Материалдар / Holidays and travels
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Holidays and travels

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Lesson plan for 7 Grade Unit 3
12 Наурыз 2024
9 рет жүктелген
Материал тегін
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Lesson plan

Unit of a long term plan: Unit 3 Holidays and travel


Teacher name:

Grade: 7

Number present:


Lesson title:

Gathering information about festivals in Kazakhstan and around the world.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

7.C3 respect different points of view

7.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion

7.R1 understand the main points in texts on a limited range of unfamiliar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • use topic vocabulary to make up 5 sentences with support;

  • name and describe festivals in Kazakhstan and around the world;

  • discuss different festivals, develop intercultural awareness through reading.

Most learners will be able to:

  • apply the vocabulary to make up 6-7 sentences with less support;

  • interpret different festivals.

Some learners will be able to:

  • combine vocabulary to make up 8-10 sentences without support

  • choose the best festival and justify that it is the best.

Assessment criteria

- discuss different points of view on the topic with respect;

- support conversation about different festivals;

- use the information from the text to describe different festivals.

Language objective

Target topic: “Festivals around the world”

Target language: pole, ribbons, crown, roll, bun, tower.

Useful language phrases: I think …

To my mind ….

I conclude that ….

Values links

Values of the national idea ‘Mangilik Yel’ (the Eternal Land): Common history, culture and language. Respecting the diversity of cultures and opinions.

Cross-curricular links

Geography, History, Country study.

Previous learning

Learning about map reading


Planned timings

Planned activities



5-8 min

Class routine

Organization moment:

Teacher greets the class and asks general questions.

  • What date is it today?

  • Who is absent today?


Warm up:

(D)Teacher shows a video about festivals around the world.

(W)Learners watch the video and try to predict the theme of the lesson.


Teacher introduces the learning objectives of the lesson.

(P) (Picture Scaffolding) Learners look at the photos and discuss the festivals in pairs. E.g. Ask When/ Why/ How they are celebrated




5 min

10 min

5 min

3 min

5 min

Teacher observes and encourages learners to communicate at sentence level.

Interaction pattern: S-S

Five W’s and H” strategy

5W1H (who, what, where, when, why, how) is a method of asking questions about a process or a problem taken up for improvement. Four of the W’s (who, what, where, when) and the one H is used to comprehend for details, analyze inferences and judgment to get to the fundamental facts and guide statements to get to the abstraction.

Descriptor: A learner

- makes up questions;

- answers the question

(F) Assessment by “Traffic light cards”

Teacher provides learners with three cards. Gives learners a red circle, a yellow circle, and a green circle. If learners are comfortable with the questions, they hold up their green cards. If they are fairly comfortable, they hold up yellow cards. Learners who are confused in putting questions and require further instructions to understand, hold up red cards.


Reading comprehension (intensive reading)

Pre – reading.


(D) Teacher elicits the words concerning different festivals.

Teacher asks learners to give associations to the word ‘festival’

Answer samples:

Festival – funny, joyful, interesting, kind, celebrate, etc.

Teacher presents key vocabulary: pole, ribbons, crown, roll down, chase, bun, tower. (Picture Scaffolding)

Picture 2

Drilling. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me. Teacher pays attention to pronouncing the words intelligibly.

Interaction pattern: T- Cl, T- Ss

Task 1 (I, P), (W) Think Pair Share strategy

First the learners think on the question, then discuss in pair. After that exchange their thoughts in group.

Teacher asks the learners to answer the question: What is your favourite festival? How does your family celebrate it?

Interaction pattern: S-S, S-G

Descriptor: a learner

  • expresses thoughts;

  • restates thoughts.

(F) Assessment “Thumbs up, Thumbs down”

Teacher asks learners to give their thumbs up if they answer the questions and thumbs down if they don’t answer the questions and need more understanding.

During reading

(I), (G) Jigsaw strategy

Teacher divides the class into 3 groups (by colours).

Then distributes the texts among the members of the group. Each group reads the text about unusual festivals around the world. Then share information with other members of the group.

Read the text, share your information with your group and complete the table for all the festivals.

Text A

The Snake Festival

Every year on the first Thursday in May the small village of Cocullo in Italy sees Thousands of visitors. They are all arriving to see the annual Snake Festival. The festival is held on Saint Dominic’s Day. Saint Dominic lived in the town in the 11th century. At that time there were many snakes in the village and many people died of snakebite. Saint Dominic got rid of the snakes and the people of Cocullo hold this festival every year to remember him. For some weeks before the festival, people collect snakes and then, on Saint Dominic’s Day, they put all the snakes on a statue of Saint Dominic. At midday they carry the statue and the snakes in a procession through the village. At the front of the procession is a band playing music and at the back are women in costume who gives sweets and bread shaped like snakes to the people who are watching. At the end of the procession there are fireworks.

