Материалдар / Some interesting science facts
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Some interesting science facts

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Science is a broad concept which encompasses several disciplines, so compiling a list of interesting facts on this subject is no easy job. Not many people know that Venus is the only planet in the Solar System which rotates in clockwise direction, or that we have 300 bones at the time of our birth, which eventually fuse to become 206. Given below is a list of some interesting facts that you must have never heard before.
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05 Сәуір 2022
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Some Interesting Science Facts 

Science is a broad concept which encompasses several disciplines, so compiling a list of interesting facts on this subject is no easy job. Not many people know that Venus is the only planet in the Solar System which rotates in clockwise direction, or that we have 300 bones at the time of our birth, which eventually fuse to become 206. Given below is a list of some interesting facts that you must have never heard before.

  1. The tallest mountain in the world is Mount Everest with a height of 8,842 meters. In contrast, the deepest part of the ocean is the Mariana trench with a depth 11,033 meters.

  1. The human brain can continue to live without oxygen supply for 4 – 6 minutes, after which it slowly starts dying.

  1. Lake Baikal in Russia has the distinction of being the deepest lake in the world with an average depth of 2,442 feet and the deepest point of 5,387 feet.

  1. When an astronaut returns from the space you can see a difference of up to 2 inches in his height, as the cartilage disks in our spine tend to expand where there is no gravity.

  1. The first picture of planet Earth from the outer space was taken by the US satellite Explorer 6 in 1959, 2 years before Soviet cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin became the first person to see the planet from the outer space.

  1. As of today, the hottest temperature on the planet has been recorded in Libya (136 °F in 1922), while the coldest has been recorded in Antarctica (-128.6 °F in 1983).

  1. Every single year, millions of earthquakes occur on the planet. However, most of them are too mild for us to sense, so we are not aware of them.

  1. Have you ever tried to tickle yourself? It’s impossible to do so, because even before we think about doing it, our brain gets programmed to feel it.

  1. Of all the natural substances found on the planet, the diamond has the highest melting point.

  1. The Earth travels at a speed of 67,000 mph in the space.

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