Материалдар / Summative assessment for the unit “ Values.” 5 grade
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Summative assessment for the unit “ Values.” 5 grade

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Summative assessment for the unit “ Values.” 5 grade Read the text. In my country, we celebrate New Year’s Eve on December 31st. We have a big party with family and friends. We decorate the house with lights and balloons. My mom and dad cook delicious food, and we make a big cake. Everyone wears special clothes and sings songs. We play games and dance all night. At midnight, we get presents and wish each other a happy new year. It’s my favorite celebration because we have so much fun!
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24 Қараша 2024
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Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Summative assessment for the unit “ Values.” 5 grade

Read the text.

In my country, we celebrate New Year’s Eve on December 31st. We have a big party with family and friends. We decorate the house with lights and balloons. My mom and dad cook delicious food, and we make a big cake. Everyone wears special clothes and sings songs. We play games and dance all night. At midnight, we get presents and wish each other a happy new year. It’s my favorite celebration because we have so much fun!

Task 1. Write True or False.

  1. We celebrate New Year’s Eve on December 25th.

  2. We decorate the house with lights and balloons.

  3. We eat a big cake on New Year’s Eve.

  4. We wear normal clothes for the celebration.

  5. Everyone gets presents at midnight.

  6. The celebration is boring. Points: 3

Task 2. Match Problems with Solutions


  1. You don’t know how to decorate the house.

  2. You don’t have enough food for the party.

  3. You don’t know the words to the songs.

  4. You forgot to buy presents.

  5. You don’t have any games to play.

  6. You don’t know how to cook a cake.

a. Ask your parents or friends to help you.
b. Watch a video or use a recipe.
c. Borrow games from a friend.
d. Buy some presents at the shop.
e. Look for the song lyrics online.
f. Ask a friend to help you decorate. Points: 3

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the correct words: celebrate, cook, dance, decorate, get presents, have a party, make, play, sing, wear.

  1. We always _________ Christmas in December.

  2. My parents _________ delicious food for the celebration.

  3. Children _________ games in the garden.

  4. Everyone _________ songs and dances together.

  5. I love to _________ beautiful clothes on special days.

  6. We _________ the house with flowers and balloons. Points: 4

Total points: 10

Keys: 5 grade

  1. True/False Questions:

    1. False

    2. True

    3. True

    4. False

    5. True

    6. False

  1. Matching Problems with Solutions:

    1. f

    2. a

    3. e

    4. d

    5. c

    6. b

  1. Vocabulary Practice:

    1. celebrate

    2. cook

    3. play

    4. sing

    5. wear

    6. decorate

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