Материалдар / Formative Assessment on the subject «The English language» Grade 4

Formative Assessment on the subject «The English language» Grade 4

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Formative Assessment on the subject «The English language» Grade Formative Assessment on the subject «The English language» Grade 4 Формативті бағалау тапсырмалар жинағы 1,2,3,4 тоқсан
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A collection of tasks for Formative Assessment on the subject «The English language»

Grade 4


TERM 1 4

Cross curricular unit 1. Kazakhstan in the World of Sport 4

Cross curricular unit 2. Values in Myths and Legends 13

TERM 2 25

Cross curricular unit 3. Treasure and Heritage 25

Cross curricular unit 4. Professions and Ways of Communication 33

TERM 3 41

Cross curricular unit: Hot and Cold 41

Cross curricular unit: Healthy World 54

TERM 4 68

Cross curricular unit: Journey into space 68

Cross curricular unit: Machines 76

TERM 1Shape1

Cross curricular unit 1. Kazakhstan in the World of Sport


Children’s games

Learning objectives Understand an increasing range of supported questions which ask for personal information Respond to questions on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics Use me, too and I don’t to give short answers; use when clauses to describe simple present and past actions on personal and familiar topics

Assessment criteria

  • Recognise personal questions with support

  • Respond to questions on different topics

  • Give short answer with me, too and I don’t

  • Describe simple present and past actions using when clauses

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Application

Task. Ask and answer questions about children’s games in different countries. Use pictures to make up questions.


T - Teacher S - Student

T: Do you know where ‘limbo’ game is from? S: Yes, I do. It is from Trinidad and Tobago.

T: Do you know where Trinidad and Tobago is? S: Yes, I know. It is in South America.

T: Do you like to play ‘limbo’? S: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

T: Me, too/ I don’t.


A learner

  • names the games and countries correctly;

  • asks different questions, including personal using pictures;

  • responds to questions correctly;

  • answers shortly using me, too and I don’t.


Children’s games

Learning objective Write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

Assessment criteria

  • Give personal information in written form

  • Write a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph

Level of thinking skills


Task. Write a paragraph in 3-5 sentences to describe one of the pictures. Give some basic personal information.


There are many board games. I know Scrabble, chess and Snakes and ladders. My family is playing a board game. We like to play chess with my father. It is my favourite game.


A learner

  • describes the picture;

  • writes 3-5 short sentences;

  • gives personal information;

  • uses proper topical vocabulary;

  • puts words in correct word order in the sentences;

  • organises sentences in a paragraph.


Children’s games

Learning objective Respond to questions on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria

  • Answer questions on general and some curricular topics

Level of thinking skills


Task. Look at the pictures and make up questions about them. Ask and answer your partner’s questions.


S 1 - Student 1

S 2 – Student 2

S 1: What do you need to play chess? S 2: I need chess pieces.

S 1: Do you like to play chess? S 2: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.


A learner

  • asks questions about objects and activities;

  • answers questions about objects and activities;

  • uses topical vocabulary;

  • pronounces words and phrases intelligibly.


Olympic games

Learning objective Understand an increasing range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria

  • Answer short supported questions on different topics

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension

Task.You will listen to a man speaking about sports. Underline the correct answer.

Go to the link: https://listenaminute.com/s/sport.html

Teacher can read the transcript below.

Example: Is the man very good at sport? – Yes, he is./ No, he is not.

  1. What is his favourite sport? – Basketball./ Football.

  2. What kind of sport does the man love? –American football. /Japan’s national sport sumo.

  3. Why does he like it? - It is very interesting./ You need very little time to know the rules of the game.

  4. Does sport bring people together from all over the world? – Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t.

  5. How does sport help people? - Keep people healthy. / Work very hard.


Are you good at sport? I’m not, but I love watching and playing all kinds of sport. My favourite sport is football – the kind with the round ball, not American football. I wasn’t very good at football when I was a kid. This did not stop me playing. I played in the park with my friends for hours every day. What is your national sport? Do you like it? I love Japan’s national sport sumo. It is one of the most exciting sports in the world. You have to spend a little time getting to know the rules and the fighters. The greatest thing about sport is that it brings people together from all over the world. Another good thing is that it keeps us healthy. Sports stars are very lucky. They love their job and stay fit by doing it every day. What are you going to play next?


