

1.S6 make introductions and requests in basic interactions with others

1.UE5 use interrogative pronouns which, what, where, how to ask basic questions

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom


Springtime in Kazakhstan


1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom


Hats and masks


1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.UE11 use there is / there are to make short statements and ask questions

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.S6 make introductions and requests in basic interactions with others

Story time


1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.S4 respond to basic supported questions about people, objects and classroom routines

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 7. Food and drink

Things I like


1.UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative and question] to give basic personal information

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.L4 recognise with support short basic questions about what something is

1.R1 recognise sound and name the letters of the alphabet

1.R4 use the alphabet to place the first letters of word in alphabetical order

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom


1.S2 ask questions in basic exchanges about people, objects and classroom routines

Hot or cold


1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.UE7 use personal subject and object pronouns to give basic personal information

1.UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative and question] to give basic personal information

Animals like ...


1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative and question] to give basic personal information

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

Nice or nasty


1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

1.L2 recognise with support a limited range of basic common personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly

1.UE5 use interrogative pronouns which, what, where, how to ask basic questions

1.S2 ask questions in basic exchanges about people, objects and classroom routines

1.S4 respond to basic supported questions about people, objects and classroom routines

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 8. Health and body

Hands and head


1.UE1 use singular nouns, plural nouns – to talk about people and places

1.L2 recognise with support a limited range of basic common personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly

1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.L2 recognise with support a limited range of basic common personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly

1.UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative and question] to give basic personal information

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

Let’s move


1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.UE8 use simple imperative forms [positive] for basic commands or instructions

1.S4 respond to basic supported questions about people, objects and classroom routines

1.L2 recognise with support a limited range of basic common personal questions spoken slowly and distinctly

1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines

1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.R1 recognise, sound and name the letters of the alphabet

1.UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position e.g. in, at, next to, near, on, to describe where people and things are; use basic prepositions of time: on to talk about days

Making a puppet


1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.S2 ask questions in basic exchanges about people, objects and classroom routines

1.L5 recognise the sounds of phonemes and phoneme blends

1.UE8 use simple imperative forms [positive] for basic commands or instructions

A special dance


1.L1 recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

1.L4 recognise with support short basic questions about what something is

1.L3 recognise with support common names and names of places; recognise the spoken form of a limited range of everyday and classroom words

1.S5 use words in short exchanges

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly

Summative control work




2 сыныптарға арналған күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар

Календарно-тематический план для 2 класса

Calendar Thematic Plan for the 2d grade

2018-2019 оқу жылы/учебный год/academic year





Сағат саны/

Кол-во часов/


Оқу мақсаты/Цели урока/Learning objectives

Unit 1. All about me


Hello again


2.L2 recognise with considerable support an increasing range of common personal questions

2.S6 use short answers appropriately in short, basic exchanges and take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges

2.R2 identify, remember and sound out high-frequency sound and letter patterns

2.W5 write letters and familiar high frequency words when read aloud or spelt out for learners

2.W6 use with support upper and lower case letters accurately when writing familiar high frequency words


I can...


2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions

2.L2 recognise with considerable support an increasing range of common personal questions

2.S2 ask questions in order to satisfy basic needs and find information on familiar topics and classroom routines

2.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information

2.S8 give simple instructions for others to follow

2.UE13 use can to talk about ability and to make requests and offers; use can / can’t to talk about permission


My clothes and things


2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions

2.S1 make basic statements related to personal information, people and objects on familiar topics and classroom routines

2.UE1 use singular nouns, plural nouns – including some common irregular plural forms in giving simple descriptions

2.UE3 use common adjectives in descriptions and to talk about simple feelings


Unit Revision


Total per unit


Unit 2. My family and friends


Friends’ names


2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number

2.R1 read and spell out words for others

2.W2 write letters and familiar high frequency words when read aloud or spelt


Helping hands


2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.S5 begin to articulate clearly the difference between various sounds

2.S6 use short answers appropriately in short, basic exchanges and take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges

2.R1 read and spell out words for others

2.W1 write with support short responses at phrase level to questions and other prompts

2.UE6 use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those to make and respond to requests for information

2.UE13 use can to talk about ability and to make requests and offers; use can / can’t to talk about permission


People I know


2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number

2.S1 make basic statements related to personal information, people and objects on familiar topics and classroom routines

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.UE3 use common adjectives in descriptions and to talk about simple feelings

2.UE13 use can to talk about ability and to make requests and offers; use can / can’t to talk about permission


Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 3. My school

Counting and Measuring


2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions

2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number

2.L5 identify missing phonemes in incomplete words

2.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information

2.R4 begin to use with support a simple picture dictionary

2.UE2 use cardinal numbers 1 -50 to count

2.UE11 use have got+noun to describe and ask about possessions

Around school


2.L4 recognise with support short basic questions relating to features such as colour and number

2.L5 identify missing phonemes in incomplete words

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.W3 write short phrases to identify people, places and objects

2.UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position: at, behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, to

to describe where people and things are; use prepositions of time: on, in, at to talk about days and times

School days


2.L2 recognise with considerable support an increasing range of common personal questions

2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.R2 identify, remember and sound out high-frequency sound and letter patterns

2.W7 spell some familiar high-frequency words accurately during guided writing activities

Class Photos


2.S2 ask questions in order to satisfy basic needs and find information on familiar topics and classroom routines

2.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information

2.R2 identify, remember and sound out high-frequency sound and letter patterns

2.UE7 use personal subject and object pronouns to describe people and things

Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 4. The world around us

Different Places


2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number

2.L5 identify missing phonemes in incomplete words

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information

2.UE5 use interrogative pronouns including which, what, where, whose to ask who people are and what they are doing

2.UE12 use basic adverbs of place here / there to say where things are

Reading Signs


2.S1 make basic statements related to personal information, people and objects on familiar topics and classroom routines

2.S2 ask questions in order to satisfy basic needs and find information on familiar topics and classroom routines

2.R3 read and follow with considerable support simple, words, phrases and sentences on familiar topics

2.UE8 use simple imperative forms [positive and negative] for basic commands and instructions

2.UE13 use can to talk about ability and to make requests and offers; use can / can’t to talk about permission

Where’s it from?


2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number

2.L5 identify missing phonemes in incomplete words

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.R3 read and follow with considerable support simple, words, phrases and sentences on familiar topics

Days Out


2.L5 identify missing phonemes in incomplete words

2.S2 ask questions in order to satisfy basic needs and find information on familiar topics and classroom routines

2.R3 read and follow with considerable support simple, words, phrases and sentences on familiar topics

2.UE4 use determiners a, an, the, some, any, this, these, that, those to identify things

Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 5. Health and body

Our body


2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.R1 read and spell out words for others

2.UE6 use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those to make and respond to requests for information

Let’s measure


2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions

2.L4 recognise with support short basic questions relating to features such as colour and number

2.UE2 use cardinal numbers 1 -50 to count

Hats and Bats


2.L4 recognise with support short basic questions relating to features such as colour and number

2.S8 give simple instructions for others to follow

2.R1 read and spell out words for others

2.R4 begin to use with support a simple picture dictionary

Reading time


2.L5 identify missing phonemes in incomplete words

2.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information

2.R3 read and follow with considerable support simple, words, phrases and sentences on familiar topics

2.W3 write short phrases to identify people, places and objects

2.UE13 use can to talk about ability and to make requests and offers; use can / can’t to talk about permission

Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 6. Traditions and customs


Special Days


2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions

2.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information

2.UE8 use simple imperative forms [positive and negative] for basic commands and instructions

2.UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like and habits and facts


Home cooking


2.L9 recognise the spoken form of familiar words and expressions

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.R1 read and spell out words for others


What’s it for?


2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number

2.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information

2.W7 spell some familiar high-frequency words accurately during guided writing activities


Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 7. The natural environment


The weather


2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.UE3 use common adjectives in descriptions and to talk about simple feelings


Changing seasons


2.L4 recognise with support short basic questions relating to features such as colour and number

2.R3 read and follow with considerable support simple, words, phrases and sentences on familiar topics

2.UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like and habits and facts


What can animals do?


