Материалдар / Ашық сабақ Entertainment and Media 7 класс

Ашық сабақ Entertainment and Media 7 класс

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7 сыныпта ағылшын тілінен Entertainment and Media тақырыбына сабақ жоспары
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24 Ақпан 2023
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Unit: Unit 6 Entertainment and Media

LESSON: Entertainment and Media

Teacher’s name:

Ramazanova N.E


Grade: 7

Number present:



Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to give an opinion at discourse level on a growing range of general and curricular topics understand the detail of an argument on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

Lesson objectives

  • name various types of entertainment and media

  • identify specific information and details in the topic;

  • discuss the questions and select the necessary information

  • give own opinion about entertainment

      Planned activities

Planned time

Teacher’s activities

Pupil’s activities



Beginning the lesson

2 min

3 min

5 min

2 min

3 min


7 min

10 min

10 min


Teacher greets students and sets environmentally-friendly atmosphere within the classroom. (pupils saying each other wishes)


Tell the students they are going to make an association with the word Entertainment .



Game. Bingo

Students have different key words related to the topic. Students read out the words and ask each other . The students who finishes the first will be winner.

Note: Students should have a different combination of key words on their square.

Listen MP3

Watch TV

Play play-station games

Play computer games

Has podcasts

Has own website

Go to dry pool

Has a PC at home

Uses social networks

Surf the internet

Use apps

All members of family watch TV

Then teacher asks students what they are going to learn today and let them guess the topic of the lesson. Students will say that they will learn “Entertainment and Media”. Having guessed the topic of the lesson together, teacher and learners set the lesson objectives

Descriptor: A learner reads and asks

Now, before beginning our lesson let’s divide into groups

Dividing into groups by the technique “Puzzles” and they sit by “Cabaret Style

The first group - “Internet”

The second group - “TV”

The third group - “Media”

Pre –reading

Read and match the words with their definitions

Ice - breaker “

Match the words with their definitions

  1. TV set a. to listen to music and news

  2. Radio b. to watch programmes

  3. Internet c. to read news, articles

  4. MP3 player d. to record the music

  5. Newspaper e. to provide information

Descriptor : A learner finds the definition of the words


Read the text with techniques scanning

(to locate specific information and making use of key words through the text)

TV or not TV?

Television plays a very important role in people`s lives. It`s a wonderful source of information and one of the best ways to spend free time. Television viewing is the most popular leisure pastime. It`s not surprising, because TV channels show a great variety of programmes: documentaries and current affairs programmes, feature films and comedies, soaps and police series, concerts and talk shows.

Television is a reflection of the modern world. It gives you an opportunity to travel all over the world, to see different people and to learn about their customs and traditions. Television keeps you informed about the rest of the world. It also helps to escape from our everyday problems. A lot of people usually relax watching soaps. Their story lines are entertaining, but often unbelievable. I don`t think that they show life realistically. But to many people, the characters in the TV serial have become more important than real people.

Many people admit that the quality of television could be better. One reason for the poor quality of programmes is advertising. Not all people like watching commercials. They find ads silly and boring. But I am not against commercials on TV, because television companies get most of their money from advertising.

Some people say that television is a terrible waste of time. Of course, there are TV addicts who can`t drag themselves away from the box. But if we watch TV for an hour a day, to find out what is happening in the world or to relax, then television is really useful. So I think we should not blame the TV for the bad effects it has. We must know how to make the best use of it.

Analyze and discuss in group, then fill the table suggested answers

S - Television plays a very important role in people`s lives. It`s a wonderful source of information and one of the best ways to spend free time.

W- One reason for the poor quality of programmes is advertising. Not all people like watching commercials. They find ads silly and boring.

O-But if we watch TV for an hour a day, to find out what is happening in the world or to relax, then television is really useful. So I think we should not blame the TV for the bad effects it has. We must know how to make the best use of it

T - Some people say that television is a terrible waste of time. Of course, there are TV addicts who can`t drag themselves away from the box

Descriptor: A learner reads and scans specific information

Observes , analyzes and discusses given task

Interprets given idea

Differentiation by tasks and by support of teacher

Post reading

Group “Internet”

Write good and bad sides of TV through reading the text

Good sides

Bad sides

Descriptor: A learner finds the advantages and disadvantages of TV

Group “TV” Circle the correct answer

1. Why is TV viewing the most popular leisure pastime?

a) People have much free time

b) TV channels show a lot of programmes

c) It is the only hobby in our country

2. Why do a lot of people enjoy watching soaps?

a) They haven`t seen anything else

b) Soaps show life realistically

c) Their story lines are entertaining

3. What are bad points of television?

a) Amount of smoking in the films

b) A variety of educational programmes

c) Feature films about the life of outstanding people

4. Why do we have to watch commercials on TV?

a) TV companies get most of their money from advertising

b) TV companies don`t have enough programmes to show

c) People like to watch commercials most of all

5. Who are TV addicts?

a) People who don`t like to watch TV programmes

b) Lazy people

c) People who like to watch TV most of all

Descriptor: A learner finds the correctly and suitable answers

Group “MediaChoose one of the pictures of entertainment activities and present your ideas with strategy “Deal”

D – describe (describing what he has read and learned)

E- explain (describe what you know about the event)

A- analyze (information analysis, conclusions, identification of

causes )

L- links (to make conclusions to link existing knowledge

Play computer games, Go to the amusement park . Spend time socializing. Watch and discuss films. Participate in sport together .Read and discuss books

Descriptor: A learner discusses in group , uses topical vocabulary

speaks with some flexibility

Group assessment criteria



Summarizes story


Represents ideas


Retells story events


Presents orally


Pupils find the word associating with the word entertainment

Students read the phrases

Pupils choose one of the cards and make a picture

Pupils match the words with their definitions

Pupils read the text through key words

Pupils read and write good and bad sides of TV

Pupils answer the questions using the platform Quizlet

Pupils describe and explain , give information

Oral assess:

You are right!

Assess learners orally

-Excellent! Nice One! Super Job!

Peer assessment Teacher gives keys for students and they check each other

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