Материалдар / Reading topics for childern .

Reading topics for childern .

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``М.Мақатаев атындағы № 47 жалпы орта мектеп``коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

Reading Topics for children

Sultanova Ulzharkyn.

Әдістемелік құрал Түркістан облысының Жетісай ауданы әдістемелік кабинетінің әдістемелік кеңесінде баспаға ұсынылған, № _____ хаттама _________2019ж.

Құрастырушы: Султанова У М.Мақатаев атындағы №47 жалпы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі

Пікір айтушылар: Болатова Б Жетісай аудандық білім бөлімінің әдістемелік кабинет меңгерушісі

Мәтін жинағы: әдістемелік жинақ/құраст.У.Султанова – Жетісай : Түркістан облысының Жетісай ауданы әдістемелік орталығы, 2019. – 10 б.

ағылшын тілі сабақтарында жазылатын жазба жұмыстары,шағын мәтіндер берілген. Оқу дағдыларына арналған құрал негізінде үлгілері көрсетілген.

Әдістемелік жинақ аудандағы ағылшын тілі пән мұғалімдеріне көмекші құрал болып табылады.

© Жетісай ауданы әдістемелік орталығы,

1.About myself.

My name is Temirlan. I am 12 years old. I am in the 6 form. We learn different subjects but my favourite subject is music. I live in Balkash. I have a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. My family is friendly.I am tall. My hair is black and long. I have big brown eyes. I have got many friends. My best friend is Ann. We spend time together. We like to play basketball

2.My family.

My family is large: father, mother, sister, and me. My family is friendly. My father’s name is …. He is clever and kind. He is a doctor by profession. My mother’s name is …. She doesn’t work. She is a housewife .My sister’s name is … She is very beautiful girl. Her hobby is play computer games. My brother’s name is … He is very active. He likes sport. My hobby is listening to music. I like to draw in my free time. I like reading books. On the weekends our family spend time together. I love my family very much.

3.Working day.

On week days I usually get up 7 o'clock. I make my bed, wash my face, put my clothes on and go to the kitchen to have breakfast. My mother usually prepares, breakfast for me. I prefer a cup of coffee and a sandwich. Then I go to

school. I usually have 4 or 5 lessons at school. I come home at 1 o'clock. Then I have dinner. I eat soup, chicken or fish and potatoes. After dinner I do my homework. In the evening I watch TV. I go to bed at 9 o'clock.

4. My house or flat.

My house is very big. It has bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. Our kitchen is small. There is a refrigerator, a table and four chairs. My bedroom is big and pretty. The biggest room is the living room. Our living-room is light and comfortable. There is only one window. There is a large carpet on the floor. In the evening all the family are meeting in this room. There is a big garden near our house. There are a lot of apple trees and flowers in the garden. I like my home very much.

5. My friend.

Friendship is very important in our life. My best friend’s name is Boris. He is 11 years old. Boris is very attractive. He is tall, slim and strong. He has black hair and brown eyes. He wear jeans and T-shirts. We both like listening to music, but we don’t like dancing. We play football. We like to play computer games, to watch new movies and discuss them. His favourite subject at school is Music He helps me to do my homework. We are friends for a long time.

6. My favourite season.

My favourite season is summer. Summer begins in June and lasts for 3 months: June, July, and August. Summer is the hottest season. The weather is warm, sunny and bright. July is the warmest month of the year. The sun is bright and hot. Many people go to the sea. They swim there, lie in the sun. School children have their holidays. They play all day. They run, jump, play games, swim in the river. There are a lot of fruit in summer: apples, oranges, plums. I like summer too.

7. Our country.

I want to tell you about my homeland. My homeland is Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is an independent Republic. It is country of free people. It is situated in the Central Asia. Its population, is 16 million. Kazakh-is the official language of the country Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. The territory of Kazakhstan is big. There are mountains, many rivers. There are a lot of cities in Kazakhstan: Astana, Almaty, Pavlodar and others. Kazakhstan is a beautiful land I love my Kazakhstan.