2.L4 recognise with support short basic questions relating to features such as colour and number

2.UE10 use common present continuous forms [positive, negative, question]

2.UE13 use can to talk about ability and to make requests and offers; use can / can’t to talk about permission

2.UE17 use me, too to give short answers


Sea Adventures


2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.R1 read and spell out words for others

2.W5 write letters and familiar high frequency words when read aloud or spelt out for learners

Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 8. Travel


A to B


2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like and habits and facts

2.UE14 use basic prepositions of location and position: at, behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, to to describe where people and things are; use prepositions of time: on, in, at to talk about days and times


Types of vehicle


2.S4 respond to basic supported questions giving personal and factual information

2.R3 read and follow with considerable support simple, words, phrases and sentences on familiar topics

2.UE13 use can to talk about ability and to make requests and offers; use can / can’t to talk about permission


My plane


2.S1 make basic statements related to personal information, people and objects on familiar topics and classroom routines

2.UE11 use have got+noun to describe and ask about possessions

Altogether Now


2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics features such as colour and number

2.UE10 use common present continuous forms [positive, negative, question]


Summative control work




3 сыныптарға арналған күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар

Календарно-тематический план для 3 класса

Calendar Thematic Plan for the 3rd grade

2018-2019 оқу жылы/учебный год/academic year





Сағат саны/

Кол-во часов/


Оқу мақсаты/Цели обучения/Learning objectives

Term 1

Unit 1. Animals


Animal types

1 distinguish between phonemically distinct words; make basic statements which provide personal information on a limited range of general topics; use interrogative pronouns including: which, what, where, whose, how many, what kind of … on a limited range of familiar topics; use prepositions of location and position: at, behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above to describe where people and things are, use prepositions of time: on, in, at to talk about days and times and no preposition last week


Body parts

2 understand some specific information and detail of short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; make basic statements which provide personal information on a limited range of general topics; recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences


Animal Song and Dance

2 understand a limited range of short supported questions which ask for personal information; recognise short basic words that are spelt out; plan, write and check short sentences with considerable support on a limited range of personal, general and some curricular topics; use determiners a, an, the, some, any, this, these, that, those to refer to things on a limited range general and some curricular topics; use common present continuous forms, including short answers and contractions, to talk about what is happening now


Craft project

2 understand short supported classroom instructions in an increasing range of classroom routines; take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges


Unit Revision


Total per unit


Unit 2. Light & Dark

Day & Night

2 understand some specific information and detail of short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; use contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; respond to questions on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; understand the main points of short simple texts on a limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues

Sources of light

3 understand some specific information and detail of short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; make basic statements which provide personal information on a limited range of general topics; begin to read with rereading and usual support very short simple fiction and non-fiction texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a limited range of general and some curricular topics to describe things, use simple one-syllable and some two-syllable adjectives [comparative form] to make comparisons; use can to make requests and ask permission, use must / mustn’t / have to to talk about obligation

Out at night

2 distinguish between phonemically distinct words; understand short, narratives on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; give short, basic description of people and objects, begin to describe past experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges; link with support words or phrases using basic coordinating connectors ; spell a growing number of familiar high-frequency words accurately during guided writing activities


Summative assessment


Total per unit


Term 2

Unit 3 Time


Times of my day

2 understand short, narratives on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; make basic statements which provide personal information on a limited range of general topics; ask questions to find out about present experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; respond to questions on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; plan, write and check short sentences with considerable support on a limited range of personal, general and some curricular topics; use cardinal numbers 1 -100 to count and ordinal numbers 1 – 10; use prepositions of location and position: at, behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above to describe where people and things are, use prepositions of time: on, in, at to talk about days and times and no preposition last week


Days of the week

3 use contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; ask questions to find out about present experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges; recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences; write with support short basic sentences with appropriate spaces between words; use upper and lower case letters accurately when writing names, places and short sentences during guided writing activities; use cardinal numbers 1 -100 to count and ordinal numbers 1 – 10; use common present simple forms [positive, negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like, habits and facts, simple future timetabled events, use common past simple forms to describe actions and feelings; use me, too and I don’t to give short answers


At the right time

2 use contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; understand short, narratives on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; recognise short basic words that are spelt out; take turns when speaking with others in a limited range of short, basic exchanges; begin to read with rereading and usual support very short simple fiction and non-fiction texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; understand with considerable support, some specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; use cardinal numbers 1 -100 to count and ordinal numbers 1 – 10; use prepositions of location and position: at, behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above to describe where people and things are, use prepositions of time: on, in, at to talk about days and times and no preposition last week


Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 4. Buildings


Four walls

2 understand short supported classroom instructions in an increasing range of classroom routines; understand some specific information and detail of short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; give short, basic description of people and objects, begin to describe past experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; use with some support a simple picture dictionary; understand the main points of short simple texts on a limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues; use has got / have got there is / are statement and question forms including short answers and contractions


Our town

3 spell a growing number of familiar high-frequency words accurately during guided writing activities; use singular nouns, plural nouns – including some common irregular plural forms, use possessive forms ‘s / s’ with proper names and nouns to talk about ownership; use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a limited range of general and some curricular topics to describe things, use simple one-syllable and some two-syllable adjectives [comparative form] to make comparisons; use common present simple forms [positive, negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like, habits and facts, simple future timetabled events, use common past simple forms to describe actions and feelings; use prepositions of location and position: at, behind, between, in, in front of, near, next to, on, under, above to describe where people and things are, use prepositions of time: on, in, at to talk about days and times and no preposition last week


Around the house

2 understand a limited range of short supported questions on general and some curricular; ask questions to find out about present experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; begin to read with rereading and usual support very short simple fiction and non-fiction texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; plan, write and check short sentences with considerable support on a limited range of personal, general and some curricular topics; write with support short basic sentences with appropriate spaces between words ; use determiners a, an, the, some, any, this, these, that, those to refer to things on a limited range general and some curricular topics


Summative assessment


Total per unit


Term 3

Unit 5. Art & Music


Musical instruments

2 understand short, narratives on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; give short, basic description of people and objects, begin to describe past experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud; contribute a limited range of suitable words, phrases, and sentences including giving opinions during short pair, group and whole class exchanges; recount very short, basic stories and events on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences; read and follow with limited support familiar instructions for classroom activities; use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often, always, never to indicate when and how often, begin to use simple adverbs of manner example given well, badly


Drawing chairs

2 understand short supported classroom instructions in an increasing range of classroom routines; understand the main points of short, slow, carefully articulated talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; use with some support a simple picture dictionary; use has got / have got there is / are statement and question forms including short answers and contractions


My music

2 distinguish between phonemically distinct words; respond to questions on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; write short phrases to identify people, places and objects; link with support words or phrases using basic coordinating connectors ; use me, too and I don’t to give short answers

Shadow puppet show

2 understand short, narratives on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; plan, write and check short sentences with considerable support on a limited range of personal, general and some curricular topics; use upper and lower case letters accurately when writing names, places and short sentences during guided writing activities; include appropriate use of a full stop during guided writing of short, familiar sentences


Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 6. Explorers & Inventors


Exploring space

2 understand a limited range of short supported questions which ask for personal information; understand short, narratives on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; recount very short, basic stories and events on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; understand the main points of short simple texts on a limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues; understand with considerable support, some specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; plan, write and check short sentences with considerable support on a limited range of personal, general and some curricular topics; write words and phrases of regular size and shape; use common present simple forms [positive, negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like, habits and facts, simple future timetabled events, use common past simple forms to describe actions and feelings


Marco Polo

2 understand some specific information and detail of short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; give short, basic description of people and objects, begin to describe past experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; respond to questions on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud; contribute a limited range of suitable words, phrases, and sentences including giving opinions during short pair, group and whole class exchanges; understand with considerable support, some specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; write words and phrases of regular size and shape; write short phrases to identify people, places and objects; use upper and lower case letters accurately when writing names, places and short sentences during guided writing activities; use would you like to to invite and use appropriate responses yes please, no thanks, use let’s + verb, verbs go enjoy like + verb + ing


Bright ideas

2 recognise short basic words that are spelt out; ask questions to find out about present experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a limited range of general and some curricular topics to describe things, use simple one-syllable and some two-syllable adjectives [comparative form] to make comparisons; use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those in open and closed questions; use personal object pronouns [indirect] in conjunction with direct object nouns to describe actions and events


Inventions in Kazakhstan

2 use contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; understand short, narratives on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; ask questions to find out about present experiences on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; link with support words or phrases using basic coordinating connectors

Unit revision


Summative assessment


Total per unit


Term 4

Unit 7. Water, water everywhere


Rain, rain

2 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud; recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences; read and follow with limited support familiar instructions for classroom activities


By the sea

2 understand a limited range of short supported questions on general and some curricular; distinguish between phonemically distinct words; spell a growing number of familiar high-frequency words accurately during guided writing activities; use common present continuous forms, including short answers and contractions, to talk about what is happening now


A beach story

2 understand short supported classroom instructions in an increasing range of classroom routines; read and follow with limited support familiar instructions for classroom activities; understand the main points of short simple texts on a limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues; understand with considerable support, some specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; include appropriate use of a full stop during guided writing of short, familiar sentences; use would you like to to invite and use appropriate responses yes please, no thanks, use let’s + verb, verbs go enjoy like + verb + ing


Unit revision


Total per unit


Unit 8. Having fun


Fun places

3 use contextual clues to predict content in short, supported talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; recount very short, basic stories and events on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; begin to read with rereading and usual support very short simple fiction and non-fiction texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; understand the main points of short simple texts on a limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues; understand with considerable support, some specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; spell a growing number of familiar high-frequency words accurately during guided writing activities; use common present simple forms [positive, negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like, habits and facts, simple future timetabled events, use common past simple forms to describe actions and feelings; use me, too and I don’t to give short answers


Number games

2 understand short supported classroom instructions in an increasing range of classroom routines; understand with considerable support, some specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; use cardinal numbers 1 -100 to count and ordinal numbers 1 – 10; use imperative forms [positive and negative] to give short instructions on limited range of familiar topics; use has got / have got there is / are statement and question forms including short answers and contractions


Flying kites

2 understand some specific information and detail of short, supported information or talk on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; respond to questions on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; use with some support a simple picture dictionary; use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a limited range of general and some curricular topics to describe things, use simple one-syllable and some two-syllable adjectives [comparative form] to make comparisons; use imperative forms [positive and negative] to give short instructions on limited range of familiar topics; use common present continuous forms, including short answers and contractions, to talk about what is happening now; use conjunctions and, or, but to link words and phrases


Summative assessment




5 сыныптарға арналған күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар

Календарно-тематический план для 5 класса

Calendar Thematic Plan for the 5th grade

2018-2019 оқу жылы/учебный год/academic year

Тема урока



Лексические структуры и единицы, грамматический материал

Домашнее задание

I term – 25 hours

1 Home and away ( Unit 1 p.p. 4 - 12 )


Home and away

Describing personality, greet people, writing about people's ages and places


5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics ( Ex.1 p 4, Introduction)

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges ( Ex., 1 - 4 p.4)

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics ( Ex. 4 p.4)

WB p. 4


Language Focus. Meeting people

Talking about meeting people.