A learner

  • answers the questions according to the talk;

  • underlines the correct answers.


Olympic games

Learning objective Respond to questions on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria

  • Answer questions on general and some curricular topics

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Application

Task. Read the text.

Tonight is the big hockey game. Bill has a blue helmet and blue skates. The hockey puck drops. The game begins. Bill skates very fast and gets the puck with his stick. He skates up the ice and shoots it towards the net. The puck goes inside the net. GOAL! Bill’s team wins the game!

Answer the questions.

  1. What game is played tonight?

  2. Who scores a goal?

  3. What team wins the game?

  4. Do you play hockey?

  5. Would you like to play hockey?


A learner

  • reads the text;

  • answers the questions correctly;

  • uses topical vocabulary;

  • finds Bill according to the description;

  • pronounces words and phrases clearly.


Olympic games

Learning objective Plan, write and check sentences with support on a range of basic personal, general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria

  • Make a plan

  • Write sentences on basic personal, general and some curricular topics

  • Check the written sentences

Level of thinking skills


Task. Look at the pictures and choose ONE. Plan and write a paragraph describing the picture.

Use words: Olympic torch, Olympic rings, medals, champion, winner, first place, the Cup.

Example: Picture 1.


  • What people or objects are in the picture?

  • What Olympic symbols are in the picture?

  • What sport can you see in the picture (pictures 4-6)


These are Olympic medals. There are three Olympic medals. They are gold, silver and bronze.

Olympic champions have only gold medals and sometimes silver medals.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.


A learner

  • writes a paragraph in several sentences;

  • uses topical vocabulary given in the task;

  • writes sentences using appropriate verb forms and correct word order.


Aesop’s Fables

Learning objective Understand short, supported narratives on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria

  • Recognise short supported narratives on different topics

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the story about the Sun and the Wind. Mark the sentences True and False.

Follow the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GGvRtuxglM

  1. The stronger the wind blew, the tighter the man held on to his jacket. True False

  2. As soon as, the Wind stopped the Sun went away. True False

  3. Oh, it's too hot, oh, oh!” the man started to button his coat. True False


The Sun and the Wind

One day the Wind approached the Sun and asked: “Hey, Sun, who do you think is the strongest in the world? It's me, the Wind. Ha – ha – ha!”

Ha – ha - ha, oh, really?!” - The Sun chuckled.

If you don't believe me, let's bet on it. Ha – ha – ha, “ Just then they saw a man walking through the field.

See that man. Whoever can make him take off his jacket wins!”

As soon as the Wind said that he started to blow as hard as he could.

"That's strange! Why is the wind so strong today!", the man held on to his jacket tightly.The Wind blew harder and harder, but the stronger the Wind blew the tighter the man held on to his jacket.

"Oh, oh! I'm too tired! Ha- ha- ha! I can't blow anymore! Oh- oh!" As soon as the Wind stopped the Sun came out.

"Ok, then it's my turn now! Watch this!"

The Sun laughed and started to shine as bright as she could.

"Huh, why is it suddenly so hot?! Oh, it's too hot! Oh, oh!", the man started to undo one button, then another and another, but it was still too hot. So he took off his jacket and threw it aside.

"Oh, ah, it's too hot!"

"See that, Wind, you embarrassed yourself by trying to show off!" The Wind became so embarrassed that he blew away.


A learner

  • identifies sentences for true and false information according to the talk and marks them correctly.

Topic Aesop’s Fables

Learning objective Express basic likes and dislikes; recount short, basic

stories and events on a limited range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria Talk about likes and dislikes

  • Retell short stories and events on different topics

Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Match the sentences to the pictures. Retell the fable “The Lion and the Mouse” and tell whether you like the story or not.