8. Kazakh traditional food.

In Kazakhstan people eat a lot of meat. Their traditional food is the Kazakh meat. Kazakh people are very hospitable. When they invite guests they also cook beshbarmak, kazy, kuyrdak. The main national dish of Kazakhs is beshbarmak. Besbarmak - a dish eaten with five fingers. Bauyrsak - national dish of Kazakhs, prepared from flour. They have some traditional milk products. National drinks are kymyz, shubat, airan.

Airan is made of cow's milk. These drinks are very useful for health.

9. My favorite school subject.

My name is Liza. I’m 12 years old. I study in the 6 form of the secondary school. At school we study many subjects, but my favorite is history and geography. I like to study the countries. Their Economy, nature, traditions and many other things. And sometimes when the teacher tells about the country, before eyes there is a picture of this country. I wish to visit many countries. I like history. History very interesting subject. At a lesson of history it is possible to learn the my interesting. But with history I have a problem. I can't remember date. And dates are in the history very important. The teacher recommends to give me more time to dates and events.

10. My day -off.

I am Asem.

Today it’s Friday and I want to plan my weekend. I am going to go shopping

and buy a balloon for friend Piglet. In the evening I am going to visit my friend Rabbit.

On Saturday I’m going to clean the house. After that I’m going to visit Ann . He has a birthday. I am going to read a comic book in the evening.

On Sunday I’m going to eat hamburger in the morning. After lunch I’m going to play football with my friend. In the evening I am going to listen to music.

11. My favorite holidays.

My name is Ann, I’m 12 years old. My favourite holiday is New Year. It’s a magic holiday. We celebrate New Year on the 31 st of December. I get up very early. My family and I decorate our flat. My mother cooks special tasty dishes. I like this holiday very much because I enjoy getting and giving presents. There are always a lot of New Year presents around the New Year tree. This night I can watch TV, play different games with my friends and set off fireworks. At midnight we sing New Year songs. We have a good time together.

12. My hobby.

Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting. There are a lot of different hobbies: cooking, reading, dancing, listening to music and others. The most popular hobbies are collecting and reading. Some people like to cook. People do hobbies when they have free time.

I have a hobby, too. I like reading (listening to music, playing football). It is very exciting! I spend much time on it. It is very funny. I usually go for a walk with my friends. Hobbies help us to choose a profession.

13. Great Britain.

Great Britain is situated on the British Isles. It comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

The capital of England is London. Magic England has beautiful land. England is a country of red roses.

The capital of Wales is Cardiff. There are many daffodils.

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. Some men wear kilts.

The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. The symbol is a shamrock and a red hand

14. London.

London is the capital of Great Britain. It was founded two thousand years ago. Its population is seven million people. It stands on the banks of the Thames River. London is a great seaport. There are many docks in it. London is the cultural center. It has 80 theatres. There are many cinemas, museums, libraries and parks in the city. There are many schools and universities in London. London is a beautiful city. London is one of the biggest cities in the world.

15. Nursultan.

I want to tell you about Nursultan . Nursultan is the capital of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is an independent Republic. It is country of free people. It is situated in the Central Asia. Kazakh-is the official language of the country. Nursultan is the second coldest capital city in the world. It’s on the Ishym River. It’s a very young capital. The Baiterek Tower has become the city's symbol. Kazakhstan is a beautiful land I love my Kazakhstan.

16. Health care.

Healthy man - happy man. Good health lets us be active. To be healthy you must eat good food. Good food gives you a lot of energy, vitamins and minerals. Have a lot of water. You should have two litres every day. You should eat bread, meat and potatoes. You shouldn't eat a lot of sweets or chocolates because they are bad for your teeth. Eggs and milk make your bones strong. I eat healthy food

17. My favorite animal.

I love animals very much: cats, dogs, birds, horses. I have (got) a pet at home. It is a hamster and its name is Billy. Billy is very small and funny. I like to play with him. He lives in a cage. My hamster eats corn and apples and drinks water. Billy is my favourite pet.

