Материалдар / Summative assessment for the unit “ Entertainment and media.” Grade 8.
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Summative assessment for the unit “ Entertainment and media.” Grade 8.

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Summative assessment for the unit “ Entertainment and media.” Grade 8.
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Summative assessment for the unit “ Entertainment and media.” Grade 8.

The text: “Reality TV.”

Reality TV has become one of the most popular forms of entertainment worldwide. Many people love watching reality shows because they feature ordinary people in real-life situations. Contestants often try to win prizes or face challenges while millions of viewers follow their every move. Some shows are broadcast live, while others are pre-recorded and edited before they air.

One well-known type of reality show is the talent competition, where participants do their best to impress the judges and audience. Contestants are gradually chosen to stay or asked to leave the competition until a winner is announced. Other shows focus on social experiments, where strangers live together in a house, solve tasks, and deal with conflicts. These shows often attract a lot of viewers because of the drama and emotions involved.

Reality TV can also make people famous overnight. Some contestants receive attention from the media and become celebrities after appearing on a show. However, being on reality TV is not easy; it requires hard work and courage, as participants often face criticism from the public.

(Contestant- сайыскер; impress - әсер қалдыру; announce – хабарлау; involve – тарту; require - талап етеді; courage – батылдық)

Task 1. Vocabulary Practice. Match the words to their definitions:

1. Live

2. Broadcast

3. Win

4. Contestant

5. Choose


a) To transmit a program to viewers or listeners.

b) To succeed in a competition or game.

c) A person who participates in a competition or show.

d) To pick or select.

e) Happening or shown in real-time. Points: 2

Task 2. Reading Comprehension.

1. Why do people enjoy watching reality TV?

2. What happens to contestants in talent competitions?

3. How can reality TV change a person's life?

4. What challenges do participants face on reality shows? Points: 4

Task 3. Complete the sentences using the Past Simple form of the verbs in parentheses:

1. She ___ (win) a singing competition on TV last year.

2. They ___ (choose) the winner after several rounds of voting.

3. He ___ (leave) the show because he did not receive enough votes.

4. The show ___ (attract) millions of viewers during its first season.

5. We ___ (watch) a live broadcast of the final episode. Points: 2

Task 4. Talking About Reality TV.

Discuss these questions with a partner:

1. Have you ever watched a reality TV show? Which one?

2. Do you think reality shows can be harmful or beneficial for society? Why?

3. Would you ever want to become a contestant on a reality show? Why or why not? Points: 4

Total points: 12

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