Ашық сабақ 6-сынып Саяхат орындары Презентация

1 слайд
Сабақтың тақырыбы:
My country
Сабаққа негізделген оқу мақсаты: Саяхат
туралы түсінік беру, жазу, айту.
Сабақтың мақсаттары:
Барлық оқушылар: жаңа сөздерді меңгереді
Оқушылардың басым бөлігі: Саяхат туралы
мәтін оқиды және жаттығулар орындайды
Кейбір оқушылар: Саяхат туралы жаңа
сөздермен танысады,үйренеді.
1 слайд
Сабақтың тақырыбы: My country Сабаққа негізделген оқу мақсаты: Саяхат туралы түсінік беру, жазу, айту. Сабақтың мақсаттары: Барлық оқушылар: жаңа сөздерді меңгереді Оқушылардың басым бөлігі: Саяхат туралы мәтін оқиды және жаттығулар орындайды Кейбір оқушылар: Саяхат туралы жаңа сөздермен танысады,үйренеді.

2 слайд
Сабақтың барысы
Good afternoon!
How are you?
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today?
What is the date today?
What is the weather like today?
2 слайд
Сабақтың барысы • Good afternoon! • How are you? • Who is on duty today? • Who is absent today? • What is the date today? • What is the weather like today?

3 слайд
II. Warm – up. Sing a song “Hello
to all the children of the world.”
3 слайд
II. Warm – up. Sing a song “Hello to all the children of the world.”

4 слайд
I.Checking - up of the home task.
Ex 2 p75 read the text and
4 слайд
I.Checking - up of the home task. Ex 2 p75 read the text and translate

5 слайд
IV. Watching video.
5 слайд
IV. Watching video.

6 слайд
An adventure holiday
6 слайд
An adventure holiday

7 слайд
«Мозайка әдісі »
III. I want to divide you into 2 groups
using pictures.
Beach holiday Camping holiday
7 слайд
«Мозайка әдісі » III. I want to divide you into 2 groups using pictures. Beach holiday Camping holiday

8 слайд
Reading the text.
Ex 1 p.76 A white – water adventure
If you like adventure and doing something different, a holiday white – water rafting be for you. Kazakhstan
is a great place to try it. White – water rafting sounds like its dangerous, but there are lots of rivers for every
level of experience – from beginners to advanced. Even children can try it, if they are with adults.
For beginners, the River ilia is a good place to start. The river is wide and flows at about 5 km per hour. Rafts
carry up to ten people and white – water rafting organizations, like the Kazakh Rafting Federation, offer
training and make sure your trip is as safe as possible. Of course, you will get, so you should wear a swimming
costume under your clothes ( shorts and a T-shirt or tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt are good ) and you need a
life jacket and helmet, because you could fall out of the boat, but getting wet is part of the fun.
Rafting is a great sport. It increases your energy and it helps exercise your upper body. The other advantages
are that you often see parts of the countryside you cant visit any other way and see wildlife along the river.
Once you have some experience, you might want to try more difficult rivers, such as the River Charyn in the
Tien Shan range of mountains. And you may want to go on a white-water rafting expedition and sleep overnight
in tents next to the river.
8 слайд
Reading the text. Ex 1 p.76 A white – water adventure If you like adventure and doing something different, a holiday white – water rafting be for you. Kazakhstan is a great place to try it. White – water rafting sounds like its dangerous, but there are lots of rivers for every level of experience – from beginners to advanced. Even children can try it, if they are with adults. For beginners, the River ilia is a good place to start. The river is wide and flows at about 5 km per hour. Rafts carry up to ten people and white – water rafting organizations, like the Kazakh Rafting Federation, offer training and make sure your trip is as safe as possible. Of course, you will get, so you should wear a swimming costume under your clothes ( shorts and a T-shirt or tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt are good ) and you need a life jacket and helmet, because you could fall out of the boat, but getting wet is part of the fun. Rafting is a great sport. It increases your energy and it helps exercise your upper body. The other advantages are that you often see parts of the countryside you cant visit any other way and see wildlife along the river. Once you have some experience, you might want to try more difficult rivers, such as the River Charyn in the Tien Shan range of mountains. And you may want to go on a white-water rafting expedition and sleep overnight in tents next to the river.

9 слайд
New words. Match the pictures and the names.
Activity holiday – активные выходные- белсенді демалыс
Adventure holiday – выходные с приключениям- демалыс
Beach holiday – пляжный отдых – жағажайлық демалыс
Camping holiday – отдых на природе –табиғаттағы
City break – городской отдых – қаладағы демалыс
Sightseeing holiday – осмотр достопримечательностей –
көрнекті орындарды қарау
Skiing holiday – лыжные каникулы- щаңғы тебу
Self- catering – самообслуживание – өзіне –өзі қызмет
9 слайд
New words. Match the pictures and the names. Activity holiday – активные выходные- белсенді демалыс Adventure holiday – выходные с приключениям- демалыс оқиғаларымен Beach holiday – пляжный отдых – жағажайлық демалыс Camping holiday – отдых на природе –табиғаттағы демылыс City break – городской отдых – қаладағы демалыс Sightseeing holiday – осмотр достопримечательностей – көрнекті орындарды қарау Skiing holiday – лыжные каникулы- щаңғы тебу демалысы Self- catering – самообслуживание – өзіне –өзі қызмет көрсету

10 слайд
V . Poster
City break Skiing holiday
10 слайд
V . Poster City break Skiing holiday

11 слайд
Ex 2 p76 Read and listen to the text and write true
or false. Correct the false sentences.
1. White – water rafting on rivers is too difficult for
2. A group of nine people can go on a raft.
3. You don’t always get wet white – water rafting.
4. You should only wear a swimming costume and a life
5. It’s a good sport for your arms and shoulders.
6. The River Charyn is not very difficult to white- water
raft on. T
11 слайд
Ex 2 p76 Read and listen to the text and write true or false. Correct the false sentences. 1. White – water rafting on rivers is too difficult for children. 2. A group of nine people can go on a raft. 3. You don’t always get wet white – water rafting. 4. You should only wear a swimming costume and a life jacket. 5. It’s a good sport for your arms and shoulders. 6. The River Charyn is not very difficult to white- water raft on. T F T T T F

12 слайд
12 слайд

13 слайд
Watching video.
13 слайд
Watching video.

14 слайд
Грамматикалық жаттығулар
және қима қағаздармен
жұмыс .
14 слайд
Грамматикалық жаттығулар және қима қағаздармен жұмыс .

15 слайд
15 слайд

16 слайд
IX.Giving marks.
16 слайд
IX.Giving marks.

17 слайд
Giving home task.
Ex 5 p 76 Write about what you could, mignt
and do on your next holiday.
17 слайд
Giving home task. Ex 5 p 76 Write about what you could, mignt and do on your next holiday.

18 слайд
X. Reflection.
18 слайд
X. Reflection.