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Astana international University, Nur-Sultan

Международный университет «Астана» г. Нур-Султан

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Zhapabaeva Aigul Aisinovna

Жапабаева Айгуль Айсиновна

Жапабаева Айгуль Айсиновна




Annotation: This article discusses changes in the education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, that is, the transfer of the learning process to a digital system, the development of information in the system of secondary education, the automation of the management of education and science, the training of IT specialists.

Жапабаева Айгуль Айсиновна

КГУ «Средняя школа №44» акимата города Нур-Султан

Digitalization in teaching, learning assessment and feedback

Modern technologies are developing with great speed. Many areas of activity are moving to digital systems: hospitals, catering establishments, educational institutions. Experts are increasingly talking about the transition of the school program to an electronic format. When this idea is realized, not only the education system will change, but also its meaning and purpose.

The modern formulation of school education is fundamentally different from the old one. Digitalization of education - this is the name for the process of transition to an electronic system.

Schools will be equipped with modern technologies: computers, tablet panels. In each institution will hold the Internet to access information content.

Teachers will have to learn a new education system. This profession will completely change. Digitalization implies independent study of the material. The teacher acts as an assistant, curator, who will have to turn only when necessary.

Advantages of the digital education system

Schooling for independence. Since the future system implies independent work, the child from childhood will understand that he himself must strive for knowledge. Such upbringing will further make a person’s character more solid. Without undue care of the teachers, the student will achieve better results.

Lack of paperwork. Schoolchildren have to carry several textbooks and notebooks at once, which occupy a significant place and weigh a lot in a bag. The load can be so strong that the child will hurt the body. Digital education saves a person from a mountain of papers and books. The computer will hold all the textbooks and manuals, and the tablet will replace workbooks.

Saving. Since digitalization eliminates paper versions, parents do not have to spend money on exercise books, textbooks, pens, and other office supplies. Moreover, school supplies are very expensive. Electronic versions will need to be replaced with new ones only in case of breakage of old equipment.

Simplify the work of teachers. The teacher's profession is considered one of the most difficult. A lot of energy and nerves are spent on raising young minds. In the digital system, the work of the teacher means only help. The teacher sets the direction in which students develop. Pupils address him only in controversial situations.

Step into the Future. The transition to digital education is a significant stage in the creation of Internet technologies. Now science is developing at high speed, new structures appear every day. Digitization of learning will help students better navigate the information world in the future.

Disadvantages of online education

The risk of a negative result. These changes will be dramatic. There is no way to say for sure: will this innovation be positive? This system will be used for the first time, so it’s impossible to compare with something like that.

Lack of creativity. Scientists have proven that color design helps a person to better remember information. Even adults are encouraged to create their own records with minor adjustments. It also contributes to the development of creative abilities. However, information technology eliminates the possibility to express themselves. Electronic versions are of a “dry” nature. The child will quickly get used to the boring story. Children's creativity noticeably suffer.

Decreased mental activity. This phenomenon can be observed now. A person does not need to think about something, he has ceased to independently obtain information. It is enough to have access to the Internet to find out the necessary information. This leads to a weakening of mental abilities.

Bad socialization. When a student first comes to school, there is only a small chance that there he will meet a friend. The child immediately falls into another society, where he does not know anyone. In the institution he receives not only knowledge, but also finds friends, learns to interact with society. The information system significantly reduces the level of human socialization. This will affect the further development of the individual.

Problems with physical development. Vision and fine motor skills will change first. Long stay behind the screens leads to eye fatigue. In time, dryness will appear; redness; irritation; blurred vision. In the next generations, there is hardly a person with good eyesight. However, it is possible that in the future technologies will become safer for children's development. Working with the keyboard and tablet will lead to a change in the physiology of the fingers. The structure of bones, joints and muscles may change.

Absolute control. This applies to students, teachers and parents. A personal file is filed for each person, and detailed information about the family is collected. This will lead to total control of society. If you talk at a lower level: the child can not hide anything from adults. Previously, it was possible to hide the diary, correct the assessment, keep silent about the remark. In the future, there will be no such opportunity, which is bad for children. This will noticeably affect independence. When a child encounters problems, he tries to solve them himself, although not in the right ways.

The function of educators. After digitalization, the concept of the teacher will be completely changed. Professionals will replace robots and virtual systems. People will lose their jobs.[1]

Currently, the ministry is working on three areas: the development of informatization in the secondary education system, the automation of the education and science management process, and the training of IT specialists.

In the first direction (the development of informatization in the system of secondary education), the Ministry initiated an earlier introduction of the subject “Informatics” to the school curriculum. Ideally, it is planned to introduce a subject from grade 1. Now this opportunity is being discussed with experts.

