Материалдар / Natural disasters 7 grade

Natural disasters 7 grade

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
АНГ.ЯЗ ТЕМА: *Present Countinuous* *7.W3* write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics *7.L3* Understand with some support most of the detail of an argument in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.
Материал тегін
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады


    ҚазақстанРеспубликасының «Авторлыққұқықжәнесабақтасқұқықтартуралы» заңынасәйкесавторлыққұқықзаңменқорғаланатынынескертеміз. СатыпалғанҚМЖ нытаратутуралыфактанықталғанжағдайдаәкімшілік  айыппұлсалынады.

«USTAZ tilegi» ғылымиәдістемелікорталығыныңәкімшілігі


472 бұйрығыбойыншажасалған ҚМЖ келесібетте

Бұл ҚМЖ ust.kz сайтындажасалынған.  «USTAZ tilegi» ғылыми-әдістемелікорталығыныңсайтынының ҚМЖ бөліміндекез-келгенпән, кез-келгенсыныпбойынша ҚМЖ жәнепрезентацияныжүктеп ала аласыз. Олүшінсілтемеарқылыөтіңіз.


Lesson Plan 1



Teacher’s name:

A Turakbaeva



Grade:3 a b

Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Rain, rain…

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

3.S5 pronounce familiar words and short phrases intelligibly when reading aloud

3.R1 recognise, identify and sound with support a limited range of familiar words in simple sentences

3.R2 read and follow with limited support familiar instructions for classroom activities

Value links

Respect each other

Be friendly

Part of the lesson/Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson


«Brainstorming» method

5 min.

Revision of previous lessons materials with the help of the teacher.

Differentiation: «Flashcards» T asks different cards quickly and ask name what do they see on the card.

After that T introduces the aim and theme of the lesson.

Ss give their possible answers.

Revise vocabulary connected with previous module Aim:Revise the previous lessons material.Efficiency:Ss refresh their mind before starting new theme.


-remember the words

- can name them.

Total: 2point



Pupils Book

Middle of the lesson

Presentation part.

8 min.

«Visual aids» method.

Refer the pupils to the picture and ask: Where is she? Read the instruction and explain the activity. Allow the pupils some time to look at the picture on page 94 and answer the questions.

Aim: to present and activate the new language Differentiation:“Verbal support”

Exercise 1:Look at the pictures and answer the questions .Ss give their possible answers.


-can pronounce correctly

-give correct answers

Total: 2point


Pupils Book


12 min.

Read the instruction and explain the activity. Refer the pupils to the sentences at the end of Ex2 and read them out loud. Allow the pupils some time to read the words and tick the ones they need when it’s rainy and put cross if uou needn’t it. Aim:present and consolidate vocabulary

Exercise 2

Which of these do you need when it’s rainy? Put a tick or a cross.


- pronounce correctly

-correct answer

Total: 2point


Pupils Book


10 min.

Explain the activity. How much does it rain in a week.Make a measure.

Aim:Develop their motor skills


Develop their motor skills

Exercise 3.Crafrwork experiment!


-make a measure

Total: 2point


Pupils Book


«Visual aids» method.

Refer the pupils to the pictures and ask:Do you need it when it’s rainy? They should say Yes or no.

Answer the questions

T praise active Ss with phrases such as: “Good job!

Well done!”

5 min

Look at the pictures and describe them. Use vocabulary connected with new theme. Is it sunny/rainy? Where are they? What do they wear? Do they need something else?

Aim:practice vocabulary

Efficiency:to develop their speaking skills

Work with pictures. describing


-draw the picture

-identify types of colours

2 point


Pupils Book


End of the lesson.


5 min.

Traffic light method is used to find out was the lesson clear or not. Use the stickers.

Ss use their stickers to show their knowledge according to the lesson Green- I understood Yellow-I have some questions Red-I need a help. Aim:To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use colors to show how much do they remember.Differentiation:«Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson.

Ss evaluate each other and encourage classmate with phrases like:

Well done! Brilliant! Good job! I like it!


Pupils Book


Lesson Plan 2


Water, water, everywhere!

Teacher’s name:

A Turakbaeva




Numberpresent: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

By the sea

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

3.L4 understand a limited range of short supported questions on general and some curricular

3.L5 distinguish between phonemically distinct words

3.W7 spell a growing number of familiar high-frequency words accurately during guided writing activities

3.UE10 use common present continuous forms, including short answers and contractions, to talk about what is happening now

Value links

Respect each other Be friendly


Part of the lesson/Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson

Материалды жүктеу

Ресми байқаулар тізімі
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