Әбдіқапарова Арайлым
Жеке ақпарат жазылмаған
Ватсапта бөлісу
Телеграммда бөлісу
Фейсбукта бөлісу
Сілтемені көшіру
Барлығы: 4 материал
Weather conditions
770 ₸
Ержассарқызы Марал
770 ₸
18 Сәуір 2022
4.S1 make basic statements which provide information on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics 4.R5 understand the main points of short simple texts on a limited range of familiar general and some curricular topics by using contextual clues 4.W5 link with some support sentences using basic coordinating connectors 4.W7 spell most familiar high-frequency words accurately when writing independently
Шет тілі
Сабақ жоспары
4 сынып
My school: school things
770 ₸
Узбекова Меруерт Болатовна
770 ₸
18 Сәуір 2022
2.L4 recognise with support short basic questions relating to features such as colour and number 2.L5 identify missing phonemes in incomplete words 2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines
Шет тілі
Сабақ жоспары
2 сынып
Future Continuous
770 ₸
Исмаилова Айжан Есеновна
770 ₸
18 Сәуір 2022
8.S2 ask more complex questions to get information about a growing range of general topics and some curricular topics; 8.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics; 8.W1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with little support on a range of general and curricular topics
Шет тілі
8 сынып
770 ₸
Әбдіқапарова Арайлым Әділетқызы
770 ₸
18 Сәуір 2022
6.S1 provide basic information about themselves and others at sentence level on an increasing range of general topics 6.C6 organise and present information clearly to others 6.C8 develop intercultural awareness through reading and discussion 6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics 6.L5 understand most specific information and detail of short, supported talk on a wide range of familiar topics
Шет тілі
6 сынып