Материалдар / Short term plan. Action 10 grade . Space

Short term plan. Action 10 grade . Space

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Бұл сабақ оқулық Action 10 сыныпқа арналған . 1-курс студенттері жаңартылған моделді оқу жүйесіне сәйкес жасалды.
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Материалдың қысқаша түсінігі
« Ақсу қара металлургия колледжі» The theme of the lesson: Space Group: ТТОРк- 1320 English teacher: Maitakh Altay

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« Ақсу қара металлургия колледжі» The theme of the lesson: Space Group: ТТОРк- 1320 English teacher: Maitakh Altay

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« Ақсу қара металлургия колледжі» The theme of the lesson: Space Group: ТТОРк- 1320 English teacher: Maitakh Altay

- to teaching reading, speaking, listening, writing skills; - to teaching to pronounce sound; - to develop memory, logical t

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- to teaching reading, speaking, listening, writing skills; - to teaching to pronounce sound; - to develop memory, logical thinking, speaking skills; - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings; - recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics; - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary Learning objectives

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- to teaching reading, speaking, listening, writing skills; - to teaching to pronounce sound; - to develop memory, logical thinking, speaking skills; - use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings; - recognise the attitude or opinion of the speaker(s) in unsupported extended talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics; - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary Learning objectives

Planets of Our Solar System The planet we live on is called Earth. Earth goes around a star called the Sun, and as such

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Planets of Our Solar System The planet we live on is called Earth. Earth goes around a star called the Sun, and as such classifies as a  planet . The Sun and everything that circles it form together a system called  the solar system  ( solar  = of the sun). In our solar system, there are additional seven planets, and  dwarf planets  (planetary objects which do not qualify as planets). Each of these planets takes a different amount of time to travel around the Sun. For the Earth, this journey is 365 days long, but for a faraway planet like Neptune, it takes 165 years. There are smaller objects which do not circle the Sun, but around these planets. They are called  satellites , or  moons , just like Earth's only natural satellite.

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Planets of Our Solar System The planet we live on is called Earth. Earth goes around a star called the Sun, and as such classifies as a  planet . The Sun and everything that circles it form together a system called  the solar system  ( solar  = of the sun). In our solar system, there are additional seven planets, and  dwarf planets  (planetary objects which do not qualify as planets). Each of these planets takes a different amount of time to travel around the Sun. For the Earth, this journey is 365 days long, but for a faraway planet like Neptune, it takes 165 years. There are smaller objects which do not circle the Sun, but around these planets. They are called  satellites , or  moons , just like Earth's only natural satellite.

MERCURY NEPTUNEJUPITER MARS SATURN VENUSURANUS EARTH SUNTask 1 . Drag the words to the correct pictures .

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MERCURY NEPTUNEJUPITER MARS SATURN VENUSURANUS EARTH SUNTask 1 . Drag the words to the correct pictures .

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MERCURY NEPTUNEJUPITER MARS SATURN VENUSURANUS EARTH SUNTask 1 . Drag the words to the correct pictures .

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Vocabulary: Atmosphere - |ˈætməsfɪə| - атмосфера, обстановка, воздух, газообразная оболочка Surface - |ˈsɜːfɪs| - поверх

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Vocabulary: Atmosphere -  |ˈætməsfɪə|   - атмосфера, обстановка, воздух, газообразная оболочка Surface -  |ˈsɜːfɪs|   - поверхность, поверхностный, внешний, всплывать Star -    |stɑː|   - звезда, звездочка, светило, звездный, выдающийся, Radio -  |ˈreɪdɪəʊ|   - радио, радиовещание, радировать, передавать по радио Dwarf -  |dwɔːf|   - карлик, гном, карликовый, мешать росту Particle - |ˈ pɑːtɪk(ə)l|  - частица, крупица, суффикс, префикс, статья Wave -  |weɪv|   - волна, сигнал, вал, колебание, волновой, махать, махнуть Solar -  |ˈsəʊlər|   - солнечный, солнечная энергия Telescope - |ˈtelɪskəʊp|   - телескоп, оптическая подзорная труба, складывать, сжимать