Practicing joined up writing


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.UE11 use be on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topic( Ex. 1 - 4 p.5)

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics ( Ex. 5 p.5)

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics ( Ex. 6, 7 p.5)

5.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics ( Ex.8 p.7, Activate)

WB p. 5


Cities and countries

Practicing joined up writing, speaking about different countries


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics ( p.6 Brainstorm)

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects ( The Place I live in - topic discussion) p.6

5.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

( ex.1 p. 6)

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics ( Ex.2 p.6)

5.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups ( Ex3,4 p.6)

WB p. 6 Countries and capitals (table)


Cities and countries

Taking about location of cities in Kazakhstan and places the people are from.


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics ( Ex. 1 - 2 p.7)

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics ( Ex 3 - 5 p.7)

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges ( Speak about age and birthplace)

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics ( Ex. 7, 8 p.7)

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics ( Ex.3 - 5 p.28)

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics ( Ex.6 p.7 )

WB p. 7




5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people' s age ( How old are the people and animals?)

5.UE1 use a verb " to be" describing ages times and location, speaking on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p. 8


What's in my classroom


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including common noun phrases describing times and location, on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics ( there is / there are p.9)

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S6take turns when speaking with others in a growing range of short, basic exchanges ( describe people and places p.9)

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

WB p. 9


Diagnostic Test


Review of Unit 1

About myself (w)


Reading for pleasure

Listening, reading, writing and talking about the main characters


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

( Ex.1 - 3 p.11)

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

Ex.4 p.11 (retell the text)


Unit 1 Language Focus Reference


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.L7 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics ( p.62)

5.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics ( p.63)

5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular

5.UE9 use simple present simple of a verb " to be" and there is / there are to past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

My Friend (w)


Language Focus Reference

Writing reports about famous personality


A Famous Personality (w)


Summative Control work 1




Correction work Unit revision


Vocabulary, reflection task, check point

My Profile

2 Living things ( Unit 4 p.p.40 - 52)



Talking out about family and friends

( p.p. 40 - 41)


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics ( Ex 1 - 3 p.40).

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics ( Mitchel's Family p.40)

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics ( p.41)

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges ( p.42)

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics ( My Family, topic)

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics ( the text " Twinsburg" p.42)

5.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics

55.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.UE1 use appropriate structure " Have got" describing people in a photo

5.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

WB p. 26


A Festival

Listening, reading, writing and talking about a festival for twins


WB p. 27


My Family and possessions


5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics ( Ex. 1 - 2 p.43)

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people and their possessions

5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics

5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics ( ex. 1-2 p.44)

5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.C5use feedback to set personal learning objectives

WB p. 28


Describing people and families


WB p. 29


People's appearance and possessions



5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics using a structure have got ( affirmative, negative, questions and short answers) p.45

5.UE1 use appropriate form of " have got" describing people's appearance and possessions

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics ( Ex. 1 - 3. p.45)

Describe a member of your family

( w)


People in a photo

Talking out about people in a photo (appearance and character)



5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics ( ex 1 - 4 p.46)

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people ( ex.4)

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others ( Teacher's book p.117)

WB p.30


Describing people for a blog



5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics ( ex .1 p 47)

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.UE1 use appropriate conjunctions and, or, but describing people

5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

A letter to a friend

WB p.31


My Country. Living things

Talking out different animals


Comparing plants, animals and human beings and producing a Venn diagram.


5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics ( ex.1p.48)

5.UE1 use appropriate degree of comparison describing animals on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics ( ex 3 - 6 p.48)

Animal in Kazakhstan (w)


Locations of items (p.49)


5.UE9 use prepositions of place and a structure there is / there are to describe where something is on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics ( ex 1-2 p49)

5.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

WB p.32


My Family. Project

p.50 - p.51


5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.S1 provide basic information about a family and a family tree others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics5

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in a song

( Ex 1 - 4 p.53)

Family Tree


Reading for pleasure p.53


p.53 ex.4


Summative Control work 2




Correction work and Unit revision


Vocabulary, reflection task, check point

Review of the unit ( p.52)

WB p.33

II term – 22 hours

3 Values ( Unit 5 p.p.54 - 68)


Celebrations and special days

Talking about family celebrations and relationships

p.54 - p.55


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information ( Ex.1 - 2. p.54)

5.C6 organise and present information clearly to others ( Ex.3)

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics ( ex.4)

5.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information ( Ex.5)

5.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at t5.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

WB p.34


International Festivals



5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

5.UE7 use simple present to express the activities on special days

WB p.38


Special days in my home



WB p.35


Holidays in different seasons


Talking about things you to do during holidays in different seasons


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics ( Ex.1 - 3p.58)

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics ( Ex.4.p.58)

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics

5.UE3 use Present Simple ( negative) to speak about activities

WB p.36


Holiday's Activity



WB p.37


Making suggestions


Listening and role-playing a story about activities


5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.UE 13 use numbers on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

A dialogue


Special occasions



an e-mail about special day


5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support an e - mail about a special day

5.UE16 use conjunctions so , if, when , where, before, after to link parts of sentences on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.39


Holidays in Kazakhstan

p.62 - p.63


5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.UE6 use prepositions, basic personal and demonstrative pronouns ,have to on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.UE5 use questions, including tag questions to seek agreement, and clarify meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

A holiday in Kazakhstan

( project)


What we value

p.64 - p.65


5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe a friendship relationship

5.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors

Ex.5 p.64

( St.B)


Summative Control work 3




Correction work and Unit revision

p.p. 66 - 67


Review ( p.p.65 - 66)

Vocabulary, reflection task, check point

4 The world of work ( Unit 6 p.p. 68 - 81)



Studying Habits

Talking about studying habits and a school day.

p.p.68 - 69


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics ( I think - I don't think)

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.UE1 use adverbs of frequency to describe studying habits

( Ex. 3 -5 p.68)

5.UE10 use present simple to express

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

WB p.42


A day at school



5.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited range of written genres

5.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

5.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics

5.W9 punctuate written work at text level on a limited range of familiar general with some accuracy

5.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.43


A school report



WB p.44


Language and communication

p.72 - p.73


5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics ( Language quiz) p.72

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.R4 read with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts

5.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited range of written genres

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people and animals

5.UE14 use Present Simple ( question form) to ask and answer questions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.44


Asking questions in class



WB p.45


Writing a report



5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.R9 recognise the difference between fact and opinion in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

WB p.46


Famous Kazakh artists

Finding out and writing about famous Kazakh artists

p.p.76 - 77


5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe famous Kazakh artists

55.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe the life of famous people

5.W9 punctuate written work at text level on a limited range of familiar general with some accuracy

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

A Famous person from Kazakhstan

( a report)


Countries, people and jobs



WB p.47



Music: Appreciating music


Listening and making a questionnaire about music you like


5.L7recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

5.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics ( Ex.3 - 4 p.79)

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics ( Ex.1 p.79)

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

WB p.48


Summative Control work 4




Correction work and Unit revision


Review. Units 6. ( p.p.80 - 81)

Vocabulary, reflection task, check point

WB p.49

III term – 31 hours

5 Creativity (Unit 8 p.p. 96 - 103)



Talking and writing about art, sightseeing activities and public buildings


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics ( Ex.1 p.96)

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics ( Ex.2 - 4 p.96)

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics ( Ex.3 - 5 p.96)

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects ( Ex.6)

5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics (p.97)

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives describing landmarks of Astana

5.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics ( p.97)

WB p.58


Astana famous landmarks


Astana famous landmarks



Planning a visit to Astana p.98

Finding out about and describing places to visit in Astana


5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics ( p.98)

5.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic information about Astana

5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics (Tours of Astana p.98)

5.C3 respect differing points of view ( What to visit in Astana)

5.C10use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world (I want to visit....)


(mind - map)


Plans and intentions


Reading and listening to stories about visiting Kazakhstan


5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.UE1 use a structure to be going to express intention and plan on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics ( Ex.1 - 2 p.99)

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects to visit and activities (Ex.3-4 p.99)

5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics (p.100)

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings describing a film (Film review)

WB p.59

Film review


Films and stories




Asking a plan



5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

(Ex.1 - 2p.101)

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges (Ex.3 p.101)

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics ( describe a picture Ex.4)

5.UE3 use a structure to be going to (questions) to ask about plans

Ex.5 p.101

(St. B)


Reading for pleasure

Reading and listening to a story about the life of a president of Kazakhstan


5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics ( p.103)

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

5.S8 recount basic story and events on a range of general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.S8 recount basic stories and events on a range of general and curricular topics

My Favourite film (w)


Film Review


5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

The Film Quiz


Summative Control work 5




Correction work and Unit revision


Unit 8 Review ( p.102)

Vocabulary, reflection task, check point

6 Reading for pleasure


Reading for pleasure


Learners read non-fiction books in Kazakh, English, Russian languages


All Reading learning objectives for Grade 5

Some of the Listening and Speaking learning objectives will be addressed when learners talk about reading.

