Материалдар / “Critical analysis of world sport“
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

“Critical analysis of world sport“

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Lesson plan “Critical analysis of world sport“ Aims: ➢ To consolidate and develop the skills of speaking, listening and reading, to develop the ability to express one's thoughts and apply knowledge, skills and abilities within the studied material. ➢ Develop cognitive activity of students: attention and memory, mental activity, creative imagination. ➢ To instill in students an interest in sports, a desire for a healthy lifestyle, an understanding of the importance of playing sports for improving health, instilling an interest in learning a foreign language; foster collectivism, the ability to work with a partner and in a group, the ability to listen to others, respect their point of view, help each other.
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16 Қаңтар 2022
0 рет жүктелген
Бүгін алсаңыз 25% жеңілдік
770 тг 578 тг
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Lesson plan

Lesson: “Critical analysis of world sport”



Teacher name:


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

  • To consolidate and develop the skills of speaking, listening and reading, to develop the ability to express one's thoughts and apply knowledge, skills and abilities within the studied material.

  • Develop cognitive activity of students: attention and memory, mental activity, creative imagination.

  • To instill in students an interest in sports, a desire for a healthy lifestyle, an understanding of the importance of playing sports for improving health, instilling an interest in learning a foreign language; foster collectivism, the ability to work with a partner and in a group, the ability to listen to others, respect their point of view, help each other.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • regognise main information

Most learners will be able to:

  • identify specific information about sport

Some learners will be able to:

  • Interpret and evaluate the information while listennig

  • Interact while speaking

Value links

Taking care of your bode and health

Cross curricular links

Physical Education

Previous learning

Visual aids:

Cards, active board, presentation, video film




Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



1 mins

2 mins

2 mins

2 mins


- Good morning,dear students. I am glad to see you! How are you feeling today?Ask each other “How are you?”

By the way, who is on duty today?

-Who is abcent today?

-What date is is today?

-What day is it today?

-What is the weather like today?

- So, today we are going to have an unusual lesson. I’ve got the riddles for you. If you solve them correctly,you’ll see the topic of our lesson.

1. It is a game in which you need a ball. The people who play that game must run and try to score a goal. Guess what I am talking about. (Football.)

2.This game is played on a court with a large orange ball. There are 5 players in each team. Two teams try to score goals by throwing a ball through a net to a metal ring at each end of court. The players bounce the ball while running and pass it to each other. The team with the most points wins (Basketball).

3. I am a winter sport.
You need a stick and a flat, black puck to play me.
I am a team sport.
My games are very exciting.
When you score a point, it is called a goal.
You wear a helmet and skates when you play me.

-So,good job. Are you understood what our topic is about today? Yeah,you right.Today we’ll talk about sport and our topic is “Critical analysis of world sport”.

-What associations do you have when you hear the word “sport”?

- Do you like sport?  

-Why is sport so important in our life?
-What kinds of sport do you know?

Phonetic drill:

-Now,look at the active board and let’s read the following proverbs about sport and health:

1. Health is better than wealth.

2. Sport every day keeps the doctor away.

3. It's not whether you win or lose that matters, it's how you play the game

4. In sports and journeys men are known. 

Teacher’s and pupils’ action

Riddles about sport

Active board, proverbs


5 mins

3 mins

3 mins

5 mins

5 mins

5 mins

Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: ''A sound mind in a sound body''. 

-What do you think about this famous proverb?

-Good,Millions of people who go in for sports know from their own experience that this famous saying is true to fact. At the same time great members of people do not go in for sport.  Some of them realize that sport is useful but prefer watching sports competitions on TV to going in for sport themselves.

-Guys,you know that sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. –Now,let's learn more about different kinds sports. Look at the active board,please.

-Good!Now,let’s read the list of skills/qualities and say which are needed for the above sports.

Skills/Qualities needed: fit, patient, imaginative, courageous, good sense of balance, cooperative, strong, determined, good training, adventurous

e.g. You need to be fit and strong and you must also have a good sense of balance to go wind-surf­ing.

(Suggested answers)

You need to be fit, courageous and adventurous to go rafting.

You need to be patient to go fishing. You need to be patient to collect stamps. You need to be adventurous, courageous and have good training to go scuba-diving. You need to be strong, fit and courageous to go rock-climbing.

You need to be patient to do painting.

You need to be courageous and have good training to go sky-diving.

You need to be fit and cooperative to play football.

Well!Now,let’s do the next task.Match the sports with the descriptions. Let’s divide into two groups. Read the texts and guess the name of the sports.


1) cricket
2) American football
3) football/soccer
4) rugby
5) tennis
6) hockey
7) basketball
8) volleyball


a) Played by two teams of eleven players. Every player has a stick. This game is played on the grass and ice.(3)
b) Played by two teams of five players. Players are usually tall. The game is very fast and the teams score a lot of points.(7)
c) Played with two people of four people. They play with racquets and a ball. Every year there is a big competition at Wimbledon.(5)
d) Played by two teams of eleven players. Normally they players all wear white. This sport is popular in the UK, India, Australia and South Africa. A full game can last five days.(1)
e) Played with two teams of eleven and a ball. Played in nearly every country in the world. It has a World Cup every four years. Brazil won the World Cup in 2002.(2)
f) Played with two teams and a ball. The men wear a lot of clothes to protect them. They do not kick the ball very much. Most of the time they throw the ball.(6)
g) Like American football but the players do not wear a lot of protective clothing. There are two teams of fifteen people. This game is played a lot in the UK as well as in Australia and New Zealand.(4)
h) Played by two teams of six and a ball. They may hit the ball with the hand. Play

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