Материалдар / Ашық сабақ School uniform
2023-2024 оқу жылына арналған

қысқа мерзімді сабақ жоспарларын

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ҚР Білім және Ғылым министірлігінің стандартымен 2022-2023 оқу жылына арналған 472-бұйрыққа сай жасалған

Ашық сабақ School uniform

Материал туралы қысқаша түсінік
Әр елдің мектеп формасы жөнінде мағлұмат беру ,салыстыру арқылы ерекшеліктерін баяндау.
Автор материалды ақылы түрде жариялады.
Сатылымнан түскен қаражат авторға автоматты түрде аударылады. Толығырақ
29 Қырқүйек 2019
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770 тг 578 тг
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Бұл сертификат «Ustaz tilegi» Республикалық ғылыми – әдістемелік журналының желілік басылымына өз авторлық жұмысын жарияланғанын растайды. Журнал Қазақстан Республикасы Ақпарат және Қоғамдық даму министрлігінің №KZ09VPY00029937 куәлігін алған. Сондықтан аттестацияға жарамды
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School Uniform

1 слайд
School Uniform

Home task Talking about school problems .

2 слайд
Home task Talking about school problems . 

What is a uniform ? A uniform is a type of clothing worm by all the members of an organization, or all the children at a

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What is a uniform ? A uniform is a type of clothing worm by all the members of an organization, or all the children at a school. It’s a dress of the same style, materials and color worn by a group.

The aim of our lesson is: • studying the difference of wearing school uniform in Kazakhstan , in England and in the USA.

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The aim of our lesson is: • studying the difference of wearing school uniform in Kazakhstan , in England and in the USA.

S c h o o l u n i f o r m

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S c h o o l u n i f o r m

School uniform in Kazakhstan . • Schools in Kazakhstan have dark blue uniforms.There are different opinions on how the sta

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School uniform in Kazakhstan . • Schools in Kazakhstan have dark blue uniforms.There are different opinions on how the standard school forms should look like Kazakhstan Some schools in Kazakhstan accept white shirts and black skirts for girls and black trousers for boys. Nevertheless, all these school uniforms have something in common. They all look rather smart and strict.

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School uniform in the USA. During the 1990s state schools in the USA began to adopt uniforms. At first uniform rules w

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School uniform in the USA. During the 1990s state schools in the USA began to adopt uniforms. At first uniform rules were seen as a way of stopping children dressing in gang colours in troubled urban areas. Later, claims that introducing uniform leads to better discipline and educational results encouraged other school districts and schools to make a change. Both the Clinton and Bush administrations have been in favour of school uniforms.

Boys typically wear a collared shirt, tie, and slacks of required colors, although polo shirts have to some extent replaced

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Boys typically wear a collared shirt, tie, and slacks of required colors, although polo shirts have to some extent replaced dress shirt. Both sexes usually wear a sweater or blazer (or both) when required by regulations or weather. Some schools have unisex uniforms--most often a distinctive shirt, and sometimes pants of a given color.

School uniform in Britain. Pupils at most secondary schools in Britain have to wear a school uniform. This usually means a whi

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School uniform in Britain. Pupils at most secondary schools in Britain have to wear a school uniform. This usually means a white blouse for girls with a dark-coloured skirt and pullover. Boys wear a shirt and tie, dark trousers and dark-coloured pullovers. Pupils also wear blazers – a kind of jacket – with the school badge on the pocket. They often have to wear some kind of hat on the way to and from school – caps for boys and berets for girls. Shoes are usually black or brown. And no high heels.

Young people in Britain often don't like their school uniform, especially the hats and shoes. Sometimes they do not wear t

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Young people in Britain often don't like their school uniform, especially the hats and shoes. Sometimes they do not wear the right clothes. Schools will often give them a warning the first time that this happens but then will punish them if they continue not to wear the correct uniform. Senior students don't have to wear their school uniform.

School Uniform in England • Most school in England require children to wear a school uniform. • Boys Long grey or black trou

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School Uniform in England • Most school in England require children to wear a school uniform. • Boys Long grey or black trousers • (shorts may be worn in the Summer) White Shirt School tie Jumper or sweater with the school logo on. • The color is the choice of the schools. Black shoes • Girls As above. Girls may wear skirts During the summer term girls often wear summer school dresses.

Modern Tradition • There is also modern- day tradition for girls to dress into brown Soviet- style school uniform for their gr

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Modern Tradition • There is also modern- day tradition for girls to dress into brown Soviet- style school uniform for their graduation ceremony.

• Ex: 11 p 61 Talk to your partners. • Ex: 13 Read the text.

14 слайд
• Ex: 11 p 61 Talk to your partners. • Ex: 13 Read the text.

• Adveantages • Disadvantages

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• Adveantages • Disadvantages

Do you know that…. • In England the school uniform originate in . In Japan was a military-st

16 слайд
Do you know that…. • In England the school uniform originate in . In Japan was a military-style uniform introduced. • The uniform was introduced in France for reasons to reduce class differences. • And in England to identify boys as members of a privileged class. • The school uniform becoming popular in the USA in case many Americans started thinking that a school uniform can help to cope with discipline problems.

Why wear a Uniform? • Having a school uniform gives you a school identity. • Everyone is equal. • You don’t

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Why wear a Uniform? • Having a school uniform gives you a school identity. • Everyone is equal. • You don’t have to worry about what to wear on a school day. • The clothes are usually practical and comfortable to wear. • Uniforms can be handed down to other children in the family. • With a uniform you don't need many casual clothes. It reduces class differences because everyone has to wear the same. • Uniform is usually cheaper than everyday dress. • Schools with uniforms have better educational results. This is because there is better discipline.

Home task • Ex: 14 at page 62

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Home task • Ex: 14 at page 62