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

5.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

5.UE1 use Past Simple to tell a story

WB p.60


Reading for pleasure.

Types of writing


Story Fact file


Reading for pleasure

A Famous story p.106


Ex.4 p.106 St.B.


Reading for pleasure

Telling a story


Ex. 4 p.107

( retell)


Reading for pleasure

Biography of a writer



All Reading learning objectives for Grade 6.

Many of the Listening and Speaking learning objectives, and some of the Writing learning objectives, will be addressed when learners think about and discuss what they have read about a writer.

5.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

5.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.UE1 use Past Simple ( negative and questions) to speak about past events tell a story

Biography of a writer (project)

Ex.4 p.109

WB p.61

Book Review


Past events




Reading for pleasure

Discussing a text



A Book festival




Summative Control work 6




Correction work and Unit revision


Unit 9. Review p.110

Vocabulary, reflection task, check point

7 Fantasy world ( Unit 3 p.p.26 - 39)


People and places


Describing places and towns and talking and writing about them.


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics ( Ex.1 - 2 p.26)

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics (Ex.4)

5.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

5.UE6 use plural form of nouns talking about people and places

5.UE5 use numbers to complete the factfile of a country (p.27)

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

WB p.18


Two different places


5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics (Ex.1 -2 p.28)

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary to talk about a limited range of general topics (Topic " London") Ex.3p 29

5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics Ex.4 - 5 p.29

5.UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including common noun phrases and a structure there is/ there are describing times and location, on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

5.UE14 use prepositions to talk about time and location and some/ any/no.

WB p.19


Home Town


WB p.20

Topic "London"


A shopping centre


Describing shopping centre and reading, writing and talking about them.


5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics (Ex. 1 - 3 p.30)

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics (Ex.4)

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges (Ex.5)

5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics (Ex.1,2)

5.UE8 use there is / there are to find out people's favourite shops (Ex.6)

WB p.21





5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives and prepositions of time and key phrases on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topic

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topic

Creating a map of a fantasy city and writing a persuasive text about it

WB p.22


Places in a town



WB p.23


Brochure about a town



5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.UE16 use conjunctions so , also, when , where, before, after to link parts of sentences on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.24


My Country

p.p.34 - 35


5.L7recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.UE use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including common noun phrases describing times and location, on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topic

WB p.25


Fantasy world

pp.36 - 37



p.39 retell


Summative Control work 7


Summative Control work


Correction work and Unit revision


Unit 3 Review p.p.38 - 39

Vocabulary, reflection task, check point

IV term – 24 hours

8 Sports ( Unit 2 p.p. 12 - 25)


Favourite sport

p.p.12 - 13

Comparing different sports and talking and writing about them.


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information ( Ex.1-3 p.12 )

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

5S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.UE use appropriate adjectives and indefinite article a / an including common noun phrases describing things and activities on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.10


Clubs for young people p.14

Talking about clubs and people's hobbies


5.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.C3 respect differing points of view

WB p.10

WB p.11


Free Time Activities




Favourite things

p.16 - p.17


5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.UE8 use a verb to be to talk about favourite things on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.C6organise and present information clearly to others

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

Talking about and writing rules for sports.

WB p.12


Giving personal information



WB p.13


An email to a friend



5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

5.UE10 use present simple to write an email to an internet friend

5.C6organise and present information clearly to others

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

WB p.14


Sports in Kazakhstan



WB p.15


Time and activities



5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

5.UE2 use numbers to practise asking for and telling the time

5.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.C3respect differing points of view

My favourite sport ( topic)


A Club poster

p.22 - p.23


Make a poster

WB p.16


Reading for pleasure



5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts

( a poem) on general and curricular topics

5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information on the poem

5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

WB p.17


Summative Control work 8


Summative Control work


Correction work and Unit revision


Unit 2 Review p.24

Vocabulary, reflection task, check point


Holiday activities

p.82 - p.83


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

55.UE9 use simple present and imperatives to describe holiday activities

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

WB p.50


On holiday



5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.C3respect differing points of view and understand a blog

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

5.C8develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

5.UE9 use simple present and present continuous simple to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.51


Holiday Activities



WB p.52


Dangerous journeys


Talking and writing about holiday activities and creating a programme for a dangerous journey


5.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe places and people

5.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

A programme for a dangerous journey (w)

WB p.53


Holiday Activities



WB p.54



A phone conversation



5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics5.

C8develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

5.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

WB p.55


An email about a holiday



WB p.56

An email (w)


Weekend arrangements

p.90 - p.91

Talking about job and future arrangements


5.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

5.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

C8develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe job and future arrangements

5.UE14 use possessive adjectives and pronouns to talk about people and objects

5.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

5.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

WB p.57


A tourist information poster



A tourist information poster


CLIL. Math: Recording and presenting data


5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

5.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

5.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics

p.95 Ex.3(w)


Summative Control work 9


Summative Control work


Correction work and Unit revision


Unit 7 Review p.94

Project work

6 сыныптарға арналған күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар

Календарно-тематический план для 6 класса

Calendar Thematic Plan for the 6th grade

2018-2019 оқу жылы/учебный год/academic year




Learning objectives

Home task

I term – 24 hours

Our class ( Unit 1 p. 4 - p.19)


My class's hobbies and interests.

Describing classroom, greet and introduce people and speak about their hobbies, writing about classmates.


6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics ( Ex.1 p 4,describe a classroom, revise a verb " to be")

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges ( Ex., 1 - 5 p.8)

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics ( Ex. 5,6 p.8).

6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics

WB p. 4 - p.6


Reading. What are you into?

Talking about people's interests and hobbies.

Practicing describing pictures.


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics ( Ex.1 - 2. p.10).

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a ( Ex.3.p. 10)

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics ( Ex.5 p.10)

6.UE9 use have got and prepositions about, of, by on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topic ( Ex. 1 - 5 p.11)

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics. (My interests)

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics ( Ex.6 p.11, Activate).

6.W6 link, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics.

6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics.

WB p.p.7 – 8


Hobbies and interests

Practicing joined up writing, speaking about different hobbies and interests.


6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics ( p.12 Mind map)

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects ( Category of hobbies - topic discussion) p.12

6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics ( Ex.4 p.12)

6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups ( Ex.5,6p.12)

6.UE9 use simple present to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.9

My Hobby

(mind - map)


Language Focus. Interrogative pronouns.


6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics( Ex.2 - 3 p.14)

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

6.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

6.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics ( p.13)

WB p.10


A Diagnostic test


6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

WB p.11


Meeting people.

Greeting and introduction.


6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.UE3 use a growing variety of demonstrative pronouns: this/that, these/ those on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

WB p.12


Writing an email.

Practicing writing an email about a class.


6.L6 deduce meaning from context with little or no support in extended talk on a growing range of general and curricular topics ( p.15)

6.L2 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions which ask for personal information

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

SB ex.4 p.15


My Country. Daily routines.


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics ( Ex.1 p.16)

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

6.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

6.UE16 use conjunctions so, if, when, where, before, after to link parts of sentences on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

Ex.6 - 7 p.16

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

WB p.13

A topic " Daily routine".


CLIL. Visual arts: Colour.


6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

6.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects ( Ex.3 - 4 p.17)

6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of curricular topics

Presentation "Colours in the picture"

( a description of a picture).

St. book p.17


Review. Unit 1



6.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

6.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

6.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

6.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.14


Summative control work 1

for Unit 1.


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.L7 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.W6 link, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics


Review . Unit 1

Project: My Class p.19


6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

6.W6 link, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

WB p.15

Helping and heroes ( Unit 2 p.20 - p.31)


Countries, nationalities and languages.

Speak about heroes from different countries and their nationalities.

p.p.20 - 21


6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion p.21

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.L7 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

WB p. 16

Make a global quiz


Reading. A cosmopolitan city.

Talking about the different cultures that exist in Almaty, discuss other countries.



6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics ( Ex.1 p.22)

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a ( Ex.3.p.22)

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges ( Ex.4)

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics. (My native city - Almaty) p.22

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics ( Ex.5 p.22, Activate).

6.W6 link, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics.

WB p.20


Language Focus.

Present Simple: affirmative and negative.

Talking about people's lives. p.23


6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics ( p.23 Mind map)

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects ( Facts and routine) p.23

6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics ( Ex.4 p.23)

6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups ( Ex.3,5 p.23)

6.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines ,habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p. 17

Present Simple

(mind - map)


Daily lives

Talking about people's lives.


Language Focus.

Present Simple:




6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics( Ex.2 - 3 p.2)

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics ( My Day p.24)

6.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics ( p.24)

6.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.UE12 use common regular and irregular adverbs, simple and comparative forms, adverbs of frequency on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

St. Book p.25w


Helping with housework.