I like wild animals too. I can see them at the Zoo. It is interesting to watch monkeys, elephants, crocodiles, foxes, and many other animals at the Zoo. My favourite wild animals are monkeys. They like bananas. I have read a lot of books about monkeys.

18. Sport.

I’m Asem. I’m 12. I like sports and games. I can play tennis and football. Many people like sports very much. It helps people to keep fit, healthy and slim. In winter they ski, skate, play hockey. I like to ski. I can ski well. In summer we play football, volleyball, tennis. I like to swim in summer. We swim in the river. I like all sports. It very important for our family. Because we want to be healthy

19. My favorite holidays.

My name is Ann, I’m 12 years old. My favourite holiday is New Year. It’s a magic holiday. We celebrate New Year on the 31 st of December. I get up very early. My family and I decorate our flat. My mother cooks special tasty dishes. I like this holiday very much because I enjoy getting and giving presents. There are always a lot of New Year presents around the New Year tree. This night I can watch TV, play different games with my friends and set off fireworks. At midnight we sing New Year songs. We have a good time together

20. USA.

The United States of America is the 4th largest country in the world. It is situated in the central part of the North American Continent. The United States is a democratic federal republic. Washington DC is the capital of the country.

The population of the country is about 250 million. One of the famous symbols of the USA is the Statue of Liberty. The highest peak is Mount McKinley. America’s largest rivers are the Mississippi, the Missouri. It is a very large country, so the climate of the country different . The largest cities are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and others.

21. Washington.

Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It’s situated in the District of Columbia. The city is on the left bank of the Potomac river. The population of the city is 3 million people. There are many beautiful parks and squares. There are many libraries, museums, art galleries. The White House is the place where president of the USA lives and works. John Adams was the first president who lived in house.

22 . Travelling

There are different ways of travelling. People prefer travelling by plane, by train, by car, by sea, by bus. The fastest way of traveling is by plane, but it's very expensive.

As for me I prefer travelling by sea. Last summer I travelled to Pavlodar. I travelled with mother and father. Our travelling was very nice. I had a comfortable seat near the window. I took many pictures of different places. Most people like a change. Millions of people travel around the world just for fun.

23. My famous travellers

James Cook is a sailor, explorer and discoverer. He was born in England in 1728. He was born in a poor family. He studied at school before 12 years old, because he began to help his father. After he worked a shop boy at grocery. He made three voyages to different places: the Pacific Ocean, Australia, New Zeland, Hawaii, the Antarctic and Arctic. He discovered the Hawaiian Islands.

24. Аbout Sport.

I’m Asem. I’m 12. I like sports and games. I can play tennis and football. Many people like sports very much. It helps people to keep fit, healthy and slim. In winter they ski, skate, play hockey. I like to ski. I can ski well. In summer we play football, volleyball, tennis. I like to swim in summer. We swim in the river. I like all sports. It very important for our family. Because we want to be healthy.

25 Аbout my day.

I get up at 7 o clock. I wash, clean my teeth. For breakfast I have bread and butter a cup of tea .After breakfast I go to school. My lessons begin at 9 o’ clock. I have five lessons every day. At school I read, write, and draw, count. When I come home I wash my hands and have dinner. After dinner I play with friends. Then I do my homework. In the evening I watch TV, play with my sister. I go to bed at ten o’ clock.

26.About my friend.

Steve enjoys playing football. He’s on the school team. He also likes basketball. His favourite subject is P.E. (physical education) and games. He knows a few words of Spanish but he doesn’t like learning foreign languages. He has two brothers. He doesn’t like doing homework.

27. Health

We need good food for good life. Good food has a lot of vitamins, proteins (белки) and minerals. They are in vegetables, fruits, bread, milk, meat, fish and porridge. These things help to make your bones and teeth strong. They make your body strong and healthy. It’s important to eat enough – not too much and not too little. Too much food makes you fat. Too little food makes you weak

28. Hobby

Terry likes reading and listening to music. He enjoys playing tennis and volleyball in summer. He has a sister. He knows two languages, English and French. His favourite subject is English literature. He doesn’t like people who smoke. He has brown hair and blue eyes

29. Food

Hi, I am Meggy. My favourite food is ice cream. I can eat it every day. I also love chocolate, cakes and fruit. Apples and bananas are very nice. I eat vegetable salads with rice or potatoes. I don`t eat meat but I like eggs and milk. I usually drink a lot of juice and a lot of water. Orange juice is very tasty. I don’t drink much coffee or tea.