Text B

The Hong Kong Bun Festival

This festival is held on the island on Cheung Chau in Hong Kong in early May every year, around the time of Buddha’s birthday. The festival celebrates the god Pak Tai, who drove pirates and illness away from the island. In the festival, the islanders pray for safety from pirates and illness. The festival lasts for seven days. For three of those days everyone on the island is a vegetarian. There is a procession through the village with lion dances, dragon dances and musicians. In the procession children in colourful costumes are carried high above people’s heads. The islanders make three 20-metre high bamboo towers and cover these with buns. At midnight on the last day people light fires and then climb the towers to get the buns. They wear bags on their backs to collect buns and when they come down from the towers, they give them to everyone who is watching. Then everyone celebrates with fireworks.

Text C

May Day

The first of May is called May Day in Britain. This is a very old festival held to celebrate the first day of summer. Many towns and villages still hold traditional May Day celebrations. Some towns and villages decorate the streets and houses with flowers. In others, there is dancing and people put up a Maypole. There is a tall pole with coloured ribbons hanging from the top. The dancers take a ribbon each and dance around the pole. As they dance, the ribbons make a colourful pattern around the Maypole. It is also traditional to choose a May Queen and crown her. She wears a white dress and a crown of flowers and walks at the front of a procession through the streets. In Padstow, a village in the south-west, two men dress up as horses and everyone follows them through the streets singing an old song. In another village there is a ‘Cheese Rolling’ competition. Everyone goes to the top of a very steep hill. A big round cheese is rolled down the hill and everyone tries to chase it. The winner gets free cheese for twenty years.

Text D


Nauryz is a very important holiday in Kazakhstan, which marks the beginning of a new year. It is celebrated several days starting from 21st of March, when night and day are identical. Nauryz symbolizes goodness and wealth, happiness and love and a great friendship day. During the Nauryz holiday, large and small cities, villages become festival centers, yurts – traditional nomad houses are erected in city centers and rich dastarkhan is laid down in each of them. City squares get full of yurts, and many performances take place there. Here one can learn about the culture and lifestyle of nomads and find people wearing beautiful national clothes, listen to Kazakh songs and national musical instruments. In holiday exhibitions and fairs traditional gifts and souvenirs are sold.

Usually young people gather around altybakan, which is a large hanging swing, with colourful decorations, where songs are sung, and traditional games are played. Nauryz kozhe is the most important of all meals during these days and a main symbol of Nauryz. Nauryz kozhe is special for its unique recipe. Traditionally, 7 different ingredients are added to Nauryz kozhe, which may vary, but basically these ingredients include: meat, water, salt, airan, wheat, rice and raisin. Seven ingredients symbolize growth, luck, happiness, wealth, health, wisdom. During the celebration of Nauryz, the kozhe is offered to all guests. Besides, other traditional Kazakh meals, such as beshbarmak, kuyrdak, baursak, and many types of meals made from milk are also offered.

Snake Festival

Bun Festival

May Festival





What happen?

Special food?

Interaction pattern: S-Ss

Descriptor: a learner

  • reads, understands the plot of the text;

  • names the festivals;

  • describes the events.

(F) Oral assessment

Well done, good, try again.

(W), (I) Teacher asks the class to vote for their favourite festival by raising their hands and naming them. Teacher asks some learners to justify their choices.

Interaction pattern: S-Cl

Descriptor: a learner

  • compare the festivals;

  • names the festivals;

  • justifies the choice of the festival.

(F) Oral assessment

Well done, good, try again.

After reading

Work together and invent a festival for one of these festivals:


The first day of autumn

The longest day

Task 3 (G) Groups choose a festival and prepare a presentation modeled on the read texts. The learners should include information on when and where the festival takes place, what happens during the event, why it is celebrated and special food. Teacher encourages them to do their research on the internet.

Descriptor a learner

  • chooses a festival

- prepares a presentation using

subject-specific vocabulary;

- justifies their presentations.

Assessment ‘Two stars and a wish ’

Learners identify two positive aspects of the work of a peer and then express a wish about what the peer might do next time in order to improve another aspect of the work.


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