Talking about helping with housework.



6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups.

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

WB p.18


Country and language report.

Writing a report about a country.



6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

WB p.19


My Country. National heroes.

Talking about famous people.


6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.L6 deduce meaning from context with little or no support in extended talk on a growing range of general and curricular topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

An essay" A national Kazakh Hero"


CLIL. Language and literature: Non - verbal language. p.29.

Practicing different ways of communicating.


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

6.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

6.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

WB p.22

A topic " Daily routine".


Review. Unit 2 p.30


6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

6.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

Presentation "Colours in the picture"

( a description of a picture).

St. book p.17


Skills Round - up



6.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

6.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

6.W5 develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a growing range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics

6.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.23


Summative Control work 2

for Unit 2.


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.L7 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.W5 develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a growing range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics


Correction work and Unit revision.

Summative Control work

for the first term.


6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.L7 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in basic, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

A project




Learning objectives

Home task

II term (24 hours)

Our Countryside (Unit 3 p.32) (12 hours)



Talking about animals. Animals description. p.32


6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics ( Ex.1 p.32)

6.S2 ask more complex questions to get information about a growing range of general topics and some curricular topics ( Ex.2 p.32)

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics ( Ex.3, 4 p.32)

6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics ( Ex 1,5, 6 p.p.32, 33)

WB p.24


The red list p.34

Speak about animals in danger.


6.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

6.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics( Ex.3 - 4 p.34)

WB p.28


Language Focus.

Present Continuous

Talking about things happening now. p.35


6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others ( Ex.1 p.35)

6.W2 write with minimal support about real and imaginary present events, activities and experiences happening now on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics ( Ex.2,3,5 p.35)

6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics( Ex.4 p.35, describe a picture)

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics ( Ex.6)

WB p.25


Animal behaviour p.36


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups ( Ex.1,2 p.36)

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics ( Ex.3 p.36)

6.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics( Ex.4 p.36)

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe animals ( Ex.5,6 p.36).

WB p.26


Present Continuous.

Questions. p.37


6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others ( ex1 - 5 p.37)

6.W2 write with minimal support about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics ( Ex.6,7 p.37)

WB p.27


Phoning a friend.

Speaking about the activity at the moment. p.38


6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 6.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics.

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics (Key phrases p.38)

SB ex.6 p.38


A description of a wildlife photo.



6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

6.W6 link independently, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.29


My country: National parks.

Talking about Kazakhstan's plants and animals. p.40


6.C3 respect differing points of view

6.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

6.UE14 use prepositions to talk about time and location; use prepositions like to describe things and about to denote topic; use prepositions of direction to, into, out of, from, towards on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics familiar general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics


"A National Park."


CLIL. Natural science: Animals. p.41


6.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world (Ex.1-3 p.41)

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

6.S8 recount basic stories and events on a range of general and curricular topics ( describe vertebrates)

6.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

Presentation "Television broadcasting about animals".


Summative Control work 3 for Unit 3.


6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives


Review 3 p.42


6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.UE10 use present continuous forms with present meaning on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.30


Skills Round - up.

Animals description. p.43


6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

( Ex.1 - 3 p.42)

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics (Ex.4)

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.3

An email ( Ex.6 p.43)

Drama and comedy (Unit 4 p.44) (12 hours)


Films and theatre p.44


6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics(Ex.2,3 p.44)

6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings p.45 ( the acting game)

WB p.32


Video Games



6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

6.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

WB p.36


Language Focus.

Past Simple p.47


6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

plans on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.UE9 use simple past regular and irregular forms to describe past events on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

WB p.33


Describing People. p.48


6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

6.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

WB p.34


Past Simple. Questions. p.49


6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

6.UE9 use simple past regular and irregular forms to describe past events on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

WB p.35


Talking about past events p.50


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

SB p.50

Picture description


A profile.

Writing about a life of a famous person. p.51


6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

WB p.37


My country: Kazakh films.

Talking about people in Kazakh films and plays. p.52


6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S4 respond with limited flexibility at sentence level to unexpected comments on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.UE15 use common verbs followed by infinitive verb / verb + ing patterns on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

SB ex.5 p.52


CLIL. Technology:

The Internet.



6.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

6.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

Essay "How do people use the internet?"


Summative Control work 4 for Unit 4.

Review 4 p.54


6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

WB p.38


Summative Control work for the second term.


6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives


Project. Trump card game: films and theatre. p.55


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics.

WB p.39




Learning objectives

Home task

III term (30 hours)

Our Health (10 hours). Unit 5 p.p. 56 - 67


Activities in and out of school

Talking about school timetable and after - school activities

p.p.56 - 57


6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

W.B. p.40


School life.

Practicing an interview about a school. p.58


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors

My school

( a composition) w.


Language Focus.

Can for ability and permission. p.59


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

6.UE 13 use might may could to express possibility on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6. 6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics

W.B. p.41


Food and drink.

Talking about eating habits. p. 60


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors

W.B. p.42, a menu


Language Focus.

Countable and uncountable nouns: a/an, the, some, any, much, many, a lot of.

Talking about food and meals. p.61


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

6.UE1 use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including common noun phrases describing times and location, on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.UE2 use quantifiers many, much, a lot of ,a few on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

W.B. p.43


Making, accepting and refusing invitations p. 62

An email about school p.63


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors

W.B. p.44


My Country. Almaty Marathon. p.64


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics curricular topics.

6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.UE2 use quantifiers many, much, a lot of ,a few on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

W.B. p.45


CLIL. Physical Education: Rules of a game. p.65


6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

W.B. p.46

Rules of a game (w)


Summative Control work 5

For Unit 5.


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.W6 link, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics



Review 5


My Dream


6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

W.B. p.47

A project

Travel and holidays (10 hours). Unit 6 p.p. 68 - 79


Travel equipment.

Talking about activities done on an expedition. p.p. 68 - 69


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.C3 respect differing points of view

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics of familiar general topic

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

W.B. p.48


An adventure story p.70


6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited range of written genres

6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics of familiar general topic

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

An adventure story

composition (w)


Language Focus

to be going to

will / won't

Talking about plans and intentions. p.71

Presenting predictions about the future p.73


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.UE8 use future forms will for predictions and be going to to talk about already decided plans on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topic

W.B. p.49

A mind - map


Weather conditions

Talking about the weather. p.72


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

W.B. p.50


How was your weekend?

Talking about a short break. p.74


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors

W.B. p.52


A blog. Practicing writing a blog. p.75


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers objects

6.W6 link, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a limited range

6.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a limited range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics

6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

W.B. p.53


My Country. An adventure holiday.

Talking about holidays in Kazakhstan. p.76


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers objects

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

W.B. p.51

Topic" Holidays in Kazakhstan" or presentation


CLIL. Natural science: Weather and climate. p.77


6.C3 respect differing points of view

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

W.B. p.54


Summative Control work 6

for Unit 6.


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.W6 link, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics



Review 6. p.78

Skills Round - up. p.79


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors

W.B. p.55

Weather in Almaty(diagram)

Reading for pleasure ( 10 hours). Unit 7 p.p. 80 - 91


Talking about books. p.80 - p.81


6.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

6.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

6.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

W.B. p.56


Young writers. p.82


6.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L8 understand supported narratives, including some extended talk, on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S5 recount basic story and events on a range of general and curricular topics

6.W4 write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

6.W6 link, with some support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

W.B. p.58


Language Focus. Present Perfect

p. 83.


6.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

6.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

6.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

6.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited range of written genres

6.R8 use with some support familiar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning

6.UE7 use simple perfect forms of common verbs to express what has happened [indefinite time] on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

W.B. p.57

A mind - map


Books and writers.

Talking about writers and their books. p.84


6.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

6.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

6.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

6.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited range of written genres

6.R8 use with some support familiar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning

6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics of familiar general topics

W.B. p.60


Language Focus. Present Perfect: Questions.


6.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

6.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

6.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

W.B. p.59


Asking for and giving opinions.

An online book or film review.

Writing a book or film review. p.87


6.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

6.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

6.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

6.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited range of written genres

6.R8 use with some support familiar paper and digital reference resources to check meaning

6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics of familiar general topics

W.B. p.61


My Country.

A folktale p.88


6.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

6.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

6.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of g

6.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics of familiar general topics general and curricular topics

A folktale ( retell)


CLIL. Language and literature: Myths and legends. p.89

Review 7


6.C4 evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others

6.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

6.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

6.R1 understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on general and curricular topics

6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

6.C3 respect differing points of view

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

A book review (w)

W.B. p.63


Summative Control work 7 for Unit 7.


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.W6 link, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics



Project. Poster: My novel

Summative control work for the third term.


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors

W.B. p.63




Learning objectives

Home task

IV term( 24 hours)

Our neighbourhood( 12 hours). Unit 8 p.p.92 - 103


Places in a town.

Describe a place you know.

p.92 - p.93


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics curricular topics.

6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.UE14 use prepositions to talk about time and location use prepositions like to describe things and about to denote topic use prepositions of direction to, into, out of, from, towards on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics familiar general and curricular topics

W.B. p.64


A description of a modern city p.94


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.C3 respect differing points of view

6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

A map of Almaty


Language Focus.

