Материалдар / миьтимсваы
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған


Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
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Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
19 Шілде 2021
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Бүгін алсаңыз 25% жеңілдік
770 тг 578 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
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Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Endterm Exam


Group ____________ Name_______________________________

  1. (25 points) Find the following things for the given system:

  1. Basis for Col A

  2. Basis for Nul A

  3. Rank and dimNul A

  1. (25 points) Show that given set is a basis for .

  1. (25 points) Given the basis , find the coordinates of x:

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set is a vector space.

Endterm Exam


Group ____________ Name_______________________________

  1. (25 points) Find the following things for the given system:

a) Basis for Col A

b) Basis for Nul A

c) Rank and dimNul A

  1. (25 points) Show that given set is a basis for .

  1. (25 points) Given the basis , , find the coordinates of x:

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set is a vector space.

Endterm Exam


Group ____________ Name_______________________________

  1. (25 points) Find the following things for the given system:

  1. Basis for Col A

  2. Basis for Nul A

  3. Rank and dimNul A

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set of vectors form a basis for .

  1. (25 points) Given the basis , , find the coordinates of x:

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set is a vector space.

Endterm Exam


Group ____________ Name_______________________________

  1. (25 points) Find the following things for the given system:

  1. Basis for Col A

  2. Basis for Nul A

  3. Rank and dimNul A

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set of vectors form a basis for .

  1. (25 points) Given the basis , , find the coordinates of x:

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set is a vector space.

Endterm Exam


Group ____________ Name_______________________________

  1. (25 points) Find the following things for the given system:

  1. Basis for Col A

  2. Basis for Nul A

  3. Rank and dimNul A

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set of vectors form a basis for .

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set is a vector space.

Endterm Exam


Group ____________ Name_______________________________

  1. (25 points) Find the following things for the given system:

  1. Basis for Col A

  2. Basis for Nul A

  3. Rank and dimNul A

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set of vectors is a subspace for

  1. (25 points) Answer to the following questions.

  1. If A is a 6 8 matrix, what is the largest possible dimension of rank A?

  1. If you are given with the change of the coordinates matrtix from basis B to the basis C. How to find the change of the coordinates matrtix from C to B?

  1. (25 points) Let F = {f1, f2, f3} and D = {d1, d2, d3} be bases for a vector space V, and suppose

, , and .

  1. Find the change-of-coordinates matrix from F to D

  2. Find for

Endterm Exam


Group ____________ Name_______________________________

  1. (25 points) Find the following things for the given system:

a)Basis for Col A

b) Basis for Nul A

c)Rank and dimNul A

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set of vectors is a subspace for

  1. (25 points) Answer to the following questions.

  1. If A is a 7 5 matrix, what is the largest possible dimension of rank A?

  1. What is definition of the basis for some subspace?

  1. (25 points) Let F = {f1, f2, f3} and D = {d1, d2, d3} be bases for a vector space V, and suppose

, , and .

  1. Find the change-of-coordinates matrix from F to D

  2. Find for

Endterm Exam


Group ____________ Name_______________________________

  1. (25 points) Find the following things for the given system:

  1. Basis for Col A

  2. Basis for Nul A

  3. Rank and dimNul A

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set of vectors is a subspace for

  1. (25 points) Answer to the following questions.

  1. If A is a 6 8 matrix with 4 pivots, what is a dimension of the null space of A?

  1. Is it possible to the change of coordinates matrix if given to bases with different dimension?

  1. (25 points) Let F = {f1, f2, f3} and D = {d1, d2, d3} be bases for a vector space V, and suppose

, , and .

  1. Find the change-of-coordinates matrix from F to D

  2. Find for

Endterm Exam


Group ____________ Name_______________________________

  1. (25 points) Find the following things for the given system:

  1. Basis for Col A

  2. Basis for Nul A

  3. Rank and dimNul A

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set of vectors is a subspace for

  1. (25 points) Answer to the following questions.

  1. If A is a 5 4 matrix, what is the smallest possible dimension of Nul A?

  1. Consider the basis , , and the given vector x. How to find the coordinates of vector x?

  1. (25 points) Let F = {f1, f2, f3} and D = {d1, d2, d3} be bases for a vector space V, and suppose

, , and .

  1. Find the change-of-coordinates matrix from F to D

  2. Find for

Endterm Exam


Group ____________ Name_______________________________

  1. (25 points) Find the following things for the given system:

  1. Basis for Col A

  2. Basis for Nul A

  3. Rank and dimNul A

  1. (25 points) Determine whether the given set of vectors is a subspace for

Материал жариялап тегін сертификат алыңыз!
Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
Ресми байқаулар тізімі
Республикалық байқауларға қатысып жарамды дипломдар алып санатыңызды көтеріңіз!