Материалдар / Мерекелер. Реттік сандар
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Мерекелер. Реттік сандар

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Ағылшын тілінің сабақ жоспар 10-11 сыныпқа немесе 1 курс студентерге арналған
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
03 Желтоқсан 2020
0 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
Бүгін алсаңыз
+39 бонус
Бұл не?
Бүгін алсаңыз +39 бонус беріледі Бұл не?
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Тема урока:

Holidays. Ordinal numbers



Кәсіптік шетел тілі

Группа ИЖМ-11

Количество присутствующих

Количество отсутствующих


Испулова Ж.Ж.

Цели обучения, которые необходимо достичь на данном уроке

Знать информацию о празднике Наурыз; уметь поделиться ею; научиться называть праздники Казахстана, используя порядковые числительные и месяца.

Цели обучения

Все учащиеся смогут:

  • Составлять предложения по образцу, используя порядковые числительные и месяца в предложении; понять содержание текста и отвечать на вопросы по содержанию.

Большинство учащихся будут уметь:

  • Выделять ключевые слова, составлять опорный план и рассказать текст, опираясь на план.

Некоторые учащиеся смогут:

  • Рассказать о празднике Наурыз без опоры на текст

Языковая цель

Формирование лексических, грамматических, фонетических навыков по теме

Ключевые слова и фразы:

  • Multinational country

  • To celebrate

  • To be day off

  • Ancient

  • Wealth

  • Common

  • Offer

  • Guest

  • It is celebrated on … the … of …

The holidays:

  • Unity Day

  • Capital Day

  • Independence Day

  • Fatherland Defender’s Day

  • Victory Day

  • National Symbols’ Day

  • Constitution Day

  • Birthday

Предыдущее обучение

History of Kazakhstan, cardinal numbers, months

Тип урока


Планируемые сроки

Планируемые действия

Организационный момент, 5 min

  • Good morning, students! Take your places.

How are you today?

To understand how good your mood is, let’s greet each other with the eyes. Try to show your mood with your eyes, you may be happy and sad, you may smile and be angry. Show it to us, but use only your eyes to do it.

  • Do you know the game which is called four pictures and one word? First, look at the board, try to find only one word which shows us the meaning of these words.

  1. Star

  2. Game

  3. London

  4. Letter/Stamp/Parcel

  5. Holidays

Looking at the last slide, can you define the theme of our lesson today? That’s right! Today we will speak about holidays. And what country is it?

Актуализация ранее изученного материала, 10 min

First of all, let’s revise the material of the previous lesson. What was the theme? We spoke about famous Kazakh artist, A. Kasteyev.

When was he born? What are the names of his greatest works?

Checking home task.

  • At home your task was to write an essay about some people who are famous with their art, music or work.

Let’s listen to you.

1st group: your home task was to work with the plural form of a noun. (Find out 10 mistakes in the text and to be ready to the dictation.

½ row – a child/ a woman, a boy/ a man, a book/ a butterfly, a pen/pencil, a knife/a life, an ox/ a fox, a girl/a tooth, a woman/a car)

Усвоение новых знаний, 20

Answer my question, please:

do you know any holidays in Kazakhstan?

Getting acquainted with the new vocabulary and grammar

Useful words:

  • Multinational country

  • International holidays

  • National

  • State

  • To celebrate

  • To be day off

  • Ancient

  • Wealth

  • Common

  • Offer

  • Guest

The holidays:

  • Unity Day

  • Capital Day

  • Independence Day

  • Fatherland Defender’s Day

  • Victory Day

  • National Symbols’ Day

  • Constitution Day

  • Birthday

Чтобы называть праздники на английском, нам необходимо знать не только месяца, но и порядковые числительные. Когда мы хотим посчитать сколько месяцев в году, мы используем количественные числительные, like one, two, three, four

Но когда мы хотим сказать какой по счету январь, каков будет ответ? Это и есть порядковое числительное, in English it is called Ordinal numbers.

Let’s read them altogether.

Also, you need to remember the months.

How many moths are there in a year? (Sts get cards with the names of 12months)

Let’s train a little.

What date is it today?

The 23rd of November.

When is your birthday?

My birthday is on the 9th of December.

When is Nauryz?

It is on the 22nd of March.

Форм-е лексического и фонетического навыка чтения и говорения, 25

Pre-listening task.

Do you know when is Unity Day celebrated?

Let’s get a quiz. On your tables there you can see a worksheet, and there you will see some holidays. (in groups of 4)


Listen to the text and check the answers.

Post-listening task

Answer the questions in written form into your copybooks.

  1. When is Unity Day celebrated?

  2. When is Capital Day?

  3. When do we celebrate National Symbols’ Day?

  4. When is Victory Day?

  5. When is Constitution Day celebrated?

  6. When is Independence Day?

  7. When do we celebrate Fatherland Defender’s Day?

Look at the board and check your work.

Pre-reading task

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the most important holiday in our country?

  2. When is it?

  3. Do we prepare special food on this day?

  4. What do we usually do on this holiday?


Your task is not only to read but to put the sentences into the correct order according to the headlines which are given.

Post-reading task

Look at the board, check yourself.

Ask the students from other group, using the questions.

Answer the questions using the text.

  1. What is one of the most important holiday in our country?

  2. When is it celebrated?

  3. What does Nauryz symbolize?

  4. Do we prepare special food on this day?

  5. What does consist of?

  6. What else do we do on this holiday?

Закрепление ЗУН, 15

Project work

  • Imagine that you are working as a guide and you will tell the tourists what holidays do we have in Kazakhstan. And one of them is Nauryz. In groups, make a reference booklet to help the tourists.

  • Choose the volunteers to present your project.

  • Use the word-combinations to speak:

There are different types of holidays in Kazakhstan: …

One of the most important holidays is …

It is celebrated from…

It is celebrated on …

Nauryz symbolizes…

The main traditional meal…

It consists of…

At the end of the meal…


And now, let’s revise and check what have you learned today.

Инструктаж Д/З, 5min

At home, your task is to learn the new words, and to write a letter to your pen friend about one of the famous British holiday, using the scheme.

Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!