Материалдар / The future transport.
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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жүктеп алғыңыз келеді ма?
ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

The future transport.

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
English, lesson plan, the future transport, types of transport
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20 Ақпан 2023
0 рет жүктелген
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770 тг 578 тг
Тегін турнир Мұғалімдер мен Тәрбиешілерге
Дипломдар мен сертификаттарды алып үлгеріңіз!
Бұл бетте материалдың қысқаша нұсқасы ұсынылған. Материалдың толық нұсқасын жүктеп алып, көруге болады

Материалдың толық нұсқасын
жүктеп алып көруге болады

Unit 7. Travel and Transport

School: Secondary school named after P.G.Karelin


Teacher name: Dossumbaeva Altynay Kumarkyzy

Class: 8

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:

The future of transport

Learning objectives

8.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts.

8.S7 use appropriate subject specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics.

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to explain and describe the pictures and compare types of transports by using a travel list.

Most students will be able to compare the advantages and disadvantages of transport.

Some students will be able to talk and discuss to each other and share their opinions.

Assessment criteria

Identify the main idea of the text in details on an increasing level of familiar topics.

Apply the suitable lexis and syntax to talk about a limited range of common topics.

Level of thinking

Understand, Comprehension, Application, Evaluation.

Value links

Responsibility, respect.

Cross curricular links

Geography, Art.

Previous learning

Travelling, vocabulary on the theme Transport


Planned timings

Planned activities



2 min

3 min

2 min

3 min


5 min

6 min

4 min


10 min

2 min


Teacher greets the learners.

(W) Warm up

Before start lesson teacher demonstrates warm-up for learners. Students will repeat the actions and the words after the teacher.

It’s time, to think

It’s time, to speak

It’s time, to show

Ready, steady, go!

Then should try it again bit faster, after that they can do it as faster as they can.

Teacher tells the lesson objectives.

Teacher shows the picture according to the theme.

(I, P, W)

S trategy “Think-Pair-Share”

Students thinks, discuses with pair and shares with their ideas. Students give their opinions.

Teacher accepts students answer.

(W) Activate Prior Knowledge by strategy “Elicitation"

Teacher asks next questions:

1) Do you like to travel?

2) Do you like travelling alone or with your friends?

3)What kind of transports do you prefer to travel?

4)Do you like traveling by car or by plane?

5)Do you have a problem when you travel?

Task 1. (P) Compare the advantages / disadvantages of transport by using

Graphic organizer T-chart










Type of assessment: Peer assessment

Students give comments or agree/disagree with their answer.

(W) Pre-reading task

Learners are suggested to watch a short video. Teacher elicits the information by asking question:

-What this video is about?

  1. Strategy “S-I-T"

(Surprising, interesting, troubling)

-And, what text we are going to read?

After they will discuss and will predict new theme.

(G) While reading task.

Read the text about “Future transport”


A new type of public transport has been appearing in British cities over the last few years. They run on natural gas and are called tuk-tuks because of the sound their engine makes. Each colorful tuk-tuk has its own individual design on it, such as a Union Jack, and even has a hood and curtains to keep out the rain and cold. These mini taxis can go at speeds of up to 56 km per hour, and are a huge hit with both tourists and locals.


T he authorities in Jakarta, Indonesia, have come up with the clever idea of making use of the city’s network of rivers and canals for a new form of public transport-river taxis! As there are also markets along some of the rivers, you can hop off and do a little shopping on the way! The authorities hope this service will ease Jakarta’s terrible traffic problem as there are about 5 million vehicles on the city’s streets, growing about 10% yearly.

A eromobil

Beautiful flying car. Transforms in seconds from an automobile to an airplane. Aeromobil is flying car that perfectly makes use of existing infrastructure created for automobiles and planes, and opens doors to real door-to- door travel. As a car it fits into any standard paring space, uses regular gasoline, and can be used in road traffic just like any other car. As a plane it can use any airport in the world, but can also take off and land using any grass strip or paved surface just a few hundred meters long.


V ectus PRT: A user summons a PRT car, if one is not waiting at the station, and types in their destination. The PRT takes them (and up to five passengers) there with no stops along the way, thanks to bypass tracks at each station. Because the electric cars are lightweight, the elevated rail structure needed to safely support them is less expensive than adding a new subway line or elevated roadway for cars. In the event of an individual car’s breakdown, another PRT can get behind it and push it to the next station for repairs.

Post reading task (G,W)

  1. What do you think about these transport?

  2. What do you think the transport of the future would look like?

  3. Do you like this kind of transport?

(G) “Socratic seminar” strategy

Students discuss and share their understanding from the text.


-understands main details from the text.

-discusses and shares ideas for group.

Assessment: Self-assessment (look at the appendix1)

Differentiation: The more able learners can provide support through instruction for weaker learners.

(G) Project work “The future of transport”

Teacher gives the task for each group to make their future transport.

1 group- Green transport

2 group- Flying cars

Picture 2


-makes a model of their future transport;

-talks about their vehicle.

Differentiation: by scaffolding more able learners can help for a less able learner.

Assessment: Peer assessment.

Give feedback to each other by using “Sandwich” feedback strategy.

Is taken from


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