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Vocabulary: Atmosphere -  |ˈætməsfɪə|   - атмосфера, обстановка, воздух, газообразная оболочка Surface -  |ˈsɜːfɪs|   - поверхность, поверхностный, внешний, всплывать Star -    |stɑː|   - звезда, звездочка, светило, звездный, выдающийся, Radio -  |ˈreɪdɪəʊ|   - радио, радиовещание, радировать, передавать по радио Dwarf -  |dwɔːf|   - карлик, гном, карликовый, мешать росту Particle - |ˈ pɑːtɪk(ə)l|  - частица, крупица, суффикс, префикс, статья Wave -  |weɪv|   - волна, сигнал, вал, колебание, волновой, махать, махнуть Solar -  |ˈsəʊlər|   - солнечный, солнечная энергия Telescope - |ˈtelɪskəʊp|   - телескоп, оптическая подзорная труба, складывать, сжимать

Space factsD id you know ? You cannot hear sound in space because there are not enough 1 ) ………….. for sound. 2 ) ……………..to trav

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Space factsD id you know ? You cannot hear sound in space because there are not enough 1 ) ………….. for sound. 2 ) ……………..to travel through. However, astronauts can communicate thanks to 3…… waves. The footprints of the astronauts will say on the moon s 4 ) ………….for at least 100million years. This is because the moon has no 5 ) ……………… so there s no wind or water to wash them away. 6 ) . ………………like our sun give light and warmth to planets like ours. As they grow older they get hotter and expand, pulling the planets nearby towards them, and eventually swallowing them completely. This may happen to the Earth –but not for another live billion years or so ! The 7 ) ………… planet, Pluto, lies In a dark and mysterious place in our 8 ) ……….. system and was named by an 11-years-old girl Called Venetia Burney in 1930. She had read about Greek and Roman mythology and she thought of calling it Pluto . The red spot on Jupiter is a giant Storm with winds reaching 640 km / ph. It is been there since people first looked at Jupiter through 9 ) ……… Around 400 years ago.Task 2.Listen and check!

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Space factsD id you know ? You cannot hear sound in space because there are not enough 1 ) ………….. for sound. 2 ) ……………..to travel through. However, astronauts can communicate thanks to 3…… waves. The footprints of the astronauts will say on the moon s 4 ) ………….for at least 100million years. This is because the moon has no 5 ) ……………… so there s no wind or water to wash them away. 6 ) . ………………like our sun give light and warmth to planets like ours. As they grow older they get hotter and expand, pulling the planets nearby towards them, and eventually swallowing them completely. This may happen to the Earth –but not for another live billion years or so ! The 7 ) ………… planet, Pluto, lies In a dark and mysterious place in our 8 ) ……….. system and was named by an 11-years-old girl Called Venetia Burney in 1930. She had read about Greek and Roman mythology and she thought of calling it Pluto . The red spot on Jupiter is a giant Storm with winds reaching 640 km / ph. It is been there since people first looked at Jupiter through 9 ) ……… Around 400 years ago.Task 2.Listen and check!

Task 3. Match the words to make phrases. A. exploration B. war C. frontier D. system E. fiction F. dioxide 1. Final 2. sol

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Task 3. Match the words to make phrases. A. exploration B. war C. frontier D. system E. fiction F. dioxide 1. Final 2. solar 3. space 4. nuclear 5. carbon 6. science

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Task 3. Match the words to make phrases. A. exploration B. war C. frontier D. system E. fiction F. dioxide 1. Final 2. solar 3. space 4. nuclear 5. carbon 6. science


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfZzI Y906GQ Homework: Use the link and watch the video and complete your task. Open your b

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfZzI Y906GQ Homework: Use the link and watch the video and complete your task. Open your books at page 97-98. Action for Kazakhstan grade 10.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfZzI Y906GQ Homework: Use the link and watch the video and complete your task. Open your books at page 97-98. Action for Kazakhstan grade 10.

Thank you for attention! Good bye!

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Thank you for attention! Good bye!

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Thank you for attention! Good bye!