In OECD countries, the basics of programming are taught from grade 1. We have the subject of “Informatics” in school studied from grade 5, and this year - from grade 3. In parallel, the programs of 5-11 classes will be updated, in terms of the revision of programming languages. Programming languages ​​are changing, so we need our children to study using the most modern programs, ”the minister said.

In addition, children will be more actively involved in robotics. Currently, an elective course in robotics has been introduced in more than 3,000 schools and schoolchildren’s palaces. It is planned to bring the coverage to 100% - the robotics classrooms will be retrofitted, and the teachers - to complete training courses.

Last year, at the expense of the IOI and universities, 800 new full offices were bought, we will continue the work,” the speaker said.

If we talk about equipping schools, now, according to the minister, 99% of schools (6960) are already connected to the Internet, of which 62% of schools are connected to high-speed Internet (at least 4 Mbit/s). The second area of ​​activity in the digitalization of education concerns the automation of the very process of managing education and science. As the speaker said, the automation of public services should cover all levels of education, starting with referrals to kindergartens and ending with PhD diplomas - everything should be automated.[2]

In preschool education, an automatic distribution system has already been introduced in kindergartens. A new standard has been approved for automating the process of forming and operating a queue for issuing referrals, which eliminates direct contacts and corruption risks and ensures the transparency of the procedure. At present, putting on the queue and issuing directions to kindergartens is fully automated in Astana, Almaty, Shymkent and West Kazakhstan region. In other areas, the project is at the final stage. It is planned to complete this work before the end of this year.

In the system of secondary education, teachers are relieved of uncharacteristic work (filling in a set of reports) and eliminating duplication of information. Three systems are planned to be used: National Educational Database (NED), electronic journal (Kundelіk) and cloud accounting. Schools are introducing interactive content in three languages ​​through the Bilimland.kz portal - these are 40 thousand video lectures and interactive lessons. Where there is no Internet, the content is placed on the servers of the school itself.

Automating the process of managing education and science will solve a number of problematic issues. Among them there is a gap in the quality of education between rural and urban schools, heavy backpacks of schoolchildren, a large amount of paper accountability of teachers, lack of computers and the Internet, insufficient control of the child’s educational process and his academic performance, ”the minister stressed.

The third area of ​​work of the Ministry of Education and Science is the training of IT specialists. As the speaker said, in Kazakhstan the number of grants in higher education on IT specialties is increasing annually. This year, on the instructions of the President, an additional 20 thousand grants were allocated, 11 thousand of which are for technical specialties: . Regulation will take place through the rating of educational programs prepared by NPP Atameken. The first rating, limited to 30 IT universities, we have already prepared and presented to the rectors. We are convinced that this is absolutely the right way, which will lead to a quick update and a qualitative rise in the educational programs of all universities. ”

In addition, the President has set the task of training highly qualified personnel in the field of cyber security within the framework of the Bolashak scholarship. For this scholarship in the direction of "Information Technology and Systems" about 1000 students completed their studies. The “Cybersecurity” line is a new one, grants will be increased annually.

The results, which the ministry plans to achieve, are very ambitious. First of all, we are talking about total accessibility and mobility.

We have to create conditions when any person (child, teacher, principal, parent), having entered his mobile phone, can move inside the digital world, receive necessary information and do what he needs. He can see his grades, assignments, the best digital educational resources of the whole world, he can go to school, transfer to another, go to university - all this in his mobile phone, in a single database, ”the speaker said.

The second thing digitalization should give is transparency. According to the department, all information (on competitions for university rectors, distribution of grants, priority in kindergartens and schools) should be freely available, tracked and without the possibility of undue changes.

The third metric is the improvement of the quality of knowledge and their assimilation. “We must have the best textbooks of the whole world, translated into Kazakh, Russian; best digital lectures. The best tutorials are always at hand. We must be able to use the best teaching methods to assimilate these materials. The ministry should see how the child assimilates this information and, most importantly, we can then make each child an individual learning path.[3]

Another result aimed at by the Ministry of Education is the integration of all databases and their integration into a common repository. We are talking about the implementation of the Big Dat system, which implies, in addition to data collection, their analysis. “The ministry will see everything and manage the process from the so-called situational center,” the speaker explained.

One of the main obstacles to the designated reforms, according to the minister, is the lack of teachers and children with computers, laptops and smartphones. The second obstacle is access to the Internet and coverage with the necessary information and educational resources: “We have 62% of schools connected to the Internet with the speed we need, 37% of schools are not connected.


  1. https://plusiminusi.ru/cifrovizaciya-obrazovaniya-osnovnye-plyusy-i-minusy/

  2. https://profit.kz/news/45123/E-Sagadiev-cifrovizaciya-pozvolit-reshit-problemi-sistemi-obrazovaniya-v-RK/

  3. https://primeminister.kz/ru/news/all/v-pravitelstve-rassmotreni-voprosi-razvitiya-elektronnogo-obrazovaniya-15394

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