Материалдар / 5 сынып "Carnivals in the USA"

5 сынып "Carnivals in the USA"

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
сабақ жоспары
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады. Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
11 Қазан 2018
1 рет жүктелген
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жүктеп алып көруге болады

Short term plan
Date: Date 18.04.2018 LESSON: Carnivals in the USA.
CLASS: 5Number present: 14absent: -
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

To give some information about Carnival in the USA
Lesson objectivesAll learners will be able to: Listen and understand Read and understand the main points of the text. Pronounce new words

Most learners will be able to: Enjoy listening to and saying Read the task aloud with confidence. Evaluate how well they can listen to, say and read

Some learners will be able to: Memorize parts of the text during the lesson. Read the poem fluently and with expression.
Planned timingPlanned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)Resources
Start5 minutes

AKTБағалау парағы

Қима қағаздарплакат

5 min

3 min


ІІІ. Жаңа cабақты түсіндіруOk, let's begin new lesson. The theme of the lesson «Carnival in the USA» Watch the video and check your answer.Ex:1. Listen and read.New words(жаңа сөздер):Please, open your vocabulary notebooks and write down the new words. Originally - бастапқыдаMean – мағына, білдіруColouful – түрлі-түстіParty – кеш, сауық кешіFloat- флот, кемеParade – парад, шеруFancy dress – сәнді киімVisitor – қыдырып келушілерAmazing – ғажайыпAnswer the question.Топтық жұмыс. ( 3 топқа сұрақтар жазылған карточкалар беріледі)1st group. PURPLE1.Who introduced Mardi Gras to the USA?2. What does “Mardi Gras” mean in English?3. Which city is the most famous for Mardi Gras?

2nd group GREEN1. How do people celebrate it?2. What are the traditional colours of Mardi Gras?3. What can children do during the “ little rascals” parade?

3rd group GOLD1. How is a dress for dogs called? 2. When did the French introduce Mardi Gras to the USA?3. What else do people often wear?

Doing exercises for Activity book (жеке жұмыс.Сәйекестендіру)
  • Why are you taking a fleece and a jacket2. Why are you taking your camera?3.Why are you taking your swimming costume?4. Why are you taking your trainers?5. Why are you taking your tablet?pool at the hotel
  • Because there is a swimming
  • Because I want to play tennis
  • Because I want to write email to my friend
  • Because its cold in France
  • Because I want to take lots of photos
  • Ex: 2. How to make a Mardi Gras eye mask.
  • Draw the shape of an eye mask on the card.
  • Cut the mask and holes for the eyes.
  • Make tiny holes for the eyes
  • Attach elastic to fit the mask round your head
  • Put glue on the mask and add glitter and sequins
  • Use tape to add feathers to the mask. Then wear you eyes.
  • Let’s have a rest. Физкульт-минутка “ If you happy and you know it”


    AKT карточкалар



    End10 minutes

    Fill in the gaps

    1. People celebrate Carnival or Mardi Gras in many cities_________2._________ introduced Mardi Gras to the USA in the early 17th Century.3. Mardi Gras means _______________.4. The most famous city for Mardi Gras in the USA is_______5. Many people wear fancy _________ .6. People also often wear beautiful eye_______.7. During the parade children ride on _______.8. And there is even a fancy dress parade for _____ called Barkus.9. People make friend and have a fantastic ______.

    Marking3 minutesREFLECTIONNow you should estimate your mood. I’m going to give you smiles without faces. You should estimate your mood at this lesson, draw a face for your smile and stick it to the appropriate word HAPPY, SAD, BADTeacher gives the comments about pupils’ work and awards pupils with cards of smiles. AKT papers
    H/ task2 minutesGiving hometask (Үй тапсырмасы):Thank you very much. We had a very good time at the lesson. You have done many tasks. Please write down your home task for the next lesson.Do you have a Carnival in Kazakhstan?Talking about 1st of May-Day of Unity in Kazakhstan

    Differentiation-how do plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Differentiation by support .Differentiation by worksheet sort.Assessment – how are you planning to check learners learningAssessment by smileysHealth and safety check.Friendly atmosphere Limited time of using ICT

    Reflection Where the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? Did all the learners achieve lesson objectives/learning objectives?Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why

    Summary evaluation What two things went really well ( consider both teaching and learning)?What two things would have improved the lesson ( consider both teaching and learning)?What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform in my next lesson?

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