Материалдар / Test for Grade 8

Test for Grade 8

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
This test is for Grade 8. Questions 25: Grammar questions and vocabulary questions
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21 Желтоқсан 2017
3 рет жүктелген
770 ₸ 770 ₸
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DIAGNOSTICAL TEST                                                  

    VARIANT 11.  I ____ like shopping. a) doesn't   b) don't   c) aren't d)am not2. ____  what you want? a) Betsy knows  b) Do Betsy knows  c) Does Betsy know d) Are you3. Kitty and Lucy ___ my cats. a) am  b) is  c) are d) they 4. My brother often _____ Mummy about the house.  a) help  b) helps  c) help5. Tess ______ to the cinema every week. a) will goes  b) go  c) goes6.She lived there with … . a) her flower b) her dress c) her pencil d) her family 7.Move in Past Simple a) moved b) maved c) moving d) moves 8.When she … born? a) was b) were c) did d) have 9.Did you clean your room yesterday? a) No, I didn’t. B) No, I don’t. c) No, I haven’t. d) No, I hadn’t 10.What did you do yesterday? a)I play computer games b)I played computer games c)Yes, I did. d)I will play computer games 11.Did you write a story last week? a)No, didn't I b)No, I didn't. c)I didn't write a story last week. d)No, I don't 12.Were you at school last Sunday? a) No, I wasn't. b)I wasn't at school last Sunday. c) Wasn't at school. d) No, I was 13. Hungry сөзінің аудармасы. a) қонақ: b) аш: c) дәмді: d) сәбіз: 14. Pineapple сөзінің аудармасы. a) алма: b) жүзім: c) ананас: d) сәбіз: 15.Thirsty сөзінің аудармасы. a) аш: b) шөлдеу: c) тоқ: d) мейіз: 16. Mary and her sister ____ wonderful hair. a) does b) has got c) have got d)are17. I ___ watch TV very often. a) doesn't   b) don't   c) aren't d) am18. How often ... you go shopping? a) are  b) do  c)does d) are not19. She always ______ lunch at school. a) takes  b) have c) has d) had20. My red pen ___ on the floor. a) am  b) is  c) are d) have21. My black pencil ___ on the table. a) am  b) is  c) are d) have22. Peter and John ___ from London. a) am  b) is  c) are d) they23. I ___ hungry. a) am  b) is  c) are d) have24. Grandma lives not far from us, but we ____ him often.a) not see  b) doesn’t see  c) don’t see25. He always ______ dinner at home. a) takes  b) have c) has d) does

DIAGNOSTIC TEST                                                        VARIANT 2

1. Mary and her sister ____ wonderful hair. a) does b) has got c) have got d)are2. I ___ watch TV very often. a) doesn't   b) don't   c) aren't d) am3. How often ... you go shopping? a) are  b) do  c)does d) are not4. She always ______ lunch at school. a) takes  b) have c) has d) had5. My red pen ___ on the floor. a) am  b) is  c) are d) have6. My black pencil ___ on the table. a) am  b) is  c) are d) have7. Peter and John ___ from London. a) am  b) is  c) are d) they8. I ___ hungry. a) am  b) is  c) are d) have9. Grandma lives not far from us, but we ____ him often.a) not see  b) doesn’t see  c) don’t see10. He always ______ dinner at home. a) takes  b) have c) has d) does11. The weather is usually good here. It _____ rain very often.a) not  b) doesn’t  c) don’t d)are not12. _____ you know that man? a) Do  b) Does  c) Are d) Have13. How often ... you go swimming? a) are  b) do  c)does d) have14.What did you do yesterday? a)I play computer games b)I played computer games c)Yes, I did. d)I will play computer games 15.Did you write a story last week? a)No, didn't I b)No, I didn't. c)I didn't write a story last week. d)No, I don't 16.Were you at school last Sunday? a) No, I wasn't. b)I wasn't at school last Sunday. c) Wasn't at school. d) No, I was 17. Hungry сөзінің аудармасы. a) қонақ: b) аш: c) дәмді: d) сәбіз: 18. Pineapple сөзінің аудармасы. a) алма: b) жүзім: c) ананас: d) сәбіз: 19.Thirsty сөзінің аудармасы. a) аш: b) шөлдеу: c) тоқ: d) мейіз: 20. I ____ like shopping. a) doesn't   b) don't   c) aren't d)am not21. ____  what you want? a) Betsy knows  b) Do Betsy knows  c) Does Betsy know d) Are you22. Kitty and Lucy ___ my cats. a) am  b) is  c) are d) they 23. My brother often _____ Mummy about the house.  a) help  b) helps  c) help24. Tess ______ to the cinema every week. a) will goes  b) go  c) goes25.She lived there with … . a) her flower b) her dress c) her pencil d) her family

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