Материалдар / Ways of keeping scientific project records
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Ways of keeping scientific project records

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12 Ақпан 2023
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Ways of keeping scientific project records

The independence of our country and building a house on its own depends on the economy, education, culture, literature, art and education, etc. b. opened the way for the growth and development of industries. Seeing the potential of the young generation, developing it, and directing its further improvement is an urgent issue today. In any case, the prerequisite for progress is the conditional phenomenon of quality education. The future of our country is an urgent task to develop, further improve, and guide scientific creativity in the young generation. That's why it is necessary to pay attention to children's abilities and talents, to know how to recognize talents for the development of society, and to know the benefit of gifted children to the society for the future life. In this direction, the first president of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev On May 24, 1996 announced the decree on the support and development of schools for gifted children, and on September 16 of the same year, the government decree on the implementation of this decree was issued. According to many well-known scientists, one of the indispensable tools in the implementation of the decree of the head of the country is to increase the creativity of schoolchildren. When this event is carried out in a complex and systematic manner, it will be possible to see a clear manifestation of the talents of each student and practice it. Formation of creative ability in a student develops his consciousness, excites and inspires him. In general, the Kazakh people are a talented people. His songs, poems, moods, sayings, sayings, proverbs stir feelings and give strength, the beginning of real creativity, that is, talent.

Various difficulties arise when writing scientific works in natural sciences. In order to avoid such a situation, it is better for the student to choose the topic himself, and if he fully understands the content of the project, the novelty and scientific nature of the work will be clarified.

Scientific research works - scientific works, analyzes for the purpose of expanding the acquired knowledge and acquiring new knowledge, checking scientific groupings, determining laws reflected in nature and society, summarizing projects in a scientific sense, substantiating science, conducting experiments, scientific research.

The preparatory stage of scientific research work is the selection of the topic. The topic of scientific research work can be attributed to a special field of science or a scientific problem. The scientific research team solves some major, fundamental theoretical and experimental tasks in a certain field of science - scientifically known we understand it as one direction.

The student will carry out this research work under the direction of the supervisor. If we focus on the order of writing a scientific paper...

Title page;

Table of contents;

Abstract (abstract);

Introduction (no more than 2 pages) - the relevance of the selected research topic, the purpose of the work, the method of solving the set tasks are briefly indicated;

The research section (at least 20 pages) consists of separate chapters: description of the methods of solving the tasks, results of the work and their discussion, pictorial materials (drawings, tables, photos and pictures);

Conclusion (no more than 1 page) - contains the main results of the work and the conclusions based on them, recommendations for using the results of the work for scientific and practical purposes;

References should be indicated in square brackets

Topics can be theoretical, practical and mixed. Theoretical topics are mainly developed using literature. Practical topics are developed based on research, generalization and analysis of facts. Mixed topics combine theoretical and practical aspects of research.

At this point, I would like to share the achievements of my students during the defense of my scientific project.

In 2017, Anarbek Aisulu won the 1st place in the city "Zerde" competition of scientific projects.

In 2018, Iyazhanov Islambek was awarded the 1st degree diploma in the city stage and the 3rd degree diploma in the regional stage in the nomination "We study our native land" of the "Tabigatty Ayala" forum.

In 2019, Iyazhanov Islambek was awarded with a 3rd degree diploma at the regional stage of the Republican scientific projects competition for general education subjects.

In 2019, presenting his report at the 5th Republican scientific-practical conference of the Junior Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Iyazhanov Islambek was awarded the 1st degree diploma in the regional stage, and the 2nd place in the Republican stage.

In 2020, Iyazhanov Islambek was awarded with a 1st degree diploma at the 1st Republican competition of scientific works of pupils and students called "Young Educator".

In 2021, Iyazhanov Islambek was awarded with a 2nd degree diploma in the nomination "History of Native Region" of the city forum of young local historians "Tabigatty Ayala".

In 2021, Iyazhanov Islambek was awarded with a 1st degree diploma in the nomination "Young Tour Guide" at the 6th Republican Tourist-Local History-Ecological Research Competition "Guldene ber Kazakhstan".

In 2021, Mynbayuly Ramazan was awarded a III degree diploma at the "Ecology of the Native Region" video competition of the city's Young Ecologists.

In 2021, Askarov Amanzhol, Konysbaeva Araylim were awarded the 1st place in the city stage and the 3rd degree diploma in the regional stage in the "Hydrology" nomination of the open-field "Young Geologist" competition.

In 2021, Mynbayuly Ramazan was awarded a III degree diploma in the city stage and a III degree diploma in the regional stage at the Republican research project competition on general education subjects.

In 2022, Makhambetov Almaz won the 2nd place in the city "Zerde" competition of scientific projects.

In 2022, the city 1st place, regional 1st place prize-winner in the competition of scientific projects in the nomination "Young local historian" at the My Otanym-Kazakhstan tourist site

Summarizing my speech, in order to increase the motivation of talented children, I suggest to engage in scientific project work, to teach them to be scientific.

Aizharykova Salikha

Biology teacher, school №18, Zhanaozen city, Mangistau region

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Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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