1. This soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and opened his big jaws

to swallow him.

2. Just, then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the sad situation, in which the

Lion was, went up to him and soon bit away the ropes that bound the King of the Beasts. “Was I not right?” said the little Mouse.

3. Sometime after hunters caught the Lion in a trap, and they wanted to carry him alive to the

King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him on.

4. “Pardon, O King,” cried the little Mouse: “forgive me this time, I shall never forget it: who knows but what I may be able to do you a turn some of these days?” The Lion laughed at the

idea of the Mouse being able to help him that he lifted up his paw and let him go.

5. Little friends may become great friends.

6. Once, when a Lion was asleep a little Mouse began running up and down upon him.







Descriptor: A learner

    • reads the sentences;

    • matches the sentences to the pictures correctly;

    • recounts the story in a meaningful way;

    • expresses likes or dislikes.


Aesop’s Fables

Learning objective Recognise basic opinions in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria

  • Identify basic opinions in short texts on general and some curricular topics

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Read the fable.

The Tortoise and the Hare

A speedy Hare bragged about how fast he was. Tired of him boasting, Slow and Steady, the Tortoise, challenged him to a race. All the animals in the forest gathered to watch.

Hare ran down the road and then decided to rest. He looked back at the Tortoise and cried out, "How do you expect to win this race when your pace is very slow?”

Hare stretched himself out alongside the road and fell asleep, thinking, "There is plenty of time to relax."

The Tortoise walked and walked. He never, ever stopped and came to the finish line. The animals cheered so loudly for Tortoise, that they woke up Hare.

Hare yawned, and began to run, but it was too late. Tortoise was over the line.

Answer the questions in full sentences.

  1. What did the Hare think he was good at?

  2. What did the Hare decide to do further along the road?

  3. What did the Tortoise do to make sure he wins the race?

  4. Who won the race?

  5. What was the Tortoise’s nickname?

  6. Do you like the story? Why?/ Why not?


A learner

  • reads the text;

  • answers the questions in full sentences;

  • expresses likes and dislikes.

Cross curricular unit 2. Values in Myths and Legends


Traditional stories

Learning objectives Ask questions to find out about present and possibly past experiences on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics Use would you like to to invite and use appropriate responses yes please, no thanks; use let’s + verb; verbs go, enjoy, like + verb + ing; begin use infinitive of purpose to describe simple actions and verbs want, start + infinitive; use declarative what [a/an] + adjective + noun to show feelings

Assessment criteria

  • Ask questions about present and possibly past experiences

  • Use would you like to to invite and use appropriate responses yes please, no thanks

  • Use let’s + verb

  • Use verbs go, enjoy, like + verb + ing;

  • Begin use infinitive of purpose to describe simple actions and verbs want, start + infinitive

  • Use declarative what [a/an] + adjective + noun to show feelings

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Application

Task. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Use “I would like to”, “go/ enjoy/ like + verb + ing”, “what [a/an] + adjective + noun”.


Teacher: Do you like listening to stories?

Student: Yes, I do. I like listening to stories./ No, I don’t. I like writing stories.

  1. Which stories do you like to listen to?

  2. Do you enjoy writing magic stories?

  3. Do you enjoy reading ancient Greek myths?

  4. What English traditional stories do you know?

  5. What Kazakh traditional stories do you know?

Task 2. Look at the pictures and make up sentences. Write them. Follow the example.

Example: Would you like to read my book? - Yes, please. / No, thanks. Do you want to fly on a magic carpet? - Yes, I do. / No, I don't.


Task 1

Task 2

A learner

  • expresses opinion by using “I would like to”, “go/ enjoy/ like

+ verb + ing”, “what [a/an] + adjective + noun”;

  • answers questions correctly;

  • writes sentences using would you like to to invite and writes appropriate answers yes please, no thanks;

  • starts using verbs want and start +infinitive.


