Материалдар / My country: Daily life and shopping.
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My country: Daily life and shopping.

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Бұл ашық сабақты күнделікті өмірімізде кездесетін және қолданатын болғандықтан оқушылар үшін әрі қызықты, әрі ұғымды болды.
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16 Қаңтар 2019
1 рет жүктелген
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Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Date: 16.01.19.

Grade: 8

The theme of the lesson: My country: Daily life and shopping.

Teacher’s name: Taldybekova A.A.

The aim of the lesson: develop skills and abilities to improve speaking (monologue, dialogical speech), reading, writing, listening on the material of the “Daily Life” theme using grammatical material (The Present Simple Tense), to enrich word-stock of pupils on the theme “shopping ”.

The tasks of the lesson:     1. To get acquainted the pupils with the new words.

               2. To develop pupils’ oral speech, writing, reading, 

                                                   understanding, skills and habits.

                                            3. To bring up the pupils to be polite and kind and 


Result: Pupils must be able to speak on the theme “Daily life and shopping” using the active vocabulary. 

Form of the lesson: mixed

Visual aids: pictures, cards, interactive board.

Methods of the lesson: creative thinking

Connection with other subjects:  geography, PE, biology

Plan of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

T: Good afternoon, dear children!

S: Good, afternoon dear teacher!

T: Thank you, children, sit down please. What day and date is it today? 

Who is on duty today?  Who is absent?


II. Checking up the home task

-What was your home task for today?

-The home task was to learn words and make up sentences.

III. The new theme

- I want to start our lesson with simple questions.

1. When do you usually get up?

2. Do you get up at six o’clock or at seven o’clock?

3. Do you do exercises every day?

4. Do you like to do exercises?

5. What do you do then?

6. Do you like shopping?

- Correct mistakes in these sentences.

1. Не get up at seven o’clock. (gets)

2. I take a shower on the morning. (in)

3. He cleans his tooth every day. (teeth)

4. Do he go to school at eight o’clock? (does)

New words

Listen to me, repeat after me. Open your vocabulary books and write down the new words. 


Post office



Stationery shop





IV. Watch the video

Mr. Bean goes shopping

Answer the questions:

1. Where was Mr. Bean?

2. What did he bring from his home?

3. What did he buy? 


 V. Reading

Read the text about shopping in Astana.

 In Astana, shopping goes beyond just stores with the latest fashions and electronics. It’s an experience. The first place you’ll want to stop for that experience is the Khan Shatyr, opened with great fanfare in 2010. This three-story complex is billed as the world’s largest tent and includes everything from a wave pool to sauna to an amusement ride that drops you three stories from the top of the complex. And, of course, you can shop at dozens of stores on three levels that offer the hottest brands. The Khan Shatyr was designed as an indoor entertainment center for locals to enjoy during the city’s renowned sub-zero winters. But you can also enjoy it year round. More hardcore shoppers will want to head to the Sary Arka or Sine Tempore centers where the emphasis is on shopping rather than entertainment. Sine Tempore is Astana’s oldest shopping center and features the city’s most expensive and prestigious boutiques. You won’t find a multiplex or entertainment center at Sine Tempore. Just quality shopping.

And if you’re looking to pick up a souvenir for the family, try Empire, which features exclusively-designed Kazakh-related items.

-Make own sentences: true (T) or false (F) and others try to guess it.

VI. Let’s play a game

Go shopping.

Before playing this game you should know these words.


writing paper

a tent

a handbag

a lamp

a tennis racket

a birthday cake

a perfume

a ring

Tom: Could I see your cards?

Jerry: Sure

Tom: How much is it?

Jerry: Oh, it’s __$

Tom: Great. I’ll take it. (No, thank you)


Listen to 4 dialogues and complete the chart


1 Which shop is each person in?  

2 What does each person want to buy?  

3 Does each person buy want he or she wants?  


VII. Let’s dance and relax.


VIII. Complete the sentences.


 Boy: Can I have a comic, please?


Woman: Yes, here you are.


Boy: How much is it?

Woman: It's 50p. 


Boy: Can I have a  , please?


Woman: Yes,  .


Boy:   is it?


Boy:  , please?


Woman:  , here you are.


Boy:  ?


Woman:   40p. 

Boy: Can I have a felt-tip,  ?

Woman: Yes,  .

Boy: How much  ?

Woman:  . 

IX. Match the pictures to the words.

Post office



Stationery shop





X. Home task.

1 Learn new words

2 Exercise 5. p.28

Complete the sentences

Complete the project of your dream shopping centre.

The lesson is over. Good bye!

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