Материалдар / What is a computer?
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

What is a computer?

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
This material is for teachers and students who is interested in Professional English for IT
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 What is a computer?

1 слайд
 What is a computer?

Main components of the Main components of the computercomputer

2 слайд
Main components of the Main components of the computercomputer

Collocations access ____________ perform __________ do ____________ make __________ send __________ display __________ write ___

3 слайд
Collocations access ____________ perform __________ do ____________ make __________ send __________ display __________ write ___________ store ____________ complete ________ carry out ________ give ___________ enter _________ access __________ keep __________ transfer _________  

Collocations access the Internet perform operations do research make calls send texts display data write letters store informati

4 слайд
Collocations access the Internet perform operations do research make calls send texts display data write letters store information complete exercises carry out transactions give presentations enter PIN access databases keep records transfer money  

Use these collocations to complete the sentences: 1. Thanks to Wi-Fi, it is now easy to _____________ from cafes, hotels, par

5 слайд
Use these collocations to complete the sentences: 1. Thanks to Wi-Fi, it is now easy to _____________ from cafes, hotels, parks, and many other public places. 2. Online banking lets you ____________ between your accounts easily and securely. 3. Skype is a technology that enables users to _____over the internet free. 4. In many universities, students are encouraged to _________ using Power Point in order to make their tasks more visually attractive. 5. The Web has revolutionized the way people _________ - with sites such as Google and Wikipedia, you can find the information you need in seconds. 6. Cookies allow a website to ______ on a user’s machine and later retrieve it; when you visit the website again, it remembers your preferences. 7. With the latest mobile phones, you can _____ with multimedia attachments – pictures, audio, even video.


6 слайд

Vocabulary :  Hardware  Software  CPU (central processing unit)  main memory  peripherals  storage de

7 слайд
Vocabulary :  Hardware  Software  CPU (central processing unit)  main memory  peripherals  storage devices  disk drives  Input / output devices  mouse  keyboard  Monitor  Printer  ports

Match the words from the text (1-9) with the correct meanings (a-i) and write the definitions 1. software 2. peripherals 3. ma

8 слайд
Match the words from the text (1-9) with the correct meanings (a-i) and write the definitions 1. software 2. peripherals 3. main memory 4. hard drive 5. hardware 6. input 7. ports 8. output 9. central processing unit (CPU) a. the brain of the computer b. physical parts that make up a computer system c. programs which can be used on a particular computer system d. the information which is presented to the computer e. results produced by a computer f. input devices attached to the CPU g. section that holds programs and data while they are executed processed h. magnetic device used to store information i. sockets into which an external device may be connected

ListeningListening Computer’s at work

9 слайд
ListeningListening Computer’s at work

Electrical engineer secretary librarian composer Speaker Job What they use computers for 1 2 3 4

10 слайд
Electrical engineer secretary librarian composer Speaker Job What they use computers for 1     2     3     4    


11 слайд

Speaking. Group work

12 слайд
Speaking. Group work

Design word tree

13 слайд
Design word tree

Prepositions of placePrepositions of place

14 слайд
Prepositions of placePrepositions of place

Put the necessary prepositionsPut the necessary prepositions 1. There is a PC ______ the table. 2. Printer is ______ the com

15 слайд
Put the necessary prepositionsPut the necessary prepositions 1. There is a PC ______ the table. 2. Printer is ______ the computer. 3. The central unit is ________ the table. 4. Personal computers are portable and work ____ built-in batteries. 5. PC are designed for using ___ homes, schools and offices. 6. At m odern desktop PCs USB ports and memory card readers are ____ the front panel.

Main rules of sitting at the computer

16 слайд
Main rules of sitting at the computer

17 слайд

Today at the lesson I…. Reviewed the material about Done Remember ed Like DislikeReflection of the lesson: complete the s

18 слайд
Today at the lesson I….   Reviewed the material about Done Remember ed Like DislikeReflection of the lesson: complete the sentences