Traditional stories

Learning objective Understand an increasing range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria

  • Recognise general information in supported questions

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the story and choose the correct answer.

Follow the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waw0U9tKpW0

  1. Did the prince want to marry a real princess?

    1. Yes, he wanted much.

    2. No, he didn’t like princesses.

    3. No, he didn’t think about that.

  1. Who went to open the city gate when someone knocked late at night?

    1. The Prince

    2. The Queen

    3. The King

  1. Who was standing in front of the gate?

    1. A young girl

    2. A princess

    3. An old lady

  1. What did the old Queen decide to do?

    1. To put an apple under the mattresses.

    2. To put a pea under the mattresses.

    3. To put a bean under the mattresses.

  1. In the morning, the Queen asked the Princess: “How did you sleep?” What did she answer?

    1. Oh, very nicely!” said she.

    2. Oh, very badly!” said she.

    3. Oh, it was OK!” said she.

  1. Where did they put the pea?

    1. In the library

    2. In the hospital

    3. In the museum


Once upon a time there was a Prince who wanted to marry a Princess, but she would have to be a real Princess. He traveled all over the world to find one but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be, so he came home again and was sad for he would have liked very much to have a real princess.

One evening a terrible storm came on. There was thunder and lightning and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate and the old King went to open it. It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate but “good gracious!” what a sight the rain

and the wind had made her look: the water ran down from her hair and clothes, it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels, and yet she said that she was a real princess. “Well,

we'll soon find that out!”, thought the old Queen but she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead and laid a pea on the bottom, then she took 20 mattresses and laid them on the pea and then 20 eiderdown beds on top of the mattresses. On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept. “Oh, very badly said she, “I have scarcely closed my eyes, all night, heaven only knows, what was in the bed but I was lying on something hard so that I am black and blue all over my body. It's horrible!”

Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the 20 mattresses and the 20 eiderdown beds. Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that. So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess and the pea was put in the museum where it may still be seen if no one has stolen it there. That is a true story.


A learner

  • chooses the correct answers.


Traditional stories

Learning objectives Plan, write and check sentences with support on a range of basic personal, general and some curricular topics Use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a growing range of general and some curricular topics to describe things; use simple one-syllable and some two- syllable adjectives [comparative and superlative] to make comparisons

Assessment criteria

  • Make a plan

  • Write sentences on basic personal, general and some curricular topics

  • Check the written sentences Describe things using different adjectives and possessive adjectives

  • Make comparison using simple one-syllable and some two- syllable adjectives [comparative and superlative]

Level of thinking skills


Task. Look at the pictures. Use a plan to describe the picture. Use adjectives and make comparisons.



  • name people in the picture

  • name objects in the picture

  • name animals in the picture

  • what people are doing

  • use adjectives and comparisons


There are children in the picture. There is a magic carpet in the picture.The children are flying. The boys are happy but the girl is scared. The magic carpet is beautiful and fast. It is the fastest carpet in the world.


A learner

  • names people and objects in the picture;

  • writes what people are doing;

  • uses adjectives and comparisons.


People and places

Learning objective Understand short, supported narratives on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria

  • Recognise general information in short texts on different topic

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Listen to the story twice. Underline True and False for the sentences.

Follow the link: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/the-princess-and-the- dragon?destination=node%2F2042


Once upon a time, a king and queen lived in a golden castle. True False

  1. One night an ugly ogre captured the beautiful princess. True False

  2. The king and queen were very happy. True False

  3. All the dragons in the land wanted to rescue the princess. True False

  4. The ugly ogre roared with anger when he saw the knights. True False

  5. They rode away as slowly as they could. True False

  6. One day a friendly dragon was flying over the ogre’s tower. True False

  7. The dragon rescued the princess from the castle. True False


A learner

  • underlines True for true information according to the recording;

  • underlines False for false information according to the talk.


