The lesson plan
Date : 03.09.18
Teacher : Baidildaeva Kymbat Duisengazykyzy
Grade: 6 A
Theme : Celebrating Holidays
Time : 45 minutes.
Aims : -to develop puplis vocabulary;
-to teach pupils to speak clearly about Holidays;
-to bring up to be friendly and kind;
-to improve speaking skills of pupils.
Form: work in groups, work with text, playing games;
Methods: development of speech habits, themselves control, deductive , additive comprehension, creative work;
Materials: English books, texts, presentation, cards;
I.Organization moment:
1)Greeting: Good Afternoon,children!,How are you?,Who is on duty today?,Who is absent?;
to make up many words for the word whitewash;
3)Checking hometask;
II.New lesson:
1)To introduce a new theme;
Our theme in our lesson is “Celebrating Holidays”;
2)Learning new words;
Decorate сәндеу, безендіру
Chimney мұржа
Celebrate тойлау
Neighbour көрші
Costume костюм, киім
Guest қонақ
Knock қағу, тарсылдату
Trick айла, тәсіл
Threat қауіп
Roast қуырылған
3)Reading the given text and practice of new words in it;
People in Britain begin celebrating this holiday on December 31. Sometimes they have parties where guests dress up in costumes and cover their faces with masks. Next day people visit friends, relatives, neighbors. There is a lot to eat and drink. Many families watch television.
On this day families in the USA gather together, usually in a home for a traditional dinner. They have a roast turkey, sweet, potatoes and pumpkin pie. All give thanks together for the good things that they have.
In the English speaking countries on this day many people send cards to people they love. They also send gifts, sweets, or flowers.
4)Writing and adding these words to the word map
Exercise: 3A;
Parties wear costumes
Cards cover their faces
Sweets play a trick
Flowers knock on the doors
5)Watching a video about Holiday and discussing it;
6)Play two games, which are connected with Holiday;
Games:1)To find out names of Holidays by explaining it;(Nauryz, Happy New Year, International Womens Day,Independence Day; Victory Day, etc.)
2)To find words,which are connected with Holidays in the prepared puzzle.Pupils will be divided into 2 groups and they should compete.(trick, masks, costume,celebrate,etc.)
7) Talk to your partner
Exercise 4
What holiday do you like? Why?
I like because.
Conclusion: Pupils, answer in short.What kind of Holidays did we study?Which of them do you like?
Hometask: Exercise 3 E and learn by heart new words.
To give marks and say: Lesson is over!, Good-bye!