Материалдар / "Nauryz is the great day of Ulys"
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"Nauryz is the great day of Ulys"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
"Nauryz is the great day of Ulys" Nauryz is a national holiday of eastern countries, the great day of Ulys. Nauryz is celebrated as the beginning of the year in eastern countries and is celebrated as a special day.
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18 Наурыз 2024
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"Nauryz is the great day of Ulys"

Nauryz is a national holiday of eastern countries, the great day of Ulys. Nauryz is celebrated as the beginning of the year in eastern countries and is celebrated as a special day. The Kazakh people especially appreciated the Nauryz holiday and made it a tradition to celebrate it every year. From the sages of the East, Mahmud Kashkari, Omar Khayam, the great Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbaev, Alikhan Bukeikhanov, Ahmet Baitursynov, Saken Seifullin, national figures also wrote works, poems, noble words about Nauryz. celebrated as a holiday. Maybe that's why there was no one who was not happy, happy, or kind on this day. On this day, good wishes, congratulation, forgiveness, success were manifested, and the following generations learned from such good morals.

The Kazakh people have a long tradition of celebrating this holiday. On this day, people wake up early and welcome the new day with a good mood. They congratulate each other and wish each other well. Offended people apologize to each other. The youth of the village receive blessings from the elders. The boys open the springs. Cleans gutters. Planting tree seedlings. Girls clean the inside of the house and yards.

On this day, the table of every house will be filled with various dishes specially prepared for March. The most important of them is Nauryzkoje. Nauryzkoje is cooked from seven different dishes. The whole village people enjoy it. There is an idea among the people that a person who has drunk his fill of March soup will not be short of food until the next year.

Nowruz is celebrated by the Kazakh people. Artists sing and dancers dance at the head of altikabakan. The singers draw a mood. Various national games are played.

There are a lot of examples of Nauryz's special teaching-educational, model-morality, luxury, honor-generosity, dignity symbols and concepts of knowledge.

All of it attracts everyone to high awareness, decency, morality, brotherhood, insight, virtue and knowledge. That's probably why we look forward to the Nauryz holiday and prepare it in a special way. It is typical for the Nauryz holiday - March soup is prepared for the public, and it must be prepared with seven different flavors. There is an idea among the people that a person who has drunk his fill of March soup will not be short of food until the next year.

The owner of the house asks the elders to bless March. Those people:

"Let calamity enter the earth!"

Let the four foods be white!

May your field be filled with cattle and your house with souls!

Let it be abundant!" will be blessed.

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