People and places

Learning objective Understand the main points of short simple texts on a growing range general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues

Assessment criteria

  • Find the main points of simple texts on different topics using contextual information

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension

Task. Read 10 sentences and put them in a right order. Write the numbers next to the sentences The 1stsentence is marked for you.

Come with me, princess, don’t be scared!

My pleasure, princess.

We’ll save the princess.

1 Help me!

Please, save our princess.

Thank you for saving me.

Help me!

Whee! I can fly.

My pleasure.

Thank you for saving our princess.


A learner

  • arranges the sentences in a right order;

  • writes the correct number next to the sentence.

Topic People and places

Learning objective Use adjectives, including possessive adjectives, on a

growing range of general and some curricular topics to describe things; use simple one-syllable and some two- syllable adjectives [comparative and superlative] to make comparisons

Assessment criteria Describe things using different adjectives and possessive


    • Make comparison using simple one-syllable and some two- syllable adjectives [comparative and superlative]

Level of thinking skills Application

Task 1. Read the adjectives and match them to the pictures. Make up sentences.

Example: The King and the Queen are very happy.Shape 22 Shape2

1. happy


2. ugly, scary


3. beautiful


4. friendly, strong


5. golden


Task 2. Look at the pictures and the adjectives in the box. Write a sentence for each of the pictures and make up comparatives or superlatives.

Example: Mary is more beautiful than Anne.





Blue Dragon

Green Dragon








Silver Castle

Golden Castle


Task 1

Task 2

A learner

  • matches the adjectives to the pictures correctly;

  • makes up sentences with comparatives or superlatives;

  • writes comparative and superlative sentences;

  • uses pictures and given words from the table.


Dragons and creatures

Learning objectives Spell most familiar high-frequency words accurately when writing independently Use singular nouns, plural nouns – including some common irregular plural – and uncountable nouns, possessive ‘s/s’ to name, describe and label things

Assessment criteria

  • Spell high-frequency words accurately

  • Name, describe and label things

  • Use singular and plural nouns

  • Use irregular plural and uncountable nouns

  • Use possessive ‘s/s’

Level of thinking skills


Task. Label the Red dragon. Complete the sentences about it. Pay attention to the spelling.

Example: This is the Red dragon.

  1. It lives in .

  2. It likes . 2

  3. It is . 1

  4. It’s is .

  5. It’s are .






A learner

  • spells the words accurately;

  • labels the parts of the dragon’s body correctly;

  • completes the sentences.

Shape4 Shape3


Dragons and creatures

Learning objective Use conjunctions and, or, but, because to link words and phrases

Assessment criteria

  • Connect words and phrases using and, or, but, because

Level of thinking skills



Describe a dragon. Put and, and, or, but, because.

  1. This dragon has got long tail big wings.

  2. It’s got two big eyes two small arms.

  3. It can fly it can’tdance.

  4. I would like to play make friends with this dragon it is funny.

  5. Do you like green dragon red dragon?


A learner

  • fills in the words for the dragon’s body parts;

  • links the words using conjunctions and, or, but, because.


Dragons and creatures

Learning objectives Respond to questions on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics Take turns when speaking with others in a growing range of short, basic exchanges

Assessment criteria

  • Answer questions on general and some curricular topics

  • Talk with others on different topics by turn

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Application

Task. Choose a partner and ask questions. In turn, respond to his/ her questions. Pictures will help you.

  1. Who lived in the Tree of Life?

  2. Which mythical creature had a horn?

  3. Who always ate a lot of food?

  4. Which mythical creature could fly and blow fire?


A learner

  • talks by turn;

  • asks questions using pictures;

  • answers questions correctly.


Cross curricular unit 3. Treasure and Heritage


Treasure maps

Learning objectives Understand the main points of short supported talk on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics Take turns when speaking with others in a growing range of short, basic exchanges

Assessment criteria

  • Identify the main points of short talk on different topic

  • Speak with others in basic exchanges

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Application

Task 1. Listen to the story. Answer the questions.

Go to this link:http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/the-treasure-map Teacher can read the transcript below.

