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ACTIVE PASSIVE BEST When we say “voice” in grammar, we are talking about whether the subject of a sentence is acting or be acted upon by the action (or transitive) verb. When we say “voice” in grammar, we are talking about whether the subject of a sentence is acting or being acted upon by the action (or transitive) verb.
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Passive verses Active Voice in writing

1 слайд
Passive verses Active Voice in writing

1 слайд

Passive verses Active Voice in writing

When we say “voice” in grammar, we are talking about whether the subject of a sentence is acting or being acted upon by the

2 слайд
When we say “voice” in grammar, we are talking about whether the subject of a sentence is acting or being acted upon by the action (or transitive) verb. Which one of these two sentences do you think is written in the active voice? I am kicked by her. She kicked me.

2 слайд

When we say “voice” in grammar, we are talking about whether the subject of a sentence is acting or being acted upon by the action (or transitive) verb. Which one of these two sentences do you think is written in the active voice? I am kicked by her. She kicked me.

When we say “voice” in grammar, we are talking about whether the subject of a sentence is acting or be acted upon by the ac

3 слайд
When we say “voice” in grammar, we are talking about whether the subject of a sentence is acting or be acted upon by the action (or transitive) verb. Which one of these two sentences do you think is written in the active voice? She kicked me.

3 слайд

When we say “voice” in grammar, we are talking about whether the subject of a sentence is acting or be acted upon by the action (or transitive) verb. Which one of these two sentences do you think is written in the active voice? She kicked me.

This dog wears flippers. Flippers are worn by this dog.

4 слайд
This dog wears flippers. Flippers are worn by this dog.

4 слайд

This dog wears flippers. Flippers are worn by this dog.

This dog wears flippers.

5 слайд
This dog wears flippers.

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This dog wears flippers.

Angie was sung by The Rolling Stones when they performed at the Georgia Dome four years ago.

6 слайд
Angie was sung by The Rolling Stones when they performed at the Georgia Dome four years ago.

6 слайд

Angie was sung by The Rolling Stones when they performed at the Georgia Dome four years ago.

Angie was sung by The Rolling Stones when they performed at the Georgia Dome four years ago.

7 слайд
Angie was sung by The Rolling Stones when they performed at the Georgia Dome four years ago.

7 слайд

Angie was sung by The Rolling Stones when they performed at the Georgia Dome four years ago.

The verb of a sentence in the passive voice will always contain some form of “to be.” I am I was You are You were He/She/It

8 слайд
The verb of a sentence in the passive voice will always contain some form of “to be.” I am I was You are You were He/She/It is He/She/It was They are They wereThe past and present forms of “to be:”

8 слайд

The verb of a sentence in the passive voice will always contain some form of “to be.” I am I was You are You were He/She/It is He/She/It was They are They wereThe past and present forms of “to be:”

Angie was sung by The Rolling Stones when they performed at the Georgia Dome four years ago.Can you change it to active v

9 слайд
Angie was sung by The Rolling Stones when they performed at the Georgia Dome four years ago.Can you change it to active voice?

9 слайд

Angie was sung by The Rolling Stones when they performed at the Georgia Dome four years ago.Can you change it to active voice?

The Rolling Stones sung Angie when they performed at the Georgia Dome four years ago .

10 слайд
The Rolling Stones sung Angie when they performed at the Georgia Dome four years ago .

10 слайд

The Rolling Stones sung Angie when they performed at the Georgia Dome four years ago .

The silly boys playing soccer in the street were laughed at by the girls when a ball was kicked through the window.

11 слайд
The silly boys playing soccer in the street were laughed at by the girls when a ball was kicked through the window.

11 слайд

The silly boys playing soccer in the street were laughed at by the girls when a ball was kicked through the window.

The silly boys playing soccer in the street were laughed at by the girls when a ball was kicked through the window.The gir

12 слайд
The silly boys playing soccer in the street were laughed at by the girls when a ball was kicked through the window.The girls laughed at the silly boys playing soccer in the street when they kicked a ball through the window.

12 слайд

The silly boys playing soccer in the street were laughed at by the girls when a ball was kicked through the window.The girls laughed at the silly boys playing soccer in the street when they kicked a ball through the window.

The bees that rest on their beekeepers body do not sting him.

13 слайд
The bees that rest on their beekeepers body do not sting him.

13 слайд

The bees that rest on their beekeepers body do not sting him.

The bees that rest on their beekeepers body do not sting him.The beekeeper is not stung by the bees that rest on his body.

14 слайд
The bees that rest on their beekeepers body do not sting him.The beekeeper is not stung by the bees that rest on his body.

14 слайд

The bees that rest on their beekeepers body do not sting him.The beekeeper is not stung by the bees that rest on his body.

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15 слайд

Let s change our sentences to a different voice ’ (change to active if your sentence is in passive and vice versa). The Fren

16 слайд
Let s change our sentences to a different voice ’ (change to active if your sentence is in passive and vice versa). The French woman walks her dogs down the Champs-Elysées on a winter afternoon.

16 слайд

Let s change our sentences to a different voice ’ (change to active if your sentence is in passive and vice versa). The French woman walks her dogs down the Champs-Elysées on a winter afternoon.

Let s change our sentences to a different voice ’ (change to active if your sentence is in passive and vice versa). The Frenc

17 слайд
Let s change our sentences to a different voice ’ (change to active if your sentence is in passive and vice versa). The French woman walks her dogs down the Champs-Elysées on a winter afternoon.On a winter afternoon, the dogs are walked down the Champs Elysées by the French woman.