Is there/ Are there

Practicing asking and answering questions about the place you live. p.95


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics general and curricular topics

6.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

6.UE14 use prepositions to talk about time and location use prepositions like to describe things and about to denote topic use prepositions of direction to, into, out of, from, towards and there is / there are on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics familiar general and curricular topics

W.B. p.65


Describing places. p.96


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.C3 respect differing points of view

6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

W.B. p.66


Language Focus.

Comparative adjectives. p.97


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics general and curricular topics

6.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

6.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

6.UE2 use quantifiers many, much , a lot of ,a few on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

W.B. p.67


Asking for travel information. p.98


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors

Describe a city (w)


A description of a


Practicing writing about a town or city. p.99


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.C3 respect differing points of view

6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

W.B. p.68


My Country. A city park. p.100


6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited range of written genres

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

A park in Almaty or in London


CLIL. Geography: Reading a map. p.101


6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

6.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

6.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

W.B. p.69



City profile. p.103


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.C3 respect differing points of view

6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

W.B. p.70


Summative Control work 8

for Unit 8.


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.W6 link, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics



Review 8 p.104


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors

W.B. p.71

Transport ( 12 hours). Unit 9 p.p. 104 – 115



Talking about jobs and people connected to transport.

p.104 - p.105


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

W.B. p.72


The history of the steam engine p.106


6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

6.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.R4 read and understand with some support a limited range of short fiction and non-fiction texts understanding of general topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

Transport system in London (topic)


Language Focus.

was/ were,

there was/ there were p.107


6.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

6.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

6.L3 understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on general and curricular topics

6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general and curricular topics

W.B. p.73


Strange Town USA.

Talking about the names of some American towns. p.108


6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited range of written genres

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

W.B. p.74

Repeat the states of the USA and its capitals


Language Focus.

Past Simple of regular verbs. p.109


6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

W.B. p.75


Making and responding to suggestions. p.110


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors

W.B. p.76


An article about a town.

Practicing writing about a place and its history. p.111


6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

6.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

6.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

W.B. p.77

Monuments of Almaty

(brochure) w


My Country.

Public transport. p.112


6.L1 understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

6.R7 recognise typical features at word, sentence and text level in a limited range of written genres

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Public transport in Almaty ( presentation)


CLIL. History: Famous explorers. p.113


6.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

6.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

6.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics

6.W2 write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range of familiar general topics

Famous explorers

(topic) w.

W.B. p.78


Summative Control work 9 for unit 9.


6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.W6 link, with some support, sentences into a coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a limited range of familiar general topics

W.B. p.79


Review 9 p.114

Summative Control work for the fourth term.


6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics

6.S2 ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of general topics

6.S3 give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.L4 understand the main points of supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

6.R5 deduce meaning from context in short texts on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a limited range of general and curricular topics

6.W5 link without support sentences using basic coordinating connectors

Lexical minimum


Skill Round - up. p.115


6.UE3 use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

6.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

Lexical minimum

7 сыныптарға арналған күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар

Календарно-тематический план для 7 класса

Calendar Thematic Plan for the 7th grade

2018-2019 оқу жылы/учебный год/academic year

Тема урока

Сабақ тақырыбы




Оқу мақсаты /Цели урока/ Learning objectives

Домашнее задание

I term

Hobbies and Leisure (Unit 6 p.78) (12 hours)


Time and numbers p.78

(a millennium, a century, etc.)


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE5 use questions including questions with whose, how often , how long and a growing range of tag questions on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.58


Superstitions p.80

(lucky, fear, superstitious, etc.)


7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

WB p.62


Making predictions (will, won't) p.81


7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

7.UE8 use future form will to make offers, promises, and predictions on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.59


Adjectives: characteristics p.82

(helpful, easy-going, impatient, etc.)


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

7.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

7.UE3 use common participles as adjectives and order adjectives correctly in front of nouns on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.L7 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

7.S3 give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

WB p.60


Entry test



First conditional p.83


7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.UE16 use conjunctions if , when, where, so, and, or, but, because , before, after to link parts of sentences in short texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.61


A future survey p.84

(Asking for and giving opinions, Expressing probability)


7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.84


A report on a survey p.85

(Expressing quantity. Nobody, everybody)


7.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

7.UE2 use quantifiers including more, little, few less, fewer not as many , not as much on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a growing range of general and curricular topics

WB p.63


Hobbies and leisure p.86 (cooking, shopping, fishing, etc.; questions with whose, need; too and enough)


7.C3 respect differing points of view

7.UE5 use questions including questions with whose, how often , how long and a growing range of tag questions on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE6 use a variety of personal, demonstrative and quantitative pronouns including someone somebody, everybody , no-one on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE13 use modal forms including mustn’t (prohibition), need (necessity) should (for advice) on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at discourse level on a range of general topics

7.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

An essay "What are your hobbies and interests?"


CLIL. Maths: Statistics and charts p.88


7.UE2 use quantifiers including more, little, few less, fewer not as many, not as much on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

7.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence and discourse level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

SB p.89


Summative Control work 1


WB p.66-67


Review p.90-91


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers


Everyday objects p.8

(bag, bus pass, clothes, etc.)


7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE5 use questions including questions with whose, how often , how long and a growing range of tag questions on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.8


People's possession p.10

(supposed to, allowed to, etc.)


7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at discourse level on a range of

WB p.12


Present Simple: affirmative and negative p.11


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

7.UE9 use appropriately an increased variety of present and past simple active and some passive forms on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p. 9


Free-time activities p.12

(watch TV, listen to music, meet friends, etc.; Adverbs of frequency)


7.UE12 use an increased variety of adverbs, including adverbs of degree too, not enough, quite , rather on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.L4 understand with limited support the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.W3 write with some support about personal feelings and opinions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.10


Present Simple: questions p.13


7.UE9 use appropriately an increased variety of present and past simple active and some passive forms on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.11


Asking for and giving opinions p.14


7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.14


An internet profile p.15 (Expressing likes and dislikes)


7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a growing range of general and curricular topics

WB p.13


Communication and technology p.16


7.UE2 use quantifiers including more, little, few less, fewer not as many , not as much on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE4 use a variety of determiners including all, other on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

An essay "What is your favourite app?"


Joining a club p.17


7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.17


CLIL. Technology: Advertising p.18


7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

7.S3 give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

SB p.19


Summative Control work 2


SB p.21


Review p.20


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

Тема урока

Сабақ тақырыбы




Оқу мақсаты /Цели урока/ Learning objectives

Домашнее задание

II term

Holidays and Travel (Unit 2 p.22) (12 hours)


At home p.22

(table, chair, sofa, cupboard, etc.)


7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE14 use an increased variety of prepositions of time, location and direction use by and with to denote agent and instrument; use prepositions before nouns and adjectives in common prepositional phrases on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.18


Seeing stars p.24

(view, modern, traditional, etc.)


7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at discourse level on a range of general topics

WB p.22


Present Continuous: affirmative and negative p.25


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

7.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning and past continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.19


Housework p.26

(make breakfast, lunch, dinner, take out the rubbish, etc.)


7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

WB p.20


Present Continuous: questions p.27


7.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning and past continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.21


Making requests and compromises p.28


7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.8 p.28


A perfect place to live p.29

(Describing a place)


7.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a growing range of general and curricular topics

WB p.23


Holidays and travel (Indirect speech: say and tell) p.30


7.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

7.UE17 use subordinate clauses following think know believe hope, say, tell use subordinate clauses following sure, certain; use defining relative clauses with which who that where on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

An essay "Where would you like to go?"


Finding things p.31


7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.5 p.31


CLIL. Poetry p.32


7.R5 deduce meaning from context on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

SB p.33


Summative Control work 3


WB p.26-27


Review p.34-35


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

Space and Earth (Unit 4 p.50) (12 hours)


Prepositions: movement p.50 (across, around, down, etc.)


7.UE14 use an increased variety of prepositions of time, location and direction use by and with to denote agent and instrument; use prepositions before nouns and adjectives in common prepositional phrases on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.38


Daredevils p.52

(daredevil, brave, etc.)


7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at discourse level on a range of

WB p.42


Past Continuous: affirmative and negative p.53


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

7.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning and past continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p. 39


Geographical features p.54

(desert, falls, forest, etc.)


7.L4 understand with limited support the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.W6 link, with minimal support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a growing range of familiar general topics

WB p.40


Past Continuous: questions p.55


7.UE10 use present continuous forms with present and future meaning and past continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.41


Expressing interest p.56


7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.56


A narrative text p.57 (Linking events; when, while, as soon as)


7.W6 link, with minimal support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a growing range of familiar general topics

WB p.43


Space and Earth p.58


7.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

7.UE9 use appropriately an increased variety of present and past simple active and some passive forms on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

SB ex.7 p.58


Directions p.59


7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.5 p.59


CLIL. Natural science: Natural disasters p.18


7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

SB p.61


Summative Control work 4


WB p.46-47


Review p.62-63


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

Тема урока

Сабақ тақырыбы




Оқу мақсаты /Цели урока/ Learning objectives

Домашнее задание

III term

Reading for pleasure (Unit 9 p.120) (10 hours)


Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond p.120


7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.R4 read independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction texts

SB ex.8 p.121


Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Diamond p.120


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

7.S3 give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

Review p.121


The Lost World p.122


7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.R4 read independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction texts

SB ex.6 p.123


The Lost World p.122


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

7.S3 give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

Description p.123


The Last of the Mohicans


7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.R4 read independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction texts

SB ex.6 p.125


The Last of the Mohicans


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

7.S3 give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

Essay p.125


Nicholas Nickleby WB p.88


7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.R4 read independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction texts

WB ex.6 p.89


Romeo and Juliet WB p.90


7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.R4 read independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction texts

WB ex.6 p.90


Emma WB p.91


7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.R4 read independently a limited range of short simple fiction and non-fiction texts

WB ex.6 p.91


Summative Control work 5



Skills and people p.64 (paint, painter, compose, composer, etc.)