Example: Did Sanjay see a bottle in the sea? - Yes, he did.

  1. Did they find a talking parrot?

  2. What did they find?

  3. What was there inside the bottle?

  4. Did the pirate took all his jewels?

  5. What did the pirate want to buy?

Task 2. Choose a partner and tell your story about the treasure map. You may use pictures, words and expressions or sentences from Task 1 to support your story.

bottle, coded message, treasure map, found, it said, in the ocean, gold, jewels, silver, pirate, island.


Sanjay saw a bottle floating in the sea. There was something inside it. He took it out. ‘What is it?’ asked Sarah. ‘It’s a map! It’s a map!’ They looked round and saw a talking parrot. ‘Buried treasure! Buried treasure!’ ‘Wow! A treasure map! Let’s follow it.’ ‘Maybe it’s gold!’ ‘Or silver?’ ‘Or jewels?’ ‘OK. We are here and the treasure is here.’ ‘Let’s go! I’ll read,’ said the parrot. ‘Walk 80 meters north.’ ‘1, 2, 3 … 78, 79, 80.’ ‘Turn right at the big coconut tree and go straight on until the crocodile pond. Cross the bridge, turn to the left and keep walking. Turn right in front of the big, round rock. Walk straight ahead for 50 meters.’ ‘1, 2, 3 … 48, 49, 50.’ ‘Go through the cave. Mind the bats! Mind the bats! Walk straight on until the beach. Go along the beach for 200 meters. The treasure is behind the square rock. ‘Over there! Over there!’ Parrot shouted. ‘It’s empty!’ cried Sarah. Inside there was an old note. Dear Finder, Sorry, but I took my gold. I needed to buy a new pirate ship. Bye, Captain Redbeard. ‘Well, at least we had a nice walk,’ said Sanjay. ‘Yes, and we made a new friend!’


Task 1

Task 2

A learner

  • answers the questions;

  • works in a pair;

  • speaks about the treasure map.


Treasure maps

Learning objective, write and check sentences with support on a range of basic personal, general and some curricular topics Use prepositions of location, position and direction: at, in, on, behind, between, in front of, near, next to, opposite, above, up, down, on the right, on the left; use prepositions of time: in, on, at, before, after; use with / without to indicate; accompaniment with for instrument and for to indicate recipient

Assessment criteria

  • Write a plan

  • Make up sentences on personal, general and some curricular topics with support

  • Use at, in, on, behind, between, in front of, near, next to, opposite, above, up, down, on the right, on the left to indicate where objects and people are

  • Check the sentences

Level of thinking skills


Task. Imagine you are a pirate. Look at the map. There is an ‘X’ to show where your treasure is. Write directions to find your treasure! Use prepositions at, in, on, behind, between, in front of, near, next to, opposite, above, up, down, on the right, on the left. Check your sentences.

Example: 1. Come ashore.

  1. Go straight to the palm trees.

  2. Turn left.


A learner

  • provides clear directions to find the treasure;

  • writes correct sentences using prepositions of place;

  • checks the sentences for grammar and punctuation errors.


Treasure and numbers

Learning objective Pronounce an increasing range of words, short phrases and simple sentences intelligibly

Assessment criteria

  • Say words, short phrases and simple sentences clearly

Level of thinking skills


Task. Name the objects and tell their coordinates.

Example: The octopus is 1 – 1.


A learner

  • names the objects;

  • identifies coordinates of objects on the map and tells them;

  • pronounces words/ phrases/ sentences clearly.


Treasure and numbers

Learning objective Pronounce an increasing range of words, short phrases and simple sentences intelligibly Use interrogative pronouns who, what and where, how many, how much, how often, how big, what kind of to ask questions on growing range of familiar topics

Assessment criteria

  • Say words, short phrases and simple sentences clearly

  • Ask questions with who, what and where, how many, how much, how often, how big, what kind of

Level of thinking skills


Task. Look at the picture and make up 7 questions. Use who, what and where, how many, how much, how often, how big, what kind of.