30. My favourite season

Winter begins in December. The winter months are December, January, February. The weather is cold, frosty, windy in winter .It often snows. The trees, Parks, Houses are with snow. The days are short, the nights are long. Children like winter. They can skate, ski, and play snow balls. Winter is the time for fun. We celebrate New Year on the 31st of December.

31. My friends

I have got many friends. They are Madi, Balzhan, Marzhan. But my best friend is Balzhan. She is 11. Her favorite school subjects are Music, English, and History. She is tall. She always helps me. She is friendly. Her hobby is sport. Her favorite sport is basketball. Her favorite season is summer. She has got a pet. It is a dog. Balzhan is a good friend


A lot of animals live in the world. Some animals live on farms: cows, pigs, ducks, horses. Other animals live in houses. They are called pets: dogs, cats, parrots, turtles, hamsters. Some animals live in zoos and safari parks: bears, lions, tigers, monkeys, crocodiles. A lot of animals live in London Zoo. Zoo keepers feed them

33. Spring

Spring begins in March. The spring months are: March, April and May. The weather is fine. The sun shines brightly. Trees begin to be green, flowers show up. Birds come back from warm countries, they make their nest. In spring school children have spring holidays.Children like spring season. They play games, ride bicycle. Farmers work in the fields. People plant trees, flowers in the garden.

34. My favourite subject.

My name is Asem. I am in the fifth form. I go to school in the morning. We have an English lesson today. We have English three days a week. At the English lesson we stand up, when the teacher comes in the classroom and she says: “Good morning children”. Then the pupil on duty tells the date, the weather. At the lessons we do exercises, ask and answer questions, read text. We like to learn English.

35. About my friend

This is Mike. He's from Manchester. It's a big city in the north of England. Mike is twelve. He has one sister. His favourite school subject is maths and P. E. He's good at football. He likes computer games and collecting stamps. He has a dog. Its name's Jack. He studies French at school. He wants to learn Russian.

36. Sport

Boys and girls like sports very much. In winter they ski, skate, play hockey. I like to ski. I can ski well. My brother likes to play hockey. He plays hockey with his friends. In summer we play football, volleyball, tennis. I like to swim in summer. We swim in the river. I can swim too. My brother can't swim. He wants to learn swimming. Small children like to jump.

37. Bonfire night

Bonfire night is on the fifth of November. It’s a very interesting night for English children. On that evening they make bonfires and have fireworks. Some day before Bonfire Night they make the guy. They make him of sticks and straw and then put an old hat on this head and old gloves on the sticks that are his hands. When the bonfire is ready children or their parents light it.

38.Unhealth food

I usually have tea and cakes for breakfast and sometimes I have sausages and eggs too. At 11 o'clock I often eat a chocolate and some biscuits. I usually have a big lunch, for example sausages and chips. And then I have ice cream, which I love. When I watch TV I have tea. For dinner usually I have meat and potatoes. Before I go to bed usually I have a cup of hot chocolate and some small cakes.


1. Қазақстан Республикасында білім беруді және ғылымды дамытудың 2016-2019 жылдарға арналған мемлекеттік бағдарламасы. – Астана, 2016.

2. «Английский язык / English. 5 класс»: август 2004 года, последнее, 2-е издание вышло в июле 2005 года.

3. Happy English 3 (Счастливый английский). Книга 3 для 8-9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Т.Б. Клеме 7. Cтарков Есімбекова Б.О. Білім сапасын басқару. – Алматы, «Дарын-Л», 2010 – 180 б.н

тьева, J.A. Shannon. — Обнинск: Титул

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