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

WB p.48


Whizz-kids p.66 (break a record, take an exam)


7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at discourse level on a range of general topics

WB p.52


Ability: can, could. Questions with How...? p.67


7.UE5 use questions including questions with whose, how often , how long and a growing range of tag questions on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE13 use modal forms including mustn’t (prohibition), need (necessity) should (for advice) on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.49


Adjectives: qualities p.68 (artistic, aggressive, common)


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

7.UE3 use common participles as adjectives and order adjectives correctly in front of nouns on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

WB p.50-51


Choosing a present p.70 (should and must)


7.UE13 use modal forms including mustn’t (prohibition), need (necessity) should (for advice) on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.7 p.70


Biographies p.71


7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a growing range of general and curricular topics

WB p.53


Entertainment and media p.72


7.UE3 use common participles as adjectives and order adjectives correctly in front of nouns on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE17 use subordinate clauses following think know believe hope, say , tell use subordinate clauses following sure, certain; use defining relative clauses with which who that where on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a growing range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.7 p.72


CLIL: Natural science: Adapting to the environment p.74


7.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

SB p. 75


Summative Control work 6


WB p.56-57


Review p.76


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

Natural disasters (Unit 8 p.106) (10 hours)


Feelings p.106

(enthusiastic, bad at, fond of, etc.)


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

WB p.78


Arachnophobia p.108 (ridiculous, weird, unpleasant, etc.)


7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.82


Present Perfect p.109


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

7.UE7 use simple perfect forms to express indefinite and unfinished past with for and since] on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.79, 81


Injuries p.110 (cut, burn, etc.)


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

7.L4 understand with limited support the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

WB p.80


Helping with problems p.112


7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.5 p.112


Emails p.113


7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a growing range of general and curricular topics

WB p.83


Reading for pleasure p.114


7.UE12 use an increased variety of adverbs, including adverbs of degree too, not enough, quite , rather on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE7 use simple perfect forms to express indefinite and unfinished past with for and since] on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.S8 recount some extended stories and events on a limited range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.7 p.114


CLIL: Reading for pleasure: Stories p.116


7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S8 recount some extended stories and events on a limited range of general and curricular topics

SB p. 117


Summative Control work 7


WB p.118-119


Review p.118


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

Тема урока

Сабақ тақырыбы




Оқу мақсаты /Цели урока/ Learning objectives

Домашнее задание

IV term

(Healthy habits Unit 7 p.92) (12 hours)


People in sport p.92 (captain, champion, finalist, etc.)


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

WB p.68


Women in sport p.94 (competed, have a go at, support, etc.)


7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S3 give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

WB p.72


Will and be going to p.95


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

7.UE8 use future form will to make offers, promises, and predictions on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.69


Compound nouns p.96 (sports tennis tournament, athletics stadium, etc.)


7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.L4 understand with limited support the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

WB p.70


Be going to and Present Continuous


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

7.UE8 use future form will to make offers, promises, and predictions on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.71


Making plans and arrangements p.98 (indefinite pronouns)


7.UE6 use a variety of personal, demonstrative and quantitative pronouns including someone somebody, everybody , no-one on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.98


A formal letter p.99


7.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with some support on a growing range of general and curricular topics

WB p.73


Healthy habits p.100


7.UE1 begin to use basic abstract nouns and compound nouns and noun phrases describing times and location on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE5 use questions including questions with whose, how often , how long and a growing range of tag questions on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE8 use future form will to make offers, promises, and predictions on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.100


Talking about scores p.101


7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.5 p.101


CLIL: Maths: Average speed p.102


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

SB p.103


Summative Control work 8


SB p.105


Review p.104


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers


Adjectives: feeling and events p.36 (cute, nervous, lucky, etc).


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

7.UE14 use an increased variety of prepositions of time, location and direction use by and with to denote agent and instrument; use prepositions before nouns and adjectives in common prepositional phrases on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.28


Remember this! p.38 (memorized, remember, from memory, etc.)


7.R1 understand the main points in a growing range of short, simple texts on general and curricular topics

7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.32


Was, were p.39


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

7.UE9 use appropriately an increased variety of present and past simple active and some passive forms on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.29


Milestones p.40 (become a professional, have a child, etc.)


7.UE3 use common participles as adjectives and order adjectives correctly in front of nouns on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.L4 understand with limited support the main points of extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics

7.L5 understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics

WB p.30


Past Simple p.41


7.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

7.UE9 use appropriately an increased variety of present and past simple active and some passive forms on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.31


Your weekend p.42 (Talking about an experience; time expressions and ago)


7.UE9 use appropriately an increased variety of present and past simple active and some passive forms on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.42


A past event p.43 (linking events; there was, there were)


7.W2 write with some support about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a limited range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics

WB p.33


Clothes and fashion p.44


7.UE3 use common participles as adjectives and order adjectives correctly in front of nouns on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.UE15 use common verbs followed by infinitive verb / verb + ing patterns use infinitive of purpose on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics

7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.44


An event in the past p.45


7.S5 keep interaction going in longer exchanges on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.5 p.45


CLIL: Folk stories p.46


7.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

7.R2 understand independently specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.W7 use with some support appropriate layout at text level for a growing range of written genres on familiar general topics and some curricular topics

SB p.47


Summative Control work 9


SB p.49


Review p.48


7.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

8 сыныптарға арналған күнтізбелік-тақырыптық жоспар

Календарно-тематический план для 8 класса

Calendar Thematic Plan for the 8th grade

2018-2019 оқу жылы/учебный год/academic year




Learning objectives

Home task

I term

Our world (Unit 1 p.8) (12 hours)


Everyday objects p.8-9


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE2 use a growing variety of quantifiers for countable and uncountable nouns including several, plenty, a large/small number/amount on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.8


The "no impact" family p.10


8.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

8.S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

WB p.12


Relative pronouns p.11


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.UE6 use a variety of pronouns including indefinite pronouns anybody, anyone, anything and quantitative pronouns everyone, everything, none, more, less, a few on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.9


Pollution and the environment p.12


8.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

8.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

WB p.10


Entry test


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives


too, too much, too many, enough, not enough p.13


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.UE12 use an increased variety of pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.11




Learning objectives

Home task


Offering and asking for help p.14


8.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

SB ex.6 p.14


An environmental problem p.15


8.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.W5 develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a growing range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.13


My county: Our world p.16


8.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

8.UE2 use a growing variety of quantifiers for countable and uncountable nouns including several, plenty, a large/small number/amount on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

8.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

Poster "An environmental problem in my country"


CLIL Geography: Sustainable development p.17


8.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

8.W5 develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a growing range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics

SB ex.5 p.17


Summative Control work 1


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives


Review 1 p.18

Project: A blog p.19


8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.14-15




Learning objectives

Home task

Daily life and shopping (Unit 2 p.20) (12 hours)


The internet p.20


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE7 use a variety of simple perfect forms to express recent, indefinite and unfinished past on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

8.W2 write with minimal support about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics

WB p.16


Internet addiction p.22


8.S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

WB p.20


Present perfect: regular and irregular verbs p.23


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.UE7 use a variety of simple perfect forms to express recent, indefinite and unfinished past on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.17


Cybercrime p.24


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

WB p.18


Present perfect: questions p.25


8.S2 ask more complex questions to get information about a growing range of general topics and some curricular topics

8.UE7 use a variety of simple perfect forms to express recent, indefinite and unfinished past on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.19


Online shopping p.26


8.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE13 use a growing variety of modal forms for different functions: obligation, necessity, possibility, permission, requests, suggestions, prohibition on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Essay "Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping"




Learning objectives

Home task


A comment on a website p.27


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.W6 link independently, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.21


My country: Daily life and shopping p. 28


8.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE6 use a variety of pronouns including indefinite pronouns anybody, anyone, anything and quantitative pronouns everyone, everything, none, more, less, a few on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

SB ex.5 p.28


CLIL Technology: The internet - wikis p.29


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

Create a wiki


Summative Control work 2


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives


Review 2 p.30


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

WB p.22


Skills round-up: Welcome - Unit 2 p.31


8.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

8.W5 develop with support coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and reasons for a growing range of written genres in familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.23




Learning objectives

Home task

II term

Entertainment and media (Unit 3 p.32) (12 hours)


Television p.32


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.S2 ask more complex questions to get information about a growing range of general topics and some curricular topics

WB p.24


Reality TV p.34


8.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

WB p.28


Past simple p.35


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.W2 write with minimal support about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics

WB p.25


On TV p.36


8.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

WB p.26


Past tenses p.37


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.W2 write with minimal support about real and imaginary past events, activities and experiences on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics

WB p.27


My news p.38


8.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings 8.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.38


A news article p.39


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.W6 link independently, sentences into coherent paragraphs using a variety of basic connectors on a range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.29




Learning objectives

Home task


My country: Entertainment and media p.40


8.C3 respect differing points of view

8.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

8.UE14 use some prepositions before nouns and adjectives use prepositions as, like to indicate manner use dependent prepositions following adjectives on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Essay "My favourite TV programme."