You can use: Shark Reef, Pirate Cove, Lava Rock, Alligator alley.

Example: Where is the Shark Reef?


A learner

  • asks questions using the map;

  • uses who, what and where, how many, how much, how often, how big, what kind of in questions;

  • follows word order in questions;

  • pronounces words/phrases/sentences clearly.


Our planet’s treasure

Learning objectives Give short, basic description of people and objects on a limited range of general and some curricular topics; begin to describe past experiences on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics Write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal information

Assessment criteria

  • Describe people and objects in short basic sentences on a curricular topic

  • Describe past experiences on different topics

  • Write basic personal information in short sentences organizing them in a paragraph

Level of thinking skills


Task 1. Look at the picture and talk to your partner. Describe people and objects in it.

Example: This is a museum. You can see sceletons of dinosaurs at the museum. There are children and a teacher in the picture. There is a sceleton of T-Rex at the museum.

Task 2. Write sentences to describe the picture.

Example: It was Sunday. The children went to the museum. There was a teacher and seven pupils. The saw a sceleton of dinosaur. It is big sceleton. It has got white colour. Children like to go to the mesuem.

Descriptor: A learner

Task 1 works in pairs and describes people and objects in the picture;

Task 2 describes the picture in written form;

  • expresses his/ her opinion;

  • writes grammatically correct sentences;

  • organises sentences in a paragraph.


Our planet’s treasure

Learning objective Understand short, supported narratives on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics Express basic likes and dislikes; recount short, basic stories and events on a limited range of general and some curricular topics

Assessment criteria

  • Identify general idea of short narratives

  • Tell about basic likes and dislikes

  • Retell short stories on different topics

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Application

Task 1. Listen to the story and put the sentences in right order. You will listen twice. The first sentence is marked for you as an example.

Follow the link to listen to the story: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short- stories/dinosaur-dig

She picked up a golden bone that was hidden under a bush.

‘What will happen if the dinosaur catches us?’ ‘Well, the game is over!’

1_ It was Sonia’s birthday. She had a new game.

Sonia was at home, sitting at her computer. ‘Hmmm. Maybe I’ll play a different game.’

‘You’re in Dinosaur Dig. We have to find old dinosaur bones.’

They heard a dinosaur roar. Sonia and the boy hid behind a bush.

She decided to try her new game. She clicked on the icon.

There was the same icon that she saw on her computer. Sonia touched the icon.

Task 2. Now retell the story. Use the above sentences.

Answer the questions:

  1. Do you like the story? Why?

  2. Would you like to play the “Dinosaur Dig” game and meet a real dinosaur?


Task 1

Task 2

A learner

  • puts the sentences into correct order;

  • writes the number before the sentences;

  • retells the story using sentences;

  • answers the questions;

  • expresses basic likes and dislikes.


Our planet’s treasure

Learning objectives Understand the main points of short simple texts on a growing range general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues Use interrogative pronouns who, what and where, how many, how much, how often, how big, what kind of to ask questions on growing range of familiar topics

Assessment criteria

  • Identify the main points of short texts on different topics

  • Ask questions using who, what and where, how many, how much, how often, how big, what kind of to ask questions

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension Application

Task. Read the story and ask questions. Use who, what and where, how many, how much, how often, how big, what kind of.

Example: Who got a birthday gift?

It was Sonia’s birthday. She had a new game ‘Dinosaur Dig!’ This was what she wanted. She switched on the computer. A strange icon appeared. Sonia clicked on the icon. FLASH!

She was in Dinosaur Dig. There was a boy. She picked up a golden bone that was hidden under a bush. ‘No!’ shouted the boy. ‘You mustn’t pick the golden ones up! Now watch out for the dinosaur!’ Suddenly they heard a noise. The ground began to shake. They heard a roar. ‘RUN!’ Sonia and the boy ran fast through the bushes. There was the same icon that she saw on her computer. Sonia touched it. FLASH!

Sonia was at home.


A learner