Материалдар / Application of complex methods in teaching children with autism
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Application of complex methods in teaching children with autism

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
There is little information about autism in the country, and there are many who are struggling with it. 67 million people around the world suffer from this disease, and the share of Kazakhstanis exceeds a thousand.
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Application of complex methods in teaching children with autism

Daribayeva N. D

Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov, Karaganda

Every parent wants their child to be healthy after birth. Parents are delighted with every movement made by the child, the memory of his face, every step he takes, the first sound he makes, the words he says. Every child needs the care of the environment. But some children move away from their environment and live in their own world. They are not interested in every new thing, they have no interest in getting to know it. Such children face difficulties in communicating, adapting to the social environment, communicating with their parents. By such signs, it is possible to identify autism or some of its symptoms in a child.

There is little information about autism in the country, and there are many who are struggling with it. 67 million people around the world suffer from this disease, and the share of Kazakhstanis exceeds a thousand. The number of children with autism in the country is growing sharply. In 2003, 77 children were registered, after 3 years the number of children reached 255, and by 2010, 326 children were registered. And now children have autism observed in about a thousand and a half Children [1].

Autism is born from impaired brain function. Experts note about 300 causes of autism. But there is no clear conclusion, no consistent evidence. The first to consider autism were such scientists as E. Bleiler, Leo Kanner, O. S. Nikolskaya, G. Asperger, A. Retta, K. S. Lebedinskaya. At the present stage, the field of autism research is expanding. Autism ¾ is a serious type of developmental disorder in a child, which implies a lack of communication with the social environment. Autism as a symptom occurs in many mental illnesses, but in some cases it is observed at an early age and negatively affects the development of the child. This condition is called early childhood autism (EBA) syndrome. It is considered as one of the variants of mental development damage. Also, if some clinical manifestations of autism are observed in a child, it is called autistic personality traits. As a specific symptom, it can form by the age of 2-3 years [2].

Currently, the exact causes of autism have not been clearly studied. According to many scientists, the cause of children with autism is due to disorders of the central nervous system. The influence of the hereditary factor is recognized by many researchers. At the same time, organic brain damage is also common in autistic children.Hereditary chromosomal changes, metabolic changes, injuries sustained by the mother during pregnancy and childbirth, neuroinfections, and other conditions can have a negative impact.

There is very little clearly proven information that explains the causes of autism. Previously, it was assumed that children will be vaccinated against measles and swine flu (svinka) as a result of vaccination. But with the passage of time, as a result of numerous studies, this assumption was refuted. And, according to psychoanalysts, the "emotional coldness of the parents" at the initial stage of the child's development is also the Cause [3]. Group 1 of causes is associated with heredity. According to some experts, autism is inherited, and it is transmitted at the gene level. In some cases, there are also examples that prove the truth of this statement,

this is because autistic symptoms are observed in members of the same family. However, scientists have not yet been able to find the gene responsible for autism.

Group 2 of causes includes chromosomal (genetic) mutations, congenital metabolic diseases. Among the clinical symptoms of some genetic syndromes and metabolic diseases are also autistic symptoms. Among such diseases are brittle (fragilic) X-chromosome, Rett, Moebius syndromes, as well as phenylketonuria, mucopolysaccharidosis and others.

Group 3 of causes is associated with damage to the central nervous system for various reasons. It can be motivated by:

exposure to various pathogenic factors during pregnancy and birth: neuroinfection, viral infection, trauma, asphyxia, etc.;

biochemical, neurochemical and metabolic abnormalities. As indicated by Special Studies (cerebrospinal fluid, blood, urine examinations), autistic symptoms are caused by impaired metabolism of physiologically active substances (serotonin, catecholamine and dopamine). There are studies that prove the existence of a link between biochemical changes and autistic traits [4]. If we focus on the first signs of autism, the symptoms are clearly visible until the child is three years old. As a rule, it occurs more often in boys. Parents notice that the child has developed late in comparison with peers and has not yet spoken. At first it seems that the child does not hear, but during the examination, the result shows that this is not the case. In this case, the general development of the child is inhibited. The character becomes withdrawn. If you call him by name, he may not be surprised. He doesn't play with other children either. Does not seek recognition. Even a new toy will not be able to interest him. That is, such a child will not have any such feelings as desire, longing, pity, regret, care. He doesn't care. He lives in his own world, in himself. It may continue to go around the clock without sleep. It doesn't require anything. In the process of correctional and learning, the use of complex correctional and learning methods activates the compensatory capabilities of the child's body, creates the opportunity to overcome and prevent deviations. On the basis of this replenishment, the implementation of the preserved form of perception by children with disabilities and the development of the mental functions of the child is conveniently carried out.