17 слайд

Let s change our sentences to a different voice ’ (change to active if your sentence is in passive and vice versa). The French woman walks her dogs down the Champs-Elysées on a winter afternoon.On a winter afternoon, the dogs are walked down the Champs Elysées by the French woman.

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18 слайд

Let s change our sentences to a different voice ’ (change to active if your sentence is in passive and vice versa). Politica

19 слайд
Let s change our sentences to a different voice ’ (change to active if your sentence is in passive and vice versa). Political and spiritual texts were read by Gandhi even while food was not eaten by him.

19 слайд

Let s change our sentences to a different voice ’ (change to active if your sentence is in passive and vice versa). Political and spiritual texts were read by Gandhi even while food was not eaten by him.

Gandhi read and wrote political and spiritual texts even while he fasted.Let s change our sentences to a different voice ’ (

20 слайд
Gandhi read and wrote political and spiritual texts even while he fasted.Let s change our sentences to a different voice ’ (change to active if your sentence is in passive and vice versa). Political and spiritual texts were read by Gandhi even while food was not eaten by him.

20 слайд

Gandhi read and wrote political and spiritual texts even while he fasted.Let s change our sentences to a different voice ’ (change to active if your sentence is in passive and vice versa). Political and spiritual texts were read by Gandhi even while food was not eaten by him.

21 слайд

21 слайд

All the citizens of the jungle admired Tetsuo the flying monkey for his strange, yet powerful, flying body, and therefore cr

22 слайд
All the citizens of the jungle admired Tetsuo the flying monkey for his strange, yet powerful, flying body, and therefore crowned him king of the jungle. Tetsuo ruled his jungle with a gentle hand and developed many wonderful social programs for the other animals to enjoy. For example, he created a day care center for parents so that they could hunt without worrying about human hunters preying on their babies. Only the lion hated the monkey, the monkey who stole the lion’s crown. The gentle monkey sympathized with the humiliated lion, and out of his great since of generosity offered to share the seat of jungle ruler with Batar the lion.And use only the active voice

22 слайд

All the citizens of the jungle admired Tetsuo the flying monkey for his strange, yet powerful, flying body, and therefore crowned him king of the jungle. Tetsuo ruled his jungle with a gentle hand and developed many wonderful social programs for the other animals to enjoy. For example, he created a day care center for parents so that they could hunt without worrying about human hunters preying on their babies. Only the lion hated the monkey, the monkey who stole the lion’s crown. The gentle monkey sympathized with the humiliated lion, and out of his great since of generosity offered to share the seat of jungle ruler with Batar the lion.And use only the active voice

All the citizens of the jungle admired Tetsuo the flying monkey for his strange, yet powerful, flying body, and therefore cr

23 слайд
All the citizens of the jungle admired Tetsuo the flying monkey for his strange, yet powerful, flying body, and therefore crowned him king of the jungle. Tetsuo ruled his jungle with a gentle hand and developed many wonderful social programs for the other animals to enjoy. For example, he created a day care center for parents so that they could hunt without worrying about human hunters preying on their babies. Only the lion hated the monkey, the monkey who stole his crown. The gentle monkey sympathized with the humiliated lion, and out of his great sense of generosity offered to share the seat of jungle ruler with Batar the lion. Now let s change our sentences to the passive voice’

23 слайд

All the citizens of the jungle admired Tetsuo the flying monkey for his strange, yet powerful, flying body, and therefore crowned him king of the jungle. Tetsuo ruled his jungle with a gentle hand and developed many wonderful social programs for the other animals to enjoy. For example, he created a day care center for parents so that they could hunt without worrying about human hunters preying on their babies. Only the lion hated the monkey, the monkey who stole his crown. The gentle monkey sympathized with the humiliated lion, and out of his great sense of generosity offered to share the seat of jungle ruler with Batar the lion. Now let s change our sentences to the passive voice’

Tetsuo the flying monkey, was admired by all the citizens of the jungle for his strange, yet powerful, flying body, and the

24 слайд
Tetsuo the flying monkey, was admired by all the citizens of the jungle for his strange, yet powerful, flying body, and therefore he was crowned king of the jungle by the citizens. The jungle was ruled by his gentle hand and many wonderful social programs were developed by Tetsuo for the other animals to enjoy. For example, a day care center was created by Tetsuo for parents so that they could hunt without worrying about their babies being preyed upon by human hunters. The monkey was only hated by the lion because his Crown was stolen by the monkey. The humiliated lion, Batar, was sympathized with by the gentle monkey, and was offered to share the seat of jungle ruler by the generous Tetsuo.And it sounds awful!

24 слайд

Tetsuo the flying monkey, was admired by all the citizens of the jungle for his strange, yet powerful, flying body, and therefore he was crowned king of the jungle by the citizens. The jungle was ruled by his gentle hand and many wonderful social programs were developed by Tetsuo for the other animals to enjoy. For example, a day care center was created by Tetsuo for parents so that they could hunt without worrying about their babies being preyed upon by human hunters. The monkey was only hated by the lion because his Crown was stolen by the monkey. The humiliated lion, Batar, was sympathized with by the gentle monkey, and was offered to share the seat of jungle ruler by the generous Tetsuo.And it sounds awful!

Tonight, rewrite your essays changing all passive sentences to active sentences. I will then re-grade your paper and average

25 слайд
Tonight, rewrite your essays changing all passive sentences to active sentences. I will then re-grade your paper and average the new score with the old score. If you want more detailed information on passive and active voice, you can go to this website.

25 слайд

Tonight, rewrite your essays changing all passive sentences to active sentences. I will then re-grade your paper and average the new score with the old score. If you want more detailed information on passive and active voice, you can go to this website.