Материалдар / Ашық сабақтың тақырыбы: Carol's kitchen
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

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Ашық сабақтың тақырыбы: Carol's kitchen

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Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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The objectives of the lesson: The theme of the lesson: Carol’s kitchen To teach pupils to understand the text « Carol’s kitc

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The objectives of the lesson: The theme of the lesson: Carol’s kitchen To teach pupils to understand the text « Carol’s kitchen » and to use the new words about the kitchen in the statements and to ask general questions To educate pupils to be clean and to be tidy To develop pupil’s skills and habits in reading the text, in writing the different level tasks, to solve the hidden words Materials for the lesson: cards, pictures, active board To teach pupils to understand the text « Carol’s kitchen » and to use the new words about the kitchen in the statements and to ask general questions To educate pupils to be clean and to be tidy To develop pupil’s skills and habits in reading the text, in writing the different level tasks, to solve the hidden words Materials for the lesson: cards, pictures, active board

The procedure of the lesson I. The organization moment of the lesson: a) Greetings b) A short talk with a pupil on duty II. Che

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The procedure of the lesson I. The organization moment of the lesson: a) Greetings b) A short talk with a pupil on duty II. Checking the home task: Ex:17 on p 120 That the stories results of home work, let’s look at this task.

A treesA camel flowers monkey A dog A house A horse Find each figure the name

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A treesA camel flowers monkey A dog A house A horse Find each figure the name

III. The presentation of the new theme: -Birds live in nests. -Ants live in ant-hills. -Dogs live in kennels. Where do peopl

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III. The presentation of the new theme: -Birds live in nests. -Ants live in ant-hills. -Dogs live in kennels. Where do people live? People live in the house. A chair A lamp A plant A sofa A television A window An armchair A carpet A door A fire A stereo A pictureListen and repeat

VI. New theme “ Carol ‘s kitchen” Let’s begin our lesson. Our today’s theme is “Carol’s kitchen”. We are going to speak a

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VI. New theme “ Carol ‘s kitchen” Let’s begin our lesson. Our today’s theme is “Carol’s kitchen”. We are going to speak about the kitchen. We will ask and answer question, sing the song, play games, make up dialogues .

V. “Carol’s kitchen” kitchen A dishwasherA sink cups plates A radio A cupboardA clock A fridgeA washing machine A cookerҚо

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V. “Carol’s kitchen” kitchen A dishwasherA sink cups plates A radio A cupboardA clock A fridgeA washing machine A cookerҚол жуатын жер Сағат Кір жуатын машинаРадио Шыны аяқ Ыдыс жуатын машина Тәрелке Ыдыс қоятын шкаф Тоңазытқыш Газ плита Repeat today’s new vocabulary after me. Open your vocabulary copy – books and write down these words. Асхана

A s__n__ a f__i__g__ a c__o__ __r a d__s__ __a__ __r A r__d__o

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A s__n__ a f__i__g__ a c__o__ __r a d__s__ __a__ __r A r__d__o c__p a c__o__k p__a __e__ Complete the words with the missing letter: Repeat the new words of this text after me: Modern – заманауи, қазіргі заманғы Clean – таза Nice - әдемі

C a r o l’s K it c h e nIt’s a modern kitchen. It’s nice and clean. There’s a washing machine, a fridge and a cooker, but th

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C a r o l’s K it c h e nIt’s a modern kitchen. It’s nice and clean. There’s a washing machine, a fridge and a cooker, but there isn’t a dishwasher. There are a lot of cupboards in the kitchen. There isn’t a clock in the kitchen. There aren’t plates and cups in the sink.

e x : 4 - Do you like Carol’s kitchen? - ____________________. - Is there a kitchen in the picture? - ____________________

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e x : 4 - Do you like Carol’s kitchen? - ____________________. - Is there a kitchen in the picture? - ____________________. e x : 5 - Is there a television in the kitchen? - ____________________.

A House Write what rooms happen in the house

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A House Write what rooms happen in the house

There’s a washing machine __________________________ but there isn’t ____________________________________ There’s a dishwasher _

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There’s a washing machine __________________________ but there isn’t ____________________________________ There’s a dishwasher ______________________________ but there isn’t ____________________________________e x : 8

e x : 1 1 1. Is there a washing machine in your kitchen? 2. Are there cupboards in the kitchen? 3. __________________________

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e x : 1 1 1. Is there a washing machine in your kitchen? 2. Are there cupboards in the kitchen? 3. ___________________________________ 4. ___________________________________ 5. ___________________________________ White 5 questions

Find the nouns. The words can go forwards or backwards ( / ) a c h a i r s w d h o u s e r i o e s o f a w n o t

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Find the nouns. The words can go forwards or backwards ( / ) a c h a i r s w d h o u s e r i o e s o f a w n o t a b l e g d r b e d n l u o a m b o o k v w There are 10 of them

VIII. Conclusion. An English poem: “Home” Home is the nicest to be With Father and Mother and me, With Rex the dog and Murka t

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VIII. Conclusion. An English poem: “Home” Home is the nicest to be With Father and Mother and me, With Rex the dog and Murka the cat. Oh, no place could ever be nicer than that.

1. What’s your name? __________________________________ 2. How old are you? ____________________________________ 3. Which cla

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1. What’s your name? __________________________________ 2. How old are you? ____________________________________ 3. Which class are you in? ________________________________ 4. What color is your hair? ________________________________ 5. What month is it after January? __________________________ 6. What month is it before January? _________________________ 7. What day is it today? ___________________________________ 8. Do you ever help your mother? ___________________________ Answer the question

Solve the crossword “Kitchen” 1. We cook on it. It is in the kitchen 2. We watch TV in it. There’s a sofa in it. 3. We work in i

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Solve the crossword “Kitchen” 1. We cook on it. It is in the kitchen 2. We watch TV in it. There’s a sofa in it. 3. We work in it. 4. This is a piece of furniture in the kitchen. 5. There is a telephone and a rug in it. 6. We sleep in it. 7. This furniture is in the kitchen K I T C H E   N  

Home work : Exercise 10 “ My kitchen” and to learn the poem “home” by heart. Thank you. The lesson is over. You are free. G

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Home work : Exercise 10 “ My kitchen” and to learn the poem “home” by heart. Thank you. The lesson is over. You are free. Goodbye!