The visual presentation of information increases its impact, no matter what activity it is. In special education, this effect is of great importance. The use of modern tools, diagnostic methods and technologies helps not only to determine the function of the child at that time, but also to identify objective difficulties that arise at that time and overcome them in an accessible way. The purpose of the research work in demonstrating the effectiveness of the methodology proposed by us in carrying out correctional work with children with autism was unique. In order to conduct an experiment, we established the stages of Organization of the experiment on the research work. At the first stage, experimental work was organized and the established system of measures was implemented:

the content of the experimental work was selected;

the pedagogical sequence is determined;

the effectiveness of the content of programs and forms of training embedded in the educational process is determined.

The experiment was carried out in 4 directions: speech, communication, mental processes of children diagnosed with autism

Formation using game elements according to the" game technology " method;

development of memory in children with autism according to the global teaching methodology;

formation of the attitude of children with autism to the environment through the method of sensory integration;

comprehensive development of the speech of a child with autism using the simulator "Delfa–142,1" according to the method of using information technology. During the experimental work, 6 children studied in the correctional room were covered and studied. Methods used in the course of experimental work:

1.application of Game Technology.

Building a relationship with a child with autism.

The game "bypass".

Game progress: the instructor selects from among the children a child who greets all the children and shakes hands with each child. The same child chooses a child who will be in the center of the circle. All children hold hands and form a circle. Greets the child in the middle. Children take turns in the middle. When greeting, the following words are pronounced:

Babies, let's get up;

Let's form a circle;

You are also my friend;

I'm your friend too;

We are all friends.

Relationship development. Exercise "play with a doll".

Game progress: conducting story-role-playing games on various topics. For example,

"Going to the store","visiting". The doll helps the child to enter social roles.

Development of attention.

Exercise "guess the excess".

Game progress: the instructor instructs you to find the excess among the given pictures. For example, cucumbers, pumpkins, carrots, apples. Excess: apples.

Development of Motion games.

Game" we will build a house for our friends".

Game progress: the instructor divides the children into two groups and tells them that they have two friends named Aktobe and Sharik. They are very good friends. Only they have no home to live in. Let's help them build a house. Thus, one group will build a house in Aktobe, the other group-in Sharik. To do this, the children are given cubes and tasks. Who will finish building the house first. 2. application of global teaching methods.

The most effective is the use of the global teaching methodology in teaching autistic children at an early age. Global learning is the child's perception of the entire word in its entirety (judging by the spelling).

In the next exercise, we will teach words globally by parts. Parts of the word, syllables, individual letters. For example: Ma-Ma, Pa-Pa, A-to, and-Ma, and-M-to. We believe that with this method it will be possible to gradually move on to normal reading.

What words should you introduce the child to first of all? Of course, first of all, we will start with simple words that are in everyday use. They are: mother, father, brother, sister, grandfather, sister, etc.

After a while, you can add longer words. For example: a doll, a machine, a book, a toy, etc., that is, we also rely on the objects around us that your children use every day at this stage. At the next stage, we write with the addition of the names of loved ones. For example, Mama Aigul, uncle Askar, aunt Zhanna, etc. Menu" letter":

"Compose a letter from 2 parts"," compose a letter from 4 parts"," assemble a letter " are intended for fixing the optical contour of the letter. They are divided depending on the levels. In these three tasks, the child can choose the letter to compose;

"Pictures" are designed to find, identify the first letter in the word. It also contributes to the identification of letters with a similar phoneme;

"Tom and Tim" formulates sound analysis based on the soft-hardness of consonants.

Menu "generation":

Exercise "magic well" is designed to form the first reading skills. Through it, children practice pronouncing difficult-syllable words.

Menu "word":

It is practiced to perform sound analysis of words using the exercise" zhukylmash". Depending on the choice of stimulus material (images, audio), the perception of the phoneme can be comprehensively developed;

Exercise "mosaic" teaches you to recognize the spelling of a word and read the word as a whole. Corrects memory and perception. List of references

[ER]. Access order: http://tezister.net/index.php?newsid=102426&news_page=2

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