Материалдар / Scientists discovered respiratory system презентация
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Scientists discovered respiratory system презентация

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Scientists discovered respiratory system презентация
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PRESENTATION Scientists discovered respiratory system. The respiratory diseases Shymkent 20 99 Preparated by: Group: Verified:

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PRESENTATION Scientists discovered respiratory system. The respiratory diseases Shymkent 20 99 Preparated by: Group: Verified:Department of foreign language

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PRESENTATION Scientists discovered respiratory system. The respiratory diseases Shymkent 20 99 Preparated by: Group: Verified:Department of foreign language

3 Introduction 4 The most common causes of diseases of the respiratory system include the following: 5 types of respiratory

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3 Introduction 4 The most common causes of diseases of the respiratory system include the following: 5 types of respiratory system diseases 6 ReferencesPlan

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3 Introduction 4 The most common causes of diseases of the respiratory system include the following: 5 types of respiratory system diseases 6 ReferencesPlan

Introduction It is believed that respiratory diseases are one of the most common pathologies with which patients

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Introduction It is believed that respiratory diseases are one of the most common pathologies with which patients consult a doctor. They significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life and are often difficult to treat independently.

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Introduction It is believed that respiratory diseases are one of the most common pathologies with which patients consult a doctor. They significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life and are often difficult to treat independently.

The most common causes of diseases of the respiratory system include the following: • m i c ro o rga n i s m s (bac te ri a ,

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The most common causes of diseases of the respiratory system include the following: • m i c ro o rga n i s m s (bac te ri a , v i r u s e s , f u n gi , l e s s o fte n pa ra s i te s ). Th e l a rge s t ro l e am o n g th e s e pa th o ge n s be l o n gs to ba c te ri a , w h i c h c au s e s e ri o u s di s e as e s s u c h a s bro nc h i ti s a n d pn e u m o n i a , a s w e l l as v i r u s e s , i n c l u di n g i n fl u e n z a v i r us e s • v ar i o u s a l l e rge n s , i n c l u di n g h o u s e h o l d a l l e rge n s , a ni m al a l l e rge n s , pl a n t po l l e n , e tc .

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The most common causes of diseases of the respiratory system include the following: • m i c ro o rga n i s m s (bac te ri a , v i r u s e s , f u n gi , l e s s o fte n pa ra s i te s ). Th e l a rge s t ro l e am o n g th e s e pa th o ge n s be l o n gs to ba c te ri a , w h i c h c au s e s e ri o u s di s e as e s s u c h a s bro nc h i ti s a n d pn e u m o n i a , a s w e l l as v i r u s e s , i n c l u di n g i n fl u e n z a v i r us e s • v ar i o u s a l l e rge n s , i n c l u di n g h o u s e h o l d a l l e rge n s , a ni m al a l l e rge n s , pl a n t po l l e n , e tc .

Laryngitis and pharyngitis L ary n gitis an d ph ary n gitis are infl am m atio n of th e ph ary n x . T h e m ain

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Laryngitis and pharyngitis L ary n gitis an d ph ary n gitis are infl am m atio n of th e ph ary n x . T h e m ain sy m ptom is a so re th roat, h oarsen ess, and cou gh .

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Laryngitis and pharyngitis L ary n gitis an d ph ary n gitis are infl am m atio n of th e ph ary n x . T h e m ain sy m ptom is a so re th roat, h oarsen ess, and cou gh .

Tracheitis is an inflammation of the trachea, the main symptom of which is a dry cough. It worsens at night or early in the

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Tracheitis is an inflammation of the trachea, the main symptom of which is a dry cough. It worsens at night or early in the morning, and also intensifies with inhalation, laughter, and physical activity. Tracheitis

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Tracheitis is an inflammation of the trachea, the main symptom of which is a dry cough. It worsens at night or early in the morning, and also intensifies with inhalation, laughter, and physical activity. Tracheitis

Bronchitis • Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi, which can occur as an independent disease and as a secondar

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Bronchitis • Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi, which can occur as an independent disease and as a secondary process in various diseases.

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Bronchitis • Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi, which can occur as an independent disease and as a secondary process in various diseases.

• Pneumonia is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the lungs, in which the most striking symptom is a cough with sputum

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• Pneumonia is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the lungs, in which the most striking symptom is a cough with sputum production. Pneumonia

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• Pneumonia is an infectious and inflammatory disease of the lungs, in which the most striking symptom is a cough with sputum production. Pneumonia

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Chronic obs tructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a concept that unites a group o

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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Chronic obs tructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a concept that unites a group of diseas es of the bronchopulmonary sys tem that lead to impaired bronchial obstruction. The main s igns of the dis ease are cough with a s mall amount of sputum and s hortness of breath.

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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Chronic obs tructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a concept that unites a group of diseas es of the bronchopulmonary sys tem that lead to impaired bronchial obstruction. The main s igns of the dis ease are cough with a s mall amount of sputum and s hortness of breath.

References 1. https://www.yamed.ru/services/ terapiya/zabolevaniya-organov- dyhaniya/ 2. https://www.aigerim.info/kz/ services/l

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References 1. https://www.yamed.ru/services/ terapiya/zabolevaniya-organov- dyhaniya/ 2. https://www.aigerim.info/kz/ services/luchevaya-diagnostika 3. https://kazmedic.org/archives/ 1162

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References 1. https://www.yamed.ru/services/ terapiya/zabolevaniya-organov- dyhaniya/ 2. https://www.aigerim.info/kz/ services/luchevaya-diagnostika 3. https://kazmedic.org/archives/ 1162