Материалдар / Module 6: LESSON: Healthy world Theme: Help the planet 1
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Module 6: LESSON: Healthy world Theme: Help the planet 1

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4 сыныпқа арналған Қмж сабақ жоспары; Module 6: LESSON: Healthy world Theme: Help the planet 1
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Module 6:

LESSON: Healthy world

Theme: Help the planet 1



Teacher’s name: Mangubasova Adel, Seitmukhambet Marzhan


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to take turns when speaking with others in a growing range of short, basic exchanges;

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: recognise and use some target language correctly and show comprehension of some written and spoken familiar words in simple sentences to talk about the environment and ways of protecting nature.

Most learners will be able to: recognise and use most target language correctly and show comprehension of most written and spoken familiar words in simple sentences to talk about the environment and ways of protecting nature.

Some learners will be able to: recognise and use target language correctly with clear pronunciation and good comprehension of written and spoken familiar words in simple sentences to talk about the environment and way of protecting nature.

Assessment criteria

To understand the main points of short supported talk; to develop the pupils’ listening skills through the video; to complete the sentences with correct structure; to read and create the dialogue in a growing range of basic exchanges.

Language focus

Structures: Consolidation

Language in use: We must protect natural world and look after the environment.

Target vocabulary

Environment, damage, pollution, reuse, refuse, recycle, decompose, pick up, litter.

Cross-curricular links


ICT skills

Using videos & pictures, working with URLs


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




(An activity to introduce the new topic of the lesson.)

Read the title of the lesson. Ask the pupils if they have heard about earth day, and what mother earth mean to them. Explain to the pupils, that more and more people are destroying nature but luckily, nowadays, there are associations around the world that try to stop these destructive activities and protect our planet. Ask the pupils to think about what we can do to take care of our planet. After the short discussion sing a song chorally to encourage them.

Earth day song” educational video from the youtube channel “The Kiboomers”



1. Watch the video.

Ask them to watch and listen to the video carefully. Play the video based on this topic. Explain any unknown words. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity and watch the video two times if it`s necessary. After watching the video pupils have to fill the table. The first line – The main idea; the second line- detail #1, detail#2, etc. Have a class discussion about what this video is about, what they understand after watching it and what value does this video teach. (other topics to discuss: what does environment and pollution mean, what it causes and ways to save our planet, human-nature interaction.) Check their answers.

Answer key

The main idea: To protect natural world and look after the environment.

Detail: Humans need to interact with the environment to obtain our food, water, fuel, medicines, building materials and many other things.

2. Listen and repeat. Then complete the sentences with the words in bold.

Do a vocabulary work with pupils. Revise and memorize new words. Read aloud the example and explain the individual activity. The pupils read the sentences and complete them using the words in bold. Check their answer.

Answer key

1 Human and the environment are closely linked together.

2 Environmental problems make damaging changes.

3 Turn off the lights when you are not using it.

4 Replace plastic bags with reusable bags.

5 It takes plastic bags years to decompose.

7 Recycle the different types of wastes.

8 To avoid wasting water make sure taps are turned off.

9 Pick up the litter every time and don’t throw it around.

10 Respect and look after the animals, flowers and trees around you.

3. Divide into the groups and play the role-playing game.

Divide pupils into three groups. Pupils take random puzzle pieces and whoever gets a piece of the same puzzle become a team. Each team gather and put the puzzles together. Then the pupils look at the pictures they get and create a story. According to that story each pupil act out the certain character and play the role-playing game. Allow the pupils some time to prepare and complete the activity. Go around the classroom providing any necessary help. When all the teams are ready, ask the pupils to listen carefully the other groups. Ask the teams to come to the front of the classroom and act out their role. If you wish, write the following questions they should uncover in their story on the board so the pupils can refer to it while they are completing the activity. The pupils should uncover these questions: what the problem is in the picture, what is the effect of this and how we can solve it.

How to take care of environment” educational video from youtube channel “Smile and Learn”

Flashcards, worksheet, interactive whiteboard



Reflection in the end of the lesson.

Give the pupils exit ticket to sum up. Explain to the pupils that they have to write three things that they learned today, two things that they found interesting and one question that they still have. Choose below which stickie best describes their understanding of today’s lesson or write their own feelings in the speech bubble.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links Health and safety check ICT links

Values links


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson

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