CLIL Technology: Television p.41


8.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

Presentation "Television broadcasting in the past and present"


Summative Control work 3


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives


Review 3 p.42


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

WB p.30


Project: A TV programme p.43


8.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.31

Sport, health and exercise (Unit 4 p.44) (12 hours)


Adjectives: personality p.44


8.C2 use speaking and listening skills to provide sensitive feedback to peers

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE12 use comparative degree adverb structures not as quickly as / far less quickly with regular and irregular adverbs.

use an increased variety of pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.32


Sports superstars p.46


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

WB p.36


Present perfect + still, yet, just and already p.47


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.UE7 use a variety of simple perfect forms to express recent, indefinite and unfinished past on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.33




Learning objectives

Home task


Nouns and adjectives: personal qualities p.48


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

WB p.34


Present perfect and past simple p.49


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.UE7 use a variety of simple perfect forms to express recent, indefinite and unfinished past on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.35


Identifying and describing people p.50


8.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

8.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

SB p.50

Picture description


A biography p.51


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

8.UE3 use a growing variety of compound adjectives and adjectives as participles and some comparative structures including not as…as, much …than to indicate degree on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.37


My country: Sport, health and exercise p.52


8.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

8.UE3 use a growing variety of compound adjectives and adjectives as participles and some comparative structures including not as…as, much …than to indicate degree on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

8.W7 use with minimal support appropriate layout at text level for a range of written genres on familiar general and curricular topics

SB ex.5 p.52


CLIL Language and literature: Newspapers p.53


8.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

Essay "Are newspapers necessary today?"




Learning objectives

Home task


Summative Control work 4


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives


Review 4 p.54


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

WB p.38


Skills round-up: Welcome - Unit 4 p.55


8.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.39




Learning objectives

Home task

III term

Reading for pleasure (Unit 5 p.56) (10 hours)


Books and films: genres p.56


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE15 use infinitive forms after a limited number of verbs and adjectives; use gerund forms after a limited variety of verbs and prepositions; use some prepositional verbs and begin to use common phrasal verbs on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.40


Movie technology p.58


8.S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

WB p.44


Could, can, will be able to p.59


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE13 use a growing variety of modal forms for different functions: obligation, necessity, possibility, permission, requests, suggestions, prohibition on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.41


Books and films: features p.60


8.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

8.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

WB p.42


Second conditional p.61


8.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

8.UE17 use if / unless/ if only in second conditional clauses and wish [that] clauses [present reference]; use a growing variety of relative clauses including why clauses on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.43


Expressing preferences and recommending p.62


8.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

8.L5 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) with little or no support in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.62




Learning objectives

Home task


A review of a book or a film p.63


8.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.45


My country: Reading for pleasure p.64

CLIL Language and literature: Word building-nouns p.65


8.R4 read a growing range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics

8.UE1 use some abstract nouns and complex noun phrases on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

8.UE3 use a growing variety of compound adjectives and adjectives as participles and some comparative structures including not as…as, much …than to indicate degree on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

8.UE12 use comparative degree adverb structures not as quickly as / far less quickly with regular and irregular adverbs.

use an increased variety of pre-verbal, post-verbal and end-position adverbs on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

Graphic organizer


Summative Control work 5


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives


Review 5 p.66

Project: A film poster p.67


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

8.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

WB p.46-47

The natural world (Unit 6 p.68) (10 hours)


Nouns: art p.68


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE9 use appropriately a variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and reported speech on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.48


The lost world p.70


8.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

WB p.52




Learning objectives

Home task


Past passive: affirmative and negative p.71


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.UE9 use appropriately a variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and reported speech on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.49


Adjectives: describing art p.72


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.UE13 use a growing variety of modal forms for different functions: obligation, necessity, possibility, permission, requests, suggestions, prohibition on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.50


Present and past passive p.73


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE9 use appropriately a variety of active and passive simple present and past forms and past perfect simple forms in narrative and reported speech on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.51


Expressing doubt p.74


8.L5 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) with little or no support in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.74


A description of a piece of art p.75

Skills round-up: Welcome - Unit 6 p.79


8.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.53


My country: Tamgaly petroglyphs: Rock art p.76

Review 6 p.78


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

8.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

SB ex.5p.76


Summative Control work 6


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives




Learning objectives

Home task


CLIL Natural environments: Tropical rainforests p.77


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.54-55

Travel and transport (Unit 7 p.80) (10 hours)


Transport: nouns p.80


8.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE7 use a variety of simple perfect forms to express recent, indefinite and unfinished past on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.56


Youth travel p.82


8.S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

8.UE14 use some prepositions before nouns and adjectives
use prepositions as, like to indicate manner
use dependent prepositions following adjectives on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.60


Reported speech: tense changes p.83


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.UE11 use some reported speech forms for statements, questions and commands: say, ask, tell including reported requests on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.57


The future of transport p.84


8.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

8.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.L6 deduce meaning from context with little or no support in extended talk on a growing range of general and curricular topics

WB p.58


Reported questions, commands and requests p.85


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.UE11 use some reported speech forms for statements, questions and commands: say, ask, tell including reported requests on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.59




Learning objectives

Home task


Apologizing and explaining p.86


8.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.86


A memorable journey p.87

Project: A travel brochure p.90


8.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

8.UE14 use some prepositions before nouns and adjectives
use prepositions as, like to indicate manner
use dependent prepositions following adjectives on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.61


My country: Almaty Metro: Going underground p.88


8.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE14 use some prepositions before nouns and adjectives
use prepositions as, like to indicate manner
use dependent prepositions following adjectives on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

SB ex.5 p.88


Summative Control work 7


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives


CLIL Language and literature: Adventure stories p.89

Review 7 p.90


8.S8 recount some extended stories and events on a range of general and curricular topics

8.R4 read a growing range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics

8.UE14 use some prepositions before nouns and adjectives
use prepositions as, like to indicate manner
use dependent prepositions following adjectives on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.62-63




Learning objectives

Home task

VI term

Food and drink (Unit 8 p.92) (12 hours)


Action and protest p.92


8.C9 use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE8 use a growing variety of future forms including present continuous and present simple with future meaning on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

8.UE13 use a growing variety of modal forms for different functions: obligation, necessity, possibility, permission, requests, suggestions, prohibition on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.64


The food waste scandal p.94


8.S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

WB p.68


First conditional review p.95


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.UE17 use if / unless/ if only in second conditional clauses and wish [that] clauses [present reference]; use a growing variety of relative clauses including why clauses on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.65


Phrasal verbs: a campaign p.96


8.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

8.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

WB p.66


Be going to and will p.97


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.UE8 use a growing variety of future forms including present continuous and present simple with future meaning on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.67




Learning objectives

Home task


Plans and arrangements p.98


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.L5 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) with little or no support in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE8 use a growing variety of future forms including present continuous and present simple with future meaning on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

SB ex.6 p.98


A formal letter p.99


8.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.69


My country: Food and drink: Record-breaking food p.100


8.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE3 use a growing variety of compound adjectives and adjectives as participles and some comparative structures including not as…as, much …than to indicate degree on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

SB ex.4 p.100


CLIL Science: The future of food p.101


8.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

8.S5 interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.R6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

SB ex.4 p.101


Review 4 p.54


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

WB p.70


Summative Control work 8


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives


Skills round-up: Welcome - Unit 8 p.71


8.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.71




Learning objectives

Home task

The world of work (Unit 9 p.104) (12 hours)


School life: verbs p.104


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE13 use a growing variety of modal forms for different functions: obligation, necessity, possibility, permission, requests, suggestions, prohibition on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.72


Cheating p.106


8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

WB p.76


Have to and don't have to p.107


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.UE13 use a growing variety of modal forms for different functions: obligation, necessity, possibility, permission, requests, suggestions, prohibition on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.73


School life: nouns p.108


8.L2 understand with little or no support most specific information in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.L5 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) with little or no support in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S3 give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

WB p.74


Should, must and have to p.109


8.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

8.UE13 use a growing variety of modal forms for different functions: obligation, necessity, possibility, permission, requests, suggestions, prohibition on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

WB p.75


Asking for and giving advice p.110


8.C6 organise and present information clearly to others

8.L1 understand with little or no support the main points in extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

SB ex.7 p.100




Learning objectives

Home task


An opinion essay p.110


8.C7 develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or writing

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics

WB p.77


My country. The world of work: What is your dream job? p.112


8.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.UE17 use if / unless/ if only in second conditional clauses and wish [that] clauses [present reference]; use a growing variety of relative clauses including why clauses on a range of familiar general and curricular topics

SB ex.5 p.112


CLIL History: Child labour in Victorian Britain p.113


8.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

8.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics

8.R1 understand the main points in texts on a growing range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

SB ex.4 p.113


Review 9 p.114


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives

WB p.78


Summative Control work 9


8.C5 use feedback to set personal learning objectives


Project: A survey p.116


8.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring a range of perspectives on the world

WB p.79

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