Материалдар / At the familly doctors office
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At the familly doctors office

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Презентация по английскому языку
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16 Қаңтар 2019
0 рет жүктелген
770 ₸
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+39 бонус
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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
At the family doctor’s office Form: 4“Б”

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At the family doctor’s office Form: 4“Б”

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At the family doctor’s office Form: 4“Б”

Aims OF THE LESSON •to form the students’ concept of health , •to introduce them with education sites; •to develop pupils’

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Aims OF THE LESSON •to form the students’ concept of health , •to introduce them with education sites; •to develop pupils’ skills of listening and speaking and critical thinking; t •o teach the students to realize the using question form of Past Simple.

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Aims OF THE LESSON •to form the students’ concept of health , •to introduce them with education sites; •to develop pupils’ skills of listening and speaking and critical thinking; t •o teach the students to realize the using question form of Past Simple.

New vocabulary •An office- офис •A reception-қабылдау бөлімі •A receptionist-қабылдаушы •A family doctor-отбасылық дәрігер •A nu

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New vocabulary •An office- офис •A reception-қабылдау бөлімі •A receptionist-қабылдаушы •A family doctor-отбасылық дәрігер •A nurse-медбике

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New vocabulary •An office- офис •A reception-қабылдау бөлімі •A receptionist-қабылдаушы •A family doctor-отбасылық дәрігер •A nurse-медбике

A patient-пациент •To greet people-халықты қарсы алу •Pulse-пульс •Temperature-қызу •A medical school-мед.мектеп •To set a time-

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A patient-пациент •To greet people-халықты қарсы алу •Pulse-пульс •Temperature-қызу •A medical school-мед.мектеп •To set a time-

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A patient-пациент •To greet people-халықты қарсы алу •Pulse-пульс •Temperature-қызу •A medical school-мед.мектеп •To set a time-

Phonetic ex. Listen and repeat. •er- person, her, water, verb •ir- [3:] T-shirt, girl, bird, •ur- purple, nurse, turn

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Phonetic ex. Listen and repeat. •er- person, her, water, verb •ir- [3:] T-shirt, girl, bird, •ur- purple, nurse, turn

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Phonetic ex. Listen and repeat. •er- person, her, water, verb •ir- [3:] T-shirt, girl, bird, •ur- purple, nurse, turn

Group work Role play •Nurse: Hi, children. I’m a nurse. I help a doctor. I meet patients before the doctor sees them. I check

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Group work Role play •Nurse: Hi, children. I’m a nurse. I help a doctor. I meet patients before the doctor sees them. I check and record a patient’s condition: pulse, temperature, etc. •Doctor: Hi, kids. I’m a family doctor. I help sick people. I speak to patients about their health problems. I diagnose them and tell them what to do. I always wanted to be a doctor. I studied a lot at school and liked helping sick animals and people. Then I went to medical school. I love my job very much!

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Group work Role play •Nurse: Hi, children. I’m a nurse. I help a doctor. I meet patients before the doctor sees them. I check and record a patient’s condition: pulse, temperature, etc. •Doctor: Hi, kids. I’m a family doctor. I help sick people. I speak to patients about their health problems. I diagnose them and tell them what to do. I always wanted to be a doctor. I studied a lot at school and liked helping sick animals and people. Then I went to medical school. I love my job very much!

Evaluation “2 stars and a wish”

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Evaluation “2 stars and a wish”

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Evaluation “2 stars and a wish”

A hot chair •A student sits on a hot chair, other students ask him questions about the today’s theme

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A hot chair •A student sits on a hot chair, other students ask him questions about the today’s theme

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A hot chair •A student sits on a hot chair, other students ask him questions about the today’s theme

Homework •Ex 7 on page 54-to find some information about Wikipedia

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Homework •Ex 7 on page 54-to find some information about Wikipedia

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Homework •Ex 7 on page 54-to find some information about Wikipedia