Материалдар / This is Great Britain

This is Great Britain

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урок -викторина ,совершенствование навыков устной речи; актуализация страноведческого материала.
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30 Тамыз 2018
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This is BritainThis is Britain урок –викторинаурок –викторина 99 класс класс Учитель: Сеитова А.Т.Учитель: Сеитова А.Т. 90

1 слайд
This is BritainThis is Britain урок –викторинаурок –викторина 99 класс класс Учитель: Сеитова А.Т.Учитель: Сеитова А.Т. 900igr.net

1 слайд

This is BritainThis is Britain урок –викторинаурок –викторина 99 класс класс Учитель: Сеитова А.Т.Учитель: Сеитова А.Т. 900igr.net

Цель урока:Цель урока: обобщение обобщение изученного материала по изученного материала по теме «Великобритания»; теме «Вели

2 слайд
Цель урока:Цель урока: обобщение обобщение изученного материала по изученного материала по теме «Великобритания»; теме «Великобритания»; совершенствование навыков совершенствование навыков устной речи; актуализация устной речи; актуализация страноведческого материала.страноведческого материала.

2 слайд

Цель урока:Цель урока: обобщение обобщение изученного материала по изученного материала по теме «Великобритания»; теме «Великобритания»; совершенствование навыков совершенствование навыков устной речи; актуализация устной речи; актуализация страноведческого материала.страноведческого материала.

1. Awareness quiz1. Awareness quiz  What is the official name of Great What is the official name of Great Britain?Britain?  W

3 слайд
1. Awareness quiz1. Awareness quiz  What is the official name of Great What is the official name of Great Britain?Britain?  What parts does Great Britain consist of?What parts does Great Britain consist of?  What river does London stands on?What river does London stands on?  How do Englishmen call their national How do Englishmen call their national flag ?flag ?  What is the kilt?What is the kilt?  What’s the traditional English drink? What’s the traditional English drink?  Name the symbol of each country? Name the symbol of each country?

3 слайд

1. Awareness quiz1. Awareness quiz  What is the official name of Great What is the official name of Great Britain?Britain?  What parts does Great Britain consist of?What parts does Great Britain consist of?  What river does London stands on?What river does London stands on?  How do Englishmen call their national How do Englishmen call their national flag ?flag ?  What is the kilt?What is the kilt?  What’s the traditional English drink? What’s the traditional English drink?  Name the symbol of each country? Name the symbol of each country?

2. Countries and capitals2. Countries and capitals  ScotlandScotland  England England  Wales Wales  Northern N

4 слайд
2. Countries and capitals2. Countries and capitals  ScotlandScotland  England England  Wales Wales  Northern Northern IrelandIreland  LondonLondon  CardiffCardiff  BelfastBelfast  EdinburghEdinburgh

4 слайд

2. Countries and capitals2. Countries and capitals  ScotlandScotland  England England  Wales Wales  Northern Northern IrelandIreland  LondonLondon  CardiffCardiff  BelfastBelfast  EdinburghEdinburgh

3. Multiple choice test3. Multiple choice test 11 . What is the Union Jack?. What is the Union Jack? a)a) The national flag o

5 слайд
3. Multiple choice test3. Multiple choice test 11 . What is the Union Jack?. What is the Union Jack? a)a) The national flag of the UK.The national flag of the UK. b)b) Trade union organization.Trade union organization. c)c) Monument.Monument. 2. What is the name of the 2. What is the name of the present British Queen?present British Queen? a)a) Elizabeth I.Elizabeth I. b)b) Mary.Mary. c)c) Elizabeth II.Elizabeth II. 3. What is the song the Scottish 3. What is the song the Scottish people sing at the par people sing at the par ties?ties? a)a) "Jingle Bells"."Jingle Bells". b)b) "Should Auld Acquaintance "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot".Be Forgot". c)c) "Greensleeves"."Greensleeves". 4. Where does the ceremony of the 4. Where does the ceremony of the Keys take place?Keys take place? a)a) In the Tower of London.In the Tower of London. b)b) At Buckingham Palace.At Buckingham Palace. c)c) In Trafalgar Square.?In Trafalgar Square.? 5. Which street in London is called 5. Which street in London is called "newspaper street"?"newspaper street"? a)a) Oxford Street.Oxford Street. b)b) Fleet Street.Fleet Street. c)c) Downing Street.Downing Street. 6.6. Where is the Speaker's Corner?Where is the Speaker's Corner? a)a) In Richmond Park.In Richmond Park. b)b) In Hyde Park.In Hyde Park. c)c) In Kensington Gardens.In Kensington Gardens.

5 слайд

3. Multiple choice test3. Multiple choice test 11 . What is the Union Jack?. What is the Union Jack? a)a) The national flag of the UK.The national flag of the UK. b)b) Trade union organization.Trade union organization. c)c) Monument.Monument. 2. What is the name of the 2. What is the name of the present British Queen?present British Queen? a)a) Elizabeth I.Elizabeth I. b)b) Mary.Mary. c)c) Elizabeth II.Elizabeth II. 3. What is the song the Scottish 3. What is the song the Scottish people sing at the par people sing at the par ties?ties? a)a) "Jingle Bells"."Jingle Bells". b)b) "Should Auld Acquaintance "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot".Be Forgot". c)c) "Greensleeves"."Greensleeves". 4. Where does the ceremony of the 4. Where does the ceremony of the Keys take place?Keys take place? a)a) In the Tower of London.In the Tower of London. b)b) At Buckingham Palace.At Buckingham Palace. c)c) In Trafalgar Square.?In Trafalgar Square.? 5. Which street in London is called 5. Which street in London is called "newspaper street"?"newspaper street"? a)a) Oxford Street.Oxford Street. b)b) Fleet Street.Fleet Street. c)c) Downing Street.Downing Street. 6.6. Where is the Speaker's Corner?Where is the Speaker's Corner? a)a) In Richmond Park.In Richmond Park. b)b) In Hyde Park.In Hyde Park. c)c) In Kensington Gardens.In Kensington Gardens.

4. Match the pictures with the 4. Match the pictures with the names of the placesnames of the places  A) A) 1.1. Buckingham P

6 слайд
4. Match the pictures with the 4. Match the pictures with the names of the placesnames of the places  A) A) 1.1. Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace 2.2. The Houses of The Houses of ParliamentParliament 3.3. Tower of LondonTower of London 4.4. Big BenBig Ben 5.5. Westminster AbbeyWestminster AbbeyA)A) B)B) C)C) D)D) E)E)

6 слайд

4. Match the pictures with the 4. Match the pictures with the names of the placesnames of the places  A) A) 1.1. Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace 2.2. The Houses of The Houses of ParliamentParliament 3.3. Tower of LondonTower of London 4.4. Big BenBig Ben 5.5. Westminster AbbeyWestminster AbbeyA)A) B)B) C)C) D)D) E)E)

5. British Calendar5. British Calendar (put the holidays in the right order(put the holidays in the right order )) Halloween

7 слайд
5. British Calendar5. British Calendar (put the holidays in the right order(put the holidays in the right order )) Halloween Halloween ChristmasChristmas 1 2 St. Valentine’s Day Easter New St. Valentine’s Day Easter New Year’s DayYear’s Day 3 3 4 4 55

7 слайд

5. British Calendar5. British Calendar (put the holidays in the right order(put the holidays in the right order )) Halloween Halloween ChristmasChristmas 1 2 St. Valentine’s Day Easter New St. Valentine’s Day Easter New Year’s DayYear’s Day